Game of Thrones Season 2 vs Wolf Among Us Season 2: Which do you want more?
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As much as I ached for a GoT S2 (which has been officially confirmed) after a pretty intense finale, I'd still rather continue waiting for years if it meant Wolf got another season. I guess the characters, story and voice acting were all just more compelling overall, and it just felt more original, like Telltale really made the Fables franchise their own.
Game of Thrones on the other hand I now feel as if it were more of an imitation of the HBO show rather than an extension of it, unlike Wolf, it didn't leave me satisfied and presented more questions than answers - and in the bad way that was just meant to hook you in for the next season, while Wolf felt more whole. GoT certainly was the most ambitious project they've released so far, and the voice acting was good, and some of the characters (Asher, Beshka, Gwyn, even Mira) were pretty cool the storyline just felt... mishandled.
Of course, there won't ever be a Wolf Season 2, but if there could have been, would you have preferred that over GoT Season 2?
Game of thrones.
Wolf among us ended well.
Tales from the Borderlands season 2
The wolf among us, no doubt about it.
I'd rather have a S2 of TWAU,but what I want more than both of them is
Another monkey island
And another BTTF too
Wolf Among Us, easily.
The Wolf Among us.
As good the Game of Thrones might be as a TV show, the dialogue options are either "butt licking," lying or being a "butthole."
Since I refuse to lie or pretend if there's an option to do that, it ends up that I choose the direct options, which then lead characters complaining that I didn't handle the situation right.
Meanwhile Big by floods you with fitting response options without needing to pretend that you like someone.
Definitely Wolf Season 2.
Wolf takes place in a world with lots more potential for another great mystery story.
While I think GOT was the better game, I would probably take TWAU S2 over it, as I find more enjoyment in replaying TWAU over GOT.
That being said, I would rather have a S2 of TFTBL over both of them.
Wolf is dead. So Game of Thrones.
Game of Thrones, no question. It's no secret that it's my favourite series so far.
I wish I could like this more than once.
None. Back to The Future Season 2 with choice-based gameplay.
Amen to that
I want TTG to start something NEW, not repeat past mistakes!
Wolf among us season 2 defos
Game of Thrones. While both were open ended, Game of Thrones was definitely intended to have a full resolution with another season. The Wolf Among Us resolved the main plotline with a minor cliffhanger that I can honestly live without knowing the result of. That, and I'm more interesting in the potential of Game of Thrones as a true choice-based game with completely different Lord protagonists if pulled off well.
It's easy for me, Game of Thrones.
While I completely enjoyed GoT, it's the complete opposite for me in TWAU. I completely hated the storyline, I didn't care for any character (with an exception of Vivian) and many more. I found it uninteresting. In GoT, I cared for almost every 'good' character, I found the story very interesting and I also really loved the oil painting art style. I dare to say that it is my favorite Telltale game.
The 2013-2014 era of Telltale Games has some problems with the character interactions and relationships. Good thing that 2014-2015 era managed to fix that.
Neither Tales S2
Game of Thrones just wins it for me because of the multiple PoVs.
Do you even have to ask? Wolf Among Us obviously. It is in my honest opinion the best game telltale has done or at least equally as good as TFTB. While game of Thrones..... is okay, but easily the worst series telltale has done besides maybe Minecraft.
Unfortunately, bigger franchises - more money.So they forgotten about earlier days form what they begun.
Meh, just could not get into Game of Thrones. T'would have to be TWAU S2 for me.
Game of Thrones: Season 2! I started with The Walking Dead: Season 1, and played everything that followed, but none engrossed me as much as the story of House Forrester. Besides, as much as I'd like The Wolf Among Us: Season 2, I can make my peace without ever having it. After all, Bigby solved the case, the Crooked Man is gone, Crane is gone, sure there's a few loose threads left open--but not as much, I feel, as in Game of Thrones--which I think is incredibly underrated, and receives way more criticism than it deserves.
And ultimately, I'm just far more eager to resume the story of House Forrester, than I am of Fabletown.
I think you mean, Tales from the Borderlands Season 2 vs Tales from the Borderlands Season 2.
Yes, because making something new has NEVER cost Telltale anything or made any mistakes that made the fanbase lose the respect they had for Telltale.
Then again, The Walking Dead: Season 2 was fucking shit too.
What mistakes? You cant mean TWAU.
I think, GoT wouldn't Be Critizised If it was released As an 10-11 Episode Story or If it was announced that it will have two Seasons right away. But i'd say TWAU, Because i Really don't Care about anyone in GoT, Because These characters Are Pretty boring written. While TWAUs cast is Far more interesting. At least in my opinion.
Game of Thrones for sure,hated Borderlands (my opinion)
It seems like a moot point since GOT season two is a done deal.
::clutching my pearls::
Well, in my game I got both my favorite and my most annoyed with characters killed... So I don't know... Honestly, Game of Thrones S2 seems like a wrap-up while Wolf Among Us is a whole other potential mystery, so I guess I vote the latter.
cries in spanish.