Okay... I might have 'lied' a little. I do have this short epilogue scene for Part One, showing what Torrhen's up to, what happened to ol' one hand from that tavern brawl, who House Whitehill's council members are and so on...
So Rodrik's becoming a problem. If he kills Morgryn he may be an even bigger problem, enough for Torrhen to take action maybe. I think Rodrik VS Torrhen would be an interesting rivalry though I don't expect it to happen anytime soon.
Bonus Scene pt.1
Okay... I might have 'lied' a little. I do have this short epilogue scene for Part One, showing what Torrhen's up to, what happened to ol' one hand from that tavern brawl, who House Whitehill's council members are and so on...
Bonus Scene pt.1
Okay... I might have 'lied' a little. I do have this short epilogue scene for Part One, showing what Torrhen's up to, what happened to ol' one hand from that tavern brawl, who House Whitehill's council members are and so on...
Hm, that's... Officially the most upsetting thing about this au for me. It looks like she "just gives a solemn look" for the player because Asher leaves the next moment and next time we see Gwyn it is at night, after Ironrath's fall. She is clearly upset, game just makes no accent at this and Gwyn kinda has to concentrate on other things, like the escalating battle. If Torrhen did influence her in any way... Again, this is very, very upsetting.
From what I've learned from the rp blog, Torrhen is real close to Gwyn. Do you think she'll be okay with Torrhen punishing Gryff the way he … morewants to?
Gwyn definitely knows she has more influence on Torrhen than she did with their father. Ludd seemed to ignore her advice and do things her own way (aside from in episode 6 when he seemed to want to get the peace treaty over and done with), but there's a chance with Torrhen that he'll actually listen to her and consider her opinion. That said, Gwyn did grow up with Torrhen beating and punishing Gryff regularly for 'killing' their mother (and any other minor slip up besides), so she may have turned a blind eye to it now. I mean, if you call off the plan in Asher's version of Episode 6 she doesn't seem all that disheartened by Gryff's death; she just gives a solemn look and gets on with her day, so I'm not sure she really considers Gryff a brother either - and if Torrhen was close to her, h… [view original content]
No idea. I've been doing behind the scenes stuff like character models and sets/environments for now. It might take longer than two weeks but hopefully not as long as the average telltale wait time XD
Bonus Scene pt.1
Okay... I might have 'lied' a little. I do have this short epilogue scene for Part One, showing what Torrhen's up to, what happened to ol' one hand from that tavern brawl, who House Whitehill's council members are and so on...
No idea. I've been doing behind the scenes stuff like character models and sets/environments for now. It might take longer than two weeks but hopefully not as long as the average telltale wait time XD
Don't worry, I'm not going to use the S-word.
Bonus Scene pt.1
Okay... I might have 'lied' a little. I do have this short epilogue scene for Part One, showing what Torrhen's up to, what happened to ol' one hand from that tavern brawl, who House Whitehill's council members are and so on...
Goddamn, seeing Roslin like that, all clung to Torrhen's neck and shoulders hugging him and not even paying any attention to the council just made me go 'awww' really loud. She's so freakin' cute! I hope we see more of Roslin in this, perhaps even a scene where Roslin's in danger and Torrhen doesn't care about anything but getting her to safety, going apeshit on everyone else because his daughter's in danger. That would be cool to see.
I can pretty much say I'm not going to do anything with Essos - I feel like it'd be best focusing on all of the POVs in the north that sort of intertwine.
I can pretty much say I'm not going to do anything with Essos - I feel like it'd be best focusing on all of the POVs in the north that sort of intertwine.
Tried my hand at something different - you might all enjoy it.
(Also worth noting someone guessed Randyll is the one and only Randyll Warrick, the guy Torrhen squired for back in the day.)
Tried my hand at something different - you might all enjoy it.
(Also worth noting someone guessed Randyll is the one and only Randyll Warrick, the guy Torrhen squired for back in the day.)
:O I just noticed reading ttgots2au's wikia that the barmaid Rodrik saved was actually Randyll's niece. She better be grateful and be an Uncle's Girl (Randyll becoming a quite important character, y'know ? He could learn of what happened and somehow repay/avoid Rodrik)
:O I just noticed reading ttgots2au's wikia that the barmaid Rodrik saved was actually Randyll's niece. She better be grateful and be an Unc… morele's Girl (Randyll becoming a quite important character, y'know ? He could learn of what happened and somehow repay/avoid Rodrik)
She probably would've been dragged back in... only to die when Gryff found out she was preggo. So yeah, she would've died, just not instantly like the other two.
Just so you guys know, I've started work on the first scene of Part Two and a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff (environments, models etc.) are done. It might still be a while before I can start posting part two, though (Probably 2+ weeks or so).
Just so you guys know, I've started work on the first scene of Part Two and a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff (environments, models etc.) are done. It might still be a while before I can start posting part two, though (Probably 2+ weeks or so).
So, here's a progress update:
* One scene is finished completely - it's a fairly short one, so I don't have enough prepared in advance … moreto warrant starting to post yet.
* Another scene is written and prepared for me to start work on making images after I finish the second scene of Part Two,
* Most environments/maps are finished, I can only think of one I have to complete.
* A certain character from one of these family trees has been completely redesigned.
* More Highpoint stuff, anyone?
So, here's a progress update:
* One scene is finished completely - it's a fairly short one, so I don't have enough prepared in advance … moreto warrant starting to post yet.
* Another scene is written and prepared for me to start work on making images after I finish the second scene of Part Two,
* Most environments/maps are finished, I can only think of one I have to complete.
* A certain character from one of these family trees has been completely redesigned.
* More Highpoint stuff, anyone?
Damn, man, how about some easier question? For example, who created the universe or what is the meaning of life?..
I love them all. They're all special, and greatly written, and awesome. This question would be difficult enough if we were talking just about the ingame Whitehills, but there are also Whitehills from the expanded fanon (au+roleplaying). Greta and Roslin are more precious than words can tell. I've chilled with my love for Gwyn a bit lately, but she's still one of my favorite characters. Ludd is smashing. Simply smashing. Torrhen's a piece of shit and I'd smack him as hard as possible if I could, but he is just as smashing as Ludd, if not more, and hot, and cunning, and charismatic, and powerfully written. I doubt telltale will ever make a better Torrhen that the one Jake has, so they should conceal their pride and offer him a place in their team of writers. Ebbert only appeared in the rp so far, but I love him already...
I'll have to go with Gryff, my personal guilty pleasure fave and major heartbreak. My love for him isn't something normal, I get fiercely protective of him and even root for him in a way. I can never get enough of him, au scenes where he appears automatically become my favorite ones. It's hard to explain, but Gryff is my favorite Whitehill and one of my favorite characters in both game and au.
Bonus Scene pt.1
Okay... I might have 'lied' a little. I do have this short epilogue scene for Part One, showing what Torrhen's up to, what happened to ol' one hand from that tavern brawl, who House Whitehill's council members are and so on...
So Rodrik's becoming a problem. If he kills Morgryn he may be an even bigger problem, enough for Torrhen to take action maybe. I think Rodrik VS Torrhen would be an interesting rivalry though I don't expect it to happen anytime soon.
omg Greta's amazing
Laughed so hard at Greta's scene! XD
Hm, that's... Officially the most upsetting thing about this au for me. It looks like she "just gives a solemn look" for the player because Asher leaves the next moment and next time we see Gwyn it is at night, after Ironrath's fall. She is clearly upset, game just makes no accent at this and Gwyn kinda has to concentrate on other things, like the escalating battle. If Torrhen did influence her in any way... Again, this is very, very upsetting.
Jake, how long do you think until we see the first part of "Part Two" ?
No idea. I've been doing behind the scenes stuff like character models and sets/environments for now. It might take longer than two weeks but hopefully not as long as the average telltale wait time XD
Don't worry, I'm not going to use the S-word.
Eyy it's Gwyn. it's good that you're including her, even if you don't like her as a character.
Also I was the one who submitted the ask for the Maester so I'm looking forward to seeing what he's like.
Thanks for the update, pretty reassured haha, I was honestly expecting like a 3month break.
Is there something on Gwyn's face...?
Where abouts? Might just be the filter thingy i use for the slight painting effect.
Goddamn, seeing Roslin like that, all clung to Torrhen's neck and shoulders hugging him and not even paying any attention to the council just made me go 'awww' really loud. She's so freakin' cute! I hope we see more of Roslin in this, perhaps even a scene where Roslin's in danger and Torrhen doesn't care about anything but getting her to safety, going apeshit on everyone else because his daughter's in danger. That would be cool to see.
Do you think you'll ever touch more on Malcolm and his mission?
Bonus Scene pt.2
Ok, this is the "sequel hook" thingy. Real cliffhanger. Who is the person Torrhen names? You should be able to find out... somehow...
I can pretty much say I'm not going to do anything with Essos - I feel like it'd be best focusing on all of the POVs in the north that sort of intertwine.
Can't say I'll miss seeing him. I'm still a little sore over him not coming back with Asher.
This Dude
Different first name - Rendall, not Randyll. Plus... Rendall is dead.
I get the feeling that this Randyll guy isn't someone that anyone would wanna meet in a dark alley.
I just made some final adjustments to his model and I would agree wholly with the sentiment.
Is this Sam Tarly's dad? Randyll Tarly?
Tried my hand at something different - you might all enjoy it.
(Also worth noting someone guessed Randyll is the one and only Randyll Warrick, the guy Torrhen squired for back in the day.)
Wow. I dunno how you did it, but damn, that was very nicely done.
Voice montage, nicely done that's for sure !
That was so fucking cool! I literally got chills. You did a great job at that.
:O I just noticed reading ttgots2au's wikia that the barmaid Rodrik saved was actually Randyll's niece. She better be grateful and be an Uncle's Girl
(Randyll becoming a quite important character, y'know ? He could learn of what happened and somehow repay/avoid Rodrik)
Just you wait and find out how the Warrick family works : ]
I'm probably just overlooking xP
Yeah it's just the painting filter I use - doesn't work so well for some shots. Here's an example of the same thing where it looks more natural:
That doesn't sound too good.
here's another one of those audio things (like the 'next time' thingy). I made it, like, months ago and didn't post it until now.
If Elaena was left behind would she be killed?
She probably would've been dragged back in... only to die when Gryff found out she was preggo. So yeah, she would've died, just not instantly like the other two.
You're really good and creative at this audio stuff. I love it!
Just so you guys know, I've started work on the first scene of Part Two and a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff (environments, models etc.) are done. It might still be a while before I can start posting part two, though (Probably 2+ weeks or so).
COMING SOON... There ! I said it ! We are doomed !
So, here's a progress update:
I'd be up for some Highpoint
I am ALWAYS a slut for Highpoint.
Favourite Whitehill?
Damn, man, how about some easier question? For example, who created the universe or what is the meaning of life?..
I love them all. They're all special, and greatly written, and awesome. This question would be difficult enough if we were talking just about the ingame Whitehills, but there are also Whitehills from the expanded fanon (au+roleplaying). Greta and Roslin are more precious than words can tell. I've chilled with my love for Gwyn a bit lately, but she's still one of my favorite characters. Ludd is smashing. Simply smashing. Torrhen's a piece of shit and I'd smack him as hard as possible if I could, but he is just as smashing as Ludd, if not more, and hot, and cunning, and charismatic, and powerfully written. I doubt telltale will ever make a better Torrhen that the one Jake has, so they should conceal their pride and offer him a place in their team of writers. Ebbert only appeared in the rp so far, but I love him already...
I'll have to go with Gryff, my personal guilty pleasure fave and major heartbreak. My love for him isn't something normal, I get fiercely protective of him and even root for him in a way. I can never get enough of him, au scenes where he appears automatically become my favorite ones. It's hard to explain, but Gryff is my favorite Whitehill and one of my favorite characters in both game and au.