What are your worst fears for the upcoming episodes?

Do you have any fear of something that can happen in the upcoming episodes? For example, a tough choice, a death, etc.



  • That they'll be as short as Episode 2 was.

  • Lukas will die, be determinant, get hurt and such. But that's just because of the 3rd episode's slide picture.

  • That they won't find a cure for Nether sickness.

  • That Lukas might die. :''''C

  • Petra/Gabriel got the wither sickness from a wither. But not just any wither...The Wither Storm. Which means is more as Gabriel said "Fatale".

  • That Reuben dies.

  • That our determinant wither sickness victims will succumb to it

  • I'm going to have to agree with Lukas dying

  • Another short, LiS lip sync episode

  • I gotta agree about the lip sync...It was pretty bad.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Another short, LiS lip sync episode

  • edited November 2015

    Man i wanted to make that joke:(
    Edit: That should actually be an answer to @MetallicaRules but i guess not. Thanks iphone..

  • Oh, no... Almost everyone's worst fear is Lukas being dead... What have we done, now they know! After GoT... We're doomed!

  • Joke? I like jokes! What joke...?

    Kenny4ever posted: »

    Man i wanted to make that joke:( Edit: That should actually be an answer to @MetallicaRules but i guess not. Thanks iphone..

  • My biggest fear is that Lukesse doesn't happen.

    Bring on the cheese Telltale!

  • It's actually called "Wither Sickness", or simply "Wither".

    BenLivesOn posted: »

    That they won't find a cure for Nether sickness.

  • enter image description here

    My biggest fear is that Lukesse doesn't happen. Bring on the cheese Telltale!

  • My worst fear is that this s... gets a Season 2

  • If you don't like the game, then why comment on this thread?

    NicWarden posted: »

    My worst fear is that this s... gets a Season 2

  • LOL that didn't take long.

    If you don't like the game, then why comment on this thread?

  • Gr8 b8 m8

    NicWarden posted: »

    My worst fear is that this s... gets a Season 2

  • enter image description here

    NicWarden posted: »

    LOL that didn't take long.

  • My worst fear is that it'll slowly decline into something like TWD: Season 2. The game is really great so far, but if it begins to suck I'm gonna be really upset.

  • My greatest fear is that The Ocelots survived shudders at the thought

  • enter image description here

    My greatest fear is that The Ocelots survived shudders at the thought

  • My greatest fear is if Petra, Olivia or Reuben die ':c

  • Lukas leaving/dying I know he was mean in E3, but he was just guilty that he couldn't do anything, hope we can persuade him to stay

  • edited December 2015

    Maybe it'll depend on your choices in the previous episodes (nice or mean to him, give him a cookie or not, go after him to help him or not in ep1, let him leave in ep1 or persuade him to stay, follow him through the End, telling him about Petra/Gabriel etc.)
    I really hope so, anyway. Especially since my Jesse told him that if they stick together then they can do anything C:

    KLVGAMING posted: »

    Lukas leaving/dying I know he was mean in E3, but he was just guilty that he couldn't do anything, hope we can persuade him to stay

  • We will find out this month in episode 4. But i have a feeling someone is gonna die, and i hope it isn't Petra/Gabriel. (I saved Petra in my playthrough)

    michyxox posted: »

    My greatest fear is if Petra, Olivia or Reuben die ':c

  • edited December 2015

    That's a bit hypocritical considering how often you post on the Life is Strange thread :P

    Gonna post a screenshot of this comment next time you talk about how much you hate it over there ;)

    If you don't like the game, then why comment on this thread?

  • Jesse dying (since he is the only character I really care about atm)

  • I really don't post all that much on the LiS forum, and when I do, it's not me hating on the game, but me offering a legitimate criticism of the game. I don't go on it and just say "Life is Strange sucks" for no reason like some do with Thrones, TWD S2, or Minecraft.

    Flog61 posted: »

    That's a bit hypocritical considering how often you post on the Life is Strange thread :P Gonna post a screenshot of this comment next time you talk about how much you hate it over there

  • I imagine Telltale employers going through this thread and taking notes.

    Excellent, let's do all of these.

  • Same heree! ;o

    Smellmeh posted: »

    We will find out this month in episode 4. But i have a feeling someone is gonna die, and i hope it isn't Petra/Gabriel. (I saved Petra in my playthrough)

  • My worst fear would be that at some point we have to eat Ruben

  • Agree to disagree. One of my personal fears is that this DOESN'T get a second season.


    NicWarden posted: »

    My worst fear is that this s... gets a Season 2

  • edited December 2015

    You post more than me, at any rate. In any case, the amount of times you post is irrelevant here.

    I don't think you can say that you never post things tantamount to 'life is strange sucks' - you posted "LiS is completely crushing it (which sucks if you ask me)" (the 'it' referring to the voting for an award) which doesn't seem particularly constructive.

    When Chloe's voice actor won an award, you posted "I absolutely hated this series, but she deserves this, her performance as Chloe was stellar. I hate the character, but she did an amazing job portraying her, this award is well earned."

    Was it necessary for you to mention your hatred for the series in that context? Was it a 'legitimate criticism' of the game? Could you not have put 'Her performance as Chloe was stellar, she did an amazing job portraying her. This award is well-earned.'

    I personally have no issue with people who dislike a game posting this fact in forums, nor do I remotely judge you for posting your dislike and letting it seep into your comments. But I think it's pretty rich for you to openly judge someone else for saying they dislike the series without offering 'legitimate criticism' which in the above you do not do either, instead offering repeated examples of your dislike for the game, often without any particular topical reason for doing so.

    I really don't post all that much on the LiS forum, and when I do, it's not me hating on the game, but me offering a legitimate criticism of

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