What is your pick for game of the year 2015?
Just as the topic says. What is your pick for game of the year? I figured I would go ahead and post this since it is pretty much the end of the year and 99% of games are not out for the year and I would love to see everyone's opinions and picks. Anyways without further dilly dalling here is the poll.
Now it should be noted I left out Game Of Thrones and Tales From The Borderlands for obvious reasons. Not because they weren't good, but because this is a telltale forum and people would likely be bias and pick one of them. So if one of those games are your GOTY then just think of this as your second favorite goty :P. Also I left out remasters, re-releases, and remakes for obvious reasons.
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If I had a WiiU I would probably say Xenoblade Chronicles X, the original Xenoblade Chronicles is my favourite game of all time...but I don't yet, so Halo 5. Excellent improvement on Halo 4 and 343 seems to be heading in the right direction with the franchise. I have a feeling R6: Siege, will be a close second from the few hours i've put in so far.
To be honest, this has been one of the best years we've had in gaming imo.
Games you forgot:
From what I've played so far, maybe Xenoblade Chronicles X, but I haven't finished it yet. From the games I have finished, maybe The Witcher 3?
I'd say The Witcher 3 but Life is Strange would come right after.
Run while you can.
Yeah I realized I forgot Max after I posted lol
I only have Fallout 4 and Hotline Miami 2. So yea, I guess Fallout 4 hehe,
My personal pick for game of the year would be The Book of Unwritten Tales 2.
It’s not just my favorite game of 2015, but the best product to come from campaigns that I backed on Kickstarter so far. The story is great, the puzzles are fantastic, the music is wonderful, the voice acting was top notch. It really was a thrilling ride from start to finish (some people might be a little put off by the ending, as it ended on a cliffhanger, but I personally love it).
Oh my god I completely forgot about it, when it was announced I went crazy. The first game was amazing and I was happy that something was keeping the genre alive, the second one improved on everything.
Fallout 4
you're gonna have a bad time
A storm is on the way.
The Witcher 3, by far and away.
You gravatar and your comment fit so perfectly.
As big of an MGS fan as I am, MGSV is definitely the weakest in the series and a bit of a disappointment in my eyes. No doubt due to Konami's behavior behind the scenes during its development but, I honestly laugh at people who hail it as the series' defining game when it missed a lot of magic that made the others great. Specifically, the plot was nowhere near as interesting (no iconic moments I feel besides maybe the cremation scene) and the stealth was meh, felt too much like the game wanted you to play action due to the way Mother Base had so many lethal weapon development projects.
Saying that, The Witcher 3 is definitely the GOTY. CD Projekt Red outdid themselves this time around and created the RPG I had been waiting for; TW3 is definitely one of those games I will remember and perhaps the only real 5 star game of the generation so far honestly.
I usually judge a game based on how much fun I had playing it and it turns out I really liked playing this game even though I was disappointed by the ending. I liked the soundtrack, the gameplay and even the story though it could have been a lot better. It was still different from any other game I had ever played. However, I definitely understand why some people aren't into it and we all have different tastes and experiences with games.
I'm sure most people can tell, but my pick for game of the year is Rise Of The tomb raider
. With close runner ups being Life Is Strange, Witcher 3, and Mortal Kombat X. I'd say Batman Arkham knight was great fun, but not goty material for me. In my opinion was weaker than Arkham city, but still a very good game.
I really liked the previous game and am awaiting for it to come to PC next year. Is it really that good?
The Witcher 3. End thread. everything else is wrong.
ok no, but i just think its LEAGUES over any game ive played from this year. FO 4 is fun, cant get enough of it right now, but its no Witcher. saw and played a bit of batman eh, never liked them before. MGS V couldnt even get interested by what i saw. some as very cool though. but nothing was outstanding. bloodbourne i played a bit it was pretty cool, but i get frustrated by hard games like that, basically dark souls, so didnt played it more. good game, just not witcher 3. Hardline is ass, not even gonna mention 1886, best graphics probably. LIS was interesting but ugh. TFTBL is like right up there as one of the best. cant speak on Xbone's exclusives. but i sure wish i could play Tom Raider on ps4.
BTW: cant wait for Blood & Wine!!!
I've played almost all the big releases this year but the one game that sticks out to me the most was The Witcher 3. Absolutely Superb. The storytelling, the questing, the monster hunts, and the sorceress ladies
My Telltale game of the year is Tales from the Borderlands.
Out of all the other games that i have played this year my game of the year is Fallout 4.
In my opinion yes it honestly is. I know it may be shocking to say, but it's honestly one of my favorite games ever, but that's just me. Honestly if you liked the previous game then you will love the new one. It took everything that was good in the first game (which I also loved) and made it great. Everything is better in my opinion. Better crafting system and weapons, better graphics(some of the best I've ever seen in a game), Better gameplay with more added in features, More interesting locations to explore. The Story is pretty interesting as well. I'd say it's on par, maybe better than the first games story which I thought was great as well. Also the best part about the new game is there are actually Tombs to explore which are really cool and my favorite parts in the game and there are some fun puzzles as well.
Sorry if I'm sounding like a major Fanboy right now xD. Just really love the game and the whole reboot series in general. The reboot version of Lara Croft is one of my favorite video game characters of all time which I have to give huge props to Camilla Luddington for. Her voice acting of Lara is excellent and in my opinion she is the definitive voice of Lara Croft. I would love to see her play Lara in the new Tomb Raider movie coming, but I would settle for her returning as the voice for a third game
Witcher 3 was the best experience I had with any game this year.
Undertale is unquestionably the Game of the Year. The only game that comes close to it is SOMA.
It's the first Tomb Raider I've wanted to play since I gave up on the series in Angel of Darkness. And of course it's not going to be on PS4 due to a deal with Microsoft into next year.
Fallout 4
I do get why Microsoft did it, but still I don't like it either. Wish everyone could enjoy it all at once. I honestly blame square enix more than Microsoft though since they accepted the deal.
I would definitely say story wise that Witcher 3 wins for me. It's not my game of the year, but definitely my story of the year I guess I would say. The writing was awesome even for the side missions.
Telltale game of the year for me is definitely Tales From The Borderlands for me as well. It's probably my second maybe even number 1 favorite game telltale has ever done.
Ohh, you included Code;Realize?
Too bad I only just started playing it or else that would be my second favorite. Same goes for Until Dawn. I really need to start playing them...
Truthfully, Tales from the Borderlands is my GOTY. Second place goes to Amnesia Memories.
Life is Strange. Even though I think it has many flaws, it is still a great game. Its art style is pretty good and I guess the story is not that bad. DONTNOD could do better IMO but LiS is a good game nonetheless
My Telltale GOTY is Game of Thrones because of its story and its art style. I pretty much cared for almost every 'good' character and also it pretty much made me cry multiple times cause many moments in that game were heartbreaking. I actually think that it's better than the actual show.
But everyone has different opinions
Yeah, I loved Tales with all my heart but I kinda prefer 'dark-themed stories'.
Hmm yeah i really think so. TFBTL is second. i really think it would be 1 if Witcher 3 wasnt around. Witcher 3 has the same impact TWDG and TLOU had for me. i just fell in complete love with the characters. i really wish CDPR could remaster at least the second one at least. i needs more witcher in my life.
Hmm, I'd have to say Bloodborne or SOMA. Those are some of the greatest games I've ever played, and like Silent Hill 2, SOMA has more meaning to it than just a horror game.
EDIT: As for Rise of the Tomb Raider, as I was clearly a huge supporter, don't get me wrong, I LOVE it, it's fucking amazing, but I love Bloodborne and SOMA a lot more. Bloodborne because it had true challenge and it made me feel like I was playing a Zelda game. (A good Zelda game), and SOMA because it made me feel things that I hadn't felt in a long time, it made me cry, laugh, etc.
What console do you play on? Because I know Witcher 2 is coming to xbox one via backwards compatibility
I've only played 3 games this year and they're Fallout 4, Hotline Miami 2, and Until Dawn. All really good in their own ways, but the one that takes the cake is obviously Fallout 4. But once I pick up The Witcher 3, my opinion will most likely change.
Until Dawn
Tales from the Borderlands, all the way.
I'm kinda disappointed it lost to Her Story at the game awards.
Undertale. But Life Is Strange is a close second to me, despite its flaws.