This game is just.....bland

There is nothing really original in this game seriously. Olivia has a personality of a wood, Axel is a dick and has a stupid , out-of-nowhere rivalry with Lukas, main character is uninteresting, story isn't interesting and as usual choices has a very little impact on your relationship with other characters



  • Where's the originality in allot of games these days?

    Wood doesn't have a personality, or at least we don't know whether dead Trees have personalities, Olivia is a more technical person from what I've seen.

    Axel's behavior is uncalled for at times but he's still a MineCraft blocky person thing like everyone else, not a body part and his rivalry with Lukas is derived from his hatred of The Ocelots who beat the group each year in the Building Competition.

    The main character isn't meant to be the most interesting character in choice based games, it's mean to be the people around you, you make choices that determines how your character acts.

    The interesting-ness of a story is completely subjective.

    From what I've seen, choices have mattered quite a bit, specifically with Episode 2, plus the Season isn't over so how can you say the choices have little impact on character relationships when the game is still not finished?

  • OMG, if you don't like this game, then don't even bother playing it, nobody is forcing you. And this thread is just pointless.

  • Okay so i'm not allowed to criticize?

    AronDracula posted: »

    OMG, if you don't like this game, then don't even bother playing it, nobody is forcing you. And this thread is just pointless.

  • edited December 2015

    Say the same idea over and over again?

    Kellogs posted: »

    Okay so i'm not allowed to criticize?

  • Considering how you've been posting negative threads over and over recently, it's no surprise somebody finally told you to just stop already.

    Kellogs posted: »

    Okay so i'm not allowed to criticize?

  • Wow so much hate here... Anyway I hate the game but I still wouldn't call it bland. It's more cheesy

  • There's a difference between constructive criticism, and just obvious hate. If you have some criticism, honestly make a thread about it, please say what's wrong with the game, how it can be improved etc.

    I personally think the game is good, perhaps not Telltale's best, but this game is aimed towards a younger audience, which is probably why I'm not enjoyed it as much.

    Kellogs posted: »

    Okay so i'm not allowed to criticize?

  • Why do you hate it?

    Clemenem posted: »

    Wow so much hate here... Anyway I hate the game but I still wouldn't call it bland. It's more cheesy

  • From what I've seen of it it's just too cheesy like TFTB without the edge. It's the one game I haven't bought from TTG since TWD S1. More power to people who are enjoying even if I'm not

    Why do you hate it?

  • Well the humor in the game IS aimed at younger audience but of course it can't compare to TFTB, no doubt about that. I don't think it's trying to. However the gameplay in MCSM is very fresh and fun and there is a lot more hub areas and adventuring stuff. And I haven't seen many bugs, the game is suprisingly smooth. Yes I admit I was pretty suprised and dissapointed when MCSM was annouced but hey, it's a good game. And those who don't like it aren't going to be upset much longer, as the episodes are coming at an astonishing rate. So to sum this up: This might be the only Telltale game where I prefer gameplay over story.

    Clemenem posted: »

    From what I've seen of it it's just too cheesy like TFTB without the edge. It's the one game I haven't bought from TTG since TWD S1. More power to people who are enjoying even if I'm not

  • I love the emphasis on the gameplay aspect. :)

    Well the humor in the game IS aimed at younger audience but of course it can't compare to TFTB, no doubt about that. I don't think it's tryi

  • I think the writing is meant to coincide more with a youthful, more simple-minded (sorry young-uns) audience. So of course you'll see simple characters, they are easier to interpret.

    They also have to keep the lore as in line with Minecraft as possible. That includes graphics, even walking animations.

    And if we have learned anything from Episode 5 of Tales (shameless shout out), it's that Telltale is indeed capable of making your choices really matter!

  • edited December 2015

    Axel's rivalry with Lukas isn't necessary for no reason. Lukas' gang treated Jesse, Olivia, Axel, and Reuben like crap. Lukas seems to run that gang, thus why Axel has a rivalry with him. Also, Axel may be a jerk, but he cares about his friends. He saves Jesse's gang a lot of times. (Although, mostly it's if you fail a quick time event, but it still counts.) Olivia is more of a know-it-all, but still likable.

    Who doesn't want to save the world?

    You determine who Jesse is.

    Try direct your negativity towards stuff like plot-holes, or please stop with the negativity.

  • I was hoping for more moral ambiguity and murder. The game needs more torture and execution scenes. It won't get anywhere good until things like "You and __% of players broke Luka's arms" or "You and __% executed Reuben for his treachery" "Who stayed behind? (Axel/Olivia)

    I rate this game 0/10. Not enough brutality.

  • Olivia has a personality of a wood (of A WOOD?), Axel is a dick and has a stupid , out-of-nowhere rivalry with Lukas (because of building-competition rivalry and lack to save Petra), main character is uninteresting (so?), story isn't interesting and as usual choices has a very little impact on your relationship with other characters (yeah, 'cause you can't make every choice do something BIG and BOLD. Conversations wear off, y' know?)

  • "This gaimed is aimed at a younger audience"

    Spelling error detected!

  • I'm pretty sure that was intentionally mispelled.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    "This gaimed is aimed at a younger audience" Spelling error detected!

  • Oh. :P

    I'm pretty sure that was intentionally mispelled.

  • That's what you were expecting from a E10+ game?

    I was hoping for more moral ambiguity and murder. The game needs more torture and execution scenes. It won't get anywhere good until things

  • He's joking.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    That's what you were expecting from a E10+ game?

  • Oh...

    He's joking.

  • I... don't care for either Olivia or Axel, they could be sucked into the Wither Storm or killed by Endermen and I'd just shrug it off. On the other hand I do like Petra and Lucas a lot more, so much so I wish Olivia and Axel would just disappear. I don't think this game will 'change my life' per se like Telltale's other games did, and it is sad to see such a great game studio wasting its talent on such a simple and unambitious project. On the bright side this series is flying by really fast in terms of its release schedule, I'm hopeful after its concluded that Telltale will finally get back on track.

    Until then... no point holding high expectations for this game. Its just a game, an unfullfilling simple little game with some well written characters and some really annoying characters, and a plot that feels like a mediocre episode of Adventure Time. Its not bad, its just not great.

  • The game is alright imo. I'm not waiting in anticipation for it like tales, got, or twd, but it's fine. The characters are kinda bland. I don't understand my "best friends", Jesse seems too cool for them (or at least my Jesse does). I'm supposed to care about Petra a lot but I don't outside of her voice actor (Ashley Johnson). I think I like Lukas the most, but that could be the fact that he's basically Luke from twd. The point is, Telltale could and has done better. But I'll still play it and enjoy it while I'm playing it because it is a Telltale game. And I'm Telltale trash.

  • and it is sad to see such a great game studio wasting its talent on such a simple and unambitious project.

    They work on separate companies around the world. So working on this game or not will not affect their other work.

    Harian96 posted: »

    I... don't care for either Olivia or Axel, they could be sucked into the Wither Storm or killed by Endermen and I'd just shrug it off. On th

  • He knows how TellTale works, he's just saying he wishes TellTale never had this project in the first place.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    and it is sad to see such a great game studio wasting its talent on such a simple and unambitious project. They work on separate companies around the world. So working on this game or not will not affect their other work.

  • You just contradicted yourself

    it I sad to see such a great game studio wasting it's talent on such a simple unambitious project

    on the bright side this series is flying by really fast in terms of release schedule

    Telltale are trying to make this their quickest releasing game is that not ambition?

    Harian96 posted: »

    I... don't care for either Olivia or Axel, they could be sucked into the Wither Storm or killed by Endermen and I'd just shrug it off. On th

  • Don't lie, I know you rate the 0/10 for the lack of Harys' hair. ;)

    I was hoping for more moral ambiguity and murder. The game needs more torture and execution scenes. It won't get anywhere good until things

  • Ok then.

    He knows how TellTale works, he's just saying he wishes TellTale never had this project in the first place.

  • edited December 2015

    I believe that TellTale is probably the one games company to prove that you can grant the main character personality while still granting the player choices. Still, you make a great point- how interesting the story, characters, or other elements are is mainly subjective since almost all of the games that TellTale make are so diverse. It could stand some improvements, but I have yet to be disappointed by Story Mode. :)

    prink34320 posted: »

    Where's the originality in allot of games these days? Wood doesn't have a personality, or at least we don't know whether dead Trees have

  • edited December 2015

    Eh, circumstance has a way of determining associations, like in TWDS2. I agree that TellTale can do better, but I feel that since they haven't made a "kid's game" in so long they have yet to get their proper footing. It's why I hope they try for another season- to give them another chance to realize this series' potential.

    DDbaby74 posted: »

    The game is alright imo. I'm not waiting in anticipation for it like tales, got, or twd, but it's fine. The characters are kinda bland. I do

  • edited December 2015

    At least it's a unique idea. Tons of games pass off an overused shitty idea as a sorry excuse for a video game these days. FNaF, Call of Duty, Halo, Fallout, etc, etc. But then there are the few unique ideas, which while some aren't very good, they're at least fun and much better than what we call Triple A titles. Let's think about Silent Hill for a moment. At the time, the Horror genre was literally just "Shoot the Monsters until they die and receive a Jumpscare", But Silent Hill, while the dialogue was shit, the game looked hideous, and the story was confusing as hell... the game itself was fucking fantastic. It brought a new meaning to the genre named "Horror".

    Minecraft: Story Mode is that game. We're in a generation of shitty Triple A kids games where it thinks the player is either too dumb to play a game so they throw mountains of tutorials at you, or they expect the player to be loaded so the only way you can play is DLC. (Lookin' at you, Lego Dimensions.), Minecraft: Story Mode adds a fantastic narrative, a splendid story, and fun puzzles. And while on the surface the game looks bad and the characters are TERRIBLY under-developed, what lies beneath is a generally creative and genius idea for a kids game.


    Smellmeh posted: »

    "This gaimed is aimed at a younger audience" Spelling error detected!

  • Yeah the writing is Pretty..."easy". But it has other Things that makes it good. For example the General Direction, Tracking Shots And General Camera positioning. Telltale always improves throughout Games. Of course Not in the terms of writing But more in terms of "Film making" with Things like different Camera Angles within conversation And such. And in MC:SM it's more Significant than ever. At least If you Exclude TFTBL EP. 5. Just Imagine TWDS3 with the Things, TTG has learnd with TftBL And MC:SM. Intro scenes, Camera Angles...everything.

  • Damn, you caught me.

    Honestly, I'd say it's -10/10 for the lack of Harys and his glorious hair.

    Don't lie, I know you rate the 0/10 for the lack of Harys' hair.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited December 2015

    Although this isn't exactly relevant, I still find it kind of funny when people call this a cash grab

    Because even if that was true (it isn't), it's sure as hell better than 90% of cash grabs, so there's that

  • Thats so true! If i had to Chose between an EA/Activision Licensed Game or a Telltale Licensed Game. I Will ALWAYS Chose Telltale.

    Deltino posted: »

    Although this isn't exactly relevant, I still find it kind of funny when people call this a cash grab Because even if that was true (it isn't), it's sure as hell better than 90% of cash grabs, so there's that

  • Hey look this turd smells better than the %90 percent of the turds

    Deltino posted: »

    Although this isn't exactly relevant, I still find it kind of funny when people call this a cash grab Because even if that was true (it isn't), it's sure as hell better than 90% of cash grabs, so there's that

  • Then don't respond at all?

    Considering how you've been posting negative threads over and over recently, it's no surprise somebody finally told you to just stop already.

  • Thread: Mess of a "game"

    • Character's voices are cut before the conversation is even finished, yes it happens very often
    • QTE's are boring, almost no game overs
    • Janky animations, terrible lip synching
    • Mediocre voice acting,
    • Male protagonist have female grunts( Episode 2)
    • Choices have less consequences than they should be, given how fast telltale managed to put out episodes , why not take 2-3 weeks and make choices matter more?
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