What story would you invent to continue the series?
What story would you invent to continue the series?
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What story would you invent to continue the series?
A mystery.
Nerissa and me going to the nearest Oberweis so we can seductively eat Rocky Road together.
"Once upon a time there was a second season..."
Explosions! Babes! Burgers! Fast cars and freedom!
Bigby And The Broken Condom - Mr. Toad Edition.
A sequel that completely erases game of thrones game and improves upon the first wolf among us
Lol, says the guy with a Game of Thrones profile pic.
Seriously though, game of thrones by telltale is very disappointing
Don't own the game yet but it looked pretty sweet from what I've seen so far.
I would want a continuation of that last scene and it turns out that the crooked man is alive kidnaps Nerissa and takes her back to the homelands. Bigby hears the scream but its too late as they have vanished into thin air only her ribbon is left. Thus starts a new adventure to uncover a much bigger plot in the making involving bluebeard and the crooked man and we could finally see some fan favorites Boy Blue, Rose Red, The Forsworn Knight (ok maybe not fan fav for him but when he gets drunk in the second storyline its priceless) more mirror, King Cole and Briar Rose and Cinderella fer shure! Revolving around trying to rescue Nerissa from the Crooked Man would be a great story
Its actually pretty decent. You might enjoy it, especially if you are a fan of the show.
Something will happen
Love your new avatar Dragon
Bigby solving yet another case which starts with the kidnapping of Snow White. Would be interesting to play as Bigby without any moral compass to guide you except yourself. Add in some spice by getting another girl helping Bigby (Nerissa comeback? I believe) and you've got a pretty nice setup. Based on how you treated people in Season 1, some characters would help you and some wouldn't, for example, if you burned Auntie's tree, you can forget getting anything from her and so on.
Thanks, Ezio.
In the comicbooks Bigby is not only the Sheriff, but also the holder of several secrets of the Fables. He coordinates spies (The Woodsman is one of them according to one panel in the comics), he knows about certain artifacts that most fables are unaware were rescued from the homelands and so on.
I didn´t get that in the videogame as it seems he just the sheriff in there, reluctantly even as he could not stay in the farm they send him to the city and had to find a job for him that he was suitable for considering all the things he dislikes (let´s not forget he´s a wolf rather than a guy, in the comics for instance they explain once that he doesn´t drive nor has the intentions to learn ´cause he´s left handed with machinery and generally dislikes technology). So, now that Ichabod is gone and we know Snow needs to step up her game, she will need more help from the sheriff. This is the moment where Bigby learns of all those secrets along with Snow White, about Cinderella, about all the laws in the Thirteen floor, etc,etc,etc.
There should obviously be a case to solve, but I think this secondary plot and general direction for Bigby and Snow will be great to stablish the continuity with the comicbooks. Also, there should happen something between Snow and bigby that makes her want to stay away from him, as in the videogame they seems to be more friendly and close to each other than how they start in the comicbooks cannon.
I don't think the game should take TOO much from the comics. The premise, characters, and settings were all perfect but I like that Telltale did their own story. For example the murderer didn't turn out to be Rose Red as it was in the comics, and there was no mention of what happened in the homeland that forced the fables to settle down in New York.
Since season one killed at least Georgie, possibly one of the tweedles, most likely the crooked man, and Bloody Mary the position of Antagonist is open. Frankly I'd like it if a new mystery came up involving fables going missing as opposed to fables getting killed during the first episode. The higher ups simply thing the fables who have gone missing, who happen to be poor, are just moving on into the Mundy world, or are just spending too much time at a bar and passing out. While the poor fables think they're either dead or being tortured. The poor fables think/believe/know a new loan shark is replacing Crooked Man.
Then during episode 2 or 3 a Mundy who has discovered the existence of the fables contacts Snow White. He sets up a meeting, and reveals he has evidence of the Fables, and is set to release it to every major newspaper across the country if anything happens to him, or he is unable to stop the release on a daily basis. This mundy is wealthy and claims he wants nothing but to help the Fables in exchange for information. The information he asks for is their stories. Their true stories. So he can make scripts out of them to sell to make plays, and movies. This of course pushes the buttons of a few Fables who don't want their true stories told, or don't want them told for such little profit. This kind of twist could also benefit the decision making tree of Talletale games. Since players could choose to support the Mundy in hopes of bringing up Fabletown's economy which makes the Fables hate the player for trying to sell them out, or oppose the Mundy which causes the poorer fables to hate the player for keeping Fabletown poor. After all we all know Telltale games have a habit of shoving players in between a rock and a hard place.
This Mundy could also be suspected of being behind the Fable disappearances. Though by the end of episode 3 or 4 he would be cleared after being falsely accused. Which he could then use to rally the Fables against Bigby and/or Snow. Causing a revolution that, if successful, he could use to get the Fables on his side. Giving the Mundy unlimited access to Fable stories to make himself rich beyond his wildest dreams.
In the end I'd like to see Bluebeard and Bigby united against the antagonist whom I think should be aptly named "The Puppetmaster".
These are just all fanfic thoughts, but Il ike them.
I'd like to see The Farm and The Homelands. Or what about a villanious Rumplestiltskin? I'd also like Bigby to have some romance with Snow, or maybe even a love triangle?
Rumpelstiltskin could actually be possible and don´t disturb the cannon as he hasn´t appear in the comicbooks, at least not mentioned by name that I can remember, he may be one of the many fables that only appear as background character in some drawings, but also Toad did so and they took tons of liberties with him without problems.
Here's my idea. After you choose as Bigby to either go after Nerissa or let her go, the camera cuts towards a telephone poll and standing next to it is none other than Detective Kelsey Brannigan. You find out throughout the season that she has been spying on the Fables and is trying to arrest Bigby and spill the secret of Fabletown. You constantly avoid arrest throughout the season while trying to stop her yourself. You end up stopping her in Episode 5 and are faced with a choice. Kill Her or Spare Her. If you kill her you save Fabletown but it is very amoral. You can spare her life, which would most likely mean the demise of Fabletown and all of its secrets, but you are able to keep your morals and not be viewed as a monster.
I think an Alice in Wonderland story would be interesting, since as far as I know she doesn't appear in the Fables comics, but of course I'm not sure if theirs some licensing issues with Disney or Spicy Horse, though it could be interesting if Bloody mary could take over as the 'Queen' if Queen of Hearts died in the Fables Universe. Though Insanity could be an interesting thing in TWAU, Bigby in wonderland would be amazing. Perhaps a kidnapping story, something much more 'deeper' then a simple crime, like the 'girl with the ribbon' story they did for S1. I feel Telltale could EASILY make a great story with Alice in Wonderland.
Wonderland does appear in the comic version of The Wolf Among Us
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland are public domain, unless they directly copied the Disney Version, they wouldn't be in trouble.
continue like in the comic?
Dont need to really invent anything. There's a lot of material to draw from already.
What kcoher said don't need to invent shit just use the great material already given.
Played Wolf Among Us a couple of years ago and it was pretty good. If I could invent a story to continue the series. I'll take a shot.
Heading over to wikipedia, I studied the various story arcs of the series and this one caught my eye:
Storybook Love (issues 14 to 17)
Bluebeard hatches a plot to rid himself of Bigby and Snow by enchanting them, and the homicidal Goldilocks attempts to kill the pair. Prince Charming decides to run for Fabletown Mayor.
A mayor election for better protection since the Crooked Man incident. And a conspiracy to put Prince Charming as a puppet mayor while someone in the shadows seeks to control Fabletown. Bigby and Snow would be on the case. And returning characters, add more cloak and dagger. Up the thriller ante. Plus bring Nerissa into the fold and finally learn who she is. Is she Faith or was she Faith?
This is fresh idea, just came off the top of my head. Maybe I can do something with it, probably.
I'd have Bigby go up against the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse while briefly returning to the homeland, having Death set Bigby to solve a murder. Death watches Bigby the whole time, conducting his own investigation into the exact nature of the 'Big Bad Wolf'. War constantly attempts to turn everyone in fable town against each other and cause chaos. Pestilence tries to help, but constantly just makes things worse. And greed simply tries to tempt Bigby with corruption, offering him more easy and morally questionable ways of solving the case.