What will be the threat of episode 5?

So I have strong textbeen wondering what will be the next threat like maybe the Enderdragon which tons of people believe that theory but how could the enderdragon be big won t be bad enough to set off season 2 so I personally believe it will be different maybe some command created creature like the witherstorm and before you get mad like THEBLOCK GOT DESTROYED, well but what if there's otherzs that are existing remember what Soren said "When we FOUND that block we were nothing but nobody's" and how did they find it was there somebody mass producing them like ellagard attempted to do somewhat and that just leaves more questioning but who knows and when it happens I'll see you guys there.


  • what if there are many threats and the new order has to take care of them all

  • True that is one of the theories I have for what will come in the next season like an army of who knows what and what if its inspired from a mod like orespawn (oh god please no)

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    what if there are many threats and the new order has to take care of them all

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