What about Lucas?

If you get him to stay, is he included in the new Order?
I would hope so, because he DID choose us over his old group.


  • Good to know. :)
    Too bad we couldn't invite him on stage with us though.

  • I dunno, I let him find his friends.

  • How did he get his friends out of the Witherstorm, even before it was dead? I mean Gabriel /Petra said he /she saw them IN the storm, right?

    AronDracula posted: »

    I dunno, I let him find his friends.

  • No, they said they saw them after the explosion

    lucariolu5 posted: »

    How did he get his friends out of the Witherstorm, even before it was dead? I mean Gabriel /Petra said he /she saw them IN the storm, right?

  • edited December 2015

    Hopefully in episode 5 or imma get mad. :P He deserves to be a member of the order.

  • I gave him a shout out at the celebration, but hopefully he gets to be a member.

  • Nah, Lukesse will never die.

  • edited January 2016

    I can imagine the fifth episode to take place after a year or more, seeing the New Order of the Stone, all five of them, going on their current adventure. It's hard to tell though if Lukas will join us because he's really loyal to his friends (we're his friends too, but the Ocelots were there for him before us). I sure hope we'll meet him, I have three different outcomes for him and our group in episode 4.

    Let's say, if we're not friends and he goes to save his friends, he does not come back to fight the Wither Storm, he even storms off in the end of the episode being mad at us. -- We might be enemies with him in the epilogue, having him hating us, even turn into an Ivor and not helping us if we need him.

    If we're pals, but let him go to find his ol' friends, he comes back with the Ocelots to distract the Storm, and him and his group are happy and proud of us in the end of the episode. -- They might help us if we need them at some point, we are still good friends but we barely see him, and we might get a choice to either hang with him and the cats for some time or just hang with our group as always.

    And if we're bros and convinced him to stay with us, he gets himself an architect armor, by himself distracts the great big bully, and he is really happy and proud of us in the end, with his group of course. -- We can go on adventures together, he can be the architect of the group, the Ocelots might come and help us if he asks them, and he could decide if he wants to stay in the New Order or go back to his old group.

    Really, I can't wait to find out how our choices will backfire us in the epilogue!

  • I think that Gabriel gave their old amulet.

  • Does it? I noticed that when Gabriel handed it to Jesse, only the blue and green parts were glowing. That shows Ivor, Gabriel and Magnus were nearby.

  • should
    Not a complete guarantee

  • Lukas's friends escaped the Wither Storm after Jesse blew it up with the F-Bomb. Petra/Gabriel saw them when (s)he escaped the wither storm, but before (s)he saved Jesse. Lukas just went out to search the world in an attempt to find them, and he succeeds.

    lucariolu5 posted: »

    How did he get his friends out of the Witherstorm, even before it was dead? I mean Gabriel /Petra said he /she saw them IN the storm, right?

  • Lukas is a former member of the New Order. He is like Ivor

  • Yeah, I think he'll be in the Order, but as a background member, kinda like Ivor.

  • Isn't Lukas more like Soren? They're both builders.
    And Ivor and Jesse are both leader-types, maybe.

    CunningFox posted: »

    Yeah, I think he'll be in the Order, but as a background member, kinda like Ivor.

  • edited January 2016

    I imagine Ivor as the black sheep of the order, and Lukas is our group's black sheep. Not because he's a traitor, far from it, but because he sometimes doesn't fit into our group, he's more like a lone wolf or something (or rather hang around with his old friends). And there's nothing wrong with it, remember Ivor likes to hang around with books... But, yeah he's the builder, but the game refers to Soren as the leader who was a builder... Now I just confused myself.

    When I look at the old order, I see--

    (class don't matter)

    Soren as the leader - Jesse is the the new order's leader.

    Gabriel is the kinda guy who's important but doesn't hang around with the order that much - Petra, before the Wither Storm she didn't hang around us much.

    Magnus and Ellegaard (I can imagine them to be bffs with Soren since the start even though they have their differences) are more obvious ones - Axel and Olivia.

    And there comes the black sheep, who is more likely to spend his times far from the order - Just like Lukas. He preferes the Ocelots.

    Also I wonder how good would Ivor be as a leader, I can imagine him taking charge. Or maybe he did, like Luke...

    Although Soren did act as a coward in the end, (well Luke didn't have any weapons and stayed with the thought of trying to help) and so did Lukas in the first episode at the portal. Also, he was very upset in episode three and so was Soren in the 4th ep. They have similarities.

    lucariolu5 posted: »

    Isn't Lukas more like Soren? They're both builders. And Ivor and Jesse are both leader-types, maybe.

  • I agree, I dislike how people say Lukas is like Ivor when he really isn't. Lukas and Soren's personality's fit together perfectly.

    lucariolu5 posted: »

    Isn't Lukas more like Soren? They're both builders. And Ivor and Jesse are both leader-types, maybe.

  • Ivor was the first (an actual only) leader of the fake order of the stone, it can so easly be told how soren was never the leader by not only him admitting all the times he lead was a fake, but no leader would run away from the wither, ivor was the first leader Im quite sure but he originally is the most like jesse only because of the leadershipx again, the order of the stone are FAKE, so the actual order of the stone dont need to or wont be just like them

  • edited January 2016

    If you look at it like that though, both Jesse an lukas are a mix of soren an ivor, jesse having the leader sides an lukas having the lone wolf or "Im not sure if this guy is really a hero" rank Im calling him a coward. Which both soren an ivor where once again showing jesse an luke being a combo.

  • edited January 2016

    It would be insane to find out that there were many orders before the old and the new Order of the Stone. Just finding out this by reading old books or finding paintings (like in GoT the Forrester family), finding out that the amulet we have and the old order had, is the same one every order ever had. I'm just sayin'... it would be cool.

    Maybe even meet older fellas. I like time traveling, but I don't think they would add that... or would they?

  • I think Jesses group is the first, an actual, Order of the Stone, or they would have been mentioned older ones, an the fake order of the stone wouldnt of looked all that great to the citizens

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    It would be insane to find out that there were many orders before the old and the new Order of the Stone. Just finding out this by reading o

  • Well, you have a point, although I can imagine that a new order borns every 100 year, and it was us now. The old one thought it were them, but things proved otherwise. You're right it would be mentioned, but... What if... Okay, I'm keep confusing myself...

    I'm just theorizing... What if there were orders back in the Ancient Egypt, in the Bronze Age, in the Modern, etc... Just dropping this here. But, yeah, even I don't know what I'm talking about...

    NorthStars posted: »

    I think Jesses group is the first, an actual, Order of the Stone, or they would have been mentioned older ones, an the fake order of the stone wouldnt of looked all that great to the citizens

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