The Vent/Help Thread



  • Haha, yes, you certainly do. Simply by the way you compose yourself, that is clear you have a grip on things. :)

    I know that feeling all too well, I just am so sensitive, I can never forget or forgive myself for that stupidity of my younger days, hell yesterday I got into a car accident and after filing the claims and statements the insurance company decided it was my fault. So, yeah, I had a brand new car for a year and a week and then got into a car accident. I'm really not proud of that one. -_-

    That's very true. As my stress levels climb I experience a sort of panic mode that forces me into acting, it was just last weekend I was experiencing an all time high and due to some other issues, I just had a little meltdown. And that's all very true, I should give it a read. Thank you Warp. :)

    I know, but it's still just learning how to deal with what's going on now, so that in 5 years I don't look back embarrassed as hell over how I acted or what I did.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Hey, Hollay, I'm more than twice as old as you are, and I hope you can see that I have things together. Or at least I appear to when postin

  • We had this worksheet that was based on experiments form Priestley and Lavoisier and someone else who I have forgotten. It was from a little game on the internet and we had to get the masses and volumes of different substances. That part was no problem because the answer was basically given to us on the internet in the game. The questions weren't that difficult, but I did get some wrong as well as others. I saw that I received a 78%. They went over the worksheet Friday, and I was in her class for about five minutes because I left early. People saw their grade online as well and wanted to see what they got wrong, but she refused to give them their worksheet back. My friend told me that she went over it, but it wasn't making any sense. Everyone has a problem in her class and the parents know to, but the administration doesn't want to get rid of her because she is a sister (nun) at the school and has been a teacher for 50+ years. She probably was an awesome teacher and had patience when she was younger. I mean, she can teach, but it just certain subjects that she can teach well. I took her for physical science and physics and she was awesome in that. I think that that is her better taught subjects. She isn't a bad person at all. She can be the sweetest person, she just have no patience with us.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    May I ask what chemistry concept is confusing everyone? I agree with you on your definition of tutoring, though tutoring algebra is quite

  • edited January 2016

    Yes, life is like that. It will rise and fall without warning and for no reason. Don't let it get to you too much, the best thing to do is to step back and recognize how worthy you are of things, how strong you are, and how you can make it through it. These are the thoughts that came to me while I relaxed from the breakdowns.

    Just as I was feeling better about myself from the weekend, I got into a car accident. So, yeah, I'm not really even close to being a great person.

    Would you believe me if I say I already went through a small phase like that? I hated myself for so long because of mistakes I made when I was younger and it hurt me, but I came to realize that it isn't me and that I have changed and I can make amends. I did do so with the people I wronged and I do everything in my power to recognize what I'm doing to prevent mistakes again.

    It's hard to come to the realization that things are in the past, that you can't change them but you can change yourself, that because you're willing to change, you're worthy of rest, of peace, and of happiness.

    I don't think I've ever come out of this phase to be honest. Every day is a unending string of thoughts of self loathing. I can't really do anything except move forward, but moving forward makes me despise myself that much more every day. I've come to think that the only way to not risk making more mistakes is by becoming a recluse and speaking to no one.

    Some people can't change, they're just shitty and worthless form the start. Like me.

    I've talked this through with other people, I'm good enough to keep on going forward for the moment, but I forsee something much worse for myself in the future if things don't get better soon.

    Good to know that even the most obscure things can be triggers for these things, in the midst of everything else. Yeah, little thing

  • There is another chem teacher. I take him for my S.T.E.M class. I don't know why never asked him. She and him are on completely different parts of chem. He is more focused on the elements and what they are made of. She is more focused on the math part of chem and the experiments. I like to do the math and experiments in her class, it's just she wants something very specific when we answer the math and questions on the experiment.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Is there any other chem tutor besides her? Another Chemistry teacher in school, someone you know that is good at it?

  • I do try to ask questions, but she ignores me when I raise my hand or she tells me that I should have been paying attention. She does that with other people as well. I don't know if she is trying to make us more independent or what in class. Sometimes she does answer my question. She answers it correctly sometimes, but other time she tells me answers without answering my question.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    If you have a question ask it. It doesn't matter how trivial it is. She is there to transfer knowledge to you, that is what she is paid to d

  • Keep pushing the question. If she tells you you should have been paying attention tell her you're sorry but you misunderstood what she was saying and ask her to walk you through it. Stay after class and ask her to walk you through a problem step by step and and make sure you grasp each step (teachers really do appreciate students that take the initiative in their learning). She sounds like a bitter lady, but make her teach you the stuff you don't understand, even if it makes you feel worse for the wear. Definitely don't let her ignore you, that's unacceptable in a teaching environment. Do whatever it takes to get her to react, cough loudly, wave your hand in the air, stand up at your table, hell. . . stand on your table.

    I do try to ask questions, but she ignores me when I raise my hand or she tells me that I should have been paying attention. She does that w

  • Thanks for the advice. I'll try it the next time I'm in her class. :)

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Keep pushing the question. If she tells you you should have been paying attention tell her you're sorry but you misunderstood what she was s

  • edited January 2016

    My sister drives me nuts and is too damn controlling. I know siblings are naturally supposed to get under your skin, but my sister and I have always been close due to our age ranges, but lately (last two years or so), I've begun to be able to not stand her. At first, it was friendly rivalry, but now it's just flat-out insulting as she spits on my beliefs, stances and intelligence. We're hot and cold, so naturally, we're going to clash and I hate lashing out, but my sister knows exactly what buttons to push and she doesn't seem to understand the definition of a "joke" either, so it isn't like she's poking fun at my flaws in a jovial manner.

    Of course, after lashing out, I feel like shit afterwards, but at the same time, I keep telling myself she can go fuck herself because for years, she's always said I'm a horrible student, yet here I am, making local newspaper headlines for being honor roll in my classes and getting the highest midterm grades in my class, despite being in Honors. There's also my beliefs as I'm an anti-feminist and she is a feminist. She claims I'm a bigot for having personal vendettas against feminists due to bad experiences, comparing me to old racist conservatives.

    Rather be compared to them than to your selfish ass. My vent? I'm totally pissed at my sister and I want nothing to do with her right now.

  • have you got a ps4 yet? im not sure if it works on there yet or if its even on there I haven't played tlou on ps4 yet

    I managed to find a crazy method on being able to load it now. But I have to do it every time and it's tedious.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    Soldiers aren't heroes, putting on a set of fatigues doesn't turn people into saints. They're normal folks doing a sometimes high-risk job and getting good benefits in return. The forced patriotism and military worship in America is unseemly and pathetic.

  • enter image description here

    Can't create an account on AO3 yet, need to have an invite so I have to wait for a friend to give me one, and can't post my story. Yup, I officially dunno what to do right now.

  • edited January 2016

    so why do my parents complain at me so much they say my love for japanese music and anime is stupid and that im almost 20 and shoukd be getting a job i just lost my christmas temp job and am waiting to hear from a job ive got to go to a pre screen for and they complain that i got the fallout 4 pipboy edition using store credit from trading in some of my old ps3 games and saying i should sell it they just dont understand my life is shit and i play games and watch anime because it makes me feel better i only get 2 hours in the evening to play online befause my dad makes stupidlybstrict rules i fail at my theory test no matter how many times i do it and girls are never interested in me at all and then people i know call me gay because i cant get a girlfriend its really eating away at me and stress is high thanks if you read even part of it i just needed to get it off my chest

  • edited January 2016

    Yea I have it on PS4, and it works just fine there. I just don't have PS Plus.

    have you got a ps4 yet? im not sure if it works on there yet or if its even on there I haven't played tlou on ps4 yet

  • I've been feeling really shitty a lot and no one helps me out with it. And what sucks ass is that I get yelled at everyone a lot so I only feel shitter.

    Usually I keep this shit to myself but I've wanted to get this off my chest for a while now.

  • but I've wanted to get this off my chest for a while now.

    enter link description here


    I've been feeling really shitty a lot and no one helps me out with it.

    This always happens sometimes we need to be the hero of our stories to find answers you have to find what makes you happy and do it more

    And what sucks ass is that I get yelled at everyone a lot so I only feel shitter.

    What do they yell at you about?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I've been feeling really shitty a lot and no one helps me out with it. And what sucks ass is that I get yelled at everyone a lot so I only feel shitter. Usually I keep this shit to myself but I've wanted to get this off my chest for a while now.

  • My bro is like that when he tries mock me I just laugh and it annoys the sh*t of him next time she says something mean laugh at her and say we are not all perfect like you :P Most people say mean stuff to get a reaction or hurt you don't let all that bs work

    My sister drives me nuts and is too damn controlling. I know siblings are naturally supposed to get under your skin, but my sister and I hav

  • enter image description here

    Life is magic, life is amazing perceptive is reality so your mentality is making it seem so miserable when we have infinite possibilities to see our world and reality it will be amazing for you all you have to do is believe it and find what makes you happy and fulfilled

    I know in the grand scheme of things, my issues are very minor. But I think I'm having a nervous breakdown. Has anyone had one of these befo

  • The smallest of things really, I know it's something which I shouldn't be that upset about.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    but I've wanted to get this off my chest for a while now. enter link description here sorry I've been feeling really shitty

  • edited January 2016

    You're not a robot you are human of course it's ok to be upset being yelled at especially when you're having a bad day it's awful I'm sorry to hear that

    Is it your family or friends yelling at you?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    The smallest of things really, I know it's something which I shouldn't be that upset about.

  • I'm not sure I'm understanding your school's grading system. A 75% is a D? How exactly does that work (I'm Australian, so I've got no clue how other grading systems work).

    Guys, I feel like I am so screwed in Chemistry. She gave us a quiz yesterday that counted as a test grade. I have a 75% on the quiz, which i

  • edited January 2016

    The smallest of things really, I know it's something which I shouldn't be that upset about.


    Of course it's upsetting when people yell at you. If it's for really little things, maybe even things that aren't even hurting them, it's usually caused by insecurity on their part. Try imagining yourself in their place, and imagine why they might be yelling. It takes your mind off cringing, anyway.

    EDIT: I just saw your post on the Whatever's-On-Your-Mind Thread, so I don't even know if you'll see this for a while. I hope your time off helps out.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    The smallest of things really, I know it's something which I shouldn't be that upset about.

  • Do what makes you happy, but make sure it makes you happy. I know I struggled with the subtle differences between joy and placation for years. Instantaneous gratification can seem worthwhile for awhile, but it comes as fast as it goes (at least in my experience), and once you're used to instant gratification it becomes more and more displeasing to reach for long term gratification. But when it comes down to it don't let anyone dissuade you from doing what you want to do, whether that be getting a girlfriend, getting a boyfriend, or playing video games, it's not for them to judge (and this applies to everything, unless you're hurting someone).

    so why do my parents complain at me so much they say my love for japanese music and anime is stupid and that im almost 20 and shoukd be gett

  • Well, to be fair, I really shouldn't be complaining as I get to be miles away from my sibling. I live two states away from her, which likely is the cause of the strain on our relationship. So, unfortunately, it's not like I can just laugh at it/her.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    My bro is like that when he tries mock me I just laugh and it annoys the sh*t of him next time she says something mean laugh at her and say

  • no not hurting anyone at all

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Do what makes you happy, but make sure it makes you happy. I know I struggled with the subtle differences between joy and placation for year

  • Catholic schools or private schools grading scales are different from the public schools where I live and anywhere else. It goes A=100-94, B=93-86, C=85-78, D=77-70, and F= 69-0

    I'm not sure I'm understanding your school's grading system. A 75% is a D? How exactly does that work (I'm Australian, so I've got no clue how other grading systems work).

  • So 77% counts as a D? That sounds a bit... harsh.

    Catholic schools or private schools grading scales are different from the public schools where I live and anywhere else. It goes A=100-94, B=93-86, C=85-78, D=77-70, and F= 69-0

  • Yeah, it does sound a bit harsh. But I'm used to it. Seeing a 75% as a C is a little strange for me because I never knew that existed. I wish I had a different grading system.

    So 77% counts as a D? That sounds a bit... harsh.

  • edited February 2016

    Not sure if this qualifies but...

    I backed something known as Godus... It didn't turn out to be almost anything like they pitched to us in terms of having actual big virtual planet that holds the entire playerbase and you would eventually meet other civilizations as they expand in that giant planet. Also stuff like planet wide currents and weathers were promised.

    The game has been going to different direction and instead of completing it, they dumped "Godus" and launched something called "Godus Wars" over at Steam and gave us backers a free copy. So yeah, they fused the original game and a new RTS game mode known as "Godus Wars"... It allows still play "Godus" too but if they actually keep developing that game mode is anyone's guess.

    Considering Black and White series of god games are only "real" attempts of making an actual game where you're pretending to be a god, this is pathetic that we still lack successor to that idea. Back when I was backing I was hoping that Godus would have been third game that would actually appoint you as a god and not a manager.

    I have yet to play any other god game outside of Black and White series that has actually made me feel like I'm supposed to be deity who guides a civilization and not a manager who could be as well not named as you don't get to even shoot fireballs from your avatar and the powers are overly regulated. In fact, Sim City 4000 is closer a god game than Godus.

  • edited February 2016

    I forgot to thank you for this a while back <3 You too @Markd4547

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    The smallest of things really, I know it's something which I shouldn't be that upset about. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO EN

  • Don't you just love it when people take shitposting seriously?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited February 2016

    I know this comment is several days old (I found this post while searching for an old comment of mine in another thread), but no, that wasn't me. Despite that, I do play TF2 though.

    Still, that's pretty funny. I wonder how many other "Blind Sniper" users on Steam get asked that. :P

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    ANOTHER TF2 VENT LOL So what the FUCK just happened to me? I was playing a game and there was a guy named Blind something, I forgot what

  • I don't check this thread much (as I explained in my last post), but since tagging me doesn't work, you guys are welcome to PM me if you want me to look at something,

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Oh right :P Well,he still can see this..


    lottii-lu posted: »

    Don't you just love it when people take shitposting seriously?


    Green613 posted: »


  • edited February 2016

    Aaand I'm over it. Never mind.

  • For some reason, the forums decided not to notify me of this post, and the only reason I saw it today (a week and a half later) was that Blind Sniper made some replies on the same page.

    Car accidents are a thing all their own. Whenever I've been in one that made a loud noise, it stuck with me for quite a while, and I was hearing it everywhere. It does eventually settle down, though.

    I was actually in a car accident this past weekend, but I wasn't driving, and it wasn't my car. Thankfully, that one managed to be just a scrape, so not so bad, and no one was hurt.

    Anyway, I hope you're feeling better a week and a half later. :)

    Haha, yes, you certainly do. Simply by the way you compose yourself, that is clear you have a grip on things. I know that feeling all to

  • Yup lol

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Don't you just love it when people take shitposting seriously?

  • People who I can relate to ;-;

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Yup lol

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited February 2016

    This bout of Epididymitis could fuck off any time. That would be really really nice...

    I am not having a good morning.

  • Hillary Clinton and her supports annoy the hell outta me...

    She said at the debate that she's not part of the establishment because she's a "woman running to be the first woman president"- that doesn't mean shit and she's just playing the woman card.

    I also saw some lady at a Clinton rally on TV say that "there's a special place in hell for women who don't help fellow women" referring to women who won't vote for Hillary- what utter fucking bullshit. Feminism annoys me because most feminists I've seen take it too far and just because Hillary is a woman, doesn't mean that she should be President dumbasses.

    And on a side note because I'm talking about the race, I watched the Republican Debate last night and I guess it was interesting :)

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