The Vent/Help Thread




    I need to release some steam out of my vent. So I was working on my webcomic for this forum, getting the finishing touches underway as I

  • That feel when you have to explain to your libertarian friend that "cultural marxism" is a baseless conspiracy theory without blowing A gasket.

    Though it was satisfying to see her face when I explained that it was co-opted from Nazi rhetoric about the Jews.

  • Off topic. I remember that scene well. Poor Ace.


  • So, my mom stumbled upon an old blog of mine, the time where I had my "emo phase"

    the last blog post was 2 - 3 years ago,and she thinks im majorly depressed o_e

  • Hopefully the blog posts are dated, and you can point that out to her. :)

    Now I suppose you'll have to go write some posts about how life and everything are wonderful, and how lucky you are to have such an awesome mom!

    So, my mom stumbled upon an old blog of mine, the time where I had my "emo phase" the last blog post was 2 - 3 years ago,and she thinks im majorly depressed o_e

  • So my school decides to get rid of it's old computers and monitors, and gives us I.T students a chance to put our names down for working ones. I get mine, but not only is the cable (built in) to the monitor, damaged (possibly beyond repair), but the computer is still connected to the school's network, so I can't even use it. Thanks, assholes.

  • edited December 2015

    Man I fucking hate grading scales in college. This one class I got A's on all of my assignments except one. All of that, and I get a fucking B? And apparently it was a low one too. C'mon man how does that work!

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited December 2015

    Remember that asshole City Manager I ranted about a couple weeks ago? I talked to my neighbor who's a statistician and we're going to publicly denounce the guy at a meeting, Soviet Politburo style!

    He's already changing his behavior and paying attention at meetings. I think he knows that somebody (me) paid the $40 to get access to all of his assessments and other records. Now my statistician neighbor is going to compile the data to see if he's consistory received poor scores from female and minority council member. If our suspicions are correct, she'll surprise ol' Jim by presenting the findings at the next city hall meeting and suggesting that he should be replaced.

    Combined with the allegations of misogyny and racism by former staff, it might be enough to get his ass fired. If not, I'm not presenting the findings, so I still have a cnance at a political career. :P

  • enter link description here

    I interpret the lyrics to this song in a completely different way (probably) than you would.

    I guess this song just relates to the pain I feel day to day when I realize that my brother isn't here anymore, I guess I'm jealous that he's not here and is happy without me :(

  • edited December 2015

    It'll take time for the wounds to heal. Took me a long time to heal from Grandma's death, dealing the first Christmas without her.... it wasn't the same. Just so... out of place. I don't think your brother would want you to be hurting all the time, death may cause pain to all our memories, but it's up us to make those certain memories turn into something we can cherish forever.

    enter link description here I interpret the lyrics to this song in a completely different way (probably) than you would. I guess this

  • The scars of yesterday just open again, hurting more than it did.

    This is probably one of my lest happiest Christmas ever, but life unfortunately goes on.

    It'll take time for the wounds to heal. Took me a long time to heal from Grandma's death, dealing the first Christmas without her.... it was

  • A blue butterfly just asked me to tell you to hang in there, and 2016 will be better.

    Sorry, that's all. Butterflies are not known for their excellent conversational skills.

    The scars of yesterday just open again, hurting more than it did. This is probably one of my lest happiest Christmas ever, but life unfortunately goes on.

  • I have a feeling that most of my friends don't like to hang out with me. They are always making plans in front of me like I'm not there and they don't invite me. Every time i try to ask them if they want to go somewhere and hang out, they agree but at the last minute they bail out. I don't know what to do. I like to think that it doesn't bother me, but it does. One of my friends is supposed to have a surprise birthday party that she doesn't know about. Her mom asked me if I knew about and I told her no. She asked me if our other friend informed me and I told her no. My friend is having a party and I wasn't even invited. Like, what the heck! I guess that people doesn't like being in my company. And the problem is I don't know why. Am I doing something wrong? Is there something wrong with me? :(

  • edited December 2015

    Thanks guys :)

  • edited December 2015

    You need to talk to someone close to you and also your friends how have had depression. They will understand you better and help you through it. And I also hope that you feel better. Having depression seems horrible. :(

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Thanks guys

  • Thanks :) it's not that serious compared to what I've heard other people have gone through but I just feel shitty and pissed off a lot.

    You need to talk to someone close to you and also your friends how have had depression. They will understand you better and help you through it. And I also hope that you feel better. Having depression seems horrible.

  • It may not be that serious compared to other people, but you still need to let other people how you feel. You don't want to bottle all that up inside of you.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Thanks it's not that serious compared to what I've heard other people have gone through but I just feel shitty and pissed off a lot.

  • I like your style.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Remember that asshole City Manager I ranted about a couple weeks ago? I talked to my neighbor who's a statistician and we're going to publi

  • Better than them telling you straight to your face that they don't like that you exist.

    Seriously, Have you tried to talk to them?

    I have a feeling that most of my friends don't like to hang out with me. They are always making plans in front of me like I'm not there and

  • I've been scared to talk to them, and also it would feel kinda awkward. God, I can't wait till I am done with high school!

    Better than them telling you straight to your face that they don't like that you exist. Seriously, Have you tried to talk to them?

  • Try to talk to them, confront them on it. Maybe you're misinterpreting it, maybe they don't mean to...or instead they'll admit to it and you will have closure and move on.

    I've been scared to talk to them, and also it would feel kinda awkward. God, I can't wait till I am done with high school!

  • I will try to do that. I am kinda scared, but it's now or never right? Thank you.

    Try to talk to them, confront them on it. Maybe you're misinterpreting it, maybe they don't mean to...or instead they'll admit to it and you will have closure and move on.

  • Better than stressing forever about it. It won't be too hard.

    I will try to do that. I am kinda scared, but it's now or never right? Thank you.

  • Thanks for the advice.

    Better than stressing forever about it. It won't be too hard.

  • Let's see where to start....

    My best friend of 15 years is moving away in 2 weeks, and I saw her for the last time for possibly forever tonight.

    Professors still haven't put any grades into the grade book, so I don't know what I made in all 4 of my classes.

    But hey. I'm still alive. And I'm back, not that anyone gives a flying flip. But how is everyone doing?

  • It's a different feeling of knowing that you can't do much aside from viewing topics.

    I'm sure there's something you can't stop looking at either. And it was worth it to not come back here and start crap or get involved in it and I also made much better grades when it was easier for me to focus on something other than the forums.

    Don't get the point of requesting a ban. Why not just ignore the forums for awhile?

  • Thanks George, I try but people pushed too many buttons and now I don't give a crap much anymore.

    And though it looks like you've been banned since I have come back. Hope you'll be back soon.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I was about to get mad at someone, holly is one of the nicest people on here. Don't worry so much holly, FALLOUT 4 Tomorrow. WOrk is pointless, unless you work for yourself, do as little as possible.

  • Thanks dude or dudette! :)

    I've been there, I'm sure we all have! Try not to put too much pressure on yourself dude, I hope things get better soon. :-)

  • But hey. I'm still alive.

    If that was the only thought I'd get up with every morning, I'd probably off myself pretty quickly. Hope you're not planning on doing that.

    And I'm back, not that anyone gives a flying flip.

    Statements like these are bound to cause people to say "No/Not at all, welcome back!" or something of a sort.

    But how is everyone doing?

    Doing fine, I suppose. However, "fine" in my vocabulary means "neither good or bad".

    Let's see where to start.... My best friend of 15 years is moving away in 2 weeks, and I saw her for the last time for possibly forever t

  • Welcome back, Hollay! Of course we missed ya!

    You're not going to like this, but you'll have to get used to people going their separate ways for the rest of your life. Oh, sure, these days there's social media, where you can "follow" someone for years, but it's not the same, and a lot of people let those things slide as their real life responsibilities increase. You can keep in touch for a while longer with some effort, though.

    Time to meet someone new.

    Let's see where to start.... My best friend of 15 years is moving away in 2 weeks, and I saw her for the last time for possibly forever t

  • edited December 2015

    I can't help but feel constantly cringey with myself, even if it's little things I just did, said, or whether when Tumblr lashed out at me for no reason, even though I know I didn't do shit I can't help but cringe at those times.

  • My best friend of 15 years is moving away in 2 weeks, and I saw her for the last time for possibly forever tonight.

    Forever? Where's she moving to?

    But hey. I'm still alive. And I'm back, not that anyone gives a flying flip. But how is everyone doing?

    Welcome back! And you shouldn't say that, there are people who missed you here in the forums. I'm fine by the way.

    Let's see where to start.... My best friend of 15 years is moving away in 2 weeks, and I saw her for the last time for possibly forever t

  • Such a negative outlook on yourself, you really got to work on that. Of course people care that you're back, you're a valued forum member.

    Let's see where to start.... My best friend of 15 years is moving away in 2 weeks, and I saw her for the last time for possibly forever t

  • LOL hey considering where I wake up every morning with the family and friends and opportunities I have, my life is not bad. Just a temporary slump while I deal with my BFF moving away because two other of our 'friends' are literally taking her away from us all down here. Long story. Just a shitty situation over all.

    Statements like these are bound to cause people to say "No/Not at all, welcome back!" or something of a sort.

    I like saying the obvious out in the open. If I disappeared forever off this site, no one would care. It's not a pity party, it's the truth. I ain't gonna lose any sleep over it if no one cared I was gone. My life was actually much less stressful these past 40 days as I learned a hard lesson from the people on here and in real life.

    Fine is alive. And by your definition fine means neither manic happy or deadly depressive.

    Hope things get better for you man. hug

    Lingvort posted: »

    But hey. I'm still alive. If that was the only thought I'd get up with every morning, I'd probably off myself pretty quickly. Hope y

  • You're too kind Warp. :)

    Y'know, I wouldn't be as upset over her leaving, if she had decided this all on her own. In truth, two other friends whom she's actually moving in with, which absolutely pressured her into this by promising her a place to live (even though she already lived in a nice apartment and had an amazing job she was getting promotions in every 3 months) and pay for her to work in their business and pay for her to get a real estate license. When it comes down to it, my friend has chosen two other people over everything they had down here.

    I get it, it's life, people go away, but it's just hard to accept that I and our entire friend group and support system they had in TX weren't good enough for my best friend to want to stay.

    And I started a new university so I have been meeting lots of new people, but at this point it's impossible to replace a friend of 15 years. :/

    Thanks for the kind words as always Warp!

    enter image description here

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Welcome back, Hollay! Of course we missed ya! You're not going to like this, but you'll have to get used to people going their separate

  • She's moving from TX to WA. But she's already said if she meets someone (a boyfriend or gets married while there) she won't move back. And I know her, even if she's in trouble, she won't ask for help. She's too stubborn.

    My only problem is I'm not gonna act like people missed me, I'm a person on the internet not even real to anyone. I enjoy the people here, but I've met too many people on the internet who disappear into oblivion to act like I matter to them.

    And fine is good I hope!

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    My best friend of 15 years is moving away in 2 weeks, and I saw her for the last time for possibly forever tonight. Forever? Where's

  • Negative? How about realistic.

    Such a negative outlook on yourself, you really got to work on that. Of course people care that you're back, you're a valued forum member.

  • No, it's negative not realistic. People here do want you around and you should recognize that. Being realistic is noticing flaws, not attacking yourself for those flaws, at that point it goes from a healthy realistic view on life to a dangerous and hurtful outlook on yourself.

    Negative? How about realistic.

  • So I should go around acting like everyone likes me? No, that's how you get hurt because people are shitty in the real world and even more so online. I'm realistic enough to realize that and to not get too involved in every person I see, because not everyone is gonna return that kindness and be a true friend.

    No, it's negative not realistic. People here do want you around and you should recognize that. Being realistic is noticing flaws, not attack

  • Did I ever say anything like that? No. You should not act like everyone hates you, that's not being realistic, that's being negative. People here like you, don't act like they don't.

    So I should go around acting like everyone likes me? No, that's how you get hurt because people are shitty in the real world and even more s

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