What are your worst fears for the upcoming episodes?



  • edited December 2015

    Probably one of my worst fears is of everyone getting angry at each other for no reason... again.

    Also throwing everything that made the third episode great down the drain.

  • Have I said it sucks in the past, yes, and I have admitted to it and said that I was wrong to post that. I even said that in the thread that you quoted me in, but I noticed you decided not to include it, so I'll post it here.

    "Crap" was a bad term to use, I apologize for that. Do I criticize it a lot, yes, but most of the time when I do talk about it, it is exactly that, criticisms, not just completely shitting on it like what people do sometimes with TWD or GOT.

    There have been times in the past when I have gone too far, when I said "It sucks," and I admit that, and that is why I apologized right here, for the times when I have done that. I owned up to the mistake I have made. Now, whenever I talk about it, it is usually followed by legit reasoning I have for not liking it, not just an "I hate it," or "It sucks."

    When I say it sucks that they're crushing it, I didn't mean it that the game itself sucks, but that it sucks that it was beating Tales From the Borderlands in Best Adventure, which I felt was the superior game. It wasn't an "I think this game sucks and it shouldn't be winning" it was an "I'm disappointed that it's winning over a game that I thought was legitimately better." I can see how it could be interpreted that way, but that's not what I meant when I wrote that.

    Yes, I don't like the character of Chloe, for reasons I have enumerated several times, but there was reasoning behind me saying that. When I said that, it shows that, even though I wasn't fond of the character or the game, I can still admit some of the positives of it. Yes, Ashly Burch did do an amazing job with Chloe, and even though I don't like the character or the game itself, I can put all of that aside and say that she deserved the award. So yes, it was important in context as I meant it to show that there were some parts of this game that I did like.

    Flog61 posted: »

    You post more than me, at any rate. In any case, the amount of times you post is irrelevant here. I don't think you can say that you neve

  • Greatest fear - the Order of the Pig completely replaces Order of the Stone i.e. something really catastrophic happens that kills all of the old order.

  • Man... If Soren dies for one. I'll chalk up a list.
    1. If Soren dies.
    2. If Reuben dies.
    3. If I am faced with a choice to save rather Lukas or Axel, which would result in a death for the other. I love Axel... But I love Lukas too.
    4. Not having to hear another song from Soren. We better get some credits with him singing, Telltale.
    5. Jesse getting the Wither-Sickness. 'Tis is always a possibility.
    6. Petra not getting her memory back.
    7. If we have to eat Reuben. Man, that'll break me. I'd let Jesse starve to death.
    8. If we don't catch Ivor and get some dang answers.

    That's about it.

  • I like the old order. I'd miss Soren's singing.

    raxu361 posted: »

    Greatest fear - the Order of the Pig completely replaces Order of the Stone i.e. something really catastrophic happens that kills all of the old order.

  • Download problems at every episode (ep. 3 still cannot be downloaded on Ps3 by now, weeks after official release) with telltale not reacting on emails or bug requests.

  • That the shipping threads never die.

  • Guys stuff fears, we have to think of what would be our worst nightmare so without further ado I present to you your worst nightmare!

    Reuben dies a tragic death and axel eats Reuben because he thinks he tastes good

  • Axel... How could you...

    enter image description here

    Guys stuff fears, we have to think of what would be our worst nightmare so without further ado I present to you your worst nightmare! Reuben dies a tragic death and axel eats Reuben because he thinks he tastes good

  • You made me think something... What if Jesse gets the Wither sickness and Episode 5 is about curing him?

  • -Lukas dying in a lava lake. He's too nice a cinnamon roll and you know what happens to nice cinnamon rolls, they die in lakes. The decisions with him often are about how nice or mean you are to him as well which concerns me.

    -Circles, circles and curves, everywhere.

    -Axel in a bathing suit.

  • Them bugs and glitches. From minor to just plain awkward. I think my fear will come true, as it has every single damn time.

  • Did you know that frozen lakes exist in Minecraft.

    Ooooooh snap!

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    -Lukas dying in a lava lake. He's too nice a cinnamon roll and you know what happens to nice cinnamon rolls, they die in lakes. The decision

  • ...well, shit. He's done for.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Did you know that frozen lakes exist in Minecraft. Ooooooh snap!

  • Don't worry though, they don't deal freeze damage since it doesn't exist.

    Telltale is unpredictable though :3

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    ...well, shit. He's done for.

  • edited December 2015

    Have you seen the promotional pictures?

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    You made me think something... What if Jesse gets the Wither sickness and Episode 5 is about curing him?

  • Which are you talking about?

    Have you seen the promotional pictures?

  • enter image description here

    That sassy look of his <3

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    -Lukas dying in a lava lake. He's too nice a cinnamon roll and you know what happens to nice cinnamon rolls, they die in lakes. The decision



    MarteenPyro posted: »

    That sassy look of his

  • Jesse:

    enter image description here


    enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Don't worry though, they don't deal freeze damage since it doesn't exist. Telltale is unpredictable though

  • Two of my fears realized in one photo.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    That sassy look of his

  • Bugs and glitches? Care to explain? The worst bug I can recall is some shitty lip sync in episode 2, but besides that the series has ran flawless.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Them bugs and glitches. From minor to just plain awkward. I think my fear will come true, as it has every single damn time.

  • OMG I remember that scene, it was from the story of ant movie by Pixar,right?

    Good times :)

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Jesse: Lukas:

  • Well there are those weird cutoffs in some dialog but that's started to happen in every Telltale episode after MCSM episode 1.

    Bugs and glitches? Care to explain? The worst bug I can recall is some shitty lip sync in episode 2, but besides that the series has ran flawless.

  • A Bug's Life

    ZapThroat posted: »

    OMG I remember that scene, it was from the story of ant movie by Pixar,right? Good times

  • edited December 2015

    I think it's more noticeable in Story Mode, but yeah I'l count that as a bug. Not a huge deal but it's a minor annoyance.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Well there are those weird cutoffs in some dialog but that's started to happen in every Telltale episode after MCSM episode 1.

  • Yeah that,sorry it's been a long time since I last watched it. :)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    A Bug's Life

  • that i get aids and die

  • If petra dies. Im done. Also, I'm almost BLOODY certain jesse will have wither sickness. He's been in the beam SO many times, plus attacked by it.

  • This guy is in the game :P

    that i get aids and die

  • For episode 4, duh.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Which are you talking about?

  • It might be just me, but I had the sky box completely disappear from time to time. It would happen for a second, but frequently. Odd stuff. Also lip sync, awkward scene transistions, buggy character animation. These things are fewer every time TT releases a new game and I realize some people don't experience this kind of thing, but I do. Dosn't stop me from loving their games though.

    Bugs and glitches? Care to explain? The worst bug I can recall is some shitty lip sync in episode 2, but besides that the series has ran flawless.

  • Ok but, what does this do with the comment i did?

    For episode 4, duh.

  • Ya like when Magnus/Ellegaard died, Jesse saw Soren holding him/her, and Jesse said "Oh n-" Cleary a bug.

    I think it's more noticeable in Story Mode, but yeah I'l count that as a bug. Not a huge deal but it's a minor annoyance.

  • Well from the pictures it seems the episode 5 will take place in the past.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Ok but, what does this do with the comment i did?

  • We don't know yet what will happen in Episode 5, we only have pictures from Episode 4 and the picture of Ep5 from the Episode Menu.

    Well from the pictures it seems the episode 5 will take place in the past.

  • enter image description here

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    We don't know yet what will happen in Episode 5, we only have pictures from Episode 4 and the picture of Ep5 from the Episode Menu.

  • It's a flashback that'll happen on Episode 4. It's not from Episode 5.

  • I wouldnt be so sure after all TT said episode 4 is conclusion and episode 5 will be about something else.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    It's a flashback that'll happen on Episode 4. It's not from Episode 5.

  • Why would they post a picture about Episode 5 when Episode 4 is not even released yet?

    I wouldnt be so sure after all TT said episode 4 is conclusion and episode 5 will be about something else.

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