Episodes of the Game: Best to Worst.

edited February 2016 in Game Of Thrones

Like the title says.

I haven't played Ice Dragon yet, but mine would be.

1: Sword in the Darkness

2: Iron From Ice

3: Sons of Winter

4: The Lost Lords

5: Nest of Vipers


  • I'd say,

    1. The Sword in the Darkness
    2. Iron From Ice
    3. The Lost Lords
    4. The Ice Dragon
    5. Sons of Winter
    6. A Nest of Vipers
    1. The sword in the darkness

    2. The ice dragon

    3. Sons of winter

    4. Iron from ice

    5. A nest of vipers

    6. The lost lords

    1. The Ice Dragon - loved the finale, had a lot of big moments while setting up a good starting point for the next season, bonus points for the show character voice over part which was simply amazing *9.5 / 10
    2. Sons of Winter - loved Rodrik's storyline here (especially the meetup at Highpoint), first time hearing Ramsay's voice in the Ironrath great hall at the end of the episode was a lovely shocking surprise, action packed episode for Asher, this is also my favorite Mira episode with Tommen's coronation *9 / 10
    3. Iron from Ice - set up the entire storyline and was a solid middle ground episode *8.5 / 10
    4. The Lost Lords - introduces us to even more fun characters (like Asher and Finn), seeing Rodrik alive for the first time was a nice surprise, middle ground episode with some good parts and some boring *8.5 / 10
    5. The Sword in the Darkness - too much of a focus on Gared and his storyline (my least favorite protagonist) & pretty much powerless the entire episode (even if you stand up to Gryff it doesn't make much of a difference and you're still his underling) *7.5 / 10
    6. A Nest of Vipers - would be higher (because this episode had its good moments) but this was significantly shorter than all the others + the traitor scene was handled very poorly (really wish there was more of a reason why someone would be a traitor other than who Ethan did not pick as sentinel in Episode 1) *7 / 10
    1. Sons of Winter
    2. The Lost Lords
    3. The Sword in the Darkness
    4. The Ice Dragon
    5. Iron From Ice
    6. A Nest of Vipers
    1. Sons of Winter.
    2. The Ice Dragon.
    3. The Sword in the Darkness.
    4. A Nest of Vipers.
    5. The Lost Lords.
    6. Iron From Ice.

    Let me clarify that I don't think Iron From Ice was a bad episode. I loved it. I just enjoyed the others more.

    1. Sons of winter
    2. Ice Dragon
    3. Lost Lords
    4. iron from Ice
    5. nest of vipers
    6. sword in the darkness
    1. A settlement needs our help
    2. At least it's not raining
    3. Protect the people at a minute's notice
    4. Ad Victoriam
    5. Bacon from Pig!
    6. Rodrik was a true fatman
    1. Sons of Winter
    2. The Lost Lords
    3. The Ice Dragon
    4. The Sword in the Darkness
    5. Iron From Ice
    6. ...
    7. ...
    8. ...
    9. A Nest of Vipers
    1. Sons of Winter
    2. Iron From Ice
    3. The Ice Dragon
    4. The Lost Lords
    5. The Sword In The Darkness
    6. A Nest of Vipers
  • edited February 2016
    1. The Ice Dragon: Yeah, I know the ending is tragic and sad, but I can tell that Telltale did put a lot of effort into this episode. The Siege was epic and intense. Things were really at stake. And my favorite characters Rodrik, Talia and Royland survived my playthrough, so I am fine with the ending.
    2. Sons of Winter: This was the episode where the Forresters are striking back and for a brief moment have the upper hand. Rodrik managed to reclaim Ironrath and imprisoned Gryff and his garrison. Asher managed to help Dany win Meereen. Gared successfully deserting, surviving a wildling attack despite being outnumbered and got his friends to Sylvi's camp. And Mira successfully outplaying Andros and ruined Ludd's mercenary army, thus he used his gold for nothing.
    3. Iron from Ice: I thought this was a good pilot episode. We are introduced to the Forresters. We know what is at stake. And Ethan managed to be memorable for one episode.
    4. The Lost Lords: I consider this the Season's true pilot episode. We are introduced to our true protagonists, Asher and Rodrik. With Rodrik immediately becoming my favorite character. And Talia's memorable song to her brother and father.
    5. A Nest of Vipers: Yes, I know this episode gets lot of flak, but I personally love the episode. I thought the traitor scene was really emotional, I was personally really invested in the scene and I really felt betrayed by Duncan. Also, Asher have quite a lot of focus in this episode, since he managed to find pit fighters, a badass duel and he became the focus point in the last act. The last choice between Rodrik and Asher was tragic, but I have to admire Telltale for the guts to kill one of them off. Sadly, Gared's and Mira's story felt like it was put on hold.
    6. The Sword in the Darkness: This was Gared's episode. Which is fine. We see him become a brother of the Night's Watch and he have an awesome duel against Britt. But the reason why I put this so low, it is because I felt the most depressed and empty playing this episode. Rodrik gets humiliated, Asher's relationship to Beskha got strained and Mira's effort amount for nothing. Yeah, this episode felt a lot more downer than A Nest of Vipers. I still like it, but it is my least favorite.
  • It's hard to put them in order since I love every one, and for different reasons in most cases. But I'll try, even though most of these are interchangeable, as far as I'm concerned.

    1. The Sword in the Darkness." Standing up to Gryff, smashing a Whitehill soldier in the face with a goblet, Gared's fight with Britt atop the Wall, Asher having to choose between Malcolm and Beskha, Mira having to choose Margaery and Tyrion, The Sword in the Darkness is just such a full, satisfying episode, that really does wonders for fleshing out your versions of the Forresters. Plus, it has some of the most difficult decisions. I was so nervous when I chose for Rodrik to keep getting back up--but damn, I'm glad that I did :)

    2. The Lost Lords. I loved the introduction to Asher and Rodrik, the latter especially; watching him stand up to the Whitehills, telling Ludd "Fuck your soldiers, and fuck you too," telling that soldier to "Move. NOW!" and refusing to walk with Talia's assistance, refusing to kiss Ludd's ring. I also loved Gared's training at Castle Black, his fight with Finn, and his walk with Jon Snow. Plus, it's ending was phenomenal. It's quite an underrated episode, I think.

    3. The Ice Dragon An episode that would have been much higher up, had it not rendered Mira and Gared almost entirely useless. Still, though, it was a fantastic episode--certainly the one I was most engrossed in. The heart-breaking conversation about Asher, the initial siege, the epic final battle (of which Rodrik and Royland survived!) and the whole Forrester narration sequence, summing everything up, right at the end. It left me satisfied, and desperate for Season 2. :)

    4. A Nest of Vipers. I know this episode gets a lot of flak, but I love it. The initial scenes with Rodrik and Ramsay were super tense. The traitor scene with Duncan was superb. The transitions between sadness, anger, then sadness again--and it made perfect sense for my game. Asher got huge development in this episode--and an epic fight scene, to boot. A shame, like with The Ice Dragon, Mira and Gared were so redundant this episode, otherwise this episode would be higher up. Oh, and of course, it had that choice.

    5. Sons of Winter. I know this is most people's favourite, and I understand why. I mean, I love it too, the confrontation at Highpoint, capturing Gryff, sneaking out of Castle Black, sneaking into Mereen, but, for whatever reason, I still enjoyed the one's above more, so there you go. Maybe it was the fact that this one, while consistent and thrilling, never truly grabbed me? Episode 5 had the traitor scene, and that choice, Episode 3 had the exceptional Standing Up sequence and the fight with Britt, Episode 2 had the introduction of Asher and Rodrik, as well as that final song. Episode 4 had plenty of great stuff--but none I enjoyed as much as all of that.

    6. Iron From Ice. Now, I do think the pilot episode was very good, and certainly did everything it needed to do--but it just never drew me in to the extent the others did, and all in all, just lacked a certain something they all had. Still, it superbly set-up the mystery of the North Grove (even though it may as well not have) and perfectly built up Ludd Whitehill and the Forresters. So I still mark it as a success. But honestly, I love all the episodes, there isn't one I didn't enjoy immensely :)

  • edited February 2016
    1. Sons of Winter
    2. The Lost Lords
    3. The Sword in the Darkness
    4. The Ice Dragon
    5. Iron From Ice
    6. A Nest of Vipers
  • edited February 2016

    All were good but my order was in reverse order for least to best

    1. A Nest of Vipers- Severe lack of Gared and Mira scenes, Traitor done poorly, Ramsay ruining any chance of Forrester Survival and That Last Choice, no words about that except F**k Gryff and Harys. Also Danaerys didn't lie, she said you would be rewarded if you followed orders and she would consider lending the second sons not that they would be your reward.
    2. The Sword in the Darkness- Gared's big episode but Rodrik basically dragged his feet and bit his tongue the whole time although could have some Badass moments and Asher had basically nothing to do(except at the Beginning with Drogon and end with Croft), Mira did some cool espionage things but was ruined with Margaery being a bitch about Tyrion even if you went out of your way to be loyal.
    3. Iron From Ice- Great first episode but there is no sense of accomplishment by the end. You lose two lords in one episode, Gared goes to the Wall and Ryon becomes a hostage. Gared and Mira had great introductions as Characters as well as Ethan who was taken too soon.
    4. The Lost Lords- Otherwise known as Episode 1 part 2. A continuation of the Pilot introducing Asher and resurrecting Rodrik as amazing Characters and expands Mira and Gared as well with every character having something to do, Gared training at the wall(as well as a bromance with Jon), Mira faced with death and reveals her mischievous side and her loyalty to family, Asher with his new lifestyle in Essos, and Rodrik who's body is broken but his will is stronger than anyone else's. Also Talia's Song was perfect. Also Telltale, put that song on Itunes please.
    5. Sons of Winter- Smashing Gryff's eye out is something I will remember and even cry tears of joy of. Rodrik is finally giving the Whitehills what they deserve, Asher does some awesome espionage in Meereen with some difficult decisions to boot, Mira has my favorite moment from her with her sneaking and detective skills and telling Andros 'Don't tell me your afraid of a handmaiden." and her smirk and Andros becoming a human tomato was priceless. Gared was however the weakest link with his lackluster escape from Castle Black but a nice fight with Wildlings.
    6. The Ice Dragon- First off, Rodrik was saved here. Second Rodrik IMO had the better parts here, his attack on the Whitehill camp, fighting and beheading Ludd or Gryff, and what was expected from the entire way was done with Rodrik. Asher was just a peaceful surrender turned ambush until the end. Plus my favorite lines in the entire game were uttered here "Go F**k Yourself Ludd!"(Nobody knows how long I've waited to say that to his face) and "The North Remembers!". Mira had a very hard decision for me(I had to think harder than the choice from Episode 5) but i Chose to Marry Evil Obi Wan Kenobi (Morgryn and seriously doesn't he look like Ewan McGregor from Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith?) Gared had some unexpected twists and turns and the North Grove was unfortunately disappointing but who was there wasn't. And Honestly I expected Every Forrester to die here, but thank the old gods that wasn't the case.
    7. Now this IS inREVERSE ORDER so if it seems weird, that's why.
  • edited February 2016
    1. A Nest of Vipers- A very short episode, where aside from the ending, not much plot was told. Gared was given very little screen time, along with a lackluster, rushed death scene for Finn. Mira's story was also a bore as usual, and the entire time you spend with her in this episode means literally nothing. Asher's story was actually pretty interesting, though the whole Daenerys situation seemed rushed, and not to mention that we didn't get to bring along Croft with us. Rodrik's story was mostly filler, with a very rushed traitor scene (at least in my playthrough). Aside from the ending, this entire episode was filler.
    2. Iron From Ice- Even though this episode was a very strong opener with very well-written dialogue and encounters, unfortunately it was worse than the other four. Gared's story was a very big part of this episode, which was very nice to see. The opener at the Red Wedding was nice, along with everything we did with Gared in this episode. Mira's story was a very uninteresting beginning, setting up her uninteresting story throughout the rest of the game. Ethan's part of the story was very interesting and unique for a Telltale game, with you having to make some difficult choices, shaping up how your Ethan would be remembered. The only problem I have with Ethan is his death. Aside from shock value, Ethan's death served no purpose and was unnecessary. Aside from that, a very good opener.
    3. Sons of Winter- An all-around good episode, with a few missteps in the plot. Gared's story is my only problem with this episode, since they make it look easy for someone to escape the Night's Watch, and after that, you end up easily killing some Wildlings (which is unrealistic). Aside from that, Mira had a few good moments here and there, but overall it was only a little better than we expected. Asher's part was very fun the first time around, but strenuous when you replay. The decision between letting Beshka kill her master or following Croft's orders was interesting, but the choice didn't hold much consequence, as shown in the episode that follows it. Rodrik's story was definitely the best part of this episode. We get to meet Arthur, who was cool while he lasted, we finally give Gryff what he deserves, and a nice encounter with Ludd at Highpoint were all very good. The ending was a very shocking and great cliffhanger ending, which strengthened the episode as a whole. Very good episode.
    4. The Ice Dragon- As an ending episode, The Ice Dragon did its part as a great episode. Mira's part was surprisingly exciting and interesting, along with giving us a pretty hard choice to go along with it. Her interactions with Morgryn felt organic, and he made what seemed like an easy choice a very hard one in only a couple of minutes. Gared's story was fast-paced and exciting, though they did a pretty bad job at explaining the North Grove and why it was so important. Gared's transformation throughout the season was pretty nice to watch, and the fact that his part in Episode 6 set up a Season 2 is fine by me. The surviving brother's story was the integral part of Episode 6, and it felt like it. With fast-paced action, great storytelling, and general awesomeness, the surviving brother's story easily became my favorite part of the story. Lady Forrester's death, along with the fight with Harys were both well done, and it felt like our choices mattered in Episode 6. Great episode as a whole.
    5. The Sword in the Darkness- Great episode all around. This was Gared's episode, with all the character development and great storytelling. Gared did great in this episode, improving the overall episode. Rodrik's part in this episode seemed a little tame, though they did a great job with Gryff in this episode. Rodrik's part was what it was and did what it had to do very well. Mira's part started off interesting, but gradually got worse, though the start of Mira's interactions with Morgryn started here. Overall, Mira did fine. Asher's story was a nice little gem, and kept me interested as the trio of Asher, Malcolm, and Beshka were the dark horses of the episode, providing us with nice fast-paced action and the introduction of the one-and-only Croft. With interesting situations, hard choices, and great storytelling, this episode deserves second place.
    6. The Lost Lords- This episode, though considered boring by some, is my favorite episode and in my opinion, the best one in the game. Though some find the slow pace boring, I think that the episode benefits from that, as the slow pace allowed many interesting parts of the plot to sprout. Asher's part in this episode was extremely fun, and it provided us with the entertainment and action that we needed. Meeting Beshka, who would turn out to be awesome later on, along with starting Asher's journey to get an army for House Forrester, Asher did his part and provided us with great entertainment. Gared's part in this episode was very good, as you get to see him struggle in the Night's Watch just like Jon Snow did, and Gared's talk with Jon himself was a great talk, very well-written. Rodrik's part in this story was also crucial, as you get to see him rise from the dead, share some heartwarming moments with his family, and then try his best to lead a shattered house was great. They made his interactions with Elaena very sweet and interesting, along with his time with Ludd, which was awesome. Not to mention a great, tearjerker ending which made the episode great, this was a fantastic episode for Rodrik. Mira had the overall best part in this episode, as right off the bat you are faced with a difficult decision to test your loyalty, and her interactions with Damien at the end. If Episode 2 did not happen, the entire plot would not have been the same. An absolutely fantastically written episode, which I believe was the best one of the season.
  • I love your reasons. But personally one of my favourite Rodrik moments happened in The Sword in the Darkness.

    What do you mean Asher and Beskha's relationships got stained?

    * The Ice Dragon: Yeah, I know the ending is tragic and sad, but I can tell that Telltale did put a lot of effort into this episode. The Sie

  • I saved Malcom instead of Beskha at the beginning of the episode 3. And sorry, I meant 'strained'.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I love your reasons. But personally one of my favourite Rodrik moments happened in The Sword in the Darkness. What do you mean Asher and Beskha's relationships got stained?

  • Right I get it now.

    I saved Malcom instead of Beskha at the beginning of the episode 3. And sorry, I meant 'strained'.

  • edited February 2016

    1.Sons Of Winter
    The episode where everything was going well. We got the stand-off at Highpoint, Asher and Beshka helping to liberate Mereen, Mira being a top spy at the wedding (even if it was worth nothing.) The episode just had the best moments that actually made me think we could win... And oh how naive I was.

    2.The Lost Lords.
    This episode felt like the true start of the story. We had Talia's song, we got introduced to Asher and Beshka, we got a new lord and it set up the actual Whitehill vs Forrester plot. It may have been slow, but it still kept me interested throughout.

    3.The Sword in the Darkness THIS EPISODE. THIS DAMM EPISODE. At the start it was boring, and to be honest, I don't remember a lot of it. BUT THAT ENDING. Choosing to stand up to Gryff or stay down was one of the hardest choices I had to make, I chose to stand up and it led me to one of my favorite scenes, Gryff finally learning some "fucking humility" and yelling like a little kid had me smirking for an hour after I finished the episode.

    4.Iron From Ice Typical first episode, sets up the world, has some cool moments, kinda slow, kills off a teenage boy (Sounds like a saturday night amirite.)

    5.The Ice Dragon As a penultimate episode this would be much higher, as a finale it's here. To say it's supposed to wrap up the season, it left me with no motivation to play the second season. Mira's fate was just stupid and made all her scenes pointless, Gared was pretty good, however the North Grove reveal was anticlimactic. Then Ironrath... What was the point in it all? Like we did all this, for nothing, for Telltale to say "Why not try again in season 2 and give us more money." However it was an emotional rollercoaster (Shoutout to Gortys) and had me feeling so many different feelings.

    6.A Nest Of Vipers
    Short, bland and it wouldn't have even been remembered if it wasn't for the final choice. Part could have been added to episode 4 and 6 instead of making a full episode out of it and charging us another £3.99.

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