Is this game a gender war?

Think about it:

  • Male or Female Jesse
  • Petra or Gabriel
  • Go with Axel or Olivia
  • Ellegaard's or Mangus' armour

Is Telltale making us choose what gender you're always choosing?


  • Thats a good spot right there.

  • Oh yeah!! True! Thanks for posting this! I wonder if in episode 4 the same thing will happen with Petra and Gabriel... Again

  • I really don't think so. That being said I think the game was designed to be inclusive to any race and gender.

    There is an odd number of people in the group, 2 are boys (Lukas, and Axel) and 2 are girls (Olivia and Petra). Who is the majority depends on what the player picks as the avatar.

    Same goes with race, if you count the option to chose between Petra and Gabriel.

    But even then, every line Jesse says is not affected by gender or race in the slightest. There is different Voice actors for Male and Female, but that's it.

  • edited December 2015

    Can't wait for the feminazis(sorreh) lol.

    But fair points with the choices being gender-based xD

  • I don't see how it is, you're just choosing between characters why make a big deal about choosing from 2 genders?

  • I'm a feminist, I'm curious as to what you're expecting me to say.

    I think the thread's a bit silly but harmless, and don't think telltale was trying to make this a gender war.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Can't wait for the feminazis(sorreh) lol. But fair points with the choices being gender-based xD

  • Apologies, I meant feminazis. AKA those who think all men are pigs and all that good stuffs. I'll edit post

    Flog61 posted: »

    I'm a feminist, I'm curious as to what you're expecting me to say. I think the thread's a bit silly but harmless, and don't think telltale was trying to make this a gender war.

  • Haha people like that ain't feminists

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Apologies, I meant feminazis. AKA those who think all men are pigs and all that good stuffs. I'll edit post

  • They are feminazis :D

    Flog61 posted: »

    Haha people like that ain't feminists

  • I don't think so. I think you're reading too much into things.

  • What?

    ChocoHallic posted: »

    I don't think so. I think you're reading too much into things.

  • From these, I always picked the guys, so... Uh-oh...

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