Who Do You Think Will Be The New King's Landing POV?
Ok so I've been trying to decide who I think might be the new POV in KL, assuming that there will be one of course. I couldn't really think of anyone. However then I remembered what Tom said to Mira in episode 1 I know people, people who want to help you or something along those lines. So I got to thinking, could the POV be an agent of this mystery
person(s)? I know it is a long shot, but it would be interesting. Besides that little mystery was never cleared up at the end of season 1.
What do you think?
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I think that there will be no POW on King's Landing because no Forrester is there anymore.
The Citadel is in Oldtown, not King's Landing.
Opps! My bad..
Anyone but Morgryn. Maybe another coal boy who was friends with Tom? Unless someone we already know arrives at King's Landing to unravel the rest of Mira's story.
POV??, what´s porn have to do with anything in here? You people are sick I said, SICK.
Hopefully (If you Keep Her Alive) Mira and if Mira is dead, maybe the Tom coal boy.
Think they'll probably keep it in the Forrester house - a random coal boy would be a bit weird.
Yeah it was just a thought. There might not be much to do as a coal boy anyways other than sneaking up and eavesdropping on conversations or stealing something.
Nobody. The fact they've made Mira determinant (Which I think was a late decision on their part; they always intended for her to die no matter what like Ethan) establishes the fact Telltale have no further plans or interest in King's Landing anymore. It was only included to fill the Game of Thrones quota of Political Scheming! and so the story had characters like Tyrion, Cersei and Margaery in it. They even made sure Andros died, and of course, Lucan will live because edgy! and evil goes unpunished! there is no justice!
I now think Morgryn will travel North to meet with the Whitehills, so that plot point can be resolved in Season 2 without the need of any POV in the south. And Mira, if alive, the Whitehills will use her in some small and likely irrelevant capacity, along with Elaena, if she was captured. All in all, I just hope Season 2 sticks exclusively to the North -- no Essos, no King's Landing. Malcolm can wait until Season 3--and either Rodrik / Asher can receive the odd raven from him. And the POV characters should be Rodrik / Asher, Gared, and one other, either Talia or Beskha or a whole new character entirely (perhaps Torrhen). But I'm 90% sure, whatever happens, there will be no new King's Landing POV.
Whoever is the survivor between Mira and Tom. They're both in the same shape and "class" at this point, and Morgryn isn't going to take Ironhall of the Whitehills have it.
But like DillonDex said I wouldn't be surprised if there just flat out isn't one. Mira's story stopped progressing after episode three, episode four was filler, episode five seemed to lead into whatever she was doing, and then she dies in episode six. It seemed like that story was just there to have a King's Landing arc.
I think its possible that the remaining Forresters could flee south to seek amnesty with Mira at King's Landing, as they obviously don't know she's gone.
I think it's probably going to be Toms boss. Maybe he's an old friend to the house or Gregor, why else would he send Tom to help Mira.
Did the fact that we only play as Forresters pass by everyone here?
Did the fact that Gared is not a Forrester pass you by?
No it did not. Clearly you're too much of an idiot to understand my point. Gared is working for House Forrester. I didnt mean literary to have the Forrester last name you dimwit. Who in Kings Landing is a Forrester other than Mira? Unless Tom turns out to be a bastard from House Forrester or something silly like that.
Congratulations on being the first person to insult me on the internet. Unfortunately there is no award, but i hope the honor is enough.
Well, Tom did deliver a message from Elissa to Mira, he has helped her many times and is her coal boy, so you could say that he serves House Forrseter.
Sure. But when Mira is gone, what is Tom going to do in Kings Landing? His role there mattered when he used to look out for her and help her.
What did we learn from episode 5 and 6? If we have a choice between saving/killing two characters, the surviving character will serve pretty much the same role, regardless of who it is. The same goes with the dying character. Examples:
Episode 5; traitor Duncan and traitor Royland will have the same death scene, Rodrik and Asher sacrifice themselves the same way.
Episode 6; sentinel Duncan and sentinel Royland defend the castle in a similar manner, Lord Rodrik and Lord Asher both fight with the pit fighters, kill Harys, get the same wound and escape Ironrath on a horse with the help from his sentinel, Ludd and Gryff both command the Whitehills from their horse and falls off it. Mira and Tom has the same beheading scene and both watch the other die.
Perhaps they will serve the same purpose in season two as well, staying in King's Landing and thwarting Morgryn's schemes.
This is just inductive reasoning, however.
Why, take revenge on Morgryn and Lucan of course.
I think I said this before, but at the moment I have two opposing theories. One is that Malcolm will stay in Meereen with Daenerys until about episode 3 of season 2, when he hears word of what happened at Ironrath. He then sails back to Westeros and lands at King's Landing, where he finds out what's happened with Mira, meets with Margaery, Tom, Sera, Morgryn whoever etc. before heading north.
The other theory is that Beskha brings Ryon back to Meereen with her, so that Malcolm can look after him, thus tying Malcolm's story to the Forresters plight better, so he isn't quite so isolated on the other side of the world. This would probably mean he wouldn't leave for Westeros, and thus couldn't be the King's Landing POV for season 2. In which case, I really don't know who it would be other than a new character. Maybe Talia, although I'm not sure what she'd be doing down there.
This is what I'm thinking.