What do you expect from ep. 5

What do you expect from ep. 5?
I think Jesse is gonna die at the end of the episode. And Lukas but sooner :'( And no respawning Reuben or another pet.



  • idk dude. a lot can happen. it's gonna be epic. I can't wait to see it on YouTube.

  • When does it get released

  • On March. Not too far away at least

    When does it get released

  • edited February 2016

    I think that the command block has some remains left to destroy such as the ender dragon?

    These stories where ordinary people become heroes usually goes like this

    1.Oridnary People get shoved into the mess one way or another

    1. They seek the heroes in an epic journey

    3.they help the heroes and even save the heroes and save the day along with them, the enemy is mostly destroyed but remains are left that will need destroying sooner or later, back at a new place they have an awesome celebration and become full heroes

    1. If there is a sequel then as heroes the main characters finish the evil and finally their story is complete

    Edit: it looks weird I can't change it

  • It's obvious that the ender dragon will come back and the gang will come bake and rueben will return as a baby

  • More cliches than ever, I mean, this is Telltale we're talking about here.


    But this is telltale we're talking about here.

    I think that the command block has some remains left to destroy such as the ender dragon? These stories where ordinary people become hero

  • Maybe it will become flashback, or even like TWD S1, 400 days for Minecraft Story Mode

  • I expect Lukas.

  • No idea, they resolved pretty much the whole plot already . So I don't know

  • I expect it to be the 5th installment of the series. Also, that it brings more blocky characters, those are pretty damn cool (a little customisable house could be nice as well).

  • The end of MC: SM.

  • enter image description here

    The end of MC: SM.

  • Hmm well here are questions

    Where is Soren?

    Where did the command block really come from?

    Why did Magnus and Ellie always argue?

    No idea, they resolved pretty much the whole plot already . So I don't know

  • edited March 2016

    Thread: Episode 5 predictions

    Here is where you make your predictions based on episode 5.

  • Thread: My Episode 5 Predictions

    1. That we will see Jesses parents.
    2. New Monster...? (New Wither Storm, Ender Dragon re-incarnation, ETC.)
    3. (VERY unlikely) Reuben Ressurection
    4. Bad times happening to Jesse and friends.
  • Herobrine is not a good idea though, it makes the episode feel like a money grab.

    There are no dimensions more than Overworld, Nether and The End.

  • There is the sky dimesion

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Herobrine is not a good idea though, it makes the episode feel like a money grab. There are no dimensions more than Overworld, Nether and The End.

  • There was never a Sky dimension, Notch only planned on doing floating islands, turns out it was a scrapped idea.

    Catlover posted: »

    There is the sky dimesion

  • Wait... Don't forget to add spoiler tag. There is so many minecrafter don't know about this Minecraft Story Mode

  • You could get it in beta 1.6 somehow and you can always use mods.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    There was never a Sky dimension, Notch only planned on doing floating islands, turns out it was a scrapped idea.

  • But Telltale's Minecraft doesn't have mods

    Catlover posted: »

    You could get it in beta 1.6 somehow and you can always use mods.

  • edited March 2016

    Anything can happen, and there's nothing you can do to stop it from occurring! - Telltale

  • This is where I make prediction? I not know how make prediction :)))

  • Did I spell it wrong?

  • [removed]

  • Please if you hate this game, why you don't make haters forum in Minecraft Forum in the Minecraft Story Mode Sections? And i think you like all Telltale Games Series (Exception for MCSM) right?

  • I want to rant about you but that would be hypocritical considering I think this game is trash too.

  • The '-' of this game is quite buggy. Remember when ep2 release and some people can't download the episode? And also with no sound, screen stuck in PC&MAC/ Android/ Consoles. For the Play Time is quite long, about 1.5 - 2 hours long (Its ok cuz its story telling based game). Also its used normal Telltale plot (Introduction, One story ends, One begins, introduce people, fight, ask, and also.... died characters). But i don't hate it. I just enjoy it and hoping Telltale would fix it if there is any free time after Ep5.

    Btw my predictions with Ep5 is NEW DANGER, or my everyday predictions; 400 days Season for Minecraft Story Mode, or even a flashback about what happens inside the Witherstorm, Story about Witherstorm Survivor, Reuben, etc

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    I want to rant about you but that would be hypocritical considering I think this game is trash too.

  • As much as i disagree, we all have opinions. (I probroley in the 5% of people on the internet who respects other people opinions)

  • He hates Michonne

    Please if you hate this game, why you don't make haters forum in Minecraft Forum in the Minecraft Story Mode Sections? And i think you like all Telltale Games Series (Exception for MCSM) right?

  • [removed]

  • puppymonkeybaby

  • edited March 2016

    Flashback or 400 Season days. That's my Predictions for Ep5


    what so if soren use the command block on the enderdragon were did the enderdragon go then

  • Please, stop.


    Please, stop.

  • edited March 2016


    I dont get it, its speculation not spoilers, also if it was a spoiler you would have spoiled it in the title anyway

  • Sometimes I think that some people talking on this threads dont know anything about Minecraft. The Ender Dragon is gone. The Ender Dragon went in $@#&; &$%@ %@&;+#%&@#-($

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    You can say what ever you want but not whatever you want.

    Dash87998 posted: »


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