The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I'm honestly not too surprised about them not responding to criticism. I'm not surprised about Jon being pretty pissed off about Young Conker. I think any Conker fan would be pissed. Seriously, in recent years they told us to make our own damn Conker game with Project Spark and now this... I would've preferred it if Conker stayed dead, if this what they're making. After the fiasco with Conker in Project Spark, I'm surprised someone at MS thought this was a good idea. They could've just made a new IP, but nope. If this is their idea of a cute mascot game, they failed because Conker's design is horrible.

    They haven't replied yet, but on the plus side I rallied a bunch of other YouTubers to curse them out, and even got the attention of JonTron, and he seems pretty pissed about the new Conker too.

  • I'm a Protestant Christian, so... yeah... uh... about that...

    Clemenem posted: »

    I know this may be a bit of a dark and possibly controversial topic but I'd like to get people's thoughts on Satanism

  • They failed because it isn't Conker. They could make him look exactly like Conker and they'd still fuck it up. They're failing with Rare games because it isn't Rare. Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts is not Rare. You can say they made it all they want, but it's just not who they are. The same goes for Perfect Dark Zero, and this shit-stain of a monstrosity. Donkey Kong Country is Rare, Battletoads is Rare, Banjo-Kazooie/Banjo-Tooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Donkey Kong 64, Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, You see where I'm going with this. These are who they are, and that's who they should have been even after they switched to Microsoft, and if Microsoft tried to change it, they should have had to decency to tell them to fuck off and move to Playstation or back to Nintendo, but no, they sold out. This entire fucking thing is Rare's fault, and I don't blame Microsoft a single bit for it.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'm honestly not too surprised about them not responding to criticism. I'm not surprised about Jon being pretty pissed off about Young Conke

  • UM. NO. Nope nope nope nope nope soooo much nope! I saw what fucking happened in the show, and if they're making this, some idiot is sure as hell gonna try and recreate it, Whether it's SAO means or GGO means.

    They hype is real enter link description here

  • This "Conker" honestly looks like fucking Bubsy to me. He looks like one of those meme versions of popular characters. From what I've read, pretty much all the key people who worked at Rare during its golden days no longer work there, they moved onto new studios or created their own studios. Yooka-Laylee looks more like what a Banjo 3 should've been. Heck, not even the founders of the company, the Stamper brothers, work there anymore. The current Rare is pretty much just a shell of its former self, one that ends up making bad decisions and just can't release a game that has the same impact now, as their classics did during the SNES-N64 era. Thinking about it now, while it may suck to hear that MS rejected their ideas for Conker 2, Kameo 2 and Perfect Dark Core, one has to wonder if they would've turned out any good. Probably not, considering their other recent stuff.

    They failed because it isn't Conker. They could make him look exactly like Conker and they'd still fuck it up. They're failing with Rare gam

  • Damn Morgan is badass as always

  • enter image description here

    Donald Trump's coming to my city tomorrow. Ugh.

  • Now we all can die irl if we die in-game.

    They hype is real enter link description here

  • Prepare yourself for emotions. And when you finally come across a forest, grind in it for a while.

    Story time. I have never, ever, EVER played Final Fantasy 7. It's called the best game of all time, people praise it's story and mechanics,

  • Alright.

    Prepare yourself for emotions. And when you finally come across a forest, grind in it for a while.

  • Took the ACT. So glad it's over because I was stressing out about it. People say it's just a test, but that test makes me so nervous. I probably wouldn't be as nervous if they gave us more time. I mean come on! 60 math problems in 60 minutes, reading four passages and comprehending 40 questions in 35 minutes, etc. Seriously? That is not enough time for me especially, maybe for other people. I really hate ACT. It's like it's destined for me to fail.

  • you probably did great don't worry at all :). and I know how you feel! i always get so nervous, and feel like i did terrible on tests...and I can never do them fast enough.

    Took the ACT. So glad it's over because I was stressing out about it. People say it's just a test, but that test makes me so nervous. I prob

  • enter image description here

    Somebody should edit Trump's face into this gif.

  • Woo hoo! Now, don't crash.

    i passed my theory driving test nkw its on to the practical now

  • Yeah, that is a bit much. Sounds a lot like my exams, especially EQAO (they were the worst). Thankfully, if it's like mine, you don't need to answer ALL the questions, as long as you answer most and get nearly all of them right or you already have a percentage in your overall grade in the semester, you should be fine.

    Took the ACT. So glad it's over because I was stressing out about it. People say it's just a test, but that test makes me so nervous. I prob

  • thanks ill try not to crash :)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Woo hoo! Now, don't crash.

  • Aw, don't bring RWBY's loss of innocence into this. XD

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Somebody should edit Trump's face into this gif.

  • I'm sorry, I just thought it was the most fitting one. I totally would've used one of Cardin getting his legs broken, if such a gif existed.

    Aw, don't bring RWBY's loss of innocence into this. XD

  • Oh how I wish a gif of Cardin getting his legs broken existed. But no, now he's important because he's gay for Ironwood. Man, fuck that. Nora needs to break his legs by the end of the series or I will be genuinely upset. XD

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'm sorry, I just thought it was the most fitting one. I totally would've used one of Cardin getting his legs broken, if such a gif existed.

  • I'm an atheist, although I think satanism is a BIT too much. I still like to believe that some powerful force created us for a greater destiny and that this so called powerful force abandoned us afterwards, but sacrificing goats and/or people to an imaginary red guy with horns is pushing religion way too far.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I know this may be a bit of a dark and possibly controversial topic but I'd like to get people's thoughts on Satanism

  • Me too. You know, I still get a little sad now, when thinking about the other character who threatened to break dem legs. I wonder if Cardin's love for Irondaddy will remain one-sided. I'm sure if Cardin ends up being (at least partly) responsible for Jaune's death (like the Cardinal of Winchester played a part in Joan of Arc's death), I'm sure Ruby and Ren will hold him, while Nora smashes his legs.

    Oh how I wish a gif of Cardin getting his legs broken existed. But no, now he's important because he's gay for Ironwood. Man, fuck that. Nora needs to break his legs by the end of the series or I will be genuinely upset. XD

  • SFM is fucking brutal to work with. The tutorials didn't help much....

  • All these idiots bitching about Metroid: Federation Force for being different, and I'm just here waiting for news about Zelda U. I'm honestly in love with all of the new, innovative, amazing and fun shit Nintendo has announced/shown more info for today, but apparently the rest of the so called "fans" are too fucking whiny to accept it.

  • I'm finally making progress to crawl out of the hole of Writer's Block I have.

    I started writing a FNAF fanfiction , and it's going okay so far.

  • Don't know what these "fans" were expecting. We were told the direct would only be about 3DS and Wii U games, when it was announced. It was pretty much a status update with some new game announcements. I feel pretty bad about the team behind MP:FF, considering they've been working on it since 2009, and there are idiots who want them to scrap 7 years of work. Zelda U is probably being saved for E3.

    All these idiots bitching about Metroid: Federation Force for being different, and I'm just here waiting for news about Zelda U. I'm honestl

  • Thanks! But when I don't know some of the material on ACT, I feel dumb. I feel like I should know the information,

    Danaliza posted: »

    you probably did great don't worry at all . and I know how you feel! i always get so nervous, and feel like i did terrible on tests...and I can never do them fast enough.

  • It sounds very similar to your test. But ACT helps you get into the college you want. Sometimes they don't even look at your GPA. They pay attention to your ACT score or sometimes SAT.

    Yeah, that is a bit much. Sounds a lot like my exams, especially EQAO (they were the worst). Thankfully, if it's like mine, you don't need t

  • Can confirm. My essay and SAT got me into a good college despite my shit GPA.

    It sounds very similar to your test. But ACT helps you get into the college you want. Sometimes they don't even look at your GPA. They pay attention to your ACT score or sometimes SAT.

  • I understand some Arabic and these broadcasts both hilarious and sad. Sad because it demonstrates how people poison their children's minds with hate. Funny because you don't expect cartoon characters to make outlandish threats against the Jews.

    Wtf enter link description here

  • I felt and still feel the same way, don't worry. Just because you don't know or don't remember some info on a test does not mean you are any less smart, I'm sure you're a very bright person. :)

    Thanks! But when I don't know some of the material on ACT, I feel dumb. I feel like I should know the information,


    lottii-lu posted: »

    @Wolfenus54 answer my ask right now or I'll tell Pewdipie that you're a youtube copying fuck

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited March 2016

    Trumps is coming to Orlando on Saturday. Me and some people from the college are going. We will have signs. Shit is going to be real.

  • I assume they will be signs showing your support for Trump.

    Make America Great Again

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Trumps is coming to Orlando on Saturday. Me and some people from the college are going. We will have signs. Shit is going to be real.

  • In other news, all of my opinions of the innocence that childhood brings shall be cremated this coming Saturday.

    Wtf enter link description here

  • I wish you well, Go forth and heckle that orange mannequin sporting corn husk on its head.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Trumps is coming to Orlando on Saturday. Me and some people from the college are going. We will have signs. Shit is going to be real.

  • Dammit I've gotta quit spending money I can't afford to lose. I listened to the Skyrim soundtrack for 12 minutes and went out and bought Skyrim + All the DLC.

  • I've got my eye on Skyrim since it's a Bethesda game, and their games have got my attention like nothing else. Now that my Fallout obsession seems to be subsiding, I'm kinda in that 'what the fuck do I play?' phase.

    Dammit I've gotta quit spending money I can't afford to lose. I listened to the Skyrim soundtrack for 12 minutes and went out and bought Skyrim + All the DLC.

  • Skyrim is fucking fantastic and you should always want to play it 24/7. I lost my copy months ago, so I repurchased it today.

    I've got my eye on Skyrim since it's a Bethesda game, and their games have got my attention like nothing else. Now that my Fallout obsession seems to be subsiding, I'm kinda in that 'what the fuck do I play?' phase.

  • Work sucked. Damn customers tick me off

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