Asher / Rodrik Vs Harys... I call bullshit



  • I'm not being defensive or aggressive, that's your implication. I'm just opposing your thought process the way I would anyone else.

    That picture clearly shows what I said to you, to begin with. And clearly disproves what you told me, to begin with. There is a large window of opportunity where Harys and co could have punched through the Glenmore Guard, as they had no weapons out other than undrawn bows.

    Have you ever been caught off guard? Maybe seen a movie or TV show where this has happened? A "couldve, wouldve, shouldve" scenario is what you present, because as the player you already know what happens at this point. Nobody springs directly into action without knowing what's going on. Did you expect Harys?

    Harys and co could have punched through the Glenmore Guard, as they had no weapons out other than undrawn bows. Now of course this isn't practical--and probably isn't a smart course of action.

    So basically with this "prior information and evidence" it can be perceived that Harys is a.. wise warrior?
    Did you forget that you're the one who brought up this scene to try an drive your point, yet you agree that this action if taken by the whitehills would be stupid?

    I never once said Asher / Rodrik were god, as you're obsessed with claiming.

    Obsessed (?) I made reference once.

    I honestly just wanted a civil discussion on this. Thanks for not letting that happen.

    You're getting answers, what's the problem? Sorry you can't handle hard opposition.

    I got what you were saying the first time, and so does everyone else who disagrees, which is why they too have answers to your perceptions here in this very thread.

    IceFromIron posted: »

    I've forgotten whether I made this post about Game of Thrones, or about how much of a bitch I think your mother is... because you're acting

  • Both Asher/Rodrik were tanks as well. Taking a sword in the stomach (even if it was to the side) would have killed most men, or made most give up at that point.

    Deltino posted: »

    Harys, on top of being all armored up, just seems like a tank overall. I mean hell, it takes two axe swings to his neck to finally bring him to his knees.

  • thought the same. If it's realistic harris should have killed him

    KCohere posted: »

    Hah, I thought you were calling bs on the brothers surviving the fight.

  • Harys is a coward! And he has no honour!

    I dont know if Rodrik or Asher were at 50% or 80% or even 30%. But they werent at 100%. Harys was. He did not fight in the harbor. Just k

  • IceFromIronIceFromIron Banned
    edited December 2015

    Well then I'd like you to explain how claiming I'm a moron, and stating the only way anyone could agree with me is if I made other accounts, is not aggressive or defensive... as well as unnecessary. At least you live up to your name. "Almighty," you certainly act like it.

    And as I've already said, I don't expect--plus I DIDN'T expect--Harys to spring to action in the Glenmore scene. All my point was, HE COULD have put up some resistance, if he was such a powerful figure, but he didn't. And I never said it was a smart plan of action to resist--again this is you delighting in taking everything I say out of context. But my point is: There was opportunity for Harys to fight back, and he chose not to take it. A wise move, perhaps. A logical move, sure. But it's hardly the move of bold warrior, the Whitehills best.

    And I can handle hard opposition, thank you. But this isn't hard opposition, this is truculent one-upping. Everyone else has made their points like I did, clearly and concisely, however you've just spammed I-say-you-say logic, and thrown in a few insults for good measure. Your argument may be right--I never said otherwise--and all I've felt about the Harys fight may be wrong. But you're an asshole.

    I remember now when I asked on the forum if people were dissapointed about how Asher had limited interaction with the Forresters, and here's what you had to say:

    I didn't get the same feeling as you did from my Asher playthrough. It sounds as if this is how you would've liked interactions with Asher and the house to go: Asher walks through ironrath gates

    Lady Forresster: ASHHHER
    Talia: BIG BROTHER
    Asher: Family I've missed you so much!
    Dialogue options come up
    A: Ask them how they've been
    X: Have anal sex with Elissa
    B: Have anal sex with Royland because he spoke highly of you in Episode 1
    Y: Have anal sex with Talia cuz family
    Without these options OP finds it difficult to believe Asher would care to see his house fall.

    I'm done talking with you.

    almighty posted: »

    I'm not being defensive or aggressive, that's your implication. I'm just opposing your thought process the way I would anyone else. Th

  • edited December 2015

    Well then I'd like you to explain how claiming I'm a moron,

    Didn't. Perhaps you should learn to understand what you read. It could be implied that I think you're a moron based on what I did say, but only from your implication as I never once said, "you're a moron". Not directly.

    stating the only way anyone could agree with me is if I made other accounts, is not aggressive or defensive

    ... Ok?

    But actually, I said I was finding it hard to believe anyone was agreeing with you. Still do. This is a dumb community though. People are more likely to give a thumbs up to an argument/post because "taht guy lieks the smae characters as mii, yay"

    At least you live up to your name. "Almighty," you certainly act like it.


    I remember now when I asked on the forum if people were dissapointed about how Asher had limited interaction with the Forresters, and here's what you had to say -copy & pasted post from other thread- im done talking to you

    First of all, that's fine. I wish you'd have never started because all you did was make the hole bigger.
    Second of all, I'm sure you were aware the entire time that I'm the guy who responded to your last dumb thread, but ok.

    I will happily contribute to your next over-analyzed thread. Cheers.

    IceFromIron posted: »

    Well then I'd like you to explain how claiming I'm a moron, and stating the only way anyone could agree with me is if I made other accounts,

  • Would have to agree. They were supposedly trying to make Rodrik similar to Jamie Lannister in terms of being an amazing warrior who's starting to become recognised as a legend in battle. I read somewhere (It was a while ago), that if Rodrik was home and whole during episode 1, he'd be "unstoppable", but that's kinda why they needed him to be a cripple. Him being injured made him too weak to fight until episode 5 and by episode 6, he'd be a good fighter, but nothing like how he used to be. Would have made mince meat out of Ludd/Gryff and Harris.

    I consider Rodrik to be only at 50% by episode 6.

  • Both Asher AND Rodrik were not on top of their capacities.

  • It doesn't natter now. In the finale, Rodrik will always get stabbed by Gryff or Ludd. Hayres will always shove his sword through you, you will always get sliced twice and shot by the soldiers. MARK MY WORDS: ASHER/RODRIK WILL DIE IN EITHER THE FIRST OR SECOND EPISODE OF SEASON 2!

  • This is Game of Thrones, we've all seen what happens to honorable men.

    Harys is a coward! And he has no honour!

  • If I was Rodrik I would've ordered Arthur to kill every Whitehill soldier except Gryff.

    MilkManBand posted: »

    Harys wasn't at his 100% either. He had been in a cellar for a couple of weeks, and was only freed about 3 days ago, then he has to gear up

  • I also call some bullshit on the whole fight. It should have been Forrester vs Gryff/Ludd as the final boss, not some big armored thug. Even then, Asher/Rodrik shouldn't have tried to take him down with a hatchet and a sword. They should have stuck with just the sword.

  • Reviving this,I agree with people's opinion.I could only Say that the pit-fighters and lack of strategy(no traps on the Ironrath's entrance or in Forrester courtyard even with Ser Royland if he is your sentinel).
    House Forrester should have hired real sellswords at least bringed more than 20-30 pit fighters that's not the army Asher promise to gather with Daernery's Gold.The final battle should be with Gryff/Ludd killing him but Whitehill's army win anyway(Telltale want house Forrester defeat for the end of season one).
    I expected a longer battle and with more dialogue guys.

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