Bunch of Star Wars clothes. Rise of the Tomb Raider, Black Ops III, the Back To The Future trilogy and a book on it, several gift cards, a Lego Kwik-E-Mart, a Mr. Krabs plush and sweatshirt. Couple of other books, a Chia, it was pretty good.
Bought the Telltale collection?
You should check out Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse if you don't mind puzzles. It's from when Telltal… moree was in the middle of moving from puzzle to cinematic titles, so it's like the best of both worlds! Oh, and check out the Poker Night series and Puzzle Agent games too! There are a bunch of super underrated gems from before Telltale became super popular and mainstream with Walking Dead!
My nanny bought me four books (The Divergent series and a Misty Copeland book), my mom and dad bought me charms for my charm bracelet and a pair of earrings, my brother's girlfriend bought me a shirt and jeans, and my aunt gave me a pair of boots that she couldn't fit.
Eh, might as we share what I got since I opened this thread:
Everything I wanted above
Shower stuff
Makeup and Nail polish
So I got everything from my whole family so I don't need anymore now :P But this morning I had a killer headache and from the forums I got broken notifications.
Also I am really sorry about those who got nothing :c
What I got for Christmas:
* Three CDs - Transmissions (Starset), Scripted (Icon for Hire) and Bad Blood (Bastille, also what I really s… moreaid I wanted).
* An adorable deer plush.
* A toy bird because I keep asking for a pet bird.
* Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age II.
* Hoodie with Hastur on it.
* Jurassic World, because I have a thing for Chris Pratt.
* Two posters - both are from my sister, one is Free! and the other one is a signed poster from Starset.
* Jewelry from my mother - a bracelet and a snowflake necklace.
* Headphones and a new iPOD charger.
* DS stylus.
* A collection of Lovecraft's work.
* A decal for my laptop that is Blake Belladonna's symbol.
* A White Fang shirt.
* My teacher also gave me her copy of "Invention of Wings" by Sue Monk Kidd.
And I still have more coming from my dad, his side of the family, my other set of aunt and uncles and my great aunt.
fallout 4 borderlands collection bunch of clothes and deoderant sets a ps4 controller charging station a watch and a gift card for game and a ps4 headset and the original tetris for gameboy yes i have been wanting this game for a long time as the next gen versions ruined it and the original is the best
I got a Black Series Darth Vader, so that was pretty awesome. Buuut I also got a poncho and a Stetson (Being a hat-wearing guy it's the best present I could receive!), so I can live out my Clint Eastwood fantasies (Not in any sexual way)!
And I'm SOUPER excited because of the Walking Dead Compendium 3, and it's been like two years since I got and read the second one. So I have some catching up to do!
Bunch of Star Wars clothes. Rise of the Tomb Raider, Black Ops III, the Back To The Future trilogy and a book on it, several gift cards, a Lego Kwik-E-Mart, a Mr. Krabs plush and sweatshirt. Couple of other books, a Chia, it was pretty good.
I ate too much last night so all I got so far is stomach pain.
A lovely pony.
I'm joking, I had nothing
For the most part, I got money, Minecraft Story Mode, and a new PC. C:
What I got for Christmas:
And I still have more coming from my dad, his side of the family, my other set of aunt and uncles and my great aunt.
Thanks body
,gonna try them sometime soon (seewhatididthere)
Reading through all these comments here makes me think all of you are loaded. Damn.
My nanny bought me four books (The Divergent series and a Misty Copeland book), my mom and dad bought me charms for my charm bracelet and a pair of earrings, my brother's girlfriend bought me a shirt and jeans, and my aunt gave me a pair of boots that she couldn't fit.
Oh my god! It's so beautiful! x3
Thank you!
What about that kitten?
You are so very welcome!
I'm having him later
Eh, might as we share what I got since I opened this thread:
So I got everything from my whole family so I don't need anymore now :P But this morning I had a killer headache and from the forums I got broken notifications.
Also I am really sorry about those who got nothing :c
Holy shit my first double post
Did you get those 69 rainbow dildos you wanted? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Double post xP
Thanks for pointing that out :d
Um... no problem...? xd
Nah, I stole them ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
RWBY swag! Sweet! Also Origins is pretty great.
Also candy, alcohol and a Christmas orange.
Marvel Phase 2 limited edition
fallout 4 borderlands collection bunch of clothes and deoderant sets a ps4 controller charging station a watch and a gift card for game and a ps4 headset and the original tetris for gameboy yes i have been wanting this game for a long time as the next gen versions ruined it and the original is the best
I forgot
A random Steam account by the name of Danny from a cache overflow.
Got what I wished. PS4 with Until Dawn and Star Wars Battlefront
I got a Black Series Darth Vader, so that was pretty awesome. Buuut I also got a poncho and a Stetson (Being a hat-wearing guy it's the best present I could receive!), so I can live out my Clint Eastwood fantasies (Not in any sexual way)!
And I'm SOUPER excited because of the Walking Dead Compendium 3, and it's been like two years since I got and read the second one. So I have some catching up to do!
I got 69 rainbow dildos with 24 hours of battery life
You are christian?
Are you a fellow Pagan?
Hail to Odin!
What's your favorite color?