What characters you like and who you dislike?



  • There are no nametags in Minecraft universe, just a mod, is it?

    How was he supposed to know he was telling to truth? Jesse should really learn how to use nametags m8.

  • Yeah, Jesse could be just trying to get a free pork chop.

    How was he supposed to know he was telling to truth? Jesse should really learn how to use nametags m8.

  • Magnus is kinda jerk
    i most likely Lukas, his a good friend and a value member of the team.
    Axel is kinda jerk too, but he is loyal and a good friend
    in case of Ivor, i can't judge him cuz i don't know what happen to him with the order, so.. i kind of trying to understand his side

  • No there are nametags they can be found in dungeon chests since the 1.6 Horse update.

    Here is the wiki page

    AronDracula posted: »

    There are no nametags in Minecraft universe, just a mod, is it?

  • But that's what happens when the PLOTLINE comes first

    How was he supposed to know he was telling to truth? Jesse should really learn how to use nametags m8.

  • edited November 2015

    Jesse (My Jesse is a likeable, down to Earth protag who sticks up for her friends)
    Lukas (A nice dude, useful and kind)
    Olivia (Like me in lots of ways)
    Gabriel (I let him die but he seemed like a stoic dude who had good morals)
    Petra (The cool and dangerous friend everyone has. She's nice though and I honestly worried about her when she went missing)
    Ellie (Initially, she came across as quite rude when she considered herself over the fainted Olivia, but I've warmed up to her since and she is kind, smart and useful)

    Axel (Horrible to Lukas, mean, whiny. Also he's the cause of millions of deaths)
    Magnus (Jerk, argumentative)
    Aiden (Jerk for no reason, although I feel bad putting him on here because he's probably dead now)
    Everyone in Boom Town (and Mabel)

  • Like:

    Jesse - Because he is the freakin hero!

    Petra - <3

    Reuben - Because he have eyebrows....... Oh, also he's my pet, and he knows how to fight. :)

    Lukas - He is cool.

    Olivia - She's my best friend (After Reuben).

    Gabriel - He was a nice warrior, but i do think his reflections were a little poor, he barely noticed that Ivor was up to something (Spawn the Wither). I miss him tough. :/

    Ellegard - She's a redstone pro! How can i not like her?


    Axel - He's a good guy and a friend, but he's also an idiot.

    Anyone Else.


    Ivor - Uhh... He's the villain that's all :P

    Otis - He kidnapped Reuben! >:(

    Magnus - He didn't, but if i chose to seek him, he would have shot Reuben on a CANNON! A CANNON!

    Aiden - He doesn't have any manners! And he made my precious Reuben run to the forest!

  • edited November 2015


    1. Reuben: *oink

    2. Jesse: funny :)

    3. Oliva: I think Oliva is overlooked as a character - she's kind, ambitious and so far among the few who I have emotional sympathy towards!

    4. Lukas: in my playthrough (where I went back and saved Lukas) Lukas is reasonable.

    5. Petra: I like Petra, although her character development has been a bit cheesy and stereotypical (playing the role of the 'rebel' child).

    6. Gabriel: Didn't listen to my warnings, but looks like he's got good intentions.


    1. Ellegard: Ellegard is reasonable though her treatment towards Oliva (in my playthrough) and incessant fighting with Magnus doesn't make me want to love her.

    2. Ivor: I think Ivor is misunderstood as a character. His intentions were to get RID of the wither monster, and from every encounter I've had with him since he's demonstrated a will to defeat the wither, albeit by himself. I think he's backed into a corner, which has made him agitated when Jesse & crew are around. His mistake with the wither is inexcusable, but I don't see him as the villain in this story.

    3. Axel: Total d**k if you go back and save Lukas. I don't like him, but he's still got honest intentions.


    1. Magnus: Woowww. No. Horrible. Constantly judges Jesse if you chose to go with Oliva to get Ellegard. He's pretty two-faced: one minute he's best friends with Axel, then the next he's asking Jesse what's "wrong" with him.

    2. Aiden: Unnecessarily rude.


  • LIKE
    Jesse: Well, I guess he is different for everyone, but I like my Jesse. And you kind of can't hate him, he IS the main protagonist after all.
    Olivia: Just like Britisher said, I think she is often overlooked, too. I mean, there is like, no drama revolving around her and she is just a nice person all around.
    Lukas: He can be a bit wimpy at times, but he is a really good builder and a good member of the team in my opinion. Also he is very accepting and kind. he should not be an ocelot.
    Axel: He can be an idiot and mean spirited at times, but once you get to know him, he always has your back.
    Petra: Petra is kind of cliche, but a good friend and a vital member of the team. She is really skilled with a sword, I just wish the wither didn't make her sick.
    Gabriel: I didn't really get to know him on my story, because I chose to save Petra from the wither storm, but I do know that he was a good dude with good intentions and was a leader type.
    Rueben: OH YEAH. SO FREAKING BOSS. He is so cute, funny, and i REALLY would give up everybody else for this pig. My favorite lol. ;)

    Ellegard: She would be in the like section, but she is CONSTANTLY FIGHTING WITH MAGNUS. other than that, I do like her and i think she also has good intentions.
    Ivor: I understand that he is the semi villain, but for some reason, he didn't seem to bother me. I think that he is very kind hearted and heroic deep down.

    Magnus: Don't. Even. He is so freaking pushy, self centered, mean spirited, and intolerable. Definitely my least favorite character.
    Aiden: Just a downright bully.

  • I have to agree with the best being the disco cow squad, it's so cute how they try to gallop like horses as a pathetic excuse for a dance

    Worst Character - Reuben Best Characters - Disco Cow Squad

  • Reuben is love, Reuben is life... Just kidding, Athena is. Wait what?

    AronDracula posted: »

    What do you think I'm reffering? Of course I mean Reuben. People who hate him should watch this gif I made to disprove he is not the worst character..

  • Welp, time to eat my words, Episode 4 legitimately turns Reuben into a god, can't wait to see him in episode 5!

    Worst Character - Reuben Best Characters - Disco Cow Squad

  • Even after ep 3 and 4, Lukas is still my #1. :3

  • I like Reuben i wish he didn't die

  • After episode 4, who do you like and who do you dislike so far?

  • Hmm... Like: Lukas, Jesse, Axel, Petra, Reuben, Gabriel, Ellegaard, Magnus, Soren. Dislike: Soren (its a like/hate thing lmao) Ivor(i STILL think he's an idiot for creating the wither), and I dunno the other characters are meh.

    AronDracula posted: »

    After episode 4, who do you like and who do you dislike so far?

  • Honestly, I don't think I dislike anyone anymore including Ivor coz he changes in episode 4 so yeahhh

  • edited December 2015

    Like: Petra, Lukas , Axel

    Meh: Gabriel, Ellegard, Magnus, Ivor

    Dislike: Reuben, Soren

    Hate: Olivia

  • Love: Female Jesse, Olivia, Petra

    Like: Reuben, Lukas, Ellegard, Gabriel, Soren

    Can live with kinda: Axel, Magnus, Ivor

    Hate: No one :p

  • Why do you hate Olivia

    Like: Petra, Lukas , Axel Meh: Gabriel, Ellegard, Magnus, Ivor Dislike: Reuben, Soren Hate: Olivia

  • edited December 2015


    Smellmeh posted: »

    Every other character but this one is the worst. * Reuben

  • image

    Like: * Lukas * olivia * Ivor * Jesse * Ellegard dislike: Reuben *

  • edited December 2015


    Reuben - Awesomest pet in da world, Why i dont have a pet pig like him ): My loved character ever in story mode

    Magnus - #BoomTown4Ever

    Jesse - Anyone's love him :P

    Lukas - Actually le best builder i seen.

    Petra - Evilest girlfriend i ever seen

    Gabriel - Awesome PvP Skills :O

    Not really :

    Ellegaard - Too strict to me :P

    Oliva - A strict girl actually. But she is awesome anyways.


    Ivor - Ugliest man i ever seen in da world.

    Axel - Too dumbish to me

    Aiden(form the ocelots) - DONT TOUCH MY PIG!11!!!111

  • U missed out Olivia :(((

    guyalf1 posted: »

    Like: Reuben - Awesomest pet in da world, Why i dont have a pet pig like him ): My loved character ever in story mode Magnus - #BoomTo

  • She is not that interesting imo, Axel had more development than her. She always complained she was hungry in episode 4 if you don't steal the cake

    wishwash posted: »

    Why do you hate Olivia

  • What do you mean Axel is dumb? He was awesome in episode 4, he wasn't like the last ones

    guyalf1 posted: »

    Like: Reuben - Awesomest pet in da world, Why i dont have a pet pig like him ): My loved character ever in story mode Magnus - #BoomTo

  • I feel like Olivia cares about her friends more, and she is kinder. She is realistic and emotional and she shows her emotions a lot in E4 where she feels like she can never be like Ellegaard. But she doesn't give up and figures out how the machine works. She is really smart too! Axel I feel like he is meaner, and gets into argues a lot. And the way he treated Lukas in E1.. I feel like he cares about being a hero more than caring about his friends.

  • Likey


    No one

  • the way he treated Lukas in E1

    Axel was not friends with Lukas before, not even Jesse was

    I feel like he cares about being a hero more than caring about his friends.

    He cares for Jesse, Olivia and Reuben. If you go with him in BoomTown, you'll see

    I feel like he is meaner

    That's was just in episode 1, only during the conversation between him and Lukas, he is not fighting him anymore later. Don't you ever say he is like Kenny from TWD, Axel is way cooler than him

    gets into argues a lot

    When? The only thing I remember is with Lukas in episode 1

  • Well yes, they weren't friends in the beginning with Lukas. But you can't treat someone like that even though you aren't friends. Axel just attacked him with arguments! No one else didn't, it was dumb.

    And I think I remember he has started arguing with at least Olivia, Jesse and Ellegaard if I remember right

    AronDracula posted: »

    the way he treated Lukas in E1 Axel was not friends with Lukas before, not even Jesse was I feel like he cares about being a h

  • I think the blame should be the other Ocelots, they have been winning the building competation for years and laughing at Jesse's group like losers. And I don't remember him arguing with Olivia, Jesse and Ellegaard. I think it was Magnus

    wishwash posted: »

    Well yes, they weren't friends in the beginning with Lukas. But you can't treat someone like that even though you aren't friends. Axel just

  • Total d**k if you go back and save Lukas

    I don't remember he was, he didn't mind Jesse going for him

    Like * Reuben: *oink * Jesse: funny * Oliva: I think Oliva is overlooked as a character - she's kind, ambitious and so far among

  • Lukas didn't call them losers, just the other ones did. Lukas didn't do anything, but Axel got mad

    AronDracula posted: »

    I think the blame should be the other Ocelots, they have been winning the building competation for years and laughing at Jesse's group like losers. And I don't remember him arguing with Olivia, Jesse and Ellegaard. I think it was Magnus

  • Well they are not fighting anymore

    wishwash posted: »

    Lukas didn't call them losers, just the other ones did. Lukas didn't do anything, but Axel got mad

  • I will never not dislike Axel.

  • Are you sure, what about when he played charades with Gabriel "it sounds like schmonster in the schmasment" :P

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I will never not dislike Axel.

  • edited December 2015

    That's why Axel insulted Lukas' jacket. It brands him as the leader of the jerks who do nothing but shove their victories into Axel's, Olivia's and Jesse's faces. Axel feels that Lukas has no right to lead since he would defend the Ocelots at any given time, in spite of their methods of persistent taunting and occasional cheating. The fact that Lukas froze in Gabriel's place is (to Axel, at least) evidence enough that he's no different from the people he hangs out with. To Axel, the Ocelots are all cowards who don't understand friendship.

    All of this changes when Lukas proves him wrong.

    wishwash posted: »

    Lukas didn't call them losers, just the other ones did. Lukas didn't do anything, but Axel got mad

  • Yeah!


    Welp, time to eat my words, Episode 4 legitimately turns Reuben into a god, can't wait to see him in episode 5!

  • Reuben is awesome. He is actually doing his john cena fights angiast that otis nub

    AronDracula posted: »

    Worst Character?

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