Can You Guys Help Me Come Up with a Name
I'm making a short film for my video production class and I still haven't found a name yet.
It's about a teenage girl named, Amber, who is house sitting for an old friend and every time she goes over to his house, she passes by a tunnel. And every time she passes by the tunnel, she hears a crying sound coming from within it. With each passing day, the crying gets more and more loud and intense which terrifies Amber. But one day, the crying stops and Amber decides to enter the tunnel armed with only a flashlight and a kitchen knife. After she enters the tunnel, she eventually finds a girl (who was mentioned in the news having gone missing earlier in the film) crying while in a fetal position. When she lifts her head, she has blood streaming from her eyes. She then attacks Amber off screen and sometime later we hear the crying sound from the tunnel again. Only this time we see Amber who is pale and has blood streaming from her eyes.
I've just been calling it, The Tunnel for now, but I hate that name and think it's very generic. If you guys think you can come up with a good title, please comment. Thanks.
Sounds cool!
Red-Eye maybe. I may be biased because Red Eye was an urban legend where I grew up.
"Don't Cry".
Also, "Hush, Little Girl".
Blood Eyes / Red Eyes maybe?
Also, that story sounds like The Witch from Left 4 Dead 2
EDIT: pics:
"Tunnel of Love".
I assume the story is a metaphor and it's about loosing virginity.
This is the only valid answer.
Ooooh. I like Don't Cry. Thanks man.
No problem.
Where Light Fades?
That's a pretty good one too.
Huh. Didn't notice the similarities until you brought it up.
What about "Echo"? It could refer to both the sound of the crying reverberating through the tunnel and the re-occuring nature of the curse.
A Cry From Within
Next Time Call The Police The First Day And Things Like This Won't Happen To You
Yeah, I noticed that plot hole after I wrote the first draft. I figured I'd address it by saying that she's the only one who can hear it.
That's a great one.