Favourite Telltale Protagonist & why?

Mine is:
Because no matter what gets thrown his way (which is a lot) he always endures, and does everything he can to help his family. Plus, he's a badass and as true a lord as you can get.
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I know I'm going to get a lot of shit for this, but I loved playing as Clementine in TWD S2. After playing the game, I felt more attached to her character then I did after Season 1. A close second would probably have to be Rhys in TFTBL, I had so much fun with him as a result of the ECHO eye and Handsome Jack.
My favourite is, Gared Tuttle.
Because, just look at his face, he's sooo cute! And I suppose he's my favourite because he is prepared to do anything for House Forrester, people who aren't even his family but he keeps referring to them as such. I don't know it's hard to explain why he's my favourite, he just is. Maybe it's the facial expressions, I think it's his facial expressions. :P
Same, I really enjoyed playing as Clem as well.
He certainly does have a unique face, as Telltale protagonists go... :P
But I like Gared too. I love how devoted and passionate he is about the Forrester's, even though they're not his real family. I really hope to see him reunited with them in Season 2.
Guybrush is one of my favorite video game protagonists of all time, and Tales of Monkey Island evolved the character, which I really enjoyed (he was still a loveable clutz, but he was a touch more mature than he was in previous games).
He's so much fun to play as and I can sympathize with him, so much fun.
Yeah, it's basically impossible to not seriously respect and admire Bigby.
I just really like playing as the casually funny straight man. He's not a badass (Well Noir Sam is), he's not a complete dork, or incredibly intelligent (though he has a HUGE vocabulary), he's just a guy (dog...You get the point)
Bigby would be a close second...Or maybe Rhys. I don't know.
rhys as i am a fan of borderlands and futuristic themes in general also i like playing as cyborg characters in games
God, this is hard. Lee, Gared, Rodrik, Rhys, or Bigby.... You confronted me with a impossible choice.
Gotta go with Bigby, he was a great character and really fun to play as. Just loved his personality and everything about him.
Bigby. He introduced me to TellTale and overall he's just a great character.
Asher. Everything about him.
Favorites: Lee and Bigby
Least Favorites: Clementine and Rhys
Fiona because Laura Bailey
EDIT: heres a dank picture of fiona tipping her hat
I am not a fan of futuristic themes, I definitely fuck not a fan of horror (I never played TWD), I am not a fan of humour. I am not a fan of intense swearing.
I am a fan of noir and drama. So yesh, Bigby
He has too much of a set personality imo
Bigby isn't a intense swearer???
I will admit, that's pretty dank.
Bigby is an... Exceptionnnnnn. I mean stories with intense swearing from every character. Play GTA San Andreas and you know what I mean.
You should play Walking Dead, its faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from a horror in anyway or form
Because they're both from the same game, I'm going to count them as one.
Rhys and Fiona from Tales From The Borderlands.
I just love his character so much. I'm a big fan of the dangerous, volatile persona. And he's trying to save his family, the same family that exiled him to the other side of the world.
Bigby because Adam Harrington.
I'm going with Bigby. Great character, rough around the edges, but still cares for the town that fears him (at least in my playthroughs).
Rhys and Fiona, they can count right if their in the same game right?
But if I only had to choose one of them then...
Mira, because...
Badass line + Lenny face = Perfection.
In all seriousness, though, she's my favorite cause for me, it felt really good playing the Game of Thrones as her. She did everything she could so she can help her family.
Following GoT episode 6 spoilers below. Just, just stop reading if you don't want to get spoiled.
I'm still a little bit upset and sad that she's bloody determinant but I guess what's done is done. I would really love to play as her in Season 2, though but that was a lost opportunity.
Spoilers are over.
So yeah, also her face expressions really amaze me.
I did not expect this choice.
Yeah.... you didn't
I can't decide between these two.
Lee all the way. I love how he cared for Clementine after meeting her. I also like how Lee was honest about his past (at least in my playthrough). Fiona is a close second.
DefiniteLee Lee for me.
Simply because he was the first Telltale protagonist I've felt feelings for and had an emotional adventure with.
I'll just go ahead and Rank them ALL! From best to "Worst".
Since I only played three of Telltale's game, I found Lee to be the most enjoyable protagonist out of the three, with Bigby Wolf ranked next, and Clementine last.
Well, you should also rank the 400 days guys if you want to be really thorough.
You should try Tales From the Borderlands, it was even better than S1 of TWD in my opinion.
I watched your playthrough on it.
Yeah, But i don't remember their personalitys and such. 400 days wasn't TTGs Highpoint of interesting characters. But they would Be my least favorite characters anyway.