The Vent/Help Thread



  • I hate when there are people collecting money pretending to be "homeless". A few weeks ago, I saw a man with a sign. The sign was written "Need money. I am homeless." Yet, I see this man clean with a leather jacket and Jordans on his feet. And someone told me that she was giving food to this lady because she thought she was homeless and the woman was angry at her and stated," I don't want that! I want money!" It is just horrible to me.

  • Guess what!? I was just banned from ANOTHER server!

    This time I didn't deserve it either! It was a party thread, I killed the party a few times (when a try hard tried killing me when I was dancing) so then a few scouts on the their team started betraying us and I said in Team Chat "They're betraying us, let's betray them NOW" so my team said "Okay, in a few secs", so then I started killing them all and they weren't so then Red and my team were both yelling KICK HIM so now I'm banned LOL- me and TF2

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Maybe that's secretly @BlindSniper :P

  • Thank everything that the county gives a damn about the poor people.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Update on the homeless situation I mentioned before. The situation with homeless camped out in front of the county building is still ongo

  • A less charitable interpretation would be that they dislike having the homeless camped in front of their administrative building. Still, I'll take any progress.

    Thank everything that the county gives a damn about the poor people.

  • Instances like these really do suck. People not caring about others just because they're lower class. People were literally shitting themselves and people couldn't care less.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    A less charitable interpretation would be that they dislike having the homeless camped in front of their administrative building. Still, I'll take any progress.

  • Something that has been really bugging me lately is the religious intolerance of some people, on both sides of the spectrum.

    Firstly, this very Christian friend of my parents, who asked me if I believed in God and Jesus when I wanted to attend this program he has. I felt pressured to say "yes" and his answer was "Good then, you are my friend and you can come to the place." It wasn´t the part where he said I could come that bothered me as much, because the place is his after all, but the friends part. I mean, why can´t you be friends with someone of a different religion? I am friends with many religious and non-religious friends, and if anything, it creates some interesting debates between us.

    Secondly, the atheist/anti-theist community on the internet can be really agressive sometimes, I get that you have your opinions, but please let other people express theirs too without immediately attacking them without actually making counter-arguments. I am specifically referring to a page where an atheist man said he wasn´t offended by the "In God We Trust" in the bills, with the responses being "You are not a real atheist if you think that way!" and "You put all atheists to shame by saying that!" What the hell, can´t different people of the same religion have different thoughts now? We´re all different people after all. (felt good to get rid of this)

  • I found this interesting and important message to post abuse can happen to all genders nothing to be ashamed about

    enter link description here

    The girl he is talking about is Nicole Arbour who made that fat shaming video

    enter link description here

  • Congrats bro it's progress

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Update on the homeless situation I mentioned before. The situation with homeless camped out in front of the county building is still ongo

  • Thanks! It's something.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Congrats bro it's progress

  • I have watched a lot of videos lately of these Donald Trump Rallies and they honestly scare me. Destroying and stealing protestor's property, kicking people out for their views, shaming people as they leave, and little cheerleaders cheering about destroying America's enemies as the crowd cheers. That honestly scares me.

    There's a few examples, one being two guys at a rally who had signs that said "America is already great" and "God bless President Obama". These men were sitting there expressing their rights as American citizens doing absolutely nothing but sitting there quietly with signs. The people in the crowd around them tore apart these signs and called security to kick them out and the stadium chanted America as they were escorted. Another was a Muslim woman, doing ABSOULTELY nothing but being there quietly watching and just because she was Muslim she was kicked out as the people chanted America. It's sick. What's even more sick is Donald Trump supporting this, he wanted security to keep their jackets as they kicked them out into below ten degree weather. He eggs these crowds on to get them to do these things, I hate to say it but it reminded me of the early Nazi Rallies we heard about in History.

    Hitler supporting ill thinking towards Communists, Jews, etc. The guards and people forcing non conformists out and people cheering and chanting as it happens. Telling people to scare the protestors out and away just like non conformist press outlets. Trump supports ill thinking towards Liberals, Mexicans, and Muslims...Kicking these people out as the people chant and then saying to scare the protestors away.

    It's sickingly scary, I'm afraid about how willing Americans are to show this similarity to fascist Germany.

  • So I take it that you're not going to re-elect Trump in NationStates? Since election time is right now....

    Seriously, I know what you mean but does anyone seriously think Trump will win? His poll numbers might be high and he can yell as much as he wants but I don't think he'll win.

    I have watched a lot of videos lately of these Donald Trump Rallies and they honestly scare me. Destroying and stealing protestor's property

  • I'm scared that Americans might be that stupid.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    So I take it that you're not going to re-elect Trump in NationStates? Since election time is right now.... Seriously, I know what you mea

  • Well....the front-runners are Trump and Hillary (unless Cruz and Sanders pass them)- to me both are motherfucking lying rich assholes which I think I would probably laugh if I heard one of them died (harsh, I know)

    Even if Americans ARE that stupid, I bet SOMEHOW it would get rigged or something would happen so Trump would't make it, I just can't see him actually winning it.

    I'm scared that Americans might be that stupid.

  • Well well...Bernie is catching up by A LOT, I mean so much to where Hillary is scared, she's attacking the man now. Bernie might become the democratic nominee.

    After Trump's destruction of Cruz in the latest debate with the whole 9/11 thing, Cruz lost a good amount of support, especially from New York. Who else but Trump to use a national tragedy unrelated to the debate or accusation to win the crowd.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well....the front-runners are Trump and Hillary (unless Cruz and Sanders pass them)- to me both are motherfucking lying rich assholes which

  • I hope Bernie takes her over, did you watch the debate? I did, Hillary was in full attack mode basically- I don't even like Bernie that much, I'm just yelling FEEL THE BERN like a bunch of my liberal friends because I want to see him overtake Hillary.

    Yeah, I was surprised Trump did that- I'm wondering who will try and take on Trump next- Bush failed, Fiorina failed, Carson didn't capitalize off his chance, and Cruz might fall but we'll see...

    Well well...Bernie is catching up by A LOT, I mean so much to where Hillary is scared, she's attacking the man now. Bernie might become the

  • I don't really watch the debates, they give me headaches, but I watch parts of them afterwards. Hillary is scared, she tried ignoring him but that allow gave him room to grow, and now he's a threat and she's scared. I feel bad for O'Malley.

    Who will take on Trump next? I doubt anyone left in the Republican party has any spunk to try, but in the Democratic party? Well, I could see Hillary trying but failing...Bernie? I got faith in the old guy, he's got that Neosporin on the side for the upcoming 3rd degree BERNS.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I hope Bernie takes her over, did you watch the debate? I did, Hillary was in full attack mode basically- I don't even like Bernie that much

  • edited January 2016

    I usually only watch the GOP debates but watched the recent democrat one. O'Malley should drop out- he shouldn't have even been on that debate stage, I feel bad for him but he doesn't have a chance.

    I can see Rubio being the one last Republican to try and take on Trump but Rubio has already had his record brought up in his face so I doubt he would last long against Trump. I think Hillary would beat Trump: I'm not sure which one I would choose since I HATE them both but I think someone would somehow find a way to help weasel Hillary in the White House.... I hope Bernie BERNS Hillary to hell..... God, why can't there be a politician I really like and agree with? Cause I haven't found one yet lol

    I don't really watch the debates, they give me headaches, but I watch parts of them afterwards. Hillary is scared, she tried ignoring him bu

  • Poor O'Malley has like 2% of the democratic vote.

    Tell me about your political views.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I usually only watch the GOP debates but watched the recent democrat one. O'Malley should drop out- he shouldn't have even been on that deba

  • Poor O'Malley has like 2% of the democratic vote.

    Poor guy :(

    Tell me about your political views.

    Where do you want me to start? like, what do you want me to say? lol, I've taken polls and there's been candidates they've tried to match me with but there' usually something either politically or personally I don't like about them- to start on some issues: I consider myself conservative, I don't think we should be taking in "refugees" when a lot of them are young males who historically fought but are now running away for some reason, I don't like seeing abortion used as a birth control method by people who are carless but I think the government should stay out it and we shouldn't be funding Planned Parenthood, I'm not against homosexuals but I personally really don't understand them and I don't know where I stand on the "Marriage/Call it a Civil Union" thing, I was religious when I was little but not anymore but some Republicans annoy me when they say "JESUS THIS THE LORD WILL SAVE US ALL", I think increased background checks for guns is good (especially on the metal ill) but I'm not for gun bans unless if it's something extremely unnecessary like a OrganShreddingPeopleKIlling300Bullet999+SpearAndGrenadeLauncherInside thing lol.

    Hope this isn't too much lol

    Poor O'Malley has like 2% of the democratic vote. Tell me about your political views.

  • It's all highly disconcerting. While I would go so far as to call him a fascist, I don't think we've seen this kind of hatred in a Presidential race since George Wallace (an open segregationist) ran for office in 72. It's not just Trump either. Cruz is just as shitty and Rubio seems determined to start a war.

    What really concerning is that this trend isn't limited to the United States, and is coming back even worse in Europe. A neo-fascist party almost won the election in France, Scandinavia is taking a hard turn right and neo-Nazis are coming back in Germany. Eastern European countries like Hungary and Poland have gone all in on reactionary nationalism.

    It's a bad time for tolerance and human decency.

    I have watched a lot of videos lately of these Donald Trump Rallies and they honestly scare me. Destroying and stealing protestor's property

  • Fuck Hilary and her golden middle, continuity bullshit. Obamacare isn't the holy grail. Drugs are more expensive here than any other first-world country, the pharmaceutical companies and private insurance conspire to keep price high and plans under the ACA provide substandard converge. How is that the greatest thing since sliced bread?

    I bet she gets payouts from the healthcare-industrial complex.

  • Fuck Hilary and her golden middle, continuity bullshit. Obamacare isn't the holy grail.

    Yay, we agree :D I think she's trying to suck Obama's balls more than Monica did with Bill's.....too much? xD

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Fuck Hilary and her golden middle, continuity bullshit. Obamacare isn't the holy grail. Drugs are more expensive here than any other first-

  • I don't think we should be taking in "refugees" when a lot of them are young males who historically fought but are now running away for some reason,

    Well, some of these men are legitimately trying to run for a better place. I understand your view on this but I myself would prefer heavier regulations on the refugees instead.

    I don't like seeing abortion used as a birth control method by people who are carless but I think the government should stay out it and we shouldn't be funding Planned Parenthood

    Abortion isn't a birth control method for the careless but that's a debate for another time. You're a pro-choice practically, pro-life morally type of guy...Who's anti planned parenthood, which I don't know much on.

    I'm not against homosexuals but I personally really don't understand them and I don't know where I stand on the "Marriage/Call it a Civil Union" thing

    Alright well this is an easy one to wrap up. Do you believe in equal rights for everyone despite what they are? Do you believe anyone can love any other person? If you answered yes to those questions you're of sane mind and support gay marriage.

    I think increased background checks for guns is good (especially on the metal ill) but I'm not for gun bans

    Then you're pro-gun regulation...Something most liberals, if not all, are. No one who isn't crazy is trying to ban guns, you literally can't do that under the 2nd amendment, people just want better regulations.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Poor O'Malley has like 2% of the democratic vote. Poor guy Tell me about your political views. Where do you want me t

  • I don't think we've seen this kind of hatred in a Presidential race since George Wallace (an open segregationist) ran for office in 72.

    There was Goldwater in 1964 (I think that was the year) who totally supported repelling the civil rights act if elected. I only remember this because I saw a thing earlier today that said Hillary voted for the man.

    What really concerning is that this trend isn't limited to the United States, and is coming back even worse in Europe. A neo-fascist party almost won the election in France, Scandinavia is taking a hard turn right and neo-Nazis are coming back in Germany. Eastern European countries like Hungary and Poland have gone all in on reactionary nationalism.

    I haven't been paying too much attention lately to the state of Europe but if that's true, I'm scared as hell for our future.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    It's all highly disconcerting. While I would go so far as to call him a fascist, I don't think we've seen this kind of hatred in a Presiden

  • edited January 2016

    Well, some of these men are legitimately trying to run for a better place. I understand your view on this but I myself would prefer heavier regulations on the refugees instead.

    I know what you're saying but I think it's too many of them and I don't discriminate against religions but I think we have to face the facts: in the European countries that have taken them in, trouble's already started... If it's "heavier regulations" then I would be for making them REALLY heavy and basically time-consuming to make sure that they can be trusted.

    Abortion isn't a birth control method for the careless but that's a debate for another time. You're a pro-choice practically, pro-life morally type of guy...Who's anti planned parenthood, which I don't know much on.

    I know what abortion is but I've seen it used IN a way that I don't like (I've met a few women who BRAG about having like 5 abortions because they don't want to use the pill or use protection because it "ruins" the feel of sex, THAT'S what I don't like abortion being used as. I guess I'm pro-life but most reasons a woman who makes sense would want to get an abortion I would agree with- I'm not an expert on planned-parenthood but just in general, I don't think it should be a government funded thing.

    Alright well this is an easy one to wrap up. Do you believe in equal rights for everyone despite what they are? Do you believe anyone can love any other person? If you answered yes to those questions you're of sane mind and support gay marriage.

    Yes, maybe it's that my liberal school makes things more complicated than it is but I guess I "support" it but as I said, I don't understand them at all basically: I guess I support it but It's nothing I would do a march for because it doesn't really affect my life (hopefully that doesn't sound to "homophobic", because I've had liberal friends give me shit when I don't agree lol)

    Then you're pro-gun regulation...Something most liberals, if not all, are. No one who isn't crazy is trying to ban guns, you literally can't do that under the 2nd amendment, people just want better regulations.

    But I'm not for my guns being taken away :PPPP That trolling aside, I just don't want SUPER harsh regulations on NORMAL people, Any other issues you can think of?

    I don't think we should be taking in "refugees" when a lot of them are young males who historically fought but are now running away for some

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    There was Goldwater in 1964 (I think that was the year) who totally supported repelling the civil rights act if elected. I only remember this because I saw a thing earlier today that said Hillary voted for the man.

    Nah, I'm talking about George Wallace. He was gov. Of Alabama during the civil rights movement and ran on a platform of re-segregation. He lost everywhere but the Deep South, where he won by an overwhelming margain. Basically he supported the same thing as Goldwater, except long after it was cool anywhere but the South.

    I haven't been paying too much attention lately to the state of Europe but if that's true, I'm scared as hell for our future.

    Me too. The European left is in near total disarray. It's a sad reflection on how much the radical right and ISIS help each other out...and how out of touch the left wing has become with average workers.

    I don't think we've seen this kind of hatred in a Presidential race since George Wallace (an open segregationist) ran for office in 72.

  • As I said earlier....

    So I take it that you're not going to re-elect Trump in NationStates? Since election time is right now....

    TRUMP'S WINNING IN NATIONSTATES LOL It's Trump leading right now and the votes are 6 to 3 to 0

    I have watched a lot of videos lately of these Donald Trump Rallies and they honestly scare me. Destroying and stealing protestor's property

  • I am really ashamed that some people of America are acting like this. It's inhumane and sickening. I don't understand why some people are against Muslims, and they cannot blame them because of ISIS and Al-Qaeda's wrongdoings. That's stereotypical saying that all Muslims are terrorists. It's like saying that all whites are mass shooters or that all blacks are thugs and gangsters. How come that America is like this? I thought that we are supposed to be more open-minded. Some people of America are giving a really bad reputation.

    I have watched a lot of videos lately of these Donald Trump Rallies and they honestly scare me. Destroying and stealing protestor's property

  • Welp, the third quarter has just started in the school year and I already have an 89% in my Chemistry class. I really cannot wait until the school year is over because this woman's class is killing me. I REALLY despise that class.

  • You're right, I think it's because of fear: people will do and say fucked up shit when they're afraid and they'll assume things- I'm worried for the future generations of Americans and Muslims, some Americans might get the idea that Muslims are "the enemy" or something like that and they'll discriminate against religions more and Muslims might feel like they're being persecuted against so it becomes more likely they'll do bad things when they are being hated on 24/7, it's kind of like a cycle in my opinion and I just hope that future generations won't be divided against each other.

    I am really ashamed that some people of America are acting like this. It's inhumane and sickening. I don't understand why some people are ag

  • Obamacare isn't the holy grail.


    "Who's there?"


    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Fuck Hilary and her golden middle, continuity bullshit. Obamacare isn't the holy grail. Drugs are more expensive here than any other first-

  • edited January 2016

    It's become a mad world. The Trump rallies are just, ugh, words can't describe it. It's unfathomable with how these people are acting.

    Heck over here in Canada, one of the recently arrived refugees who arrived got pepper sprayed by some prick on a bycicle. While I don't agree with Trudeau's actions as of late, especially on bringing so many refugees in a time like this. People are already screaming bloody hell. It's even prominent on the web, like on Yahoo. Many are so fucking paranoid that they think all Muslims are bad. By that logic all Canadians, British, Americans, Germans, etc are bad. It's fucking retarded. I even read one guy was making a flip over a family with 5 kids and a pregnant woman, saying they're going to take over the population and being Canadian will mean nothing. Like bitch if you see competition with the amount of kids then maybe you should start pumping more. And also, originally aboriginal people ruled this land but the British took over, so technically we all come from an immigrant background here in Canada. And people are also using a story of a Muslim man who raped many girls back in 2007 to claim all Muslims follow rapist ideals. Like hello, how many murders, rapes, and crimes happened over here and every where else. EXACTLY, that shit happens all the time!

    I swear; terrorists going rampant, discrimination of a person's culture, people being paranoid and assholes for the craziest things. I say fuck patriotism, fuck culture, fuck this, fuck that we're all human! God I feel like becoming a damn dictator and rule over the world with the way things are. Not Hitler dictatorship, but something that actually helps the world instead of destroying it. It's just, ugh... This world tends to piss me off man.

    I have watched a lot of videos lately of these Donald Trump Rallies and they honestly scare me. Destroying and stealing protestor's property

  • edited January 2016

    At least there's some humanity in this godforsaken shit pit. (Uh... no pun intended)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Update on the homeless situation I mentioned before. The situation with homeless camped out in front of the county building is still ongo

  • Me last night when my brother was with me:

    Ohh, Resident Evil 0 is finally out! :D

    Brother's system begins installing RE0. Stops at 94%. Won't move for 10 minutes. Stuck. Restarts system. Tries again. Repeats installation. Stuck... again.


  • People saying that Aspergers Syndrome would be some kind of magical fucking gift, more like a magically bad plauge.

    enter image description here

    Well well, time to stop weeping. Life goes on after all.

  • I Hate Everything's account just got suspended today. Literally 5-10 mins ago. FUCK

  • enter image description here

    Me last night when my brother was with me: Ohh, Resident Evil 0 is finally out! Brother's system begins installing RE0. Stops at 94%. Won't move for 10 minutes. Stuck. Restarts system. Tries again. Repeats installation. Stuck... again. -__-

  • Facebook makes me want to run away and live with that woman in Siberia. The people on social media are so DISGUSTING in how they behave and all these SJWs. Why do so many people my age, and even older (In fact, mostly older!), think that talking in front of a camera with some wide eyes, pointing fingers, and articulating words is the way to revolutionize the world?

    If you're wondering why I even use Facebook in the first place, it's my only way of communicating outside of school and my little red flip phone.

  • Are you kidding!? Maannnn. He was giving those "reactionists" a run for their money!

    I Hate Everything's account just got suspended today. Literally 5-10 mins ago. FUCK

  • I have a feeling its for one of the movies he reviewed recently. Might be another Derrick Savage situation.

    Are you kidding!? Maannnn. He was giving those "reactionists" a run for their money!

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