Model re-use is a very common thing with TWD games. I wouldn't hold out on expecting something from it. Unless Clem didn't actually draw that picture of a "dog" and she ripped off someone else's work.
Model re-use is a very common thing with TWD games. I wouldn't hold out on expecting something from it. Unless Clem didn't actually draw that picture of a "dog" and she ripped off someone else's work.
We all knew Telltale's obsession with re-using models/textures is a very common thingy......but this could be something different, probably an "Easter Egg" or perhaps a hint? , God Bless TTG for making TWD Series....CAN"T WAIT FOR TWD: MICHONNE & TWD S3 XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOOOXOXOXOXO
I'm really curious to see if they'll change that picture in the final game now we've all pointed it out, since I doubt it's really from the Motor Inn. It doesn't look like it at least.
The fact that it just happens to be a picture that Clem drew seems a little strange, and I feel like Telltale would never reuse something like that if it wasnt meant to be linked in some way.
if that is a reused model, that is lazy on telltale's part, like really?! is there gonna be a scene where michonne takes a picture out of her pocket looks at and is like
"me and my family look so happy in this picture, things will never be the same again"
It's possible that it's a reused modes but it could also be a temporary placeholder art, if they are still making the game it's than maybe they needed a child's drawing in that scene so just used Clemetine's pic until the art team make a new one.
This has already been pointed out
Already been pointed out, probably just a reused model.
I don't think so. Of all the the things, they only re-used Clem's drawing? I think they did that on purpose
They re-use a lot more models/textures than you'd think, but yeah, I still think this one was on purpose
Exactly. I am well aware of Telltale's obsession with re-using models/textures but this, this means something...
It really doesn't.
Model re-use is a very common thing with TWD games. I wouldn't hold out on expecting something from it. Unless Clem didn't actually draw that picture of a "dog" and she ripped off someone else's work.
Its a goat right? - Duck
We all knew Telltale's obsession with re-using models/textures is a very common thingy......but this could be something different, probably an "Easter Egg" or perhaps a hint?
Its a reused model
I'm really curious to see if they'll change that picture in the final game now we've all pointed it out, since I doubt it's really from the Motor Inn. It doesn't look like it at least.
an easter egg at most
Well, sadly it probably is a reused model, BUT...
The fact that it just happens to be a picture that Clem drew seems a little strange, and I feel like Telltale would never reuse something like that if it wasnt meant to be linked in some way.
(Sigh). All right. We'll see
Why would they re-use a model of something SO specific? I reckon it's at least an easter egg.
I think the only connection that Michonne and the series if gonna have is that Michonne arrives in Macon. But really, I think that's it.
if that is a reused model, that is lazy on telltale's part, like really?! is there gonna be a scene where michonne takes a picture out of her pocket looks at and is like
"me and my family look so happy in this picture, things will never be the same again"
It's possible that it's a reused modes but it could also be a temporary placeholder art, if they are still making the game it's than maybe they needed a child's drawing in that scene so just used Clemetine's pic until the art team make a new one.