What will Telltale Games look like in 30 years time?
The year is 2046.
Technology has reached an all time high. The streets are barren as children are locked inside, forced to play endless games all of them the same as the last. The headquarters of telltale games holds no humans, only robots that produce 3 games an hour each for an eternity. One little boy has just finished playing a brand new release, half life 3, and reaches for a new game. He doesn't find a new game, but instead a half eaten pack of Space-Cheetos and DietDoubleCola (half the calories of a regular Double cola). He searches for a new game and comes across a cardboard box. Wiping the dust off the lid it reads 'time capsule' and inside he finds an Aerosmith (whoever that was) album, a photograph of a pretty girl, a weird monkey/bird/thing that talked nonsense and lots of other random junk. He was about to give up when he spotted an old game sitting at the bottom of the box. Well at least he had found something, even if it was from a long time ago.
He inserted the game into his old Apple computer and began to play. Slowly his curiosity grew...What was this game? All he knew of it were the makers. A voice on the screen broke the silence...
'Well I guess you didn't do it then.'
maybe when we are all using animus style vr we shall be playing games with endless choices and variety
Keep making games like Mindcraft .......bankrupted or better yet bought out by EA.
2036 is 20 years time not 30 :P
Oops it still feels like 2006 for me
I can't edit it though 
Can't edit it? Explain.
I can edit it if you really can't.
I can't see an edit button, just a reply button. It might be because I'm on my phone?
Try and click in the corner where the edit button would be, it should appear.
Just because they made a Minecraft series, you think they would make other series like it? Even it was just 1 series? Hmm okay...
Maybe in 2036, a TWAU fan will take a Telltale worker. And then broadcast himself and the worker live. And when they are on live, the TWAU fan will point a gun in the worker's head and say to Telltale: "Make the TWAU S2 now, or your buddy here gets a bullet through his head!" :P
That's doubtful, as they've been steadily increasing in size every year since their foundation in 2004. That growth has to steady off at some point of course, but if it keeps going the way it is now, it's possible Telltale will be the size of Activision by 2036.
Don't label me a troll because you don't agree. Grow up._
It happens all the time
No, your troll language doesn't understand, I have zero interest in Minecraft and don't intend on playing it but I don't keep droning on and on and on and on how it "sucks", that's pathetic since everyone has moved on and doesn't share the same viewpoint.
Noone is droning on it .And whats truly pathetic is your insulting comments . It was uncalled-for but you can't help yourself .
Don't you get tired of continuously crapping on Telltale's choice to make whatever the hell they want? You're a grown woman, for shit's sake. Put it to rest.
"The Walking Dead Game Season 27 in stores NOW!!!"
Sure, eventually every company will cease to be, as will every thing in the universe, but after only 30 years in business, that's unlikely to happen when such rapid growth has happened in the first ten years of their existence. They're already going in the direction of developer/publisher since they started the Telltale publishing label last year, and they're still experiencing steady growth at this point, so it's not a stretch to imagine Telltale could become one of the major publishers by 2036.
Most of the major publishers in the video game business are well over 30 years by this point. Activision is over 35 years old by this point, Microsoft is over 40 years old, Sony is 70 years old, and then there's companies like Nintendo that are well over 125 years old. Out of those, Activision and Nintendo owe their longevity completely to games, TV and movie spin-offs of their games, and merchandise related to their properties. With the upcoming Super Show, McFarlane figures, The Walking Dead pinball, etc, Telltale's already heading in that direction themselves.
No. If I'm not happy with it I will speak on it . As I am allowed to do .
Irrationally ignorant...
And I have laid it to rest .It was a shit choice that 's all I'm saying and I'm done with it . Okay Dawn.
That's literally all you needed to do in the first place.
Remaster their old games with slighter better graphics
Sam & Max Season 4 finally gets announced...and then they cancel it
Then they announce that they chose to skip Season 4 and go straight to 5.
Considering all the shit she's said in the past on this forum. "Irrationally ignorant" is putting it incredibly lightly.
Irrationally ignorant should have been the official title of this site.
They'll probably still be using the same engine xD
Ah, sometimes I wonder if free speech is really a good thing.
Shit Choice? Pfff Yeah. Tell that the Money TTG gets from Microsoft And/or Mojang.
If they got bigger, there has to Be a Group of workers, who Are working on a New Engine, Right? Right?...Im just sick of this Engine...
Yep. Super lightly.
Leisure Suit Sam & Max: The Case of the Lost Floppies
I´m pretty sure the "waiting for Wolf Among Us Season 2" thread will still be active, that much I can assure.
That's painfully hypocritical coming from you.
Silence is a valid option...
Thats what i think! :P
With the way that technology is constantly changing, I wouldn't be surprised if telltale is not out of business by then.
And you aren't making any sense.