and wew I got 1300 points added to my grade in English class for just doing some 10 page packet that I had to put correct punctuation on (She didn't grade it for accuracy, it was just for doing it)
Reminds me of the time where I knew I was gonna fail a math exam but I scored a 86% so I passed the test, not many passed only about 5 others in my class did.
Reminds me of the time where I knew I was gonna fail a math exam but I scored a 86% so I passed the test, not many passed only about 5 others in my class did.
@2614118 =
and wew I got 1300 points added to my grade in English class for just doing some 10 page packet that I had to put correct punctuation on (She didn't grade it for accuracy, it was just for doing it)
@2614118 =
and wew I got 1300 points added to my grade in English class for just doing some 10 page packet that I had to put correct punctuation on (She didn't grade it for accuracy, it was just for doing it)
dont you hate it when people say annoying thing for exampleim wanting the codbo3 season pass because the original map is getting boring so i speak about getting it next week and my dad decides tosay if you dont buy it then youre saving 34.99. yeah but if i dont buy it how the hell am i supposed to play the dlc im buying it anyway
Reminds me of the time where I knew I was gonna fail a math exam but I scored a 86% so I passed the test, not many passed only about 5 others in my class did.
Well growing up is about sacrificing what you want. Having the money for something you want, but having to choose to spend it on something else. $35 American for a season pass is pretty steep. If you're one of those people that plays 2 games for a year, then it's justifiable, but if you'll be moving on to a different game in a month, it's something to think about. Budgeting is fun!
Study hall was great today; my teacher's boyfriend brought us cookies and cheeseburgers , and we watched a movie we'd started in math class.
So I put in an application to do work experience for my local council. After a few weeks of waiting, I called them again to find out that they couldn't put me exactly where they wanted me, so I told them to give me whatever they could. That was on Thursday, and I'm really hoping they call back soon because I need my forms back at my school pretty damn soon.
You are cancer
Also rude af.
I still love you cancer
I just finished Lady Midnight and holy shit!
THERE IS ANOTHER HERONDALE. Though I don't trust that Kit kid farther than I can throw him.
Do any of you have twitter? I really people to follow.
I have a twatter.
Oh I already know that, Nat sent me the links to some of your twitters
That feeling when you feel like you Ac'd a test and really got a C. MOTHERFUCKER
And when you feel like you bombed a test and actually got a B. wow.
@2614118 =
and wew I got 1300 points added to my grade in English class for just doing some 10 page packet that I had to put correct punctuation on (She didn't grade it for accuracy, it was just for doing it)
Do you follow me? pls follow me
Damn you gonna be telling everyone about what we be talking in PMs
Already do, I'm treezies_
Reminds me of the time where I knew I was gonna fail a math exam but I scored a 86% so I passed the test, not many passed only about 5 others in my class did.
That feeling is always awesome.
The disappointment is strong within me right now though.
Gotta concentrate.
Holy shit. I miss high school. College has almost no extra credit.
I'm worried about what that gif is suppost to mean.
I love Tom Petty. How many other musicians can say they've done songs with Bob Dylan and The Bangles?
dont you hate it when people say annoying thing for exampleim wanting the codbo3 season pass because the original map is getting boring so i speak about getting it next week and my dad decides tosay if you dont buy it then youre saving 34.99. yeah but if i dont buy it how the hell am i supposed to play the dlc im buying it anyway
Bangles were the shit. I grew up with my parents playing their stuff.
It means precious cinnamon roll.....I thought you were on Tumblr long enough to know that.
i know that feeling with my driving theory test thought i was gonna fail and actually passed
My messages are too long-winded for Twitter. Except this one.
Well growing up is about sacrificing what you want. Having the money for something you want, but having to choose to spend it on something else. $35 American for a season pass is pretty steep. If you're one of those people that plays 2 games for a year, then it's justifiable, but if you'll be moving on to a different game in a month, it's something to think about. Budgeting is fun!
Here's Handsome Yak, you can see he is currently getting milked like shit.
It's shit.
Kill yourself
Y-you're shit!
Runs away
Honestly, Handsome Yak sounds like a Swedish pronunciation of Handsome Jack, nice coincidence!
Ofcourse, I was going for that!
I just thought of a clever pun and I had to make it true.
So....did you know that it's possible to milk horses?
I do.
Not sure if this is ever gonna help me in life, but hey, knowledge is power, right?
I'll be milking horses when a zombie apocolypse breaks out, thanks.
It's part of being a mammal.
You can milk dogs, cats, mice....
R.I.P. Keith Emerson
enter link description here
Why is it that I am not surprised by this?
@Wolfenus54 Fuck you
Study hall was great today; my teacher's boyfriend brought us cookies and cheeseburgers , and we watched a movie we'd started in math class.
I wanna have a relationship before I die but I'm too suck.
Pls help
So I put in an application to do work experience for my local council. After a few weeks of waiting, I called them again to find out that they couldn't put me exactly where they wanted me, so I told them to give me whatever they could. That was on Thursday, and I'm really hoping they call back soon because I need my forms back at my school pretty damn soon.