The Vent/Help Thread



  • Great idea but done million times before opposites attract

    enter image description here

    I would set it during the holocaust a nazi officer and a jewish woman a love story which seems impossible

    He was an evil officer in a camp she was in, he fell in love with her she melted his heart he then found empathy for the jews.

    You create whole backstory for both, romance, sneaking her food and hope/dreams for the future they planned

    One day he wakes up and she was gased he was devastated and swore vengeance.

    He killed all the nazis in the camp, sneaking weapons to Jews to create a big rebellion and set everyone free

    He went from a villain to hero all because of his love for her

    I called it Mein girl

    I feel pumped to start 2016 with a brand new story idea! The story mainly focuses the dynamic chemistry between two people with different

  • enter image description here

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Great idea but done million times before opposites attract I would set it during the holocaust a nazi officer and a jewish woman a lo

  • why?

    I hate gaming on the pc.

  • So I think my Xbox One controller is broken (broke because it's 10x weaker than the 360's tank-of-a-controller) , Microsoft hired a four year old to make the One's interface, I want to sell Black Ops III (Black Ops II remains the king of CoD multiplayer) with all my heart yet I foolishly bought the Season Pass, Halo 5 is bland for now until more of those updates come along, and BF4's population is dangerously small - to the point where I can't find a single Chainlink match for an MPX. Can't believe I still have to go through two years of this until I'll have enough for a proper PC. Current Generation consoles and games right now are pathetically bad.

    Rather shorter than what I had expected from my first forum post in about a year (ever since I left's disgusting community I've only been watching a couple of forums silently, like an SAS ninja) but I fear if I kept going I'd end up talking none-stop about all the issues about gaming, like console wars being pointless, shotguns not being OP despite popular opinion(except semi-autos nuke them all), camping being ok in some situations (like support, defence, suppressing, strategic situations etc.), life, like England being more bad :'( and Kit-Kat bars having constant packaging problems, the fact that Pringles contain some sort of liquid addiction chemical or something that make you eat a whole tin in about five minutes etc.

  • edited January 2016

    1 thing only

    Winter break is starts again

  • enter image description here

    AGentlman posted: »

    1 thing only Winter break is starts again

  • 'Murica!!!

    How in the world did this happen? How can he get off with a 10 year probation after killing four people and injuring his own passengers? Thi

  • I despise people that cheat so much

    i'm was shocked reading this 3/4 of the stories were from women cheating

    enter image description here

    I read dozens of cheaters stories and I feel so down and disappointed

    They seemed to all have the common traits my bf didn't show me enough affection, I had bad childhood, father issues, I wanted an adrenaline rush, I wanted to feel like I was wanted by other guys apart from my bf

    Never willing to accept fault always somehow their bf fault they cheat

    I read story about a happily married girl with kids with a guy she loves with a happy marriage never imagined cheating then something as smalls as random guys eyes completely seduced her made her feel funny and blush and she cheated

    Another found the perfect guy treated her perfect bought her everything she wanted she was so happy, one of her friends always tried to seduce her even though he knew she had bf one day after a party she gave in. Told bf next day he broke up with her, now she cries every night saying she never find a guy as perfect as him she was in love.

    One girl has 3 bf and 12 guys on the side

    Like tales of victims when they were all cheaters so confusing and depressing reading these stories seeing their perspectives never feeling any sympathy for the person they cheated on but just themselves in fact opposite they felt anger towards their Bf they were not good enough that they had to cheat.

    My worst nightmare to go out with a girl and be cheated on all that time spent on them instead of something else you love wasted all that trust gone you wasted so much of your life on them

    Never rush settling down till you truly know the person and feel they are right for you these stories really opened my eyes.

    Cheaters I hate so much just tell your partner no point wasting both your time.

    What's your opinions on cheaters and if your GF or BF cheated what would you do?

  • People cheat as if it doesn't matter, thinking that love is something that just comes and goes, which is honestly rather dissapointing. If you are not willing to invenst in a partner, if all they are to you is a bed buddy, make sure you are not the only one who sees it this way. There are people who are far to loving to even think that someone they care so much about can do something like this that when their partner cheats they are left completly broken. If you do not have the will to stay loyal, then you are not fit for a relationship.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I despise people that cheat so much

  • perfect :')

    blueneon posted: »

    People cheat as if it doesn't matter, thinking that love is something that just comes and goes, which is honestly rather dissapointing. If y

  • I'm back in college on thursday that's payday in Ireland we get paid to go to college life is good

    AGentlman posted: »

    1 thing only Winter break is starts again

  • edited January 2016

    I feel like a lot of people find my opinion on this strange, but honestly, I probably would not break up with someone for the sole reason of them cheating. I'm not saying that it wouldn't be a big deal, or that I wouldn't be unhappy, but if I valued the relationship at all, I wouldn't give it up because of a bump in the road. I mean, its possible that I have the opinion that I do because I have never actually even been in a relationship, let alone had someone cheat on me, but if anything, I think that fact would make my opinion hold true in the sense that after going 21+ years without having someone, I highly doubt that I would so quickly and easily give up on the relationship. That's not to say at all that I would continue to be with someone regardless of what they do or how they treat me, but if I think the relationship is still strong, still building, I'm not going to throw it all away because of her making a mistake, especially if she is honest about it. I simply wouldn't give up on someone that I still care about.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I despise people that cheat so much

  • Can I get help on fixing the screen on an ASUS X502CA computer, if someone would help me I would be very pleased

  • That's not strange just depends on yourself I personally would not I feel so betrayed and when u forgive her high chance she do it again I would not be willing to waste my time. But that's a very nice way you have to deal with it she be a very lucky person to have someone like this

    Belan posted: »

    I feel like a lot of people find my opinion on this strange, but honestly, I probably would not break up with someone for the sole reason of

  • Dammit! I just keep getting so bloody annoyed by people who doesn´t just have a fucking spine and acts like this you know "Ooo it´s so sad about mii" "Oo my life is soo baaad."

    Seriously, 70 years ago people hardly had any food to eat but they didn´t complain as much as the spoiled fucking western world. How hard can it just be to grow a bloody spine? -.-

  • Hey everyone, I've returned to bitch about life x)
    My job sucks, I'm so frustrated, tired and fed up. I can't handle people... My boss is being an asshole and blames me for everything, most of my colleagues are assholes and they keep pointing finger at each other, no one takes the blame for fucking up things. That hotel is like a nest of vipers. I made only one friend there, but it seems he fell for me, and I don't know what to do -.- Frankly I don't know what I feel or think anymore. I've been playing stupid since a month. I'm confused as fuck o.O

  • i like pc games but can never get the grasp of using keyboard and mouse at the same time to play

    I hate gaming on the pc.

  • well my cristmas temp job is finished what i hate is they oromised me a job at the end of it and so i put in an application when i was working for the permanent job and then i get the we are not putting you forward talk i ask whyband apparently i wasnt fast enough and didnt grasp certain aspects which is bullshit because my manager said i was doing perfectly someone who applied from outside got the job now im back looking for a job and am going with an apprenticeship agency to try and get ab apprenticeship in computer maintenance

  • edited January 2016

    enter link description here

    I just saw one of the best documentaries/Movie I ever seen about Amy Winehouses life she had a voice of an angel one of the greatest singers of all time. But toxic forces destroyed her it goes through her childhood, drugs and drink use, fame. relationships, friends and family up to her death to substance abuse so much negativity I wish someone was there to save her

    enter link description here

    She wrote her own lyrics always relevant to her life at the time

    enter image description here

    Before and after drug use ^

    96% on Rotten Tomato and won so many awards completely deserve imo

    (not on youtube)

    Here full movie ^

    Money and fame only made the problem worse and only made negative forces in her life appear more and her addictions accelerate she lost all her most loyal friends too so sad. She said she would give up everything her voice and money if she could just walk down the street a day without hassle

    Personally made me appreciate my life and decisions more seeing how easily you can be lead down the wrong path and I learned lots of important lessons about life and how quickly things can change to watch out for toxic people and substance abuse.

    In terms of Blake how the wrong relationships can destroy you're life and her general obsession with men drove her off the edge to very dark places

    In the father how sometimes family don't always have the best interests for you and can cause life long damage too..

    I loved it fascinating a great insight into her life a must see imo.

    enter image description here

    This short piece is exactly how I felt watching this ^

    I'm sharing this here as find goes over many topics and challenges relevant in life and great look into mental health I learned many things in this.

  • Sounds like me at my first summer job that was basically high school 2.0 on steroids. Stupidly I stuck there for 4 years and now talk to absolutely no one out of all the parties and hangouts I did with 20 or so 'friends' I worked with.

    Now, I'm apologizing in advance if this comes off as mean, but I am a believer in tough love...

    You should leave that place if it's really that horrible. Do you really see yourself there making a career, or is this like a job to give you extra money, or part time? If you are stuck in a financial bind, you should tough it out. As the real world sucks and people will be shitty no matter where you go. But when it comes down too it, you gotta ask yourself... what are you there for? Is it long term? Even if you're in a bind, being miserable only makes things worse.

    Find a job doing something you like, or even love, or are interested in. I worked in retail for like 6 years before realizing I wanted to work in a college. I was only able to work at my college for a year, but gosh darn was it the best job I ever had, and when I get my degree I'm going back to work there.

    I hope things get better. But acting confused and having the dirt on people is always good, just know when and where to fling that dirt, or to keep it in your pocket. ;)

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Hey everyone, I've returned to bitch about life x) My job sucks, I'm so frustrated, tired and fed up. I can't handle people... My boss is b

  • Sorry, I just got back on here seriously, Christmas was a beating this year.

    But I never even voiced my disdain for her decision, I was always super supportive. And I've been in the past, like when she was dating an emotionally and physically abusive asshole. (I didn't know at the time he was abusive, but when she said no one else supported her dating him, I did because I didn't want to hurt her feelings.) So... see why I'm worried about her decision making? She hides things, and doesn't let people know but then asks for reassurance that her situation and decisions will get better or are completely sound...

    I think we all reach that point on online communities or in groups in general. I'd miss you a lot, you always offer such great advice and are very kind, thoughtful and supportive. :) B

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Just speculating here. If the last few times you've been with your friend, you've spent the whole time going into what a bad idea her decis

  • It sounds to me that she is so focused on entering a new chapter in her life, that she is forgetting to think about how her actions and decisions are affecting others. It's likely she's doing this without knowing, people often act like that for reasons having everything to do with themselves and nothing to do with other people. Still, it is a bit insensitive and thoughtless of her, considering you guys have been friends for so long. I hope you guys can sort things out, but if it turns out that she is deliberately cutting much as it hurts, it's best for you to move on and focus on where you want to be in life. Remember the good times you had together fondly, but try not to dwell on the negative, wondering what you did wrong to cause her to act like this. It very well may have nothing to do with you, and she's just too caught up in her own life. Personally, the way I think about it whenever a friend and I are drifting apart, is that you never truly lose friends, you just learn who your real friends are.

    I'm quoting you so you don't have to reread your essay to understand what we're talking about. XD

    But I have had that happening more lately, where people start to drift away. And I did learn who my real friends are, until my best one got up and left her entire family and friends down here for her other two best friends that are buying her a real estate license and letting her live with them rent free, as long as she does what they say... I know everything you just said can be applied right back at her, she's thinking for herself and making her own future better. But, she told me this and left us all within a span of 3 months. She lived in TX her whole life, 24 years, and left everything behind in 3 months time. There was so much more to this she'll never tell me, and that's why I'm so worried and feel like I failed her. But she's gone, she left last week. I haven't spoken to her since, I'm not sure I can for a while. It's just a little too hard right now, when I've got my own life to sort out at the moment...

    ikr?? I mean, I emailed all my teachers almost 2 weeks ago asking when they're going to post grades online, and they told me that they would be posted very soon. It's nearly Christmas..what the hell is their definition of "soon"?? D:

    LOL I think the day we were talking about this they posted grades. XD But it was ridiculous, apparently when you get into a big college, professors have a lot more time to get grades in. I'm not upset since they have so much work, but when peeps don't post anything all semester and you wonder. HMMM what's my actual grade gonna be that's forever on my transcript now? >w<

    Also.. I made an A in the Hist. Research class... my professor loves me. Because he hated all the other little shits who complained the entire semester. XD LOL but in all honesty he said he knew who the good kids are, and graded accordingly. So I'm glad I was a good kid in his class. :)

    Agreed, it is sad that people aren't always meant to stay in your life forever, but that's just how it goes sometimes. I'm not sure if it will ever get easier. And I know it's incredibly cheesy to say, but they may not be able to stay in your life forever, but they can stay in your heart forever. Really corny, but I wholeheartedly believe that is true. A friendship ending, whether it be online or offline, can hurt quite a lot, but it is so very important that we don't let it bring us down, nor let it slow us down in moving forward in our own lives. Try not to let it make you jaded or cynical about people in general, because there are billions of people out there, our bad experiences with people don't account for the whole population, and chances are, there are lots of people who understand exactly how you feel. Also, I can tell you have a really good heart, specifically because you care so much. And I can see why it seems easier to just not care anymore, but do you know just how rare it is for people to stay optimistic and kindhearted in spite of the shitty things that have happened in life? Pretty damn rare, and people who are capable of that are extremely strong and admirable, and I just know that is who you are deep down, Hollay. Trust me, I've got a sixth sense about this kind of stuff.:]

    enter image description here

    I feel like such a shitty person for taking for forever to reply after you laid out such a beautiful essay for us all to read about friendship and the goodness in peoples hearts. I don't deserve such great peeps to spend so much time laying it out for me. But thank you.

    enter image description here

    I hope you don't mind my saying so, but I think you're way too hard on yourself sometimes. Lots of people like you on here, I don't see why anyone wouldn't like you. You're not a troll, you're not rude, cruel, or mean. You don't get into heated debates often, (unlike me lol) in fact, you're one of the nicest people here. And if there are people who are mean to you on here, don't take it personally. People who are deliberately cruel to others (especially online) without provocation tend to be very insecure with themselves, and only want to make other people feel as badly as they do. Don't even give them the satisfaction, they aren't worth your time. (Personally, I've started to take it as a compliment if someone takes the time out of their day to send me a hateful comment lol.)

    It's a hard habit to break, when I failed so much before now, I can't help but look back and be ashamed. I just am so hard on myself because I want to succeed and finally make people proud. So I don't act like people like me, how could they when I despise myself so much? But I know it's a habit I gotta break, I'm doing better now than I've ever done before. I don't need people to tell me that, for the first time I can look back and be proud of something I've done. And during my break from Nov. to Dec. I learned that. I can't let some little twerps on here to upset me. I met a lot of people who looked up to and respected me in my university, even though it was my first semester there in a real college, peeps were asking me for help and advice. o

    And I hope some people on here still like me, but I'm glad to know that I have Tinni, my redneck sister on here who's a great person to this community for just being you. :)

    enter image description here

    Tinni posted: »

    Yeah, we have skype. But it's just... kinda too hard to talk to her anymore already. She's not even gone and she is kinda shut down from our

  • edited January 2016

    But I have had that happening more lately, where people start to drift away. And I did learn who my real friends are, until my best one got up and left her entire family and friends down here for her other two best friends that are buying her a real estate license and letting her live with them rent free, as long as she does what they say... I know everything you just said can be applied right back at her, she's thinking for herself and making her own future better. But, she told me this and left us all within a span of 3 months. She lived in TX her whole life, 24 years, and left everything behind in 3 months time. There was so much more to this she'll never tell me, and that's why I'm so worried and feel like I failed her. But she's gone, she left last week. I haven't spoken to her since, I'm not sure I can for a while. It's just a little too hard right now, when I've got my own life to sort out at the moment...

    That is a pretty monumental change to make within a mere 3 months.:/ I can understand why you're concerned, but I don't think you should feel bad for not necessarily wanting to reach out to her just yet. There's absolutely nothing wrong with putting yourself and your own problems first, in fact, I think that's the best thing to do at this point. I hope I don't sound too harsh, but honestly, she's a grown woman who chose to make these decisions of her own volition, I don't think you're obligated to keep her from experiencing the consequences of said decisions. I also don't think that her making this decision means that you've failed her, because you don't have any control over what she does or what she chooses to tell you. The choices she makes and their ramifications are on her, not you. That's not to say that you shouldn't help her if she is in a bad situation, she's still your friend after all. But I just don't think you should feel responsible if things do go south for her. We can't make anyone do what they don't want to do. And for your friend to make this huge change in such a short amount of time, it seems like she was pretty hellbent on going through with this, regardless of what her loved ones had to say. So don't feel bad about wanting to sort your own life out before talking to her, don't sacrifice your own happiness and well-being for someone else, especially when it seems like this person might not even appreciate what you're trying to do for her.

    LOL I think the day we were talking about this they posted grades. XD But it was ridiculous, apparently when you get into a big college, professors have a lot more time to get grades in. I'm not upset since they have so much work, but when peeps don't post anything all semester and you wonder. HMMM what's my actual grade gonna be that's forever on my transcript now? >w<

    I guess your professors sensed your frustration about the grades not being posted lol. It's the suspense of not knowing how I did in a class that is just agonizing for me. I get that teachers have a lot on their plate, but I just need to know haha. Thankfully, a couple of days later my teachers entered my grades. I got all As, so I guess my suffering was worthwhile in the end!:D

    Also.. I made an A in the Hist. Research class... my professor loves me. Because he hated all the other little shits who complained the entire semester. XD LOL but in all honesty he said he knew who the good kids are, and graded accordingly. So I'm glad I was a good kid in his class. :)

    That's awesome, congrats! I tend to be well liked by my teachers as well, usually for the same reasons as you lol. I don't think I'll ever be able to understand why some students act like that during class, not only is it rude, but it's also definitely not very smart to irritate the teacher who will be handling your grades.

    I feel like such a shitty person for taking for forever to reply after you laid out such a beautiful essay for us all to read about friendship and the goodness in peoples hearts. I don't deserve such great peeps to spend so much time laying it out for me. But thank you.

    No worries, and don't feel like a shitty person, I'm not one to take it personally if someone doesn't reply right away or if they don't reply at all. I take ages to reply to people every now and then, and sometimes I forget to reply altogether. Life just gets really busy, and there is not always time to go online lol. And anytime, my friend! Whenever you need someone to send you massive essay posts, I'll be here haha.

    enter image description here

    It's a hard habit to break, when I failed so much before now, I can't help but look back and be ashamed. I just am so hard on myself because I want to succeed and finally make people proud. So I don't act like people like me, how could they when I despise myself so much? But I know it's a habit I gotta break, I'm doing better now than I've ever done before. I don't need people to tell me that, for the first time I can look back and be proud of something I've done. And during my break from Nov. to Dec. I learned that. I can't let some little twerps on here to upset me. I met a lot of people who looked up to and respected me in my university, even though it was my first semester there in a real college, peeps were asking me for help and advice.

    It really is, I think that sometimes we convince ourselves that we have to be hard on ourselves, because we think we deserve it, and we think that it will encourage us to do better. But honestly, I think that way of thinking is counterproductive, all it does is make you feel bad about yourself in the long run, as though you can never do anything right and never will do anything right. Not to mention it's really difficult to be happy and proud of yourself when you're constantly downplaying your successes, always thinking that you could have done better. Having high standards for yourself is perfectly fine, but criticizing yourself and invalidating your achievements in life is not okay. It's definitely not going to be an easy habit to break, so just try to remember to be as gentle with yourself as you are with those you love and care about, you're only human, it's normal to make mistakes, and you deserve happiness just as everyone else does. And I'm happy to hear that you're doing so well now, I really hope things continue to get even better for you. It's about time you realized what an awesome person you are.:]

    And I hope some people on here still like me, but I'm glad to know that I have Tinni, my redneck sister on here who's a great person to this community for just being you. :)

    Aww thank you, Hollay, that's such a nice thing to say! (*´・∀・) I honestly can't fathom why anyone wouldn't like you, so don't even worry about silly things like that. Again, if anyone is rude to you on here, ignore them, they aren't worth your time. And heck yes you'll always have me, #rednecksisters4lyfe, I'm afraid you're stuck with me! ;P

    enter image description here

    (Edit: Fixed a few typos I missed. Editing my posts a few days later is really starting to become standard procedure for me lol.)

    It sounds to me that she is so focused on entering a new chapter in her life, that she is forgetting to think about how her actions and deci

  • That sucks I do think maybe need to change jobs but do you like the guy back? and how long have you been in this job?

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Hey everyone, I've returned to bitch about life x) My job sucks, I'm so frustrated, tired and fed up. I can't handle people... My boss is b

  • edited January 2016

    I hate that fucking junkie living not far away from me, he´s scary being a person who easily can become agressive. :(

  • Well, she's off now, so hope for the best, and keep it where she feels safe to talk to you. It would be a pretty bad scenario to be abused by the same person who provides her shelter and employment, and it's important that she not feel isolated if that happens. Maybe everything will turn out great, though. We can hope.

    Congrats on your good grades last semester!

    Sorry, I just got back on here seriously, Christmas was a beating this year. But I never even voiced my disdain for her decision, I was a

  • Let's talk about fanfiction.

    As you've probably found out, most people have this weird idea that fanfiction ONLY consists of smut, but it's so much more than that. You can take a world you really enjoy, and expand on any number of things. In fact, on, the most used site for fanfiction, in most sections, smut is a minority in the stories. This misconception has even made me not refer to my work as "fanfiction" and instead as "stories" because people have this negative stimuli associated with it, so that when they hear the word, they automatically become uncomfortable and not take it seriously.

    Sorry if this had been talked about before, but I wanted to talk about this.

  • Believe it or not, 50 Shades of Grey started out as fanfiction. It used Kristen Stewart as Anastasia Steele and Robert Pattinson as Mr. Grey

    Also, there's this book called "After" (which I've read, it a trilogy. and it is so bad) which was famous relatively for the smut on Wattpad. It got published and is going to be a movie. Word of advice: Don't read the books or even watch the movie. It's a One Direction fanfic.

    Gobananas01 posted: »

    Let's talk about fanfiction. As you've probably found out, most people have this weird idea that fanfiction ONLY consists of smut, but it

  • I won't stay there for too long I'm sure. This job was kinda like a lifeline, I just HAD to start doing something (it helped me coping with grief), and I'll also need the money but it wasn't the main reason. But everything has started to turn to shit, I'm sleepless for like 1-1,5 month but i'll try to sort things out :)) Thanks!

    Sounds like me at my first summer job that was basically high school 2.0 on steroids. Stupidly I stuck there for 4 years and now talk to abs

  • I've been thinking a lot, I do like the guy, I just don't know in what kind of way. Romantic or friendly way, I like talking to him and hanging out, he's not really my type though. I don't know. Everyone likes him there 'cos he's very nice, funny and trustworthy. The thing that scares me is the fact that this feeling that I have reminds me way too much of my ex, and what happened with him fucked me up. Things are just complicated, he's still in a relationship but it's falling apart. I'm just stupid when it comes to love or relationships :)

    I've been working there only for 3,5 months which is not that much of time, but I'm planning on quitting before spring/summer.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    That sucks I do think maybe need to change jobs but do you like the guy back? and how long have you been in this job?

  • enter image description here

    Thank you for this! Like any group, people automatically see it simply by the projection of the crazed minority. I like me some fanfiction of all kinds, and smut is okay, if well written. Sometimes, A lot of the time actually, I know people will write smut and keep it completely private! Ain't nothing wrong with that! :)

    I have no problem saying that I started out writing as a fanfiction writer. I now have 2 book series planned and some stand alone novels, all thanks to my experience gained from writing FF.

    Gobananas01 posted: »

    Let's talk about fanfiction. As you've probably found out, most people have this weird idea that fanfiction ONLY consists of smut, but it

  • Ha! Summer here! Still have three weeks!

    AGentlman posted: »

    1 thing only Winter break is starts again

  • Not my type = nice, funny and trustworthy :I

    But seriously ill be honest his relationship falling apart and he has a GF already do not get involved in that mess he could be lying and want a bit on the side while he stays with her plus added fact if he will cheat on her with you he the same to u. Guys always go for the new girl.

    Good luck I hope u find a job that makes u happy

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    I've been thinking a lot, I do like the guy, I just don't know in what kind of way. Romantic or friendly way, I like talking to him and hang

  • I'm in a weird way right now.

    A guy on our volunteer fire department was killed en route to a call last night ... er, this morning. I'm still a probationary. I didn't know him too well. But the times I saw him, talked to him, hung around him - he left a mark. I remember that smile vividly. And his kids, his wife, oh man ...

    My legs are jello.

    I feel guilty. I missed several calls and two training meetings this past week because I was systemically diagnosed with, first, upper respiratory infection and then, later, with right lower lobe pneumonia. When the call went off around 1am, I had already taken my tusinex for cough ... a medicine which contains hydrocodone ... and knew that driving with that in my system would be a very bad thing. So I vouched to not go to the call because I already heard several others check en route.

    Of course now there's the feelings of 'what if'. What if I had gone instead?

  • edited January 2016


  • That's rough man, sorry to hear it.

    It's not your fault he died. Terrible things just happen sometimes and they're out of your control. I've had the "what if I was there?" experience before so feel free to shoot me a PM if you need to talk.

    I'm in a weird way right now. A guy on our volunteer fire department was killed en route to a call last night ... er, this morning. I'm s

  • Fucking college. I have three tests next week and if I fail them, I' m gonna kill myself. Literally. I don't have money to pay to take theses courses again. Screw my life. God must really love torturing me.

  • What courses?

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    Fucking college. I have three tests next week and if I fail them, I' m gonna kill myself. Literally. I don't have money to pay to take theses courses again. Screw my life. God must really love torturing me.

  • edited January 2016

    1st World Teenage Struggles Coming lol.

    So I was on TF2 since I didn't have much to do tonight and apparently a mod named "Zen" says "Hey" to me, and I say Hi back, then he says "Remember me?", and I say "No, do I know you?", and he says back "Remember when you told me to shut up and called me a fag?" and then I got perm-banned from the server.

    What a dick xD

    enter image description here

  • Don't despair, use the resources that you paid for!

    • Most colleges have walk-in "study centers" for students who are having trouble with the material or who just need a quiet place to study.

    • If you don't understand key concepts, by all means, abuse office hours.

    • If you're overwhelmed, struggling to to manage time or on the verge of a breakdown, try to find student counseling (once again, most colleges have it). They can help you develop coping strategies or refer you to more professional help.

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    Fucking college. I have three tests next week and if I fail them, I' m gonna kill myself. Literally. I don't have money to pay to take theses courses again. Screw my life. God must really love torturing me.

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