Reuben is a Hero...

enter image description hereI think Three things in episode Five:
1; I think Reuben will come back because it says in the left corner reuben will be remembered... so i think if a command block can let the ender dragon go away it can let the little hero come back right?
2; i also think that they will fight the ender dragon for real because the command block let the ender dragon go away so when its destoyed it might have spawn again don't you think so? (maybe the last survived members of the order of the stone would fight with them)
PS: if reuben will be back, ill will cry because of happiness!!!
3; he would have peaces of the command block (if its possible) and make a wish that all the falled people and creature's come back.


  • Ur on about crying when he comes back. I'm a 22 year old grown ass man and Reuben died I was balling in tears for a good 20 minutes. I could of handled the death of any of the other characters. Hell, I wasn't even bothered when Magnus died but why kill Reuben why?

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  • I agree 100%

    adamreed44 posted: »

    Ur on about crying when he comes back. I'm a 22 year old grown ass man and Reuben died I was balling in tears for a good 20 minutes. I could

  • If they use the command block to revive Reuben but not Magnus/Ellegaard, I will question their priorities.

  • It would be lovely but the command block was destroyed, but I kept Ellegaard who was trying to create a command block, maybe she could fufil her legacy

  • I had a small tear drop from my eye when i saw Reuben dying on the floor. But at least he died a hero.

  • Same but I had to wipe it away because I was around my family and if they saw a pig dying, to sum it up my family are assholes

    Smellmeh posted: »

    I had a small tear drop from my eye when i saw Reuben dying on the floor. But at least he died a hero.

  • I was skeptical until the very end. I was thinking "c'mon, this is a soft story, they wouldn't do it", and then... Reuben turned into porkchop... I was devastated.

  • Yeah i still thought he may actually survive because he seemed to be doing ok but then he died so sad

    zingarelli posted: »

    I was skeptical until the very end. I was thinking "c'mon, this is a soft story, they wouldn't do it", and then... Reuben turned into porkchop... I was devastated.

  • edited December 2015

    I Was Playing It My Brother Was Behind Me Watching When The Wither Storm died And Gabriel Remeber's Everything And Petra's Sickness Is Gone I Said Woooo Hooo But When I Saw Reuben I Said:No no no This Isn't Happening Then When He Died I Was Going To Cry But My Brother Was Behind Me I Said In My Mind:Oh Man I Don't Wanna Cry In Front Of My Brother I Was Going To Cry But I Holded My Tears With My Eye And Then I Didn't Cry But I Was Nearly Nearly Nearly Nearly Was Going To Cry See What I Posted At Google+

  • This thread should be labeled as a spoiler....

    That said, Reuben dying is the first time I felt emotional sadness playing a video game. When he fell down the pit, I was like whoa, I can't believe Reuben died. Then when Jesse fell, too, and landed in water, I figured Reuben would be okay. Then Reuben grunts and moans and turns into a pork chop and my mouth dropped open and I was sad.

    I see point 2 being the case as episode 4 made us realize the Ender Dragon is still alive out there, somewhere.

  • SAME.

    Same but I had to wipe it away because I was around my family and if they saw a pig dying, to sum it up my family are assholes

  • I AM STILL crying about Reuben.
    Reuben is a Hero!
    Reuben is my Hero!
    Reuben is our hero!
    why tell tale games do this to us its not funny its for ages 10 and up why so dramatic its only sad.
    well i hope its something to do with Reuben and not the enderdragon because the commandblock took the ender dragon away then it also has been spawnt again maybe i hope not...

  • *was...
    Yeah, but chances are low, ttg makes the players cry. Ttg WANTS us go cry, they wont give us a reason to be happy on a topic on which we cried (i.e. HE WONT.BE.BACK)

  • Ttg can kill Lee, they can do anything. Wonder how they kept ****** from dying in TFTB Finale

    I AM STILL crying about Reuben. Reuben is a Hero! Reuben is my Hero! Reuben is our hero! why tell tale games do this to us its not funny

  • If a Command Block could bring things back from the dead, wouldn't that have been mentioned at some point? I mean how long has Soren had it for?

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