IGN review for episode 4. EDIT: review now out

Ehm... guys? Why is there no IGN review for the 4th episode? Did the Christmas lunch make them forget to post it or something?

Edit: the review is now out



  • Who cares about IGN?

  • edited January 2016

    Good point :D
    I don't care about IGN either, it's just that it's quite strange they haven't posted a review, as that's something they always do.

    Pipas posted: »

    Who cares about IGN?

  • Eh, they'd give it 6/10 with a shit reasoning like with every penultimate episode. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    AlfMusic posted: »

    Good point I don't care about IGN either, it's just that it's quite strange they haven't posted a review, as that's something they always do.

  • ikr except this episdoe isn't shit like TWD

    Pipas posted: »

    Eh, they'd give it 6/10 with a shit reasoning like with every penultimate episode. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • This will get 8.5 . Mark my words.

    ikr except this episdoe isn't shit like TWD

  • Lots of people! Or it wouldn't still exist as a site.

    Pipas posted: »

    Who cares about IGN?

  • It'll get 6.9

    This will get 8.5 . Mark my words.

  • Who even cares, we already know IGN would give it a 6.

  • After how they reviewed Kingdom Hearts and how that guy from IGN laughed at the death of one of the characters from another TTG game, I've become rather distasteful of IGN's Reviews to be honest.

  • I remember the good ol days when Greg Miller reviewed Season 1 of The Walking Dead :)

  • I remember it too.

    enter image description here

    I remember the good ol days when Greg Miller reviewed Season 1 of The Walking Dead

  • edited January 2016

    There can never be too much Ben!!


    I remember it too.

  • Well the episode was released on the week of christmas. Maybe no one got around to playing the episode and reviewing it.

  • edited January 2016

    Also, people say they don't care about IGN and their reviews, yet still make threads like this.

  • edited January 2016

    Yeaaaah, loads of people say they don't care about IGN's reviews, but they must care, otherwise there wouldn't be a bunch of threads and posts about them across several message boards.

    Also, people say they don't care about IGN and their reviews, yet still make threads like this.

  • I think it's a matter of curiosity. I used to love IGN, and would read/watch their reviews for a lot of things... in recent times, however, it's been harder to trust them to give balanced reviews. My interest in IGN's opinion is mainly to see if they feel for anything that episode four has accomplished, considering their distaste for the previous episodes.

    So, yes, I suppose we do care, but not enough so to allow their opinions of the game to affect ours.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeaaaah, loads of people say they don't care about IGN's reviews, but they must care, otherwise there wouldn't be a bunch of threads and posts about them across several message boards.

  • IGN rating for episode 4: 6.9

  • So, yes, I suppose we do care, but not enough so to allow their opinions of the game to affect ours.

    Reviews in general are not suppose to affect your opinion of a game or product in any way. They are their to give you an idea of what the game is by going over its design, technical performance and other pros and cons, which would hopefully help you decide in whether or not you want to purchase the game. So whether or not IGN gives episode 4 a good or bad score shouldn't affect your or anyone's enjoyment of the game, especially if its been out for a month.

    Tohabath posted: »

    I think it's a matter of curiosity. I used to love IGN, and would read/watch their reviews for a lot of things... in recent times, however,

  • edited January 2016


    There can never be too much Ben!!

  • edited January 2016
  • Well game isn't really memorable in any way, can't blame them for not caring

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    The original 'Too much water'

    I remember it too.

  • edited January 2016

    They like water more than Ben though, S1E4 got a 7.5, while ORAS got a 7.8. Can't wait so what they give Fire Emblem Fates, since it also has a lot of water. Probably a 7.8.

    enter link description here

    Deltino posted: »

    The original 'Too much water'

  • Huh... It's still a game, you know...

    Kellogs posted: »

    Well game isn't really memorable in any way, can't blame them for not caring

  • Well hello there, haven't seen you in a while. Had a good new year?

    Kellogs posted: »

    Well game isn't really memorable in any way, can't blame them for not caring

  • True... just saying they aren't as helpful now (imo) as they used to be. :P

    So, yes, I suppose we do care, but not enough so to allow their opinions of the game to affect ours. Reviews in general are not supp

  • IT'S HERE:



    A complete outrage... I read it, I do not agree. It is much better than what they say. Ugh. IGN...

  • edited January 2016

    It was bound to happen, so continues the tradition of every telltale series's 4th episode getting a lowish score by IGN (usually a 6/10 to a 7/10). (Sons of Winter is the only episode to avoid the curse getting a 8.2)

    Around Every Corner - 7.5/10

    Amid The Ruins - 6/10

    In Sheep's Clothing - 6/10

    Escape Plan Bravo - 6/10

    Block In a Hard Place - 6.3/10

    Sons of Winter - 8.2/10

    Oh IGN...

    AChicken posted: »

    IT'S HERE: http://ca.ign.com/articles/2016/01/14/minecraft-story-mode-episode-4-a-block-and-a-hard-place-review 6.3. A complete outrage... I read it, I do not agree. It is much better than what they say. Ugh. IGN...

  • edited January 2016

    It's has something to Do, with them being the Penultimate Episodes. GoT EP. 5 got a 6,5(wich i actually agree on).
    GoT EP. 5 Review
    And don't forgot LiS EP. 4, wich got a 6/10. LiS EP. 4 Review
    But it has something to Do with the Overall Structure of the Episodic-Format. Penultimate Episodes Are mostly Build-ups for the Grand Finale. But some Are Great. Like TftBL EP. 4.

    It was bound to happen, so continues the tradition of every telltale series's 4th episode getting a lowish score by IGN (usually a 6/10 to a

  • I really don't get it. Block in a Hard Place and Escape Plan Bravo were freaking fantastic. IGN... and Sons of Winter really doesn't deserve that high of a score.

    It was bound to happen, so continues the tradition of every telltale series's 4th episode getting a lowish score by IGN (usually a 6/10 to a

  • I hate to say that they're right, but they're right. Let's go through these one by one:

    • Around Every Corner

    Pretty decent ending, good choices but most of the new characters felt useless in the story and only existed to give Crawford more of a "it's really bad" than it already was instead of developing them as their own characters (400 Days alleviates this, somewhat, but we're talking about Around Every Corner here). This episode also had a lot of walking to do which made it a bit boring (for me at least).

    • Amid The Ruins

    Oh god where do I even begin with this one. Sarah's choice meaning absolutely nothing. How hostile Jane was towards Arvo. Nick's death in general. One of the choices was seriously "Hold the Baby?" Wow Telltale much drama 10/10

    • In Sheep's Clothing

    The episode was insanely short. Choice that only really mattered was what place you investigated first, and didn't even matter because you ended up going to both places anyway. Not to mention that this exact same thing happened in Episode 3 but it was done 10 times better. And finally getting to The Crooked Man's lair, only for the episode to stop there? Seriously?

    • Escape Plan Bravo

    This is the only one I don't get, it got a little boring at times but no where near a 6/10 boring. IMO should have been 7.5/10, some of the choices weren't that great but I felt like is was a good episode overall.

    • A Block and a Hard Place

    Only one I haven't played.

    • Sons of Winter

    This isn't even the penultimate episode, but A Nest Of Vipers totally deserved the 5/10 (IIRC) that it got. Everything about it was just... meh

    It was bound to happen, so continues the tradition of every telltale series's 4th episode getting a lowish score by IGN (usually a 6/10 to a

  • Lol. Called it.

    AChicken posted: »

    IT'S HERE: http://ca.ign.com/articles/2016/01/14/minecraft-story-mode-episode-4-a-block-and-a-hard-place-review 6.3. A complete outrage... I read it, I do not agree. It is much better than what they say. Ugh. IGN...

  • I called this shit!

    enter image description here

  • Gotcha.

    Tohabath posted: »

    True... just saying they aren't as helpful now (imo) as they used to be. :P

  • So the IGN review for ep 4 is up I see. Now all i have to do is to sit back and enjoy the angry comments from fans. Better grab some popcorn.

  • It's not so much 4th episodes, but penultimate episodes that IGN hates.

    It was bound to happen, so continues the tradition of every telltale series's 4th episode getting a lowish score by IGN (usually a 6/10 to a

  • Inb4 Michonne Ep 2 gets 6/10 too.

    It's not so much 4th episodes, but penultimate episodes that IGN hates.

  • Another 6 rating, ........really IGN?

    AChicken posted: »

    IT'S HERE: http://ca.ign.com/articles/2016/01/14/minecraft-story-mode-episode-4-a-block-and-a-hard-place-review 6.3. A complete outrage... I read it, I do not agree. It is much better than what they say. Ugh. IGN...

  • Agreed. The only reason I felt the twist coming was because someone else on the threads predicted it. IGN's other cons, I simply don't agree with.

    AChicken posted: »

    IT'S HERE: http://ca.ign.com/articles/2016/01/14/minecraft-story-mode-episode-4-a-block-and-a-hard-place-review 6.3. A complete outrage... I read it, I do not agree. It is much better than what they say. Ugh. IGN...

  • The guys at IGN must REALLY not care for Penumilate episodes.

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