Unfortunately, I haven't been able to afford to catch up with the comics. However I did look up on Michonne's comic wikia to understand her character arc and to understand her situation with her daughters.
I don't read the comics but I know some people who do and tell me some stuff that happens in it. Even though Michonne isn't my favorite character or anything, I'll probably try it out for the heck of it.
I reading on a site I always go to about a transgender fighter in UFC born a male got a sex change as an adult and now can fight women. I al… moreso read her last fights she didn't just beat but hospitalized the women she beat.
During Fox's fight against Tamikka Brents, Brents suffered a concussion, an orbital bone fracture, and seven staples to the head. After her loss, Brents took to social media to fuel the controversy surrounding Fox's perceived advantage: "I've fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can’t answer whether it’s because she was born a man or not because I’m not a doctor. I can only say, I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right,” she stated. "Her grip was different, I could usually move around in the clinch against other females but couldn’t move at all in Fox’s clinch
https://en.wikipedia.org/w… [view original content]
Being a 20 year old single guy and working with all women is freaking torture. I swear all I keep thinking is "dang she has a nice butt" and I keep staring. Ugh god I'm such a pig xD. Doesn't help I got this Pervy old man customer who says to slap their butts ....
Being a 20 year old single guy and working with all women is freaking torture. I swear all I keep thinking is "dang she has a nice butt" and… more I keep staring. Ugh god I'm such a pig xD. Doesn't help I got this Pervy old man customer who says to slap their butts ....
Kids are not kids anymore. They want to grow up so fast and I'm just thinking "what's the rush?" I see how these kids act and dress and it's just horrible. I just saw on the news that in one of the states (I forgot which one) that public schools are giving out condoms to kids in 6th grade. Why? I think kids should at least wait until high school to have sex. I don't know that's just my opinion.
And people think we are the good guys not saying either side is. Killing is killing government goes into their countries killing mostly innocent people gets called heroes using the best weapons, best trained soldiers and latest technology against people with sticks and stones anyone protects themselves in their own countries and kill any of their soldiers in their own country they get called terrorists an excuse to send in more soldiers to kill more. Who are real terrorists there
the unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
Lets all just be grateful were on the side with the money and best weapons if someone gave us a taste of our own medicine and faced an army with the same military power and mentality as us as we are always the heroes no matter what we do. Who knows how many of us will even be alive right now
I love women with a bit of muscle and should be encouraged women play sports as been huge drop out for teen girls they researched why and found out girls think having muscle makes them like a guy and not attractive which this is completely false imo. But stuff like this makes me understand why they have this perception
This girl was suicidal a few weeks ago and they decided to completely photoshop her body like something is wrong with her wtf are they doing. I was reading recently she is a symbol for women an inspiration to play sport. SO WHY should she not be proud of her body and every inch of muscle that takes years of training. Photoshopping a former champion would they do that to mike tyson give him less muscle? I'm just confused
Like to hear what people think of this is just the media that make young girls think a bit of muscle is bad or do people think it is.
Are women who are fit and have a bit of muscles unattractive to you?
Kids are not kids anymore. They want to grow up so fast and I'm just thinking "what's the rush?" I see how these kids act and dress and it's… more just horrible. I just saw on the news that in one of the states (I forgot which one) that public schools are giving out condoms to kids in 6th grade. Why? I think kids should at least wait until high school to have sex. I don't know that's just my opinion.
Stuff like this really annoys me
I love women with a bit of muscle and should be encouraged women play sports as been huge drop out for t… moreeen girls they researched why and found out girls think having muscle makes them like a guy and not attractive which this is completely false imo. But stuff like this makes me understand why they have this perception
A gif below showing the changes
This girl was suicidal a few weeks ago and they decided to completely photoshop her body like something is wrong with her wtf are they doing. I was reading recently she is a symbol for women an inspiration to play sport. SO WHY should she not be proud of her body and every inch of muscle that takes years of training. Photoshopping a former champion would they do that to mike tyson give him less muscle? I'm just confused
Like to hear what people thi… [view original content]
I have kids on my school that have sex just outside school during the break.
Or that they want to see whores and they all have condoms with them everywhere
Actualy all the kids on my school that can go to university are assholes except a few
I used to be a relatively normal individual, but recently I finally got around to playing and beating Undertale. Now I'm sexually attracted to skeletons, I get filled with determination over minuscule things, and I hear Megalovania in my head so often I'm almost certain I'm going to go insane.
I used to be a relatively normal individual, but recently I finally got around to playing and beating Undertale. Now I'm sexually attracted … moreto skeletons, I get filled with determination over minuscule things, and I hear Megalovania in my head so often I'm almost certain I'm going to go insane.
Is it great, no. Is it as bad as people say, hell no. Season 2 is fairly decent, the first half isn't that good, but the second half is a huge improvement.
Well, I just finished my Mass Effect 2 playthrough last night. And everyone survived! UP YOURS, COLLECTORS!
It was a very fun game, I spent hours upon hours doing the recruitment missions, loyalty missions, side missions, and the DLC missions. The new characters (my last several ended up being Thane and Samara) I recruited were all interesting, and each loyalty mission ended up bringing something a little new to the table. I did notice some loyalty missions were very common with each other in terms of family and betrayal. Regarding the scanning planets bit (I think in all I spent 7 hours scanning plants), I had so much metals I hardly needed to scan planets later on besides for Element Zero. Whenever a new anomaly popped up I got excited for adventure; one of my favourites was finding the Normandy wreckage, alotta sadness there.
Now back to the story. I was still gathering my team and doing their missions until I got called by the Illusive Man (Personally don't like him, but I understand some of his methods and intentions) to investigate the Collector ship. After that mission we were meant to find the IFF (that mission was very hard with all the Husks, my god was it tough until I learned their legs are weak) but I delayed the search for it (I was aware of what'll happened if I was unprepared before I started, I wrote down the major choices/survival bits but kept the rest of the game anonymous to me to atleast still have some surprise). I then recruited and did the last of the loyalty missions (Garrus' was very personal, and while I'd let him get vengeance, I was scared of his mental state. Tali's was very tense and great, I did ended up sad when we see her dad. The others were also good too but I can't talk about them forever. Of course it was nice to see Wrex in Tuchanka for Grunt, having him call me a friend made me all fuzzy.). I also managed to do Lair of The Shadow Broker, that was one of the best DLCs I've played ever, the last battle in it was epic as hell. The Overlord DLC, involving the dangerous VI was very interesting and the ending made me look in complete sadness, horror and anger. It was so fucked up that I thought I was in The Evil Within again. Finally at the very end of the game, after the Normandy got attacked, I was filled with a lot of tension regarding my team's survival. I did diverge a little in who I took with me, taking a chance in some moments to diverge from what I written down. I actually took Garrus and Tali with me in the final fight (my god was that thing creepy) and we all survived! I was so freaking relieved, every moment had me on guard. I kept the Collector base for the Reapers.
After that I was preparing to play ME3 right after until I remembered something @Joshua007 told me before in an earlier post. So I went to PSN and found all these DLCs that I didn't have for ME2 and ME3 and I was like 'This is going to cost me a lot of money....'. Luckily I had some spare money in the PSN account so I got myself the Arrival and two costume packs, including the ME3 Extended Cut as Joshua suggested (thanks for that!). I've played several more side missions I came across on during my return on ME2 to make the night last, before finally doing the Arrival mission (glad to see Hackett finally in person). I must say, having you by yourself was a new experience in the game and I really enjoyed it. It was harder, but it the mission even more exciting. I ended up sneaking through the whole base in the start without anyone noticing, too much stealth games can be useful. Finally in those last two parts were some of the most tense moments ever with the countdown to the Reaper's arrival. The endless waves of enemies in that one part was frustrating and crazy, it allowed Shepard to shine on their own. Then with only an hour left, I was bent on hurrying to stop it all. However those blowtorch guys were so annoying. Then when I met that woman, I just shot her without hesitation, no point in talking it out. Finally at the very end, when I had to escape the base was really hard and nerve racking. It took three tries to kill them all. Then at the moments you talk to Harbinger and escape to watch the destruction of the mass relay was one of the best moments in the game. Of course, now I'm charged of costing a system's worth of lives for stopping the Reapers. I seriously felt like the Illusive Man at that point. All in all, really great DLC, it was worth it.
Now that game is over, I will have to save up 50 bucks to buy the story DLCs for ME3 to have a full experience. So my binge is at a halt now. I can just chill out and get back to drawing in the mean time. (this post ended up much longer than I intended, heheh oops)
I can't wait to pre order Michonne on PS3 only one problem... My internet has become unstable
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to afford to catch up with the comics. However I did look up on Michonne's comic wikia to understand her character arc and to understand her situation with her daughters.
Are you all looking forward to Michonne?
AWESOMEO has been banned, and to answer your question: i'm only waiting for Batman.
Wait what but he isn't banned... Have I linked the wrong Awesomeo?
You are our hero
Nope, it's me that checked the wrong profile. Still, last time he logged on was last year.
I guess.
I don't read the comics but I know some people who do and tell me some stuff that happens in it. Even though Michonne isn't my favorite character or anything, I'll probably try it out for the heck of it.
That, or a lack of care thereof.
In mma or boxing? Heck no.
Any other sport? Yes they should be allowed
Being a 20 year old single guy and working with all women is freaking torture. I swear all I keep thinking is "dang she has a nice butt" and I keep staring. Ugh god I'm such a pig xD. Doesn't help I got this Pervy old man customer who says to slap their butts ....
What kind of job is this?
A club. I'm a dishwasher there.
@RockMySocks Body rolls
The Wash?
Kids are not kids anymore. They want to grow up so fast and I'm just thinking "what's the rush?" I see how these kids act and dress and it's just horrible. I just saw on the news that in one of the states (I forgot which one) that public schools are giving out condoms to kids in 6th grade. Why? I think kids should at least wait until high school to have sex. I don't know that's just my opinion.
@OfficialSheriffMaybe and @Wolfenus54
The next time you copy my memes
Lottii, pls...
Lmao I am so tired right now.
Thanks for answering and great opinion on this
Yes Hopefully I check the reviews and see much hub areas there are and then I'll buy
And people think we are the good guys not saying either side is. Killing is killing government goes into their countries killing mostly innocent people gets called heroes using the best weapons, best trained soldiers and latest technology against people with sticks and stones anyone protects themselves in their own countries and kill any of their soldiers in their own country they get called terrorists an excuse to send in more soldiers to kill more. Who are real terrorists there
Lets all just be grateful were on the side with the money and best weapons if someone gave us a taste of our own medicine and faced an army with the same military power and mentality as us as we are always the heroes no matter what we do. Who knows how many of us will even be alive right now
Stuff like this really annoys me
I love women with a bit of muscle and should be encouraged women play sports as been huge drop out for teen girls they researched why and found out girls think having muscle makes them like a guy and not attractive which this is completely false imo. But stuff like this makes me understand why they have this perception
A gif below showing the changes
This girl was suicidal a few weeks ago and they decided to completely photoshop her body like something is wrong with her wtf are they doing. I was reading recently she is a symbol for women an inspiration to play sport. SO WHY should she not be proud of her body and every inch of muscle that takes years of training. Photoshopping a former champion would they do that to mike tyson give him less muscle? I'm just confused
Like to hear what people think of this is just the media that make young girls think a bit of muscle is bad or do people think it is.
Are women who are fit and have a bit of muscles unattractive to you?
I have kids on my school that have sex just outside school during the break.
Or that they want to see whores and they all have condoms with them everywhere
Actualy all the kids on my school that can go to university are assholes except a few
Good good good Mark and if it's good... The forum will be filled with users once more.
Still can't believe people actually support trump
Ugh, freaking rain. It really annoys me when my internet and my power goes down cause of it ;-;
I just hope it'll be over soon :c
I have these hot flushes last days
So finished watching S1 of TWD TV show but is Season 2 that bad
I used to be a relatively normal individual, but recently I finally got around to playing and beating Undertale. Now I'm sexually attracted to skeletons, I get filled with determination over minuscule things, and I hear Megalovania in my head so often I'm almost certain I'm going to go insane.
And it turns out I've been reading the author's name as Mass for MONTHS when it's Maas.
I don't mind you hitting me with your surprisingly large meat stick.
... it's a shark
Not in my eyes.
Is it great, no. Is it as bad as people say, hell no. Season 2 is fairly decent, the first half isn't that good, but the second half is a huge improvement.
So I moved in the same room as my sister last night... I ended up sleeping on the couch because the bed I now have is awful.
But in other news I tricked @RockMySocks into thinking there was Rhyiona NSFW and she got mad ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What's wrong with wanting to bone.
What has this game done to me?
Well, I just finished my Mass Effect 2 playthrough last night. And everyone survived! UP YOURS, COLLECTORS!
It was a very fun game, I spent hours upon hours doing the recruitment missions, loyalty missions, side missions, and the DLC missions. The new characters (my last several ended up being Thane and Samara) I recruited were all interesting, and each loyalty mission ended up bringing something a little new to the table. I did notice some loyalty missions were very common with each other in terms of family and betrayal. Regarding the scanning planets bit (I think in all I spent 7 hours scanning plants), I had so much metals I hardly needed to scan planets later on besides for Element Zero. Whenever a new anomaly popped up I got excited for adventure; one of my favourites was finding the Normandy wreckage, alotta sadness there.
Now back to the story. I was still gathering my team and doing their missions until I got called by the Illusive Man (Personally don't like him, but I understand some of his methods and intentions) to investigate the Collector ship. After that mission we were meant to find the IFF (that mission was very hard with all the Husks, my god was it tough until I learned their legs are weak) but I delayed the search for it (I was aware of what'll happened if I was unprepared before I started, I wrote down the major choices/survival bits but kept the rest of the game anonymous to me to atleast still have some surprise). I then recruited and did the last of the loyalty missions (Garrus' was very personal, and while I'd let him get vengeance, I was scared of his mental state. Tali's was very tense and great, I did ended up sad when we see her dad. The others were also good too but I can't talk about them forever. Of course it was nice to see Wrex in Tuchanka for Grunt, having him call me a friend made me all fuzzy.). I also managed to do Lair of The Shadow Broker, that was one of the best DLCs I've played ever, the last battle in it was epic as hell. The Overlord DLC, involving the dangerous VI was very interesting and the ending made me look in complete sadness, horror and anger. It was so fucked up that I thought I was in The Evil Within again. Finally at the very end of the game, after the Normandy got attacked, I was filled with a lot of tension regarding my team's survival. I did diverge a little in who I took with me, taking a chance in some moments to diverge from what I written down. I actually took Garrus and Tali with me in the final fight (my god was that thing creepy) and we all survived! I was so freaking relieved, every moment had me on guard. I kept the Collector base for the Reapers.
After that I was preparing to play ME3 right after until I remembered something @Joshua007 told me before in an earlier post. So I went to PSN and found all these DLCs that I didn't have for ME2 and ME3 and I was like 'This is going to cost me a lot of money....'. Luckily I had some spare money in the PSN account so I got myself the Arrival and two costume packs, including the ME3 Extended Cut as Joshua suggested (thanks for that!). I've played several more side missions I came across on during my return on ME2 to make the night last, before finally doing the Arrival mission (glad to see Hackett finally in person). I must say, having you by yourself was a new experience in the game and I really enjoyed it. It was harder, but it the mission even more exciting. I ended up sneaking through the whole base in the start without anyone noticing, too much stealth games can be useful. Finally in those last two parts were some of the most tense moments ever with the countdown to the Reaper's arrival. The endless waves of enemies in that one part was frustrating and crazy, it allowed Shepard to shine on their own. Then with only an hour left, I was bent on hurrying to stop it all. However those blowtorch guys were so annoying. Then when I met that woman, I just shot her without hesitation, no point in talking it out. Finally at the very end, when I had to escape the base was really hard and nerve racking. It took three tries to kill them all. Then at the moments you talk to Harbinger and escape to watch the destruction of the mass relay was one of the best moments in the game. Of course, now I'm charged of costing a system's worth of lives for stopping the Reapers. I seriously felt like the Illusive Man at that point. All in all, really great DLC, it was worth it.
Now that game is over, I will have to save up 50 bucks to buy the story DLCs for ME3 to have a full experience. So my binge is at a halt now. I can just chill out and get back to drawing in the mean time.
(this post ended up much longer than I intended, heheh oops)