What?!?!?! And you don't say it to me?!?!?! I am shame. Merry Christmas tho and thx for rejecting my favor. I am not a creeper ok. @RockMySocks can prove it :^) heheuehheuehehehue
What?!?!?! And you don't say it to me?!?!?! I am shame. Merry Christmas tho and thx for rejecting my favor. I am not a creeper ok. @RockMySocks can prove it :^) heheuehheuehehehue
Good luck with the laptop. I got a laptop as an early Christmas gift from my grandma and it already has problems where the volume gets distorted after a while.
Good luck with the laptop. I got a laptop as an early Christmas gift from my grandma and it already has problems where the volume gets distorted after a while.
Well I still got a few hours till I see what else I got if anything. Ether way I'm more excited to give than to get. I bought my dad slippers and my mom a mini divers helmet. (She sort of collects Sea creature and steampunk things)
Nah, you don't have to give me anything.
I don't really care if I will get presents or not. I'm actually happy with what I actually have ^w^
So you can keep your parts or whatever you have to give me xP
2 pairs of pants
2 shirts
A duvet
A coat
Various candy
Body wash
Bluetooth headphones that come with a wire so I can connect to something not Bluetooth
The complete collections of Calvin & Hobbes and The Far Side
You should check out Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse if you don't mind puzzles. It's from when Telltale was in the middle of moving from puzzle to cinematic titles, so it's like the best of both worlds! Oh, and check out the Poker Night series and Puzzle Agent games too! There are a bunch of super underrated gems from before Telltale became super popular and mainstream with Walking Dead!
Ugly Christmas sweaters, bury me in a shallow grave Lottii pls.
At least you'll be warm... xD
I got some body wash and Atlanta Falcons hoodie and lounge pants so far.
I had nothing
Merry Christmas, Winter!
What?!?!?! And you don't say it to me?!?!?! I am shame. Merry Christmas tho and thx for rejecting my favor. I am not a creeper ok. @RockMySocks can prove it :^) heheuehheuehehehue
I got some paper clips and a subway coupon.....
Lmao, Sorry about that Officail!
Merry Christmas, from side hoe number 6!
Edit: I am side hoe number 6, right?
Dope-looking sneakers, cologne and an Iphone 6s.
Merry Christmas everyone!
And I got a PS4 along with the Uncharted collection and The Last of Us! As well as a few chocolates haha ^^
New laptop, COD Black Ops 3, Assassin's Creed Syndicate and the original Fallout for PC.
Good luck with the laptop. I got a laptop as an early Christmas gift from my grandma and it already has problems where the volume gets distorted after a while.
What type do you have? Mine's a Lenovo one, but I can't remember the exact model. I'll check what it's called later on.
Well, just like in every Christmas, I got nothing ;_;
Although, I don't really mind to be honest. ;P
If I could I would ship myself in a box and send myself to Greece, I would.
I love you that much!
Awww... :33
Aw, I love you, too

Edit: Lmao I love Asher's grin so much... help... ;-;
Well I still got a few hours till I see what else I got if anything. Ether way I'm more excited to give than to get. I bought my dad slippers and my mom a mini divers helmet. (She sort of collects Sea creature and steampunk things)
Haha, yeah! Can't wait to set it up after lunch
I wouldn't be able to send myself to Greece but maybe I could give you my ear or something?
Nah, you don't have to give me anything.
I don't really care if I will get presents or not. I'm actually happy with what I actually have ^w^
So you can keep your parts or whatever you have to give me xP
Oh. I just cut off my ear for nothing.
Lesson No1: Never cut off your body parts (ears, fingers etc.) so you can send them before you get a reply.
(?) Brodester has bled out.
(?) Well... shit.
Not really like "got it",but I'm getting it..eventually :V
Some chocolate and a gift certificate.
A plenty of chocolate, some cash and a hunter-case fob watch altogether. Not a bad line up in my book.
New PC, New phone, Lots of shit from HMV.
Borderlands GOTY
3 Month X-Box Live
New Hat
New Fishing Rod
Beats Headphones
I know I got spoiled this year :P
Zap, me and you MUST play Borderlands 2 GOTY together
And don't forget me, I might be able to play today.
Vincent Van Gogh?
I can't paint for shit, so no.
2 pairs of pants
2 shirts
A duvet
A coat
Various candy
Body wash
Bluetooth headphones that come with a wire so I can connect to something not Bluetooth
The complete collections of Calvin & Hobbes and The Far Side
Literally nothing ;-;
Welcome to the club, bruh.
Okay,hit me up after Jan 27
Bought the Telltale collection?
You should check out Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse if you don't mind puzzles. It's from when Telltale was in the middle of moving from puzzle to cinematic titles, so it's like the best of both worlds! Oh, and check out the Poker Night series and Puzzle Agent games too! There are a bunch of super underrated gems from before Telltale became super popular and mainstream with Walking Dead!