Possible story idea. [Minor EP4 End Spoiler]

Hello people, this is not an official idea, not a spoiler, leak or whatever you wish to call it. I was bored, had an idea and felt like sharing it, so here I am. Love it, hate it I really don't care... So here goes.

So what do we know so far... Before we launch ourself inside of the Witherstorm we witness Soren coward out, and flee from the area... Followed by Ivor chasing after him claiming to be "Stoping him from getting himself killed" But we don't know if this is true, Ivor is full of surprises, who knows... It could be a plan they have conducted and we didn't know about it, gives them a reason to escape the area without question. Anyway, from there on they are nowhere to be seen, meaning they are still out there... What are they up to? Where are they? Did they survive? These are some unanswered questions. So following on from this small decent amount of knowledge I pieced together a new "Villain" that could show up.

After the disappearance of Soran & Ivor their whereabouts remain unknown. The command block is totally destroyed and out of the question... Or is it? Soran let the command block get the best of him, causing him to cheat helping him with the ender dragon (Possible boss?) Maybe Soran's head has got to him again, and went to the last place where the witherstorm was destroyed, noticing command block fragments in the area? The fragments speak to him softly, messing with his head pulling him in... He goes in closer, he's frozen in place... The fragments surrounding him, piecing together like a puzzle.... That's all I got so far... Feel free to expand or I shall do so another day.


  • Actually, if you save Petra back in episode one, so Gabriel gets amnesia, Gabe will think he's a big hero (you know the famous Gabriel the Warrior) and will rush to the battlefield as our savior (but he runs in the wrong way...) so Ivor will run after him so he won't get himself killed. But yeah, Soren's status is kinda unknown although I'm pretty sure he's alive. Ivor will appear in the end of the episode (Soren won't if Petra had the amnesia and Ivor ran after him -- which is weird...).

  • Ivor is at the celebration/speech in the end so I don't think so

  • Gabriel is still a hero, I have proof

  • Gabriel is the best warrior Minecraftia ever had!

    enter image description here

    (just imagine his face over this guy's...)

    Gabriel is still a hero, I have proof

  • How so? Amnesia or sickness, he didn't help in episode 4. :/

    Gabriel is still a hero, I have proof

  • I've said it before, Ellegaard says he is unbeaten p, he is willing to try to take on the wither storm with his sword in epiosde 1

    He got sick you can't always be at your best

    AronDracula posted: »

    How so? Amnesia or sickness, he didn't help in episode 4.

  • Ok, that makes sense

    I've said it before, Ellegaard says he is unbeaten p, he is willing to try to take on the wither storm with his sword in epiosde 1 He got sick you can't always be at your best

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