Leaked Images? *mod edit: they're fake

mod edit: The leaked images (outside of the work in progress slide) are not real.

So, this contains spoilers, but apparently there is a new leaked image of soren holding a sword at jesse? If you can get this, it would be great, or any other leaked images. This is so we know what its gonna be like :D You don't have to, but if you find any, feel free to put them here.


  • Best thread ever 2016

  • Why thank you :D

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Best thread ever 2016

  • Where did even hear this?

  • Episode 5 waiting thread

    Where did even hear this?

  • I don't think that sword leaked image is real, or it has not been leaked actually yet, for only one person said it so far and no back up for it.

  • ...

    ASaltLick posted: »

    Why thank you

  • Is it the great James W again?

  • I'm really curious and excited to see these images, hope we can find them

  • Seriously, only the two i saw on Bigbst4tz2's video (which weren't all of them) already made me excited for this episode. Telltale is doing a great job with the last episode.

  • edited February 2016

    I'm curious now, I haven't seen any pictures for episode 5, is there a picture that is open to the public? Like i heard that the episode 5 picture in the episode selection has changed, is it true?

  • Anything not said by telltale isn't "leaked" or "official".

  • There are 3 images (1 being the W.I.P slide) at Bigbst4tz2's video.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    I'm curious now, I haven't seen any pictures for episode 5, is there a picture that is open to the public? Like i heard that the episode 5 picture in the episode selection has changed, is it true?

  • Link?

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    There are 3 images (1 being the W.I.P slide) at Bigbst4tz2's video.

  • edited February 2016

    Man, telltale games didn't say anything when The Walking Dead Season Two Episode 4 Ending leak came out. They don't respond to leaks. I've warned them so many times, by how i warned them, i always send to Ozzy stuff from the next episode to him, to warn ttg, to be more careful.

    EDIT: Read next post.

    Anything not said by telltale isn't "leaked" or "official".

  • edited February 2016

    All of them are fake.

    1:41 Episode 1 model swaps.

    3:03 Magnus episode 4 model swap....

    Waste of time people, I know when a model is swapped. There's no leak, I've searched the files too. How about I make a

    Life Is Strange episode 5 leaked hospital unused ending?

    enter image description here

    Wow, what a beautiful leak, what did I just do, I swapped the atmosphere, give Max and sad expression. I can swap the model of hers too. Let's make another one

    enter image description here

    Wow, I glitched out of the map, that's so nice. Let's do another one. How about I make Max happy? With a tornado outside in the hospital.
    And I can say all of them are leaked episode 5 beta hospital ending when it's just a simple location, atmosphere, expression swap, and model swap plus i forgot to mention EDIT: a prop swap.

    enter image description here

    So, as a model swapper of TTG series, and as the one who made the possible model swap in Life is Strange, this leak is fake. Only the slide is real.

  • How are things even leaked in the first place? So its best not to believe anything "leaked".

    Man, telltale games didn't say anything when The Walking Dead Season Two Episode 4 Ending leak came out. They don't respond to leaks. I've w

  • edited February 2016

    Like I said read the next post. You only say to me stuff, that I said. If there's no left in the files of screenshots like episode 2 of got, it is fake. I never post leaks, I only send them to Ozzy, and Ozzy sends them to TTG staff. But I know when a leak is real, this one is fake. If you know Boatmaster posted them, the screenshots of got ep2.

    How are things even leaked in the first place? So its best not to believe anything "leaked".

  • Wow good point

    How are things even leaked in the first place? So its best not to believe anything "leaked".

  • Leaking means that it can be legit because telltale didn't want them shown but they were still found so telltale don't have to speak

    Anything not said by telltale isn't "leaked" or "official".

  • Can someone please answer my question?

    HOW are things leaked in the FIRST PLACE?

    Here is some bold so people can see my typing properly.

    Leaking means that it can be legit because telltale didn't want them shown but they were still found so telltale don't have to speak

  • edited February 2016

    HOW are things leaked in the FIRST PLACE?

    Either someone in the company does it by accident. Or usually the fanbase/ third party discovers something and releases it

    Here is some bold so people can see my typing properly.

    Thats not necessary

    Can someone please answer my question? HOW are things leaked in the FIRST PLACE? Here is some bold so people can see my typing properly.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited February 2016

    If any code or models are left in the game files, all it takes is someone that is knowledgeable about the game files to find them and post them. However, Telltale has more or less locked that shit down as of late. The last substantial leak I can remember was the choice templates for episode 4 (You and X% of players) being left in the game files, more specifically, tucked away inside a hex file that someone found via a hex editor. I can attest to that, last time I checked, you could still find the choice templates by opening S2's executable with a hex editor, or at least I think it was the executable, I can't remember.

    Similarly, prefixes and references to Kenny's model were found in the hexes for episode 1 (Kenny202), as well as for the 400 Days characters and Howe's guards in the files for episode 2. But as mentioned before, Telltale has since locked that stuff down, especially after the epsiode 4 choice leak, so we're most likely not going to be finding things like that come S3. However, I do recall that someone managed to find references to three DLC episodes for S2 (206, 207, 208), long before Michonne was announced. But I haven't seen much of that pop up for their more recent games, so maybe they finally got that all on lock-down.

    Amid The Ruins leaked due to a problem with iOS. If I remember correctly, some unforeseen glitch in the system caused the iOS version to become available for a short period of time. It got removed pretty quickly, but at least one guy still had the episode, although it was understandably unstable. He posted some scattered videos of the episode.

    Since it's a digital release, the only way an episode could get leaked early is either some server problem causing the episode to leak onto the respective stores (although this can only happen close to release, since it means the full game would have to have been certified and added in advance to the system/storefront), or someone that got an early review/press copy got overzealous and uploaded a few parts or all of it.

    For the recent developments with the episode 5 slide, that would most likely be due to a newer build of the game accidentally going live. Messing up/mixing up game builds isn't exactly unheard of. It's fairly easy to accidentally push an older branch of a game, or a newer one with work-in-progress changes. It's simple human error, really. And reverting changes isn't an easy process, especially since you have to go through the individual publishers to get them cleared for release (Xbox and Sony, and to a lesser extent, Valve and Steam, which is a lot more lenient when it comes to that), so things like a changed episode slide are kept in, because why bother changing such a trivial detail? Besides, it barely gives away anything, and kind of works in their favor.

    Can someone please answer my question? HOW are things leaked in the FIRST PLACE? Here is some bold so people can see my typing properly.

  • Never forget...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Is it the great James W again?

  • people will do anything for fame. lying is not a good way to gain it.

  • Thank you!

    Say, were anything leaked in TWAU?

    Deltino posted: »

    If any code or models are left in the game files, all it takes is someone that is knowledgeable about the game files to find them and post t

  • "mod edit: its fake"

  • edited February 2016

    It should have been obvious it was fake if telltale said nothing about it.

  • Nah, companies don't normally comment on leaks whether they're accurate or not. Parts of Dragon Age Inquisition which were absolutely true leaked a year before the game came out and Bioware never commented on them.

    NorthStars posted: »

    It should have been obvious it was fake if telltale said nothing about it.

  • Yeah I think they are fake now, something was throwing me off on the both images

    Does anyone think the first one could just be in episode 2 if you choose to leave in the morning when departing from the temple?

  • No, Jesse never sits during the morning, he keeps walking

    Yeah I think they are fake now, something was throwing me off on the both images Does anyone think the first one could just be in episode 2 if you choose to leave in the morning when departing from the temple?

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