Telltale Camping
So, this idea kind of came up of perhaps organizing a camping trip with members of this forum. Which led to several questions:
Who'd want to join in on this?
How do we get in touch with these people? (I guess this thread is an attempt at solving that)
Where and when would people like to do this camping trip?
So, I am just putting this out there to see if people like this idea and actually want to try it. If people are interested, I'll then update and we can start talking about specifics, but first things first. THERE ARE YOU HAPPY NOW @GrowlingPeanut
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I want to see the photos when you're done.
(I also want to join you, but that's not possible, sadly).
What do your visa issuing guys think about it? Hah.
I.....don't honestly know.
Me neither. But I guess it is not that easy.
Wow stop advertising
jkjk I have an oppurtunity to spam you guys now.
Damn, this sounds awesome, but unfortunately I wouldn't be able to participate
enter link description here
Sounds like it could be fun, I shall ponder this.
wouldn't have to ponder so hard if you were going, Maw, just saying
Everyone set a tent (Pillow fort) up in your room, get a webcam and turn Skype on :P
Light a fire too.
Get some graham crackers, hershey's milk chocolate, and some marshmallows to pop into the microwave.
That's a camping trip I'd be able to go!
This sounds interesting, but I don't think I can
Brokeback mountain: A Telltale series
So you want us to play a FPS and camp in the corners or something?
Cool idea, here are a few things I would suggest.
Maybe make a Skype group with those that want to go and get to know everyone with video chat first.. so you know who you are talking to.. don't want to accidentally meet up with some creepo.
Maybe all be at least around the same age.. around 18.. mixing kids and adults would be wierd. (as in a 14 year old with a 25+ year old)
if this does somehow happen good luck.
Y'know Cultist, the whole "virtual" camping trip idea is pretty cute. Pillow and blanket forts, flashlights, marshmallows, and Skype.
Thinking about his name, maybe people shouldn't go camping with someone with "cultist" in their name. I could end up attached to a pillar and sacrificed to the Firehawk.
But...wouldn't the Firehawk show up and smite him because she doesn't like people sacrificing innocent civilians to her?
I don't think so
when I was at school, we used to go hiking for 3 weeks in summer, and there were kids from 10 to 18 and adults from 30 to 40 (teachers). Nothing weird.
I'll add you to the list.
Yeah, but this won't be a teacher/student dynamic. It might be a little different.
Awww, that's so nice to hear, my dear Kenny
Well, maybe I'll find an appropriate conference one day (the easiest way to apply for visa - scientific one).
I'm your #1 ship fan.
Believe me, that thing wasn't like a weekend trip to a museum.
We were like family.
Anyhow, I think if we get along here, it won't be any different irl.
Can't wait to see those fanfics.
Still, I can understand where they're coming from when they say this.
And I would hope that would be the case, but the cynic in me says that actually meeting people is very different from meeting them online.
But there will be complications.
And work kinda sucked tonight, so I'm in a considerably darker mood than I was this morning.
Just in case you were wondering where all this sudden pessimism came from.
Mawbadger fanfics?
grins like an idiot What can I say, I'm a nice guy like that, my dear.
Looking forward to it, I'm sure you may find a wizard, there, XD!!
That would be the ones, I was refering to. I do enjoy your fanfics after all.
Well, let's be grateful for what we have online, then. I can only say I'm completely the same irl, just maybe shyer
Get a good rest, my dear, and then we will play
Oh god. I think I understand how Rhys feels now.
I'd like to think I'm representing my actual personality here. I know I don't swear as much irl, lol.
I know. I'm trying to get Rhys' album finished up and sent. So. Many. Pictures. And then I still have Fiona's to do for myself.
Well, I think you should know, that about 3 months ago I was not even considering visiting US ever.
I was honestly kind of joking about shipping it. I don't really want to revive member shipping. It's a mess at times.
Ha, let me get through all my Rhyiona prompts first....
Check back in five years.
I do not swear at all irl, lol.
Somehow, I find English swearing less offensive than my native one O_O.