PREY 4 *****
I think that Rubens death was unnecessary and pointless all those choices I made to protect him and now he's dead. I love Telltale so much I own every single one of their games since TWD and Iet them get away with killing my favourite characters off because of this. But this time Telltale must resurrect Ruben he was my favourite and he made the game enjoyable for me but now I don't really feel like playing the game when EP 5 is released but I will just to see if Ruben returns or not. I feel this may be possible because when Ruben is dying when you say your final words it will say "Ruben will remember that..." and has 3 full stops is that indicating he will return and also the title of episode 5 is "Order Up" it is very likely this is a reference to Ruben so maybe he returns, there are many creative ways he could return it's minecraft lol and Telltale please bring him back you aren't that cold hearted (close but not that bad) so everyone Please help Ruben return and PERY 4 RUBEN!!!
R.I.P for now Ruben.
I think there will be a BS way in episode 5 to bring back all the dead, including Roob'n.
Carly from Walking Dead says hi.
However, I think it says "Rueben will be remembered...", not that he will "remember that."
Honestly Rueben's death is probably the best part of the game. It was surprisingly emotional, obviously not as much as Walking Dead, but having him just disappear and become a porkchop was sad. Also the line delivery of the "Im here." was extremely well done.
LOL Rueben died?!?! Good riddance
now time for bacon or a rueben sandwich.
You sir are a bad person.
You are evil.
Reuben is gone but not from our hearts
I hope that we get to make Reuben a deceased member of the order because he was a true legend