Favorite Quotes/Lines?
Whats yalls favorite line or saying from TWD? mine would have to be when Larry says ''I got charm coming out of my ass'' and Lilly's response '' yeah that's real charming dad.'' XD so whats yours
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"I'd fill one of those tea cups with some bourbon if I could"
Clementine saying, "Still...NOT...Bitten." Then going on to explain she never was. That was a good F you to Luke's group for trying to keep her overnight in a shed.
it was a great F you
Lee telling Kenny to go **** himself in episode 4, that was just awesome.
I know a lot of the popular ones people will post, so let's go with a less popular one
Danny: You gotta keep me alive! If you kill me, the meat gets tainted, you can't eat it!
Lee: You're already tainted.
A little on the corny side maybe, but I still like this line a lot
Lee: "Hey Ben"
Lee: "See ya"
Best conversation of the whole series.
Omg, yes! Lol When that first happened to me, I nearly died laughing.
lol I remember this... Actually made me laugh XD
lol this comment made my day
Duck: "Daddy says it's called a salt lick."
Clem: "Yeah, but don't lick it. It's gross."
Lee: "Did you lick it?"
Clem: "I don't know..."
Clem is such a character XD
Hey Lilly.
See ya
Lee "How about I throw you off this fucking train"
Larry "Cool your jets there Rambo"
Clem "He's the reason I keep my hair short"
Chuck "You gotta consider her a living person, that's it"
Kenny "The world won't let my boy live, when I helped put someone else's in the ground"
Luke "To the loved ones we lost along the way and the hope that we see them again some day"
Lee "I'll miss you"
Clem "Me too"
Lee's Epic Speech to Vernon, if you refuse to Give Clem to him. " That Little Girl's in my care! We've been through more together than you can imagine. Anyone who tries to get between me and her - ANYONE - Is going to wind up DEAD! YOU HEAR ME?
"Sometimes you have to hurt someone else to protect the people you care about. A friend told me that once"-Clementine
Love this line, and scene. Clem quoting Lee? My heart started pumping.
(upon discovery of the boat in the shed Ep4) Lee: Holy shit! Clem: Swear (every time I played the game I ALWAYS chose that option).
Carley: Don't call me small.
Lilly: Yeah, he's bitter and hateful, but that's all just to protect himself. And me. All he's got left in the world is me. And that goes both ways. So yeah, he's probably going to keep treating you like crap, but that's just because he still has one thing left to care about. So don't judge him. And don't judge me for sticking by him. He's my dad, and I love him.
Carley (about her gun): I don't leave home without it. (Simple yet it was cool)
Lee (my final words): Don't be afraid.
(about Clementine's parents not being in Crawford and it was full of bad people)
Clementine: "How do you know they're good, you've never met them?"
Lee: "Well... They raised you, didn't they?"
Lee: NO! You don't touch that boy! You don't touch anybody! I've got a little girl I'm trying to protect in here too. You want to get violent you old f^$k?! WELL, COME ON! You better have a plan to kill me though, because it's ME, BEFORE ANYONE ELSE IN HERE!
Clementine: What's that?
Lee Everett: This was my dad's cane. He'd zip around here on it from time to time.
Clementine: Was he sick?
Lee Everett: Nah, he was ok. I actually saw him whoop shoplifters with it. This cane's protected this place better than any guard dog ever could. Plus he made it look cool. Like you with your hat.
Clementine: My dad gave it to me.
Lee Everett: See, dads are smart like that.
Cop: People will often go mad when they believe their life is over.
Clementine (Season 2 my ending about Howe's): It's not much...but we'll make it better.
"People will often go mad when they believe their life is over."
That quote is so true.
Kenny's entire speech outside Wellington but the part that got to me was "You'll meet people, better people, that don't have to look at you and feel ashamed of what they've put you through"
Hehe Ben's finest moment.
It goes a little something like this
"Hey Ben."
"See ya."
Stare Back Clementine.
Sorry just loved that silent moment with Troy gazing down at Clem trying to wake her up. Even though it isn't actually a quote. Gotta see Troy have a light side for a few seconds, as they both had a stare contest for those few seconds with changing facial expressions. hehe
Agreed. I was laughing for god knows how long when i discovered this. Another reason i'll always like season 1 more than 2 and probably the future TWD games, they get rid of the option to keep talking to characters like this even if they ran out of things to say
Of all the quotes in both games, this is your favourite? Hope this is sarcasm on your behalf lol
On consoles it's different I guess, That's PC, right?
Well it's when Ben (a character known as a limp noodle) stands up for his rights for once instead of just taking the 'beating'.
It's ironic. The police officer had just finished talking about Thomas Richardson, and he had no way of knowing that Thomas would turn into a serial killer after knowing the apocalypse started.
"To those we've lost along the way... and to the hope, we see them again someday."
Thats fine and all but of all the quotes out there i certainly wouldn't say that was one of them. If it was favourite "moment" then surebif that's what people like then good on them lol
Nah on playstation etc its still "hey ben, hey, seeya" lol
I felt it was a great character moment for Ben! He was finally showing some guts, and it was amazing. I wouldn't say it's my absolutely most favorite line of the entire franchise ever, but it's pretty damn good.
I really liked the stare at Carver as well.
At least until he slapped the shit out of her.
That last one.
On that topic, I love the super smug, condescending smile Carver makes just before he slaps her
He's all like "that's cute, you little shit"
< Speaking Russian >