Anyone else who smokes cigarettes?

in General Chat
I´ve been smoking for eight years now in summer, tried to quit some times but I just don´t think I was motivated enough back then. However I´m alright with it and I´m quite sure that some day in the future I will be able to quit. For some reason however I think it´s quite nice with a stick. I only consume L&M, mostly blue ones and has been doing that for some years now, don´t know why however.
So, what brand do you smoke, how long has you been smoking and what cigarette of the day is the best one to you? For me it´s probably in the morning after the coffee.
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Nope, just weed occasionally.
I really hate people who smoke in public, if you're gonna ruin your lungs then there's no need to ruin other peoples lungs as well.
I really see no point in smoking but destroying your own body, higher cancer risk and shorter life aren't that alluring to me.
I've smoked those e-cigarettes but aside from that nothing else.
Nah, cold air for me.
It just depends on the person. Certain people who smoke everyday tend to live longer than people who don't smoke at all, human bodies are funny sometimes.
I remember having fantasies as a 12 years old boy about an older,highschool me smoking like a badass
Now,15 years in and still nothing (BTW,I hate smoking just so you know,I'd take weed or an other shit over this any day).
Same as drinking really.
I prefer to smoke healthy clean air.
Nope. I've been tempted before, but I never did it.
That´s why I use to light my ones when I´m not surronded by people, I do know that feeling of getting smoke on you because someone just happen to be there and before I got 18 I was against smoking and cigarettes I can tell you.
Yes, the human body and mind aswell sure is fun sometimes.
I don't. It never interested me and I also suffer from asthma and I already feel like I'm about to choke to death when I walk close to someone who is smoking! Which actually got me wondering what is it that gets people to start smoking ?
I think it could have something to do seeing Fight Club when I was maybe a bit too young.
Nope, and I intend to keep it that way. I've got nothing against smokers; life is too short to waste your days worrying about what kills you. Do whatever you want with your life, because it's your life and nobody else has the right to do what you want with your body.
But you really gotta abuse the hell out of booze to see the negative side effects (besides Calories.)
Oddly enough, my aunt (who passed away the same month last year) smokes everyday. She's been smoking since I was 8 or 9.
Result? Nothing. Her lungs is clear from any respiratory disease.
I swear even going just over the unit limit per week increases your chance of liver cancer?
Here's a better question .Why would anyone start smoking cigs in the first place?
To look cool? That's the first sign of being a follower or someone who is easily influenced .
10 Reasons People Start Smoking
Stress Relief
Media Influences
Genetic Predisposition
Parental Influence
Risk-taking Behavior
Social Rewards
Peer Pressure
enter link description here
enter link description here
That's why I don't drink either, not a drop.
Lung cancer is a complex interplay of inherited factors, envoronmental factors like smoking and pure luck. Statistically almost all lung cancers except adenocarcinoma are caused by smoking. You'd really want to risk with that? There are few people who try heroin and never get addicted (genetics) so what?
I smoked in high school mostly cause my friends were and I was stupid, but man they are ultimately just incredibly disgusting and a waste of money. I just smoke more natural things if I feel stressed....
What? Now I didn´t get you.
Minor nitpick but addiction is much more complicated than just genetics. Addictive tendencies are a complex mix of genetics, psychological factors and environment.
Point still stands though.
I was raised being told that smoking is terrible, what it does to you etc, so no I've never smoked and have never been tempted to or have a desire to smoke.
One of your few posts that I can agree with you on.
It can´t be that terrible, quite a lot of people all agree, that smoking a cigarette after sex sure is something extra.
I did smoke two menthol cigarettes once. They were absolutely disgusting, but the effect of the first one was quite nice, similar to weed. However, the second one already had less of an effect, and the short 'boost' really does not make up for the horrible taste. Weed > normal cigarettes any day, at least you get a nice effect out of it (and one that lasts longer than five minutes). I hope it gets legalized soon around here so I don't have to feel like a criminal every time I want to smoke a joint
Hmm, I still don´t get why I made this thread, feels quite silly somehow.
I pick one up every now and again. When I say that, I mean rarely. Really rarely. Like, maybe one in a period of six months.
I hate cigarettes never
That feel when I see most of this telltale forum hate cigarettes as much as me
I have a serious oral fixation which makes itself most pronounced when I'm gaming, for some reason, and I used to deal with it by holding an unlit cigarette in my mouth (eating something like sunflower seeds would also help, but it's inconvenient when you need both hands on the controller). I used to smoke occasionally out of boredom and the aforementioned oral fixation - like, maybe a pack a year (though I'd smoke a pack in say, a fortnight, and then not smoke again for the rest of the year).
However... I have recently tried an e-cig with some vanilla flavored e-juice, and damn but that thing was delicious... I feel I might get hooked on that for a while, before I grow bored of it.
Hah HAH!
I recently smoked a few with another friend who has a girlfriend who used to smoke like a chimney. We decided to smoke cigarettes around her in order to show how awful they were and would tell her it was the impact she had.
...She's now two months clean and doesn't even have the lighter anymore. And people say no good can come from smoking.
I've recently picked up smoking cigars, and I love it!
It is so relaxing.
Cigars are great, especially with some nice aged whiskey or maybe a little Hennessey.
I'm especially partial to Romeo & Julieta's.
I like Punch, and Perdomo.
In fact, Perdomo was the very first brand of cigar I ever smoked!
No, I dip, hate smoke love tobacco