This game is just.....bland



  • edited February 2016

    Welp, if its not funny, then how come me and 3 other people liked it? And dude, its not cool to be the nazi of the fourms

    enter image description here

  • [removed]

    Oh, I am leaving, I cannot stand this

  • Stop the lies.

    Oh, I am leaving, I cannot stand this

    Nobody was supposed to be "offense"

    And replying to someone like this that's only making a light joke. Because you'll make it so far in the real world without getting a good five knuckle shuffle to your face with that type of attitude

  • [removed]

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Stop the lies. Oh, I am leaving, I cannot stand this Nobody was supposed to be "offense" And replying to someone like this

  • edited February 2016

    I hate to say it but I have to agree.

    The story is... okay for the most part. I understand it's aimed for a younger audience but I don't really enjoy the game's story.

    The characters... they are kinda bland and I hate pretty much almost every character. Except for Petra. She's alright.

    The lip-syncing... it's not great. Like, not at all. It's obvious that it's bad. It went to a 'Life is Strange' lip-syncing level.

    The voice acting... it's mediocore for me. And that's REALLY bad since Minecraft: Story Mode is a Telltale game. And all Telltale games since The Walking Dead: Season 1 (haven't played the previous Telltale games, so I don't know how the voice acting was on Telltale's older games) had amazing voice acting.

    And the art style... it's really not my cup of tea. I get it that Telltale tried to give the art style a Minecraft feeling. And it's alright in Minecraft terms. But the art style isn't really good for me.

    However, the combat style has been improved in MC:SM, I'll give that. It is better than TWD: S1, TWD: S2, TWAU, TFTB and GOT.

    The choices have big consequences and I wasn't really expecting that. I kinda want to see what the choices lead to in the finale.

    Overall, even though I didn't play MC:SM and only watched playthroughs of it, I still don't really like it. It is probably my second least favorite Telltale game and I'm not really excited to see what happens in the last episode.

  • For me, the word "bland" is too strong, but the story did take a little longer to truly start up, in my opinion. Didn't really get going for me until the end of the second episode. Most "fetch-questy" of a Telltale game? That could be it. Still, never expected the most useful member would be Ivor; good on you, TTG.

    I do very much enjoy it though; once the story found its stride, it kept the pace going. Increased it, even. And while I was concerned that Reuben's frequent recklessness would get him hurt, I was emotionally invested enough that his death was genuinely surprising and heartfelt for me. On the level (but not reaching) Lee's death, except in an alternate universe where Clementine was the one to get bitten and die.

  • I love how this honestly looks like you're the dad of the Forum.

    I'm ending it.

  • Honestly, it does feel that way sometimes. :P

    I love how this honestly looks like you're the dad of the Forum.

  • Not a bad thing, you're a pretty good parent of the Forum.

    Honestly, it does feel that way sometimes. :P

  • Lol dad :)

    Not a bad thing, you're a pretty good parent of the Forum.

  • have it playing it and hating, it boring as hell. i love Sam and max and Threepwood clear cases a game can be geared towards a less violent and younger crowd shit i grew up with Sam and max and grim fandango, kings quest and the like. but there's no need for such a turdy bland game of characters and hollow story. very tirred

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I hate to say it but I have to agree. The story is... okay for the most part. I understand it's aimed for a younger audience but I don't

  • What are you talking about?

    This game is one of the best I've ever played.

    Seriously its own niche it can be good for a lot. Still most can't get over they made a game about a game which meant they were squeezing the MC fans.

  • VICTORY! now let's celebrate by waiting for episode 5

    Oh, I am leaving, I cannot stand this

  • [removed]

    VICTORY! now let's celebrate by waiting for episode 5

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