The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I love this photo

    enter image description here

  • God. I just feel sick right now. My dad and I lost our tempers at each other yesterday and now I have no idea what's gonna happen when I go to my mothers' place today.

    Honestly, fuck this shit.

  • are you ok bro?

    God. I just feel sick right now. My dad and I lost our tempers at each other yesterday and now I have no idea what's gonna happen when I go to my mothers' place today. Honestly, fuck this shit.

  • The great gatsby was awesome and they had great chemistry great picture :)

    I love this photo

  • I'm okay, for now. I honestly am just tired of my dad going off on people with that pissed off tone. I'm fucking done with it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    are you ok bro?

  • You rebel scum.

    enter image description here

    I know right, Rey is amazing.

  • You rebel scum.

    Despite me NOT liking Episode 7, I can't resist this...

    enter image description here

    Tolispro posted: »

    You rebel scum.

  • My aunt just gave me this Jurassic World coloring book. I have literally no idea where it came from. Apparently, she gave it to me after I came out of surgery from my wisdom teeth. It's mine now. Chris Pratt AND dinosaurs? I think this is a win-win.

  • Have you seen the movie?

    My aunt just gave me this Jurassic World coloring book. I have literally no idea where it came from. Apparently, she gave it to me after I came out of surgery from my wisdom teeth. It's mine now. Chris Pratt AND dinosaurs? I think this is a win-win.

  • Is Steam not working for anybody else right now?

  • It's up for me

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Is Steam not working for anybody else right now?

  • okay, I'm good now

    Green613 posted: »

    It's up for me

  • Probably a late answer since you said it's working for you now, but it's been working fine for me today and I haven't encountered any issues.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Is Steam not working for anybody else right now?

  • Well, 2016 didn't start very well for me (had a pretty unpleasant argument with my dad yesterday), but things are looking up. I manged to record a good quality game clip with Windows 10, and I've started organizing my schoolwork so that I'm ready for when Year 10 starts. I'm sorry about having to bring up my personal issues while a lot of you are probably celebrating, but I just wanna let everyone know that I'm okay, and I'm just sorting stuff out.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I know this is super late but if you ever need to check the status of Steam you can use this website

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Is Steam not working for anybody else right now?

  • That's probably the most skilled stormtrooper that we've seen in the last 38 years. Atleast he didn't get killed by ewoks this time.

    What parts of the movie didn't you like? I think it's clearly better than the prequels and maybe equal to episode IV or VI

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    You rebel scum. Despite me NOT liking Episode 7, I can't resist this...

  • People like that never change. I know, my dad is like that too. A bit worse, if I may say so.

    I'm okay, for now. I honestly am just tired of my dad going off on people with that pissed off tone. I'm fucking done with it.

  • Yup.... and since (let's face it) Trump really has no chance of winning (not sure if good or bad lol), no other republican has a chance, and the other democrats running are basically jokes and should drop out already..... Hillary's had it for a while.... fucking bitch

    enter image description here

    enter link description here

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • God I fucking hate Hillary. She's not even a progressive, just an opportunist.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Yup.... and since (let's face it) Trump really has no chance of winning (not sure if good or bad lol), no other republican has a chance, and

  • Damn right, is it wrong that I WANT someone to kill her? Cause I do...she's a bitch all around

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    God I fucking hate Hillary. She's not even a progressive, just an opportunist.

  • That's how wars begin.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Damn right, is it wrong that I WANT someone to kill her? Cause I do...she's a bitch all around

  • edited January 2016

    Not if it's a citizen

    papai46 posted: »

    That's how wars begin.

  • Am I the only one who turns of blood in games when I get the chance or just most of the times?

    Friends of my always bash on me when I do that. Not like I have anything realy against blood in games sometimes it realy works for the story, surrounding, gameplay and other situations but most of the time it looks so FAKE or overdone. Not complaing about Assassin's Creed here but I stab this guy ONCE with a little knife. Just simple not in a fight and blood is everywhere in a second or I stab someone from behind and the hole wall is under blood.

  • edited January 2016

    I have this autistic friend of my realy smart and nice, I actualy have alot of autistic friends but this one is just trying to find something.

    If I say one thing wrong he is like ''Dude your dumb it's this'' And tells me he owe me or whatever, any suggestions for this because I can't never realy find anything against him.

    I told him to stop that but you know

  • Haven't heard about our lord and savior Bernie?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Yup.... and since (let's face it) Trump really has no chance of winning (not sure if good or bad lol), no other republican has a chance, and

  • You don't have to get back at him. Just say, "Yeah, you're right, I did tie my shoelaces the wrong direction. I guess I'll try harder next time." His opinion that everything is wrong with you isn't really that important.

    If this bugs you too much, well, you'll just have to minimize you time with him. Others are probably already doing this, and he doesn't know why. Pointing this out probably won't help him. You could try, "Did I do anything right today?" (not angrily) to see if that gets him thinking in a better direction, but I don't know.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I have this autistic friend of my realy smart and nice, I actualy have alot of autistic friends but this one is just trying to find somethin

  • I wish he could beat out Hillary....but we all know he won't.....

    Haven't heard about our lord and savior Bernie?

  • Why won't he? Despite what the news says, which allow me to inform you is actually in the payroll of Hilary, Bernie has a lot more supporters. What's the better attack on an opponent than misinformation? Fool the public to think there's no hope in beating you and they'll quicker vote for you to get it over with, which is quite disappointing.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I wish he could beat out Hillary....but we all know he won't.....

  • Well, that's refreshing to hear, but even if Bernie is leading, Hillary will SOMEHOW find a way.... mark my words.... the system will find a way to shit on Bernie. I guess for when it comes to the democratic nominees I'll yell "FEEL THE BERN" like nearly everyone else I know does xD

    Why won't he? Despite what the news says, which allow me to inform you is actually in the payroll of Hilary, Bernie has a lot more supporter

  • Fighting for a political revolution is all we can try to do. Even if the system cheats, we still should try.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well, that's refreshing to hear, but even if Bernie is leading, Hillary will SOMEHOW find a way.... mark my words.... the system will find a

  • So apparently, Konami didn't like something I did in my recent Video, notice how I put that word in italic and capitalized it? Good, look up the meaning of video and read the rest. Done? Good. So anyway, Konami claimed copyright on my recent Silent Hill video, but it wasn't for the music, it wasn't for the voice acting, and it wasn't for sound effects, no... it was:

    enter image description here

    Visuals?! Fucking VISUALS?! What the hell is a video, Konami? What is it? It's moving pictures or a picture on a GOD DAMN SCREEN. And besides, like almost everyone who even worked on Silent Hill 2 has probably left Konami's bitch ass company, so why the fucking fuck is this okay?! I would understand music, (primarily because I actually RESPECT Akira Yamaoka) I would understand the voice actors, and I would get any sound effects, but a god damn mother fucking copyright strike on VISUALS?! What am I gonna use for the video, huh?! Background sounds, my voice and a pitch black screen? NO. FUCKING NO. This is just another reason to say #FUCK #KONAMI.

    And I know I look as if I'm being ridiculous, but when a company you hate files a fucking ridiculous copyright strike on a video of a thing you love, it gets to you. It completely destroys my analytics, and it's just fucking frustrating.

  • Konami's a complete joke of a company these days. I hope the Silent Hill franchise goes to someone else before Konami fucks it permanently.

    So apparently, Konami didn't like something I did in my recent Video, notice how I put that word in italic and capitalized it? Good, look up

  • I honestly think a company hellbent on destroying all of the earth's resources would be better than Konami. To make matters worse, I also uploaded a video with a full length Ocarina of Time song in it, and Nintendo, the kings of copyright rape, did not ONCE slam me with a copyright notice, that was earlier today.

    Konami's a complete joke of a company these days. I hope the Silent Hill franchise goes to someone else before Konami fucks it permanently.

  • Update: I just filed a calm dispute with Konami as to why my video shouldn't be flagged. If they decline it, I lose my YouTube channel and everything in it forever, meaning I lose literally everything I've worked for in the past 2 years. I started the channel on January 18th, so not making it to the 2 year marker would be upsetting, but I'm not gonna just lie down and take Konami's assrape. I've said so much against them, I've fought for people to know how awful they are, and I tried to help in anyway I could making sure Kojima got the credit he deserved. Out of every fucking company in the universe, I will NOT lie down and take shit from Konami, not them.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    Hate to be a downer, but I don't think we can have a revolution just by voting for Bernie and other democrats. I love the old coot, but I just don't think it's in his power to create a plurality.

    Our youth are politically apathetic and the American working-class has been duped into supporting reactionary politics that hurt them in the long run. What we need is for the college students and the middle-class to ditch their safe space bullshit and rise up. I mean REALLY rise up, like they're doing in Greece.

    Well, maybe not quite that violent. Point is, revolution will mostly likely come only when people become so desperate and angry that they're willing to expose themselves to the significant dangers associated with resisting the state. We also need a temporary united front between communists, anarchists and progressives.

    For right now, I'm working fairly regularly on Bernie's campaign and it's been a lot of fun. But as a Libertarian Socialism, I've also been trying to reach out to the people who really hate Hillary and capitalism. We need a contingency plan to maintain our momentum if Bernie loses and endorses Hillary (barfs).

    Fighting for a political revolution is all we can try to do. Even if the system cheats, we still should try.

  • Hate to be a downer, but I don't think we can have a revolution just by voting for Bernie and other democrats

    Not being a downer, you're being realistic. You're right, it won't happen right away nor would all it take is a vote. It's a start though.

    Well, maybe not quite that violent.

    Yeah, would prefer not to have riots.

    Point is, revolution will mostly likely come only when people become so desperate and angry that they're willing to expose themselves to the significant dangers associated with resisting the state. We also need a temporary united front between communists, anarchists and progressives

    Well, here's the thing. With Bernie, if he gets office...hopefully he gets office, he has a chance to delay or completely redirect the inevitable. Riots, resisting, etc. It'll come if we keep the path we keep going down, and personally, I don't want the chaos that comes with that. We can do what the revolution could do peacefully, instead of a French revolution, we'd have an industrial revolution...If you get that.

    Also, personally, I'm kind of weary on a alliance between communists, anarchists, and progressives. We want change, but not to have a complete change in our national economy. A communist or anarchist state would say in the least...unproductive. A socialist state like those in Europe could prove what we need.

    reach out to the people who really hate Hillary and capitalism

    I don't think Capitalism is the problem. It's the abuse and corruption of capitalism. When the government looks past monopolies, corruption, and tax evasion to achieve a great increase in personal profit, that's when we have a problem. You're right though, Hilary is a problem, she embodies that corruption, she takes "donations" from large corruptions totaling to hundreds of thousands of dollars then says these corruptions are her enemy. Bernie, he refused a 2,000 dollar donation from a corporation, he is the true one.

    Hope for Bernie, it can be a start...and if not...well, then America's likely to get a little less fun.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Hate to be a downer, but I don't think we can have a revolution just by voting for Bernie and other democrats. I love the old coot, but I j

  • Good luck. Can I get a link to your channel?

    Update: I just filed a calm dispute with Konami as to why my video shouldn't be flagged. If they decline it, I lose my YouTube channel and e

  • Sure, although I think I already gave it to you a while ago. Weren't you part of Team Dream?

    Good luck. Can I get a link to your channel?

  • enter link description here

    First video I recorded with the Xbox App. When I figure out a way to add commentary, I'm going to start doing Let's Play's hopefully.

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