Personal Top Ten Video Games of 2015
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I just want to see people post personal top ten lists of the games they played in 2015. Show respect and have fun.
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Do they have to be from 2015?
That's a nice list you got there.
T was a great game, but I wouldn'tcall it the best game of the year. Honestly, l was better.
Really? I actually think F was better.
Fallout 4 was the game I enjoyed most this year, so I'm saying that.
You serious? I thought F was pretty mediocre, especially at launch.
Xenoblade Chronicles X has to be my GOTY. I'm not if I'd say it's better than the first game. It certainly does things better than the original, especially the side quests, but I'd say the story in the first Xenoblade was better, but there's kind of a reason behind that, but I won't spoil why.
I'm 100% dead serious. But I think r, o, m and e are mediocore IMO.
Don't even get me started on theBorderlands. imo, that game was horrendous. Bad graphics, yet it ran at like 20 fps and frequently dropped to the 10s. The story was horrible and made 0 sense, and the characters were either unlikeable or forgettable. The soundtrack sucked and the sound mixing was even worse. Though maybe that wasn't so bad, because it hid the terrible voice acting, at times. And the glitches... my God the glitches.I lost count of the times the protagonist fell through the floor.
Clearly the devs named it theBoderlands to trick people into thinking it was related to Borderlands or TFFTB
Yeah, I completely hated it tbh. theBorderlands could use a lot of work. Good thing it didn't win any awards, tho.
And I can't believe someone would trick others into thinking that 'theBorderlands' is related to the actual Borderlands universe. That's the most scummy thing I've ever seen.
Oh it certainly does need a lot of work. The game is like a Version 0.000001 of a game. It feels like they made the game in a few hours and then found some people on the street to do the VA.
It's probably why there are rumors floating around that the devs are closing down soon. Not like it was unexpected with the product they released, and I heard that the head of the company has been doing some illegal things too.
No they don't just games that you played this year.
2015 releases that I played and really enjoyed:
Tales from the Borderlands- My personal game of the year. One of the funniest games I've ever played, with a great story and cast too.
Batman: Arkham Knight- I thought this game was an absolute blast to play. I know some people didn't like the incorporation of the Batmobile, but I actually liked it quite a lot. The story has some great twists and turns. My runner up to GotY.
Tearaway Unfolded- If you own a PS4 and are looking for something unique and different to play, I highly recommend this game! Super creative, cute, fun and even touching.
Older games that I played for the first time in 2015:
Transistor- Holy crap, I loved this game. Beautiful soundtrack, art style and unique gameplay.
Bastion- Same as above!
Catherine- Great puzzle game with a super crazy and weird story.
Guacamelee- Fun platforming/fighting game.
Wow guys, way to trash my list, y'all dont know art, o was one of the best games of all time, theBorderlands, pure perfection, and T? How dare you say things about T. T was my life.
So you're saying that theBorderlands horribleness was an artistic descision. They should've called theRage, it would've been far more fitting.
The best game by far was The Witcher 3. Finally a GOTY that actually deserves it.
Tales from the Borderlands might be my choice for second best game of the year.
Although there's some older games...these are what I played this year I haven't played before, ranked (which is what I believe the OP is talking about):
From games I played which I enjoyed the most
1; Until Dawn(weird choice but I honestly when I reflect really enjoyed this game the most I loved every second of it even if it was short)
2:Far cry 4
3:: MGS v
4: Arkham Knight
5; Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection
6: Just Cause 3
7: fallout 4
8: Pro evolution 15
9: AC synicate
10: WItcher 3
1.Rise of the tomb raider
2.The Witcher 3
3.Life Is Strange
4.Batman Arkham Knight
5.Tales From the Borderlands
6.Mortal Kombat X
7.Rare Replay
8.Borderlands the Handsome collection
9.Fallout 4
10.Gears of War Ultimate edition
I don't know if I played ten games this year.
But of the games I did play The Witcher 3>Fallout 4>Tales from the Borderlands>MGS5>Game of Thrones
I actually didn't play 10 games but here's my list (also, there are some games that didn't come out in 2015 but I played them in 2015):
Those are the only ones I've finished most of the story in. Did not count LiS because I only played 2 episodes and waited for a price drop to get the rest and did not really enjoy GoT (played 5eps but somehow I lost my position and have to play 4&5 again idk if I feel like going through it to finish). I'm still frustrated by Wolfenstein TNO.
I haven't played enough, but I'd say that out of the ones I did play, Tomodachi Life, Fire Emblem: Fates, Tales from the Borderlands and RWBY Grim Eclipse most certainly stood out to me. Sims 4 is pretty fun so far as well, but I wouldn't list it as high as some of the others.
Those games didnt come out in 2015 though. Also you might like Saints Row 2.
Such a shame AC Rogue didn't get the hype it deserved.
I think you mean Fallout 4
1 Fnaf 3
2 Fnaf 4
3 Fnaf 2
4 Fnaf 1
Im just kidding
The REAL list is
1 Fallout 4
2 Fallout 4
3 Fallout 4
4 Fallout 4
5 Fallout 4
6 Fallout 4
7 Fallout 4
8 Fallout 4
9 Fallout 4
10 Fallout 4
I've only played 3 and this is how I'd rank 'em.
Agreed. I thought Rogue was great, Unity shunned it off and even then Unity was a bit disappointing for many.
You don't have a number 4.
There's a few I didn't get to play this year such as Xenoblade Chronicles X, Her Story and Until Dawn. But I'm pretty sure all three would also be on here.
1. Tales from the Borderlands (GOTY. No questions asked.)
2. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Never played any other Metal Gear game before this other than Ground Zeroes, I had an absolute blast with this.)
3. Dying Light (Surprisingly good. Had a great time free running through the city of Harran.)
4. Telltale's Game of Thrones: Season 1 (Despite its flaws I still liked it a lot.)
5. Fallout 4 (Was disappointed but it's still a great game.)
Didn't play 10 games this year so I picked a top 5.
Oops. There I fixed it lol.
I only played one new release this year and it was Undertale.
Including games that I played through this year, but didn't come out this year, my list would probably look like this: