Saw Krampus on Friday. IMO it was terrible and dumb, I thought I was getting something that's actually creepy and interesting, but it's just filled with cliches and stupid jokes.
2.5/10 the only part I liked was the aunt and the fat kid. They were hilarious.
Of course something like Krampus would be filled with that stuff. Honestly, I don't think it's taking itself seriously. JeremyJahns' rating of "A Good Time if You're Drunk," is the perfect description for this movie.
Saw Krampus on Friday. IMO it was terrible and dumb, I thought I was getting something that's actually creepy and interesting, but it's just… more filled with cliches and stupid jokes.
2.5/10 the only part I liked was the aunt and the fat kid. They were hilarious.
Of course something like Krampus would be filled with that stuff. Honestly, I don't think it's taking itself seriously. JeremyJahns' rating of "A Good Time if You're Drunk," is the perfect description for this movie.
Lots of trailers do mislead, but you can't really be serious with movies like Krampus or The Visit. C'mon, the name Krampus to start with sounds like it should be a comedy. I actually got the impression that Krampus would be a horror comedy. Had a bit of the same feeling for The Visit. C'mon, 2 old ass geezers? What the hell's scary about that?
Come to think of it, Crimson Peak pulled the same thing. But after seeing Hiddleston's face, I knew it was going to be more romance than horror.
Spotlight is directed by Tom McCarthy and tells the true story of the investigative journalist team "Spotlight," who bring light to a molestation scandal against the Catholic Church in Boston. The cast that investigates this story are Michael Keaton, the beautiful Rachel McAdams, Mark Ruffalo, and Liev Schrieber among many recognizable faces. If you want to get the best experience out of this movie, I suggest not looking too much into it as the movie unravels this extremely dark and unsettling molestation case revolving around the Catholic Church.
The Positives
The Spotlight team has amazing chemistry with each other, and the dialogue was cleverly written. The way they act and feel feels completely genuine. One member who stands out the most is Mark Ruffalo as he is the one who shows the greatest amount of care on the case. Not saying that the rest don't because they most certainly do, but Ruffalo shows the most emotion stating that those within the Catholic Church have been getting away with their evil deeds for so long, now's the time to take action. We could really resonate with Ruffalo because once we learn what's going on, we can't help but feel angry. Another great thing about the cast is the way the movie portrays them. Thankfully, the Spotlight team isn't a bunch of biased assholes who only cover what they want. No, they give the public reality. They give them the truth. They don't do what they do for recognition, they do it because it's right.
The absolute best part of this film is it's story. Yea yea it's based on true events, but not all of these true events in movies are interesting. With the story revolving around molestation charges, we'll think, "Oh man that's awful, but what else is new?" But the film doesn't just talk about it. It dissects it to it's core, all the way to its bone marrow. The film is essentially bringing light to shocking information, telling us that this sort of evil can be closer to home than you think. It's telling us the harsh truth that evil can easily hide among the good, and we're just letting it happen. Many of the scenes in the film felt absolutely haunting as the team digs deeper and deeper into the case. If there was one word to describe what was going on, it would be horrific. Not the movie, but the true events.
You're going to constantly hear them say the term Spotlight, and with that I kept thinking to myself: "Roll Credits!" like 10 times.
The Negatives
I'm going to be brash with this. The beginning is so god damn fucking boring. It is horrendously slow. It took so long for the movie to finally find it's direction, despite knowing what it's about. But if you can endure the slow start, then you're in for a treat. The film was a little too long for it's own good. I feel like if they had cut down on certain points in the beginning, the film would've been a little better. I really really hate it when movies that are 2 hours feel like 4.
This may not necessarily be a bad thing, but this film is potential Oscar b8. The movie may only cater to a select few of you, cause these types of films are definitely not for everyone.
Overall: Spotlight is an absolutely haunting movie about true and honest people bringing justice to those who deserve it. Although I did serve in the church as a kid, I was never religious myself. I felt like I only did it because my parents told me to. Nothing happened to me, but what's scary is to think that any of us who have served in a church before could've been potential victims. And what's even worse is to realize how many of them are. On top of that, not many people do shit about it! This is the kind of movie that I have to give time, and let it sink in to my system. It's a film that helps you realize how easy it is for those of a higher stature to manipulate others. But I don't know if I'll be able to endure those horrendously boring 30 mins all over again. Like I said, this movie isn't for everyone. As a matter of fact go see Star Wars. I didn't see it today because it fucking sold out near me. But don't underestimate this gem of a movie. My final grade is:
Grade: A
Also keep in mind not to completely antagonize the Catholic Church and other priests. Just because there are a few bad apples in the bunch, doesn't mean there aren't any good ones.
I'm not gonna lie I'm not really a big fanatic of the Star Wars franchise. I've only seen A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, which are both great sci-fi films. But the thing is they never impacted me as much as those who are big fans of the franchise. I went into The Force Awakens with an open mind, and it exploded with the sheer amount of epic that this movie screams.
The Force Awakens is directed by J.J. Abrams, and it stars a whole new cast of actors along with some reoccurring ones. The plot follows our new, amazing protagonist Rey (Daisy Ridley), who is a strong willed and independent scavenger living on the planet of Jakku. Along the way she comes across a Stormtrooper named Finn (John Boyega), who has abandoned his division with the First Order as he witnesses something that made him question himself. They soon stumble across the beloved Han Solo, and what unravels next is an epic space adventure with a bunch of "Ohh", "Ahhhh," and "OMG" occurring throughout.
The Positives
The Force Awakens is one of the most entertaining movies of the year, no doubt about it. It's a beautiful thrill ride filled with amazingly choreographed action sequences. And the reason why these action sequences are so great is because they were choreographed by the two men behind The Raid action movie franchise. If you know about them, then I salute you because they know how to make action riveting. They know how to make it hard hitting. Oh man when I saw these two come on screen I screamed on the inside because I knew the battles would look stunning. And that's not the only thing that looks stunning. The cinematography, the settings are amazing. Certain shots of the film I found absolutely breathtaking because they look REAL. There was CG implemented, for sure. But Abrams was able to make it look like it was really there. One of the most beautiful films I've seen all year.
With the new cast of characters, I was a little worried that the performances would fall flat. I was scared that they would repeat themselves with the prequels. I was dead wrong because Ridley & Boyega nail spot on performances. The one who steals the show, along with my heart is Ridley. A stoic badass, whose character changes and develops into becoming an even bigger one by the end. Boyega was my second favorite because of his energetic demeanor. The little circular droid, BB-8, is the cutest little guy I've ever seen. Thank god he wasn't an annoying little shit. He was so cute and cuddly, that I want to hug him and tell him everything's going to work out. If I see a little BB-8 toy in a store, I'm buying it right off the bat. And of course, the cast from the original trilogy is back as well. Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Princess Leia are all back, and are of course great. However they could've been easily there just for fan service. Thankfully, their fame doesn't ride along the fact that they were in the previous movies. No, they have strong relevancy to the plot in many ways. And the main villain, Kylo Ren. Yea, now that right there is a threatening villain. He's a little whiny, but at the same time intimidating. Plus, he's not generic bad guy that wants to be bad because... well it's bad. (Kinda like the villain in Ant-Man). He has a backstory that's interesting, and has a holy shit reveal. Besides, this is just the beginning. I can't wait to see what they have in store for us later on.
Script = Awesome because there was humor. The humor implemented was great because everyone in the movie had their moments. My personal favorite were the scenes between BB-8 and Boyega.
The first film delivered a lot to us, but the way it ended wanted many leaving more. However, that isn't a bad thing at all because this is what keeps us hyped for the sequel. If you dislike that, please understand this movie is a trilogy. It's giving us the essential points of the story piece by piece, eventually culminating into this big epic finale that will be all the more worth it in the end. Hopefully that happens, but I've got high hopes. Remember, you don't want to blow your load to quick. Your questions will be answered in a few years lol.
The cross light saber is no longer a retarded looking weapon. It's actually very cleverly designed and has an edge up against the normal one.
The Negatives
Personally, I don't have many flaws with the movie that come to mind. I guess one is that it's incredibly long, but I complain way too much about that.
The Starkiller Base was the Death Star 3.0. Seriously, that's pretty much what it serves as. And the way it was handled was very similar to A New Hope too.
There are certain parallels between this movie and A New Hope. A new Jedi coming into the scene that requires a mentor, Death Star 3.0 (or whatever), etc. But that doesn't mean that the film can't stand on its own. It's a solid movie.
Overall: The Force Awakens certainly lived up to its hype. I was one of those douchebags that was going to laugh if it didn't live up to its hype, but now here I am enjoying the living shit out of this movie and I can't wait for the sequels. I honestly enjoyed this Star Wars movie a lot more than A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. The thing is this one was more entertaining and contained references that were great. If you're a die hard Star Wars fan, then you're going to die happy knowing that The Force Awakens is epic. Don't be one of those stupid assholes that complain about the movie because they want to. Take the movie for what it's doing, because it does it well. My final grade for The Force Awakens is...
Grade: A (almost A+, for some reason I couldn't give it that).
I'm in the minority that didn't like this lol, most of the peeps on IMDb hate my opinion but there are a few who agree with me.
idk, It was fun but I personally felt like it was just a predictable rehash that seemed like a fanfic. I'm not trying to ruin it for anyone and I respect others opinions but this just didn't click with me (At least John Boyega didn't annoy me since I was predicting he was gonna give a terrible performance)
Don't be one of those stupid assholes that complain about the movie because they want to.
That is what I literally say to people ALL the time with movies I like but others hate on...Well then... I guess that's how you must see me on this :P
Star Wars: The Force Awakens review
I'm not gonna lie I'm not really a big fanatic of the Star Wars franchise. I've only seen A New H… moreope and The Empire Strikes Back, which are both great sci-fi films. But the thing is they never impacted me as much as those who are big fans of the franchise. I went into The Force Awakens with an open mind, and it exploded with the sheer amount of epic that this movie screams.
The Force Awakens is directed by J.J. Abrams, and it stars a whole new cast of actors along with some reoccurring ones. The plot follows our new, amazing protagonist Rey (Daisy Ridley), who is a strong willed and independent scavenger living on the planet of Jakku. Along the way she comes across a Stormtrooper named Finn (John Boyega), who has abandoned his division with the First Order as he witnesses something that made him question himself. They soon stumble across the beloved Han Solo, and what unravels next is an epic spac… [view original content]
Nah man you're entitled to your opinion. As long as you aren't whining about it.
John Boyega had some really good moments. I do have to admit that he overacted in some scenes, but other than that I really liked him. I'm worried about what's going to happen to him in the later movies though. Don't kill the black guy again please.
Calling it fanfic is pretty low because fanfic is garbage general. Well that's in my eyes because they can pull some random bullshit with fanfic. Still, the movie is solid and perfectly stands on it's own. Probably in the minority saying I enjoyed it more than the Empire Strikes Back lol.
Muthafuckin Hateful Eight dude!!! Hearing lots of great things as usual. Best Christmas present ever, amirite?
Also, you should see Spotlight, which I reviewed yesterday. I'm not sure if someone of your tastes will enjoy it, but it's definitely worth the watch.
I'm in the minority that didn't like this lol, most of the peeps on IMDb hate my opinion but there are a few who agree with me.
idk, It w… moreas fun but I personally felt like it was just a predictable rehash that seemed like a fanfic. I'm not trying to ruin it for anyone and I respect others opinions but this just didn't click with me (At least John Boyega didn't annoy me since I was predicting he was gonna give a terrible performance)
Don't be one of those stupid assholes that complain about the movie because they want to.
That is what I literally say to people ALL the time with movies I like but others hate on...Well then... I guess that's how you must see me on this :P
Onto the Hateful Eight for me then...
Nah man you're entitled to your opinion. As long as you aren't whining about it.
As you can tell, I'm in IMDb defense mode lol.
John Boyega had some really good moments. I do have to admit that he overacted in some scenes, but other than that I really liked him. I'm worried about what's going to happen to him in the later movies though. Don't kill the black guy again please.
Again, I was predicting he was gonna deliver every line terribly and be the new Hayden Christensen of this trilogy but thankfully I actually liked him.
Calling it fanfic is pretty low because fanfic is garbage general. Well that's in my eyes because they can pull some random bullshit with fanfic. Still, the movie is solid and perfectly stands on it's own. Probably in the minority saying I enjoyed it more than the Empire Strikes Back lol.
Well, I've actually seen some good fanfic but still, In my reviews I've said that personally, it just felt like some uncanon fanfic- idk why, it's just the feel I had.
Can't wait for Hateful Eight I'm getting more and more confident about it-I'm hoping I can say it's in my Tarantino's top 3 and maybe my fav. What do you think "my tastes" are lol (I think mostly action XD but I do like other stuff) Spotlight looks interesting and I've heard good things about it but I was thinking of checking out the Big Short eventually.
Nah man you're entitled to your opinion. As long as you aren't whining about it.
John Boyega had some really good moments. I do have to a… moredmit that he overacted in some scenes, but other than that I really liked him. I'm worried about what's going to happen to him in the later movies though. Don't kill the black guy again please.
Calling it fanfic is pretty low because fanfic is garbage general. Well that's in my eyes because they can pull some random bullshit with fanfic. Still, the movie is solid and perfectly stands on it's own. Probably in the minority saying I enjoyed it more than the Empire Strikes Back lol.
Muthafuckin Hateful Eight dude!!! Hearing lots of great things as usual. Best Christmas present ever, amirite?
Also, you should see Spotlight, which I reviewed yesterday. I'm not sure if someone of your tastes will enjoy it, but it's definitely worth the watch.
Well yea I was mostly referring to those big action movies you like oh so much lol. I was just thinking that Spotlight isn't the kind of movie for everyone. When I saw it, I thought I was going to hate it. That hate transitioned to high liking because of the revealing information. That and my friends watching seemed like they were bored as hell throughout.
Nah man you're entitled to your opinion. As long as you aren't whining about it.
As you can tell, I'm in IMDb defense mode lol.
… more John Boyega had some really good moments. I do have to admit that he overacted in some scenes, but other than that I really liked him. I'm worried about what's going to happen to him in the later movies though. Don't kill the black guy again please.
Again, I was predicting he was gonna deliver every line terribly and be the new Hayden Christensen of this trilogy but thankfully I actually liked him.
Calling it fanfic is pretty low because fanfic is garbage general. Well that's in my eyes because they can pull some random bullshit with fanfic. Still, the movie is solid and perfectly stands on it's own. Probably in the minority saying I enjoyed it more than the Empire Strikes Back lol.
Well, I've actually seen some good fanfic but still, In my reviews I've said that personally, it ju… [view original content]
Yea Fury Road I started to like less and less as the year went on because I saw more films that impacted me on a higher level. I bet people all over are going to call it Movie of the Year. Expect Wathcmojo to name it number one. Still a fine film, just basic when compared to others I've seen.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens review
I'm not gonna lie I'm not really a big fanatic of the Star Wars franchise. I've only seen A New H… moreope and The Empire Strikes Back, which are both great sci-fi films. But the thing is they never impacted me as much as those who are big fans of the franchise. I went into The Force Awakens with an open mind, and it exploded with the sheer amount of epic that this movie screams.
The Force Awakens is directed by J.J. Abrams, and it stars a whole new cast of actors along with some reoccurring ones. The plot follows our new, amazing protagonist Rey (Daisy Ridley), who is a strong willed and independent scavenger living on the planet of Jakku. Along the way she comes across a Stormtrooper named Finn (John Boyega), who has abandoned his division with the First Order as he witnesses something that made him question himself. They soon stumble across the beloved Han Solo, and what unravels next is an epic spac… [view original content]
Hmm. My opinion on Spotlight has changed a little bit as I thought more about it. I'm beginning to appreciate it a lot more than I originally did despite its intro. When the film becomes available on Blu-Ray, it's a film that I'll definitely be buying.
Well shit... The Hateful Eight has been leaked....… moreilm/news/hateful-eight-revenant-leak-watch-online-1201666010/
Hopefully it won't affect it that much...
Well shit... The Hateful Eight has been leaked....… moreilm/news/hateful-eight-revenant-leak-watch-online-1201666010/
Hopefully it won't affect it that much...
I bet Hateful Eight will be added and I'm not feeling a hundred percent confident about this but I guess it's a rough draft.
* Jurassic… more World
* Kingsman: The Secret Service
* Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
* The Martian
* The Man From U.N.C.L.E
* The Gift
* Spy
* No Escape
* It Follows
* Furious 7
I bet Hateful Eight will be added and I'm not feeling a hundred percent confident about this but I guess it's a rough draft.
* Jurassic… more World
* Kingsman: The Secret Service
* Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
* The Martian
* The Man From U.N.C.L.E
* The Gift
* Spy
* No Escape
* It Follows
* Furious 7
Sicario is directed by Denis Villeneuve, and it stars Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin, and Benicio Del Toro. The film follows Emily Blunt, an FBI SWAT member who is brought in by Brolin, a CIA Operator who needs her help taking down a big drug cartel in the city of Juarez. Along the way they run in to the best thing that ever happened to this movie, Benicio Del Toro who is a mysterious fellow.
The Positives
Performance wise, everyone did well. Emily Blunt and Josh Brolin were really good. They weren't outstanding or anything, but were solid nonetheless. Benicio Del Toro on the other hand was the best part of this film. He is a complete badass. If his character weren't present, then I think the movie wouldn't have been as good.
Sicario perfectly captures it's dark themes as it takes place in one of the worst cities in the entire world. Juarez, Mexico. Denis was able to show us this dark, sinister underbelly of the awful city. You see mutilated corpses hanging from light posts for all to see, firefights are on a constant rampage throughout the city. And you can see that this is nothing new as many never bat an eye. The movie gives us a feeling that there is absolutely no hope, and that no one is a winner. What the movie tells me is that it's certainly a disturbing world we live in.
The Negatives
Sicario was an immense let down for me. Many critics praise the movie for its cinematography and directing, but I honestly was not wowed by it. Yes, many wide shots capturing the scenery, an intense scene that takes place on a highway. But that's it. THAT ONE SCENE, and another that I won't spoil because its great. Other than that, that's it! I really don't like the route the movie takes with its plot, because it starts off as one thing and eventually culminates into something else by the end. While I did like the 3rd act, I can't help but feel everything else in the movie was filler, or otherwise completely irrelevant! It starts off as a drug bust, but eventually transitions into this revenge tale which was far more interesting than the drug cartel. The first hour or so was a fucking snooze fest. There was not a single thing memorable about it except maybe the first 20 minutes. Honestly, if this movie had focused more on certain characters, and be more like a revenge movie, then I would've enjoyed it a lot more. Maybe I just didn't understand the subtext of the movie, or maybe I'm just completely stupid. But with what the film presented to me, I stand on my points.
Like I said, snooze fest in the first hour. Holy hell I was more bored here than in Spotlight, and that movie didn't need any action to get to where it's going. It presents itself as an "action-thriller," but there's little to no action here. There are moments where things get suspenseful, but that's far and few between each segment.
Lots of scenes where shit is about to hit the fan are extremely abrupt. For example, lets say an epic action sequence was about to happen between two rivals. The build up is intense, you see that these two characters are ready to throw down, and you want to SEE how well of a fight they're going to put up. Then the movie skips the entire fight and goes straight to the aftermath. I FUCKING HATE THAT, and that happens many times in this film. I kept thinking, "Ohhh shit's about to get down. Let's get to the nitty gritty. Wait, that was it! C'MON!"
Overall: Sicario was one of the biggest disappointments of the year along with Spectre. It does have good acting, and an interesting third act. My main problem with this movie is the build up to the finale was extremely weak, and not well executed. It felt like a complete waste of time! I feel like they should've taken a different route with its story. I may see this movie again to see if my understanding changes, but as of now, my final grade for Sicario is:
I was expecting typical Tarantino until one of my friends who saw it told me it is WAY more intense than his other movies (Something about an explicit sex scene oral sex scene between two men...) I'm hoping that Tarantino didn't go too far here but that might explain why critics seem to be mixed about this if he put his usual gore and action ahead of story.... for fucks sake Quienten- why u do this to urself?
Well... I'm seeing the Hateful Eight today lol
I was expecting typical Tarantino until one of my friends who saw it told me it is WAY mor… moree intense than his other movies (Something about an explicit sex scene oral sex scene between two men...) I'm hoping that Tarantino didn't go too far here but that might explain why critics seem to be mixed about this if he put his usual gore and action ahead of story.... for fucks sake Quienten- why u do this to urself?
... What the fuck. You're joking right? OH GOD I DONT WANNA SEE THAT.
Yeah... I'm kinda nervous about that (If it involves Jackson, Russel, or Madesen, then I'm gonna be pissed...)
Also, I heard that there's gonna be an intermission in the middle or something since it's like 3 hours long
Wow, what a coincidence. I'm seeing it today too.
From the YouTube reviewers I'm hearing lots of great stuff in terms of story, characte… morers, etc. so I think it will be good.
Oral sex scene Between two men
... What the fuck. You're joking right? OH GOD I DONT WANNA SEE THAT.
still gonna see the movie tho
... What the fuck. You're joking right? OH GOD I DONT WANNA SEE THAT.
Yeah... I'm kinda nervous about that (If it involves Jackson, … moreRussel, or Madesen, then I'm gonna be pissed...)
Also, I heard that there's gonna be an intermission in the middle or something since it's like 3 hours long
Idk, I didn't here about it in my specific theater but a reviewer said there was for them. And I've heard about intermissions for long older movies, I haven't seen it though recently.
Yea if it's among the bad ass actors without reasoning other than shock value I'm not gonna be happy.
An intermission in a movie? Never seen that before. Maybe because yours is different?
Yea if it's among the bad ass actors without reasoning other than shock value I'm not gonna be happy.
An intermission in a movie? Never seen that before. Maybe because yours is different?
Oh shit dude. Awesome! Tarantino never ceases to amaze. Still a little iffy about the oral scene, but I'll see. Seeing it at 4PM. Can't fucking wait!!!
In the intermission right now. I am LOVING this and the whole oral thing actually caused my audience to laugh lol.
Can't wait for the 2nd part to start...
Meh, as soon as Channing Tatum showed up it started to sink in my opinion and the 3rd act could have been a lot better but overall I enjoyed it and I think it ranks in the upper part of my ranking of Tarantino' s movies.
Oh shit dude. Awesome! Tarantino never ceases to amaze. Still a little iffy about the oral scene, but I'll see. Seeing it at 4PM. Can't fucking wait!!!
Hateful Eight clips:
Saw Krampus on Friday. IMO it was terrible and dumb, I thought I was getting something that's actually creepy and interesting, but it's just filled with cliches and stupid jokes.
2.5/10 the only part I liked was the aunt and the fat kid. They were hilarious.
Of course something like Krampus would be filled with that stuff. Honestly, I don't think it's taking itself seriously. JeremyJahns' rating of "A Good Time if You're Drunk," is the perfect description for this movie.
Yeah, but none of that dumb shit was in the trailer. It looked really dark and eerie, just like The Visit which is a whole other rant.
Lots of trailers do mislead, but you can't really be serious with movies like Krampus or The Visit. C'mon, the name Krampus to start with sounds like it should be a comedy. I actually got the impression that Krampus would be a horror comedy. Had a bit of the same feeling for The Visit. C'mon, 2 old ass geezers? What the hell's scary about that?
Come to think of it, Crimson Peak pulled the same thing. But after seeing Hiddleston's face, I knew it was going to be more romance than horror.
Spotlight review
Spotlight is directed by Tom McCarthy and tells the true story of the investigative journalist team "Spotlight," who bring light to a molestation scandal against the Catholic Church in Boston. The cast that investigates this story are Michael Keaton, the beautiful Rachel McAdams, Mark Ruffalo, and Liev Schrieber among many recognizable faces. If you want to get the best experience out of this movie, I suggest not looking too much into it as the movie unravels this extremely dark and unsettling molestation case revolving around the Catholic Church.
The Positives
The Spotlight team has amazing chemistry with each other, and the dialogue was cleverly written. The way they act and feel feels completely genuine. One member who stands out the most is Mark Ruffalo as he is the one who shows the greatest amount of care on the case. Not saying that the rest don't because they most certainly do, but Ruffalo shows the most emotion stating that those within the Catholic Church have been getting away with their evil deeds for so long, now's the time to take action. We could really resonate with Ruffalo because once we learn what's going on, we can't help but feel angry. Another great thing about the cast is the way the movie portrays them. Thankfully, the Spotlight team isn't a bunch of biased assholes who only cover what they want. No, they give the public reality. They give them the truth. They don't do what they do for recognition, they do it because it's right.
The absolute best part of this film is it's story. Yea yea it's based on true events, but not all of these true events in movies are interesting. With the story revolving around molestation charges, we'll think, "Oh man that's awful, but what else is new?" But the film doesn't just talk about it. It dissects it to it's core, all the way to its bone marrow. The film is essentially bringing light to shocking information, telling us that this sort of evil can be closer to home than you think. It's telling us the harsh truth that evil can easily hide among the good, and we're just letting it happen. Many of the scenes in the film felt absolutely haunting as the team digs deeper and deeper into the case. If there was one word to describe what was going on, it would be horrific. Not the movie, but the true events.
You're going to constantly hear them say the term Spotlight, and with that I kept thinking to myself: "Roll Credits!" like 10 times.
The Negatives
I'm going to be brash with this. The beginning is so god damn fucking boring. It is horrendously slow. It took so long for the movie to finally find it's direction, despite knowing what it's about. But if you can endure the slow start, then you're in for a treat. The film was a little too long for it's own good. I feel like if they had cut down on certain points in the beginning, the film would've been a little better. I really really hate it when movies that are 2 hours feel like 4.
This may not necessarily be a bad thing, but this film is potential Oscar b8. The movie may only cater to a select few of you, cause these types of films are definitely not for everyone.
Overall: Spotlight is an absolutely haunting movie about true and honest people bringing justice to those who deserve it. Although I did serve in the church as a kid, I was never religious myself. I felt like I only did it because my parents told me to. Nothing happened to me, but what's scary is to think that any of us who have served in a church before could've been potential victims. And what's even worse is to realize how many of them are. On top of that, not many people do shit about it! This is the kind of movie that I have to give time, and let it sink in to my system. It's a film that helps you realize how easy it is for those of a higher stature to manipulate others. But I don't know if I'll be able to endure those horrendously boring 30 mins all over again. Like I said, this movie isn't for everyone. As a matter of fact go see Star Wars. I didn't see it today because it fucking sold out near me. But don't underestimate this gem of a movie. My final grade is:
Grade: A
Also keep in mind not to completely antagonize the Catholic Church and other priests. Just because there are a few bad apples in the bunch, doesn't mean there aren't any good ones.
On December 26th, (or another date) im gonna go see Star wars The Force Awakens.
Sweet. I'm seeing it tomorrow because The Hateful Eight is on Christmas.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens review
I'm not gonna lie I'm not really a big fanatic of the Star Wars franchise. I've only seen A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, which are both great sci-fi films. But the thing is they never impacted me as much as those who are big fans of the franchise. I went into The Force Awakens with an open mind, and it exploded with the sheer amount of epic that this movie screams.
The Force Awakens is directed by J.J. Abrams, and it stars a whole new cast of actors along with some reoccurring ones. The plot follows our new, amazing protagonist Rey (Daisy Ridley), who is a strong willed and independent scavenger living on the planet of Jakku. Along the way she comes across a Stormtrooper named Finn (John Boyega), who has abandoned his division with the First Order as he witnesses something that made him question himself. They soon stumble across the beloved Han Solo, and what unravels next is an epic space adventure with a bunch of "Ohh", "Ahhhh," and "OMG" occurring throughout.
The Positives
The Force Awakens is one of the most entertaining movies of the year, no doubt about it. It's a beautiful thrill ride filled with amazingly choreographed action sequences. And the reason why these action sequences are so great is because they were choreographed by the two men behind The Raid action movie franchise. If you know about them, then I salute you because they know how to make action riveting. They know how to make it hard hitting. Oh man when I saw these two come on screen I screamed on the inside because I knew the battles would look stunning. And that's not the only thing that looks stunning. The cinematography, the settings are amazing. Certain shots of the film I found absolutely breathtaking because they look REAL. There was CG implemented, for sure. But Abrams was able to make it look like it was really there. One of the most beautiful films I've seen all year.
With the new cast of characters, I was a little worried that the performances would fall flat. I was scared that they would repeat themselves with the prequels. I was dead wrong because Ridley & Boyega nail spot on performances. The one who steals the show, along with my heart is Ridley. A stoic badass, whose character changes and develops into becoming an even bigger one by the end. Boyega was my second favorite because of his energetic demeanor. The little circular droid, BB-8, is the cutest little guy I've ever seen. Thank god he wasn't an annoying little shit. He was so cute and cuddly, that I want to hug him and tell him everything's going to work out. If I see a little BB-8 toy in a store, I'm buying it right off the bat. And of course, the cast from the original trilogy is back as well. Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Princess Leia are all back, and are of course great. However they could've been easily there just for fan service. Thankfully, their fame doesn't ride along the fact that they were in the previous movies. No, they have strong relevancy to the plot in many ways. And the main villain, Kylo Ren. Yea, now that right there is a threatening villain. He's a little whiny, but at the same time intimidating. Plus, he's not generic bad guy that wants to be bad because... well it's bad. (Kinda like the villain in Ant-Man). He has a backstory that's interesting, and has a holy shit reveal. Besides, this is just the beginning. I can't wait to see what they have in store for us later on.
Script = Awesome because there was humor. The humor implemented was great because everyone in the movie had their moments. My personal favorite were the scenes between BB-8 and Boyega.
The first film delivered a lot to us, but the way it ended wanted many leaving more. However, that isn't a bad thing at all because this is what keeps us hyped for the sequel. If you dislike that, please understand this movie is a trilogy. It's giving us the essential points of the story piece by piece, eventually culminating into this big epic finale that will be all the more worth it in the end. Hopefully that happens, but I've got high hopes. Remember, you don't want to blow your load to quick.
Your questions will be answered in a few years lol.
The cross light saber is no longer a retarded looking weapon. It's actually very cleverly designed and has an edge up against the normal one.
The Negatives
Personally, I don't have many flaws with the movie that come to mind. I guess one is that it's incredibly long, but I complain way too much about that.
The Starkiller Base was the Death Star 3.0. Seriously, that's pretty much what it serves as. And the way it was handled was very similar to A New Hope too.
There are certain parallels between this movie and A New Hope. A new Jedi coming into the scene that requires a mentor, Death Star 3.0 (or whatever), etc. But that doesn't mean that the film can't stand on its own. It's a solid movie.
Overall: The Force Awakens certainly lived up to its hype. I was one of those douchebags that was going to laugh if it didn't live up to its hype, but now here I am enjoying the living shit out of this movie and I can't wait for the sequels. I honestly enjoyed this Star Wars movie a lot more than A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. The thing is this one was more entertaining and contained references that were great. If you're a die hard Star Wars fan, then you're going to die happy knowing that The Force Awakens is epic. Don't be one of those stupid assholes that complain about the movie because they want to. Take the movie for what it's doing, because it does it well. My final grade for The Force Awakens is...
Grade: A (almost A+, for some reason I couldn't give it that).
I'm in the minority that didn't like this lol, most of the peeps on IMDb hate my opinion but there are a few who agree with me.
idk, It was fun but I personally felt like it was just a predictable rehash that seemed like a fanfic. I'm not trying to ruin it for anyone and I respect others opinions but this just didn't click with me (At least John Boyega didn't annoy me since I was predicting he was gonna give a terrible performance)
That is what I literally say to people ALL the time with movies I like but others hate on...Well then... I guess that's how you must see me on this :P
Onto the Hateful Eight for me then...
Nah man you're entitled to your opinion. As long as you aren't whining about it.
John Boyega had some really good moments. I do have to admit that he overacted in some scenes, but other than that I really liked him. I'm worried about what's going to happen to him in the later movies though. Don't kill the black guy again please.
Calling it fanfic is pretty low because fanfic is garbage general. Well that's in my eyes because they can pull some random bullshit with fanfic. Still, the movie is solid and perfectly stands on it's own. Probably in the minority saying I enjoyed it more than the Empire Strikes Back lol.
Muthafuckin Hateful Eight dude!!! Hearing lots of great things as usual. Best Christmas present ever, amirite?
Also, you should see Spotlight, which I reviewed yesterday. I'm not sure if someone of your tastes will enjoy it, but it's definitely worth the watch.
As you can tell, I'm in IMDb defense mode lol.
Again, I was predicting he was gonna deliver every line terribly and be the new Hayden Christensen of this trilogy but thankfully I actually liked him.
Well, I've actually seen some good fanfic but still, In my reviews I've said that personally, it just felt like some uncanon fanfic- idk why, it's just the feel I had.
Can't wait for Hateful Eight
I'm getting more and more confident about it-I'm hoping I can say it's in my Tarantino's top 3 and maybe my fav. What do you think "my tastes" are lol (I think mostly action XD but I do like other stuff) Spotlight looks interesting and I've heard good things about it but I was thinking of checking out the Big Short eventually.
Well yea I was mostly referring to those big action movies you like oh so much lol. I was just thinking that Spotlight isn't the kind of movie for everyone. When I saw it, I thought I was going to hate it. That hate transitioned to high liking because of the revealing information. That and my friends watching seemed like they were bored as hell throughout.
I recently saw Mad Max, Ant-Man, Dope & Southpaw. I liked all except Mad Max, just was not feeling it.
I get why you didn't like Mad Max, personally I've never liked any of them.
Yea Fury Road I started to like less and less as the year went on because I saw more films that impacted me on a higher level. I bet people all over are going to call it Movie of the Year. Expect Wathcmojo to name it number one. Still a fine film, just basic when compared to others I've seen.
This movie was fricken awesome. I give it an A.
Fo sho
Hmm. My opinion on Spotlight has changed a little bit as I thought more about it. I'm beginning to appreciate it a lot more than I originally did despite its intro. When the film becomes available on Blu-Ray, it's a film that I'll definitely be buying.
Well shit... The Hateful Eight has been leaked....
Hopefully it won't affect it that much...
So much bad luck with Tarantino right now.
By the way, the end of the year is coming.
Gonna need to see a little more films to get my official Top 10. What are yours so far?
I bet Hateful Eight will be added and I'm not feeling a hundred percent confident about this but I guess it's a rough draft.
Jurassic World
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
The Martian
The Man From U.N.C.L.E
The Gift
No Escape
It Follows
Furious 7
Nice. I bet The Hateful Eight will be on mine too.
My list so far in no order. I'll arrange it as I see more.
Straight Outta Compton
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Gift
Inside Out
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
The Martian
Kingsmen: The Secret Service
I like age of ultron ,antman, and jurrassic world. I have yet to see star wars the force awakens
Spy was hilariously good.
Spectre was awful.
Spy was good.
Spectre was disappointing.
Sicario review
Sicario is directed by Denis Villeneuve, and it stars Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin, and Benicio Del Toro. The film follows Emily Blunt, an FBI SWAT member who is brought in by Brolin, a CIA Operator who needs her help taking down a big drug cartel in the city of Juarez. Along the way they run in to the best thing that ever happened to this movie, Benicio Del Toro who is a mysterious fellow.
The Positives
Performance wise, everyone did well. Emily Blunt and Josh Brolin were really good. They weren't outstanding or anything, but were solid nonetheless. Benicio Del Toro on the other hand was the best part of this film. He is a complete badass. If his character weren't present, then I think the movie wouldn't have been as good.
Sicario perfectly captures it's dark themes as it takes place in one of the worst cities in the entire world. Juarez, Mexico. Denis was able to show us this dark, sinister underbelly of the awful city. You see mutilated corpses hanging from light posts for all to see, firefights are on a constant rampage throughout the city. And you can see that this is nothing new as many never bat an eye. The movie gives us a feeling that there is absolutely no hope, and that no one is a winner. What the movie tells me is that it's certainly a disturbing world we live in.
The Negatives
Sicario was an immense let down for me. Many critics praise the movie for its cinematography and directing, but I honestly was not wowed by it. Yes, many wide shots capturing the scenery, an intense scene that takes place on a highway. But that's it. THAT ONE SCENE, and another that I won't spoil because its great. Other than that, that's it! I really don't like the route the movie takes with its plot, because it starts off as one thing and eventually culminates into something else by the end. While I did like the 3rd act, I can't help but feel everything else in the movie was filler, or otherwise completely irrelevant! It starts off as a drug bust, but eventually transitions into this revenge tale which was far more interesting than the drug cartel. The first hour or so was a fucking snooze fest. There was not a single thing memorable about it except maybe the first 20 minutes. Honestly, if this movie had focused more on certain characters, and be more like a revenge movie, then I would've enjoyed it a lot more. Maybe I just didn't understand the subtext of the movie, or maybe I'm just completely stupid. But with what the film presented to me, I stand on my points.
Like I said, snooze fest in the first hour. Holy hell I was more bored here than in Spotlight, and that movie didn't need any action to get to where it's going. It presents itself as an "action-thriller," but there's little to no action here. There are moments where things get suspenseful, but that's far and few between each segment.
Lots of scenes where shit is about to hit the fan are extremely abrupt. For example, lets say an epic action sequence was about to happen between two rivals. The build up is intense, you see that these two characters are ready to throw down, and you want to SEE how well of a fight they're going to put up. Then the movie skips the entire fight and goes straight to the aftermath. I FUCKING HATE THAT, and that happens many times in this film. I kept thinking, "Ohhh shit's about to get down. Let's get to the nitty gritty. Wait, that was it! C'MON!"
Overall: Sicario was one of the biggest disappointments of the year along with Spectre. It does have good acting, and an interesting third act. My main problem with this movie is the build up to the finale was extremely weak, and not well executed. It felt like a complete waste of time! I feel like they should've taken a different route with its story. I may see this movie again to see if my understanding changes, but as of now, my final grade for Sicario is:
Grade: C
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Fuck yea.
Saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens last week, & here's my 'review':
1) Captain Phasma was overhyped & underwelming
2) Kylo Ren is officially my favourite Canon character (alongside Finn, Rey, BB-8, Mister Bones & Admiral Rae Sloane)
3) Luke Skywalker is both a Living McGuffin & Glorified Cameo (BEST. SCENE. EVER!!!
4) It was Exciting. Beautiful. Funny. Emotional!!
5) Snoke looks like some weird combo of Darth Plagueis, the engineers from Prometheus, and the Inquisitor from Star Wars Rebels
6) My ranking of all the films: Ep 7, 3, 5, 1, 6, 4, 2 (may change in the (near) Future)!!!
7) My Joint Number One - Luke turning to meet Rey, & Chewie's 'Berserker' mode, with other favourites include:
8) Congratulations, Well Done and cheer for Abrams, Kennedy, Disney and LucasFilm for making such a brilliant film!!!
And now to end this 'review' on a happy, joyous note:
Well... I'm seeing the Hateful Eight today lol
I was expecting typical Tarantino until one of my friends who saw it told me it is WAY more intense than his other movies (Something about an explicit sex scene oral sex scene between two men...) I'm hoping that Tarantino didn't go too far here but that might explain why critics seem to be mixed about this if he put his usual gore and action ahead of story.... for fucks sake Quienten- why u do this to urself?
Wow, what a coincidence. I'm seeing it today too.
From the YouTube reviewers I'm hearing lots of great stuff in terms of story, characters, etc. so I think it will be good.
... What the fuck. You're joking right? OH GOD I DONT WANNA SEE THAT.
still gonna see the movie tho
Yeah... I'm kinda nervous about that (If it involves Jackson, Russel, or Madesen, then I'm gonna be pissed...)
Also, I heard that there's gonna be an intermission in the middle or something since it's like 3 hours long
Yea if it's among the bad ass actors without reasoning other than shock value I'm not gonna be happy.
An intermission in a movie? Never seen that before. Maybe because yours is different?
Idk, I didn't here about it in my specific theater but a reviewer said there was for them. And I've heard about intermissions for long older movies, I haven't seen it though recently.
In the intermission right now. I am LOVING this and the whole oral thing actually caused my audience to laugh lol.
Can't wait for the 2nd part to start...
Oh shit dude. Awesome! Tarantino never ceases to amaze.
Still a little iffy about the oral scene, but I'll see. Seeing it at 4PM. Can't fucking wait!!!
Just got out of the Theater
Meh, as soon as Channing Tatum showed up it started to sink in my opinion and the 3rd act could have been a lot better but overall I enjoyed it and I think it ranks in the upper part of my ranking of Tarantino' s movies.