Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • Accepting fluid like substance from a total stranger is probably a dumb idea. ;)

    Drink up.

  • LIS did inovate the genre (or atleast inovate on what telltale did) with the time travel mechanic since it changed the way you made choices and solved puzzles.

    Again, no it didn't. The Time rewind mechanic is nothing new to gaming or the genre and was mostly a narrative device than a gameplay mechanic. In regards to choices, it was the equivalent to a convenient quick reload.

    On the topic of puzzles, why doesn't TT put hardly any puzzles in their games any more? Doing the detective work in episode 4 (i think it was 4) of LIS was really fun.

    Because puzzles can- and sometimes do- ruin the momentum/pace of a game's story. LiS puzzles for the most part were just that ( the bottles, convincing chloe you have powers, the barn). I'm glad Telltale has less puzzles in their recent games.

    but it also did so many things right, one of the best soundtracks EVER, a fresh art-style, it explored new-themes, made me care about the characters and chloe's voice actor did an AMAZING JOB.

    Soundtrack was good, art-style was good, it themes have been explored in the past in gaming so its not particularly new but it handles those themes decently i suppose, voice acting was lackluster imo.

    Anyway i'm not on this thread to discuss anything TT related so i'm not gonna reply to anyone or make a new post about things TT related on here. why did you make a second post then?

    Tomi021 posted: »

    Well i'm gonna make another post here just to clear some things up. What i said in my previous post is just my opinion. You can totally l

  • Its reasonable criticism that really holds no weight at all because its never been done properly.

    So in a way you are criticizing what hasn't really been done that well by any story based game in the first place. It doesn't matter whether it was done well or not in the past. Its still reasonable criticism.

  • Guys, is episode 4 scary?

  • Scary? No.

    Emotional and dramatic? Hella yeah.

    Guys, is episode 4 scary?

  • I don't know, I was pretty terrified going into the barn XD

    Scary? No. Emotional and dramatic? Hella yeah.

  • I noticed that anyone who criticises Life is Strange is labelled as a Telltale fanboy.

  • edited December 2015

    Well this is a telltale game forum after all, Many fans here. And it is mostly true.. people that critisize LIS are telltale fan boys.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I noticed that anyone who criticises Life is Strange is labelled as a Telltale fanboy.

  • edited December 2015

    Well, that is because for the most part it has been true. Then when you have someone with real criticism and not just going "it sucks and this other game is better!". They get lost in the mold and clumped up as a fanboy.

    I had some some discussions with people who didn't necessarily liked LIS and we came to a understanding. There doesn't need to be this whole shitting on each other thing. People keep trying to bring up the whole "LIS is better than TTG/Tales/GoT" thing. Yet, they don't realize the ones saying that are people who are/use to be TTG fans or those that played both. Keep in mind that you have people who hate The Last of Us and shit on its ending. Hey, you win some and you can't win some with some people.

    The fact that LIS has a female lead and we all know the rest. Most players automatically shit on it and have no clue what it is. It is kinda like how some shit on Clementine becoming the main character in S2. Hell, you have people calling for Clem to not be the main character when a S3 happens. You can't please everyone...especially when their views is to the point where they won't consider female leads.

    No need to take anything personal as most of what is said is purely opinions anyway.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I noticed that anyone who criticises Life is Strange is labelled as a Telltale fanboy.

  • Its more dark than scary

    Guys, is episode 4 scary?

  • I noticed that anyone who criticizes Life is Strange is labelled as a Telltale fanboy.

    Its better than whenever someone criticizes a telltale game and your a hater or troll

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I noticed that anyone who criticises Life is Strange is labelled as a Telltale fanboy.

  • Do we really have to keep having this back and forth between Telltale and Dontnod

    Why can't we just come to some compromise, like both of them have made choice-based games that people like, and both do things that the other can learn from to help refine and make future releases better?

    Why does one game/developer always have to get the crown? Why can't they both just... share the crown, stand on the same pedestals, and all that?

    Dontnod doesn't have to be better than Telltale, Telltale doesn't have to better than Dontnod, LiS doesn't have to be better than TWD and so on. They could just simply coexist.

    It's a similar deal with TWD vs TLoU, or Tales vs GoT, or other such pairings: everyone wants to crown one of them as superior, and as a result, get into relentless back and forths over which one is the better one. And of course, you could just as easily say both of them are good (or great, or whatever), regardless of your own personal preference, but no one wants to do that.

  • Then everyone who praises LiS should be labeled as a TellTale hater since I rarely see any LiS fan praising LiS without talking shit of TellTale.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Well this is a telltale game forum after all, Many fans here. And it is mostly true.. people that critisize LIS are telltale fan boys.

  • Hurr durr but telltale IS better than dontnod!!!!!!

    Jokes apart, I agree. I don't mind constructive criticism but there's no need to compare them all the time. Besides, it's unfair to compare them since DONTNOD has released only two games and LIS is their first adventure game. I'm sure the first telltale games had a lot of flaws as well. And at the end of the day, competition is good, cause it encourages them to improve and innovate their games. Everybody wins, including us.

    Deltino posted: »

    Do we really have to keep having this back and forth between Telltale and Dontnod Why can't we just come to some compromise, like both of

  • ....countless posts on this thread praise LiS without mentioning telltale? Go look from page 1 onwards.

    Then everyone who praises LiS should be labeled as a TellTale hater since I rarely see any LiS fan praising LiS without talking shit of TellTale.

  • edited December 2015

    Most of the posts criticising LiS in this thread didn't even compared it to TellTale? Yet:

    people that critisize LIS are telltale fan boys.

    As @Legendary12 said.

    Anyways I wasn't specifically talking about here. For example I'm apart of a LiS group on Facebook with around 2000 members. Back when episode 4 everyone went mad an started praising the episode and there was always a little yet present comment like "suck it TellTale" or "That's why DontNod is superior" and so on and so forth.

    Now that the game is finished there are some TT fans recommending to play TWD/TWAU/etc and there's always comments of people shitting on TellTale.

    Now idk about you, but that's my experience with most of LiS fans.

    Flog61 posted: »

    ....countless posts on this thread praise LiS without mentioning telltale? Go look from page 1 onwards.

  • One person's comment means nothing? Surely you can make your own judgement.

    Do you not think that people who dislike LiS often say Telltale is better? Are the results of these comparisons not because of the similar framing of the episodic games?

    I rarely see people hating on LiS without praising telltale, but I'm not snide enough that I suppose that since this is my experience it is the absolute truth that everyone who dislikes LiS does so because they like Telltale nor vice versa - for I have seen countless comments where neither is true. If this has been your experience broaden your horizons because most people who love the game don't say 'suck it telltale' - one visit to the LiS facebook page or enix forums will show you that this is a minority.

    Most of the posts criticising LiS in this thread didn't even compared it to TellTale? Yet: people that critisize LIS are telltale fan

  • One person's comment means nothing? Surely you can make your own judgement.

    I was replying to that person that said that every TellTale fan is an LiS hater. I don't think you noticed but I replied with sarcasm and I obviously know that not everyone who praises LiS is and TT hater. What I do know is that most of them do so, maybe not in this forum but in other places such as Facebook.

    Do you not think that people who dislike LiS often say Telltale is better? Are the results of these comparisons not because of the similar framing of the episodic games?

    I do think that and I never said I didn't, but that's not the case in this thread since most of the people criticizing LiS didn't compared it to TellTale, what I saw was the opposite:

    Jesus christ LIS is better than anything telltale have done since TWD S1.

    I seen people criticize Life is strange just for the fact that they think "the choices didn't matter in the end" Well guess what... TWD has the exact same formula...

    Just because some choices don't affect the game in the way you thought doesn't mean they don't matter at all.

    and then later in the same post

    You have to choose between Jane or Kenny. You have to choose between Shooting Lee or Leaving him... he dies no matter what.

    Now tell me can you blame TellTale fans for replying to this persons defending their favourite games? They started the comparison and now we're the ones called "TellTale fanboys" for defending our favourite games.

    If this has been your experience broaden your horizons because most people who love the game don't say 'suck it telltale' - one visit to the LiS facebook page or enix forums will show you that this is a minority.

    This was my experience and I don't want to "broaden my horizons" with this fandom anymore because I've already had really unpleasant "discussions" with LiS fans where people got to the point of insulting me for disagreeing with them.

    I rarely see people hating on LiS without praising telltale, but I'm not snide enough that I suppose that since this is my experience it is the absolute truth that everyone who dislikes LiS does so because they like Telltale nor vice versa - for I have seen countless comments where neither is true.

    I also didn't say I never found reasonable LiS fans. I did, and I've had good discussions with some of them. Again, my reply to @Legendary12 was only an extreme statement for another extreme statement (this ofc before he/she edited his/her' reply).

    Flog61 posted: »

    One person's comment means nothing? Surely you can make your own judgement. Do you not think that people who dislike LiS often say Tellta

  • That still doesn't mean it shouldn't count as criticism.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Its reasonable criticism that really holds no weight at all because its never been done properly.

  • Good point.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    LiS is good, but TWD is better simply for one reason. No Chloe.

  • No. It is the best episode of the season.

    Guys, is episode 4 scary?

  • Do we really have to keep having this back and forth between Telltale and Dontnod

    If we keep talking about it and making comparisons- which and been happening since the first episode of LiS was released- then yeah, we are going to be having this back and forth between Telltale and Dontnod.

    Deltino posted: »

    Do we really have to keep having this back and forth between Telltale and Dontnod Why can't we just come to some compromise, like both of

  • Thats common internee logic in regards to any rivalry between fandoms.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I noticed that anyone who criticises Life is Strange is labelled as a Telltale fanboy.

  • I never said it didn't count, It does.. just holds no weight.

    That still doesn't mean it shouldn't count as criticism.

  • edited December 2015

    Then everyone who praises LiS should be labeled as a TellTale hater since I rarely see any LiS fan praising LiS without talking shit of TellTale.

    Look at my post history... I love TWD. And I was stating something evident.. Of course people who criticise Dontnod in favour of TTG are Telltale fanboys.. as far as I'm considered we are all TTG fanboys.. otherwise what the hell are you doing on these forums? Only someone that is a really big fan of the game would sign up here.. Of course there is going to be biased opinions defending Telltale.

    Most of the posts criticising LiS in this thread didn't even compared it to TellTale?

    Are you serious? Look above at the many debates I have had with people that started comparing.. this was also evident in the tales section of people trashing LIS...

    Now tell me can you blame TellTale fans for replying to this persons defending their favourite games? They started the comparison and now we're the ones called "TellTale fanboys" for defending our favourite games.

    Well yes, thats because they are.. A fanboy is someone that is a fan of the game correct? The people above were trashing the game with no evidence..I wanted some proof of what was so wrong... and made points for both games.

    One person's comment means nothing? Surely you can make your own judgement. I was replying to that person that said that every TellT

  • How insightful.

    But yeah, it seems that every popular game gets compared with other popular games.

    Do we really have to keep having this back and forth between Telltale and Dontnod If we keep talking about it and making comparison

  • Nonsense. Its perfectly fine.

    Clord posted: »

    Accepting fluid like substance from a total stranger is probably a dumb idea.

  • Look at my post history... I love TWD. And I was stating something evident.. Of course people who criticise Dontnod in favour of TTG are Telltale fanboys.. as far as I'm considered we are all TTG fanboys.. otherwise what the hell are you doing on these forums? Only someone that is a really big fan of the game would sign up here.. Of course there is going to be biased opinions defending Telltale.

    No I've seen people showing actual arguments in both ways: I've seen people praising LiS over TellTale showing valid arguments (very rarely (in this thread at least)) and I've seen people praising TT over LiS showing valid arguments (not always, but most of them). So no, not everyone who chooses a company above the other should be immediately labeled as an "fanboy".

    Are you serious? Look above at the many debates I have had with people that started comparing.. this was also evident in the tales section of people trashing LIS...

    You missed my point on this: the ones who started comparing LiS and TT were the op's, obviously TT fans intervene, which is understandable since you guys were criticizing negatively their favourite games.

    A fanboy is someone that is a fan of the game correct?

    Incorrect. A fanboy is a person that will praise something above other stuff without valid arguments (at least that's my definition of it).

    The people above were trashing the game with no evidence..

    Nah, I saw many people that actually showed some valid arguments proving what they were saying and again, they only did that because the op's started the comparison.

    I wanted some proof of what was so wrong... and made points for both games.

    Re-read some comments, that "proof" is there and also feel free to disagree and show your point of view as well.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Then everyone who praises LiS should be labeled as a TellTale hater since I rarely see any LiS fan praising LiS without talking shit of Tell

  • More news to be hads

    Life Is Strange is Vulture Best Game of 2015

    enter image description here

    Life Is Strange is nominated for Destructoid's Best Xbox Game of 2015

    enter image description here

  • Thanks for not just ignoring all of my valid points (like some people) and actually giving a good response :)

    GSSalvador posted: »

    LIS did inovate the genre (or atleast inovate on what telltale did) with the time travel mechanic since it changed the way you made choices

  • I made a second post just to clear some things up and finish up some of my points. Anyway I would actually like to know actually what other game in this genre used a go back in time feature. All i can remember is the time-rewind that TT uses in their games but that's not an actual "in-game" mechanic and it's very different to what LIS's rewind feature is as in TT they force you to play the entire chapter from the beginning while in LIS you have more freedom, it actually connects to the story and helps you solve puzzles.

    LIS did inovate the genre (or atleast inovate on what telltale did) with the time travel mechanic since it changed the way you made choices

  • Both deserved in my opinion altough i'm gonna eb honest as much as i loved the ending in episode 2 the dialogue at THAT part was a bit off cause it seemed like the conversation kind of cut off at a certain point and it was really weird.

    Once again in other news... The Official PlayStation Magazine UK(OPM UK) has Life Is Strange as their Best Episodic Adventure and Best Moment

  • edited December 2015

    No I've seen people showing actual arguments in both ways: I've seen people praising LiS over TellTale showing valid arguments (very rarely (in this thread at least)) and I've seen people praising TT over LiS showing valid arguments (not always, but most of them). So no, not everyone who chooses a company above the other should be immediately labeled as an "fanboy".

    One of those people were me actually, look above, I made fair points for each game.

    Nor did I say anyone who chooses a company over another is a fanboy, I simply stated what is evident.. This is a telltale game forum so there is obviously going to be a biased opinion towards Telltale. I think you're taking fanboy in the wrong context that I meant it in.

    You missed my point on this: the ones who started comparing LiS and TT were the op's, obviously TT fans intervene, which is understandable since you guys were criticizing negatively their favourite games.

    So you blatantly just admitted that TT fans are to blame for the fighting... LIS and TT were comparing it seemingly at a level head then as you stated TT fans intervened to trash it... Which means they instigated it first... Which would seem to be true since thats all I see on here.

    Incorrect. A fanboy is a person that will praise something above other stuff without valid arguments (at least that's my definition of it).

    This definition holds no weight as it is just your opinion of it, the real definition of a fanboy is "A fan, especially one who is obsessive about comics, music, film, or science fiction." Don't tell me thats not true on here, casual fans don't come here.

    Nah, I saw many people that actually showed some valid arguments proving what they were saying and again, they only did that because the op's started the comparison.

    Yea you saw some people.. a lot weren't showing valid arguments and those are the ones I was replying to around the forum.

    Re-read some comments, that "proof" is there and also feel free to disagree and show your point of view as well.

    Yes, what I have been doing.

    Look at my post history... I love TWD. And I was stating something evident.. Of course people who criticise Dontnod in favour of TTG are Tel

  • edited December 2015


    ''Thanks Max, I know you really care about me, thanks for being my friend''

    ''Please Kate, don't jump!''

    ''But nobody cares about me!!!!''

    Tomi021 posted: »

    Both deserved in my opinion altough i'm gonna eb honest as much as i loved the ending in episode 2 the dialogue at THAT part was a bit off cause it seemed like the conversation kind of cut off at a certain point and it was really weird.

  • One of those people were me actually, look above, I made fair points for each game


    Nor did I say anyone who chooses a company over another is a fanboy, I simply stated what is evident.. This is a telltale game forum so there is obviously going to be a biased opinion towards Telltale. I think you're taking fanboy in the wrong context that I meant it in.

    Uh? Yes you did: "people that critisize LIS are telltale fan boy".

    So you blatantly just admitted that TT fans are to blame for the fighting... (...) Which means they instigated it first... Which would seem to be true since thats all I see on here.

    Nope I said that you are one of the people to blame for all the fighting. Here, lemme help you, read this again:

    the ones who started comparing LiS and TT were the op's (you included).

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    People who were criticizing LiS before this comments didn't mentioned TellTale at all. All this arguing between TellTale vs DontNod started after you guys brought TellTale Games to the discussion. Even more absurd: people started replying to those comments claiming "fanboyism", which is a bit hypocrital since not even a single TellTale fan had compared LiS and TellTale. (this, ofc, prior Polarized)

    LIS and TT were comparing it seemingly at a level head then as you stated TT fans intervened to trash it...

    You're having a lot of problems at understanding what I say! Who trashed on LiS? All I saw was constructive criticism from both sides.

    This definition holds no weight as it is just your opinion of it, the real definition of a fanboy is "A fan, especially one who is obsessive about comics, music, film, or science fiction." Don't tell me thats not true on here, casual fans don't come here.

    So my opinion of it holds no weight and yours does?

    Anyways, I don't see anyone who "is obsessive" about TellTale here, just fans defending people trashing on games they like.

    Yea you saw some people.. a lot weren't showing valid arguments and those are the ones I was replying to around the forum.

    Who wasn't then?

    Legendary12 posted: »

    No I've seen people showing actual arguments in both ways: I've seen people praising LiS over TellTale showing valid arguments (very rarely

  • A copy pasta in the copy pasta, arguing about copy pasta.

    Guys, maybe just tone it down and chill? :D

    One of those people were me actually, look above, I made fair points for each game Cool? Nor did I say anyone who chooses a

  • edited December 2015

    Uh? Yes you did: "people that critisize LIS are telltale fan boy".

    Do you still not understand the real definition of a fanboy.. or do you need me to run it over for you again?

    Nope I said that you are one of the people to blame for all the fighting. Here, lemme help you, read this again:

    No.. I am not to blame, people were already making comparisons and this was going on long before I got involved, stop trying to pinpoint me just because your mad for whatever stupid reason.

    People who were criticizing LiS before this comments didn't mentioned TellTale at all. All this arguing between TellTale vs DontNod started after you guys brought TellTale Games to the discussion. Even more absurd: people started replying to those comments claiming "fanboyism", which is a bit hypocrital since not even a single TellTale fan had compared LiS and TellTale. (this, ofc, prior Polarized)

    So what? I only used TWD as an example to show how how biased the opinions were on here regarding the choice system, other people did it before me... This is a forum.. people compare games, get over it...

    You're having a lot of problems at understanding what I say! Who trashed on LiS? All I saw was constructive criticism from both sides.

    Get glasses then..

    So my opinion of it holds no weight and yours does?Anyways, I don't see anyone who "is obsessive" about TellTale here, just fans defending people trashing on games they like.

    Expect its not an opinion, I just posted fact.. which means it does hold more weight.. and I explained the context I used it in. So the people who sign up on a telltale forum to talk to telltale fans about the telltale games they play arent at least a little obsessed? Nothing wrong with it..

    Oh and below are some comments made by some TT fans.. yea really constructive... Unlike you I don't name and shame them and point fingers...

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    One of those people were me actually, look above, I made fair points for each game Cool? Nor did I say anyone who chooses a

  • Do you still not understand the real definition of a fanboy.. or do you need me to run it over for you again?

    Do you still don't understand that your defenition is not the absolute one... or do you need me to run it over for you again?

    No.. I am not to blame, people were already making comparisons and this was going on long before I got involved, stop trying to pinpoint me

    I think you are (at least for a part of it) since you were the first comment who started comparing TellTale's and LiS.

    just because your mad for whatever stupid reason.

    I'm not mad thank you for your concern, yet you seem a little bit since you've just got to the point to call my reasons "stupid".

    So what? I only used TWD as an example to show how how biased the opinions were on here

    There aren't any opinions at all, that's the point. (prior Polarized... again).

    This is a forum.. people compare games, get over it...

    Oh yeah I agree people have evry right to compare games, but they do not have the right to call people "fanboy" just because they disagree with you, that's what you did, that's why I replied to you.

    Get glasses then..

    Very good point for a person that was complaining about people don't showing actual arguments. How hypocrital of you.

    Expect its not an opinion, I just posted fact..

    Yeah I see the consistesy on your "fact":

    First you say that fan = fanboy.

    enter image description here

    And then in the next post you say that fanboy = "A fan, especially one who is obsessive about comics, music, film, or science fiction."

    enter image description here

    Saying that a person is a fan is different from saying that a person is an obsessive fan, I consider the later as an insult and that's what you called to everyone who criticizes LiS. So both in my defenition of it and in yours I consider it as an insult.

    So the people who sign up on a telltale forum to talk to telltale fans about the telltale games they play arent at least a little obsessed?

    No, they are fans discussing the game with other fans.

    Unlike you I don't name and shame them and point fingers...

    What you post is public, if you don't want people to see it then don't post it at all. Your comments are there for all to see, instead of quoting them I took a screenshot that takes me way less work. Plus I'm not shaming anyone.

    Oh and below are some comments made by some TT fans..

    They may be TellTale fans, but how does it help proving your point? Those, unlike you, were "criticizing" LiS (not in the best way) but at least they were not comparing it to other franscises and calling everyone who disagreed with them LiS "fanboys".

    I think I made my point really clear, I disliked your comment because you called me (and a lot of other people) "fanboys" which I consider an insult in your defenition of it and in mine too.

    I've had enough of this "discussion" and since I've already made my point really clear I see no point on continuing it.

    Have a good day.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Uh? Yes you did: "people that critisize LIS are telltale fan boy". Do you still not understand the real definition of a fanboy.. or do yo

  • Exactly there's also an awkward pause between some of the lines

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Yeah. ''Thanks Max, I know you really care about me, thanks for being my friend'' ''Please Kate, don't jump!'' ''But nobody cares about me!!!!''

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