The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited March 2016


  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I noticed this comment Wolf's Anus

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Goddamn it, Fappy. Um, whoops. I think I hanged out with Eryka too much.

  • I...kind of despise the Star Wars fanbase right now.


  • I wrote a telltale fourm fanfic

    "Will Reuben come back?", Little Johnny asked his father. "I'm sorry Little Johnny, I don't think he will come back", answered his Poppa. "But... but why, father?", Little Johnny asked, confused. "He was made into pork, Little Johnny", answered his father. Little Johnny shed a tear, and suddenly broke. He could not stand the thought his little pet pig died, he was so devastated he even tried to throw his fathers Advil at the TV to revive the pig. But it was no use. After 10 days of non stop crying and tears, his father was fed up. He discovered the Telltale Fourms, and he thought it would be a great idea to suggest telltale revives the pig, to make his son happy. He made a thread titled, "Please Bring Reuben Back For My Little Johnny", and the thread immediately got hate. User @Eryka called the thread "gay", and user @OfficialSheriffMaybe told him to stop whining and accept he's dead. Little Johnny's Father was furious at these rude brutes, and started a rant in the thread at these people. "You people are rude. You made fun of me and my son. I hope you all burn in hell and pay for your awful crimes". After his rant, he was banned by Blind Sniper (our hero). He was instantly furious, and contacted telltale themselves to complain, yet they also ignored. Little Johnny's Father was hesitant to tell his son that reuben was gone for good. After Little Johnny heard the news, he eventually went psycho. His dad quickly ran for the phone to call 911, but after he said, "Hello?", Johnny attacked his father and put him in a coma. Johnny was taken to a mental asylum after the incident with his father. Little Johnny's ID read this: "Johnathan Eugene Lundberg: Age 24: 300 lbs. Rumor is, if you visit the asylum today, you hear the whisper, "reeeeeeuuuuuuubbbbennn....." coming from the cells.

  • Does anyone have any experience know anyone that has experience in video game programming? I have an idea for an open world FPS/ RPG please respond or PM me for more details

  • Good for him. 99% of gamers hate him.

    For the record, KH is pretty shit.

    joshua007 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2016

    I don't get why mocking the Minecraft fans is necessary; It's not exactly like the other fan bases on this forum are paragons of maturity without fault. Each fanbase has their own faults to them, and it's not like the Minecraft fanbase has really been that terrible. I'd very easily say the lowest points of the other forums have been worse than Minecraft at times. The Minecraft fans haven't done anything too bad besides making generic threads about Rueben's death, and have otherwise been fine.

    Last I checked, the Minecraft fans never made one mod get fed up to the point of quitting (as well as almost making another mod quit as well), nor did they post shock content on the forums at such a high density over the course of months to where Telltale staff members directly had to go out of their way to disable image/link posting for several weeks until we got better moderation tools. They don't bring petty melodrama from other social media groups here onto the forums, nor do they spam videos/memes/gifs/etc. They don't sarcastically call users "faggots" or racial slurs or other insults. They don't bump threads from the very start of that game's forum, requiring mods to spend time going back and locking dozes of pages of old threads one by one to prevent this. They don't harass (other) mods for having merged a few off-topic chat threads together over a year and a half ago to this very day. They don't get territorial when a new game is announced and act like their fan base is the best and that other fan bases are invaders. They don't spam other forums during game announcements with sarcastic excitement over a game just because it isn't Walking Dead or Wolf Among Us Season 2. They don't spam dumb threads making jokes that [X game] doesn't deserve to be placed at the top of the forums. They don't spend time in waiting threads scrutinizing tweets where Telltale staff members allude to having a life outside of work when an episode of Walking Dead: Season 2 is later than usual, causing us to place a note at the bottom of waiting threads asking people not to harass staff members on the forums for tweeting about things besides working on the latest episode. They don't scare off Telltale staff members from participating on the forums in fear of people over analyzing statements when a Support Staff Member leaves a generic support forum post saying Episode 202 of Walking Dead was "coming soon", when the episode was actually close to being finished but the support team was not authorized to say more because they are not the PR team. They don't harass other members off the forums when a member goofs up, does something wrong, or has an opinion that the majority does not hold. They don't go into other forums here to make fun of people for being a part of the fan base they are a part of. They don't go into waiting threads for other games to make jokes that they are glad an episode is taking a long time to release because they don't like that game, or that a game doesn't deserve to have quicker releases than other games. They don't abuse downvotes, causing them to later be removed (okay, I'm not complaining about this one). They don't create several handfuls of alternate accounts to get the last word in an argument or insult a user from beyond the grave once they get banned. They don't post real life pictures of users on the forums and put captions on those pictures to bully said users.

    If threads about wanting Rueben to be revived and seeing several people use generic Jesse/Rueben avatars are the worst of what you've seen from the Minecraft fan base, that's nothing compared to the low points from other forums such as the Walking Dead forums.

    If I had to choose between reliving the time I moderated during Minecraft or the time I moderated during Walking Dead: Season 2, I would much rather have moderated during Minecraft once again.

    I mean, please don't take this personally as I'm not aiming this at you in particular Duck_Hunt - rather, I'm just saying that if other people in general wanna judge Minecraft fans for being immature (which has not been a problem), other fan bases are not without skeletons in their own closet. I obviously mean no personal offense towards you directly, but hopefully you get the point.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    I wrote a telltale fourm fanfic "Will Reuben come back?", Little Johnny asked his father. "I'm sorry Little Johnny, I don't think he will

  • enter image description here

    I really agree with you, most people tend to view the Minecraft forum as a childish nursery class when they can't even see the fault in other forums as well.

    I don't get why mocking the Minecraft fans is necessary; It's not exactly like the other fan bases on this forum are paragons of maturity wi

  • That's the best fanfic I've ever read.

    10/10 - IGN

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    I wrote a telltale fourm fanfic "Will Reuben come back?", Little Johnny asked his father. "I'm sorry Little Johnny, I don't think he will

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Prepare yourself for that Peppa × George fanfic

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    That's the best fanfic I've ever read. 10/10 - IGN

  • Haha. Now I'm curious as to what I missed.

    I don't get why mocking the Minecraft fans is necessary; It's not exactly like the other fan bases on this forum are paragons of maturity wi

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2016

    That period between when the new site launched (Fall 2013) to when we got new mod tools (around Summer 2014) was pretty bad. Walking Dead: Season 2 brought in a lot of young fans, but besides that, it actually hasn't been too terrible. Wolf, Borderlands, Thrones, and even Minecraft fans are all pretty civil and mature. Sure, they are probably younger than old school Telltale fans from before Walking Dead, but that's hardly a problem at all. Otherwise, things improved after Season 2 and the fan bases for the games that followed are more mature and mellowed out for the most part.

    95% of the bad things I mentioned from my long rant above came from a portion of the Walking Dead: Season 2 fan base. I'm not blaming the entirety of the Walking Dead fan base obviously, but you get the idea.

    Johro posted: »

    Haha. Now I'm curious as to what I missed.

  • Never forget May Day 2014...

    That period between when the new site launched (Fall 2013) to when we got new mod tools (around Summer 2014) was pretty bad. Walking Dead: S

  • Here's a bit of the reaction when Minecraft was first announced. It was before I became a mod, but I thankfully I warmed up to the game slowly:

    Johro posted: »

    Haha. Now I'm curious as to what I missed.

  • Do you mean the average fan age has decreased? I'd expect them to be younger than the P+C group are now for sure. We're old people now.

    That period between when the new site launched (Fall 2013) to when we got new mod tools (around Summer 2014) was pretty bad. Walking Dead: S

  • I mean, there are still adults here obviously - but, yeah, there are lots of younger fans here now, which is ironic to see compared to Telltale's older, lighthearted games bringing in a more mature fan base.

    Johro posted: »

    Do you mean the average fan age has decreased? I'd expect them to be younger than the P+C group are now for sure. We're old people now.

  • While I still do not like this format and miss half of the replies, at least I don't feel "leashed" here. I think that other place's days are numbered and I have no place else to go. insert Farley clip

  • edited March 2016

    I'm actually going with Blind on this one. Yes, the forum is cringeworthy as hell, but you've got to remember the people who only make those threads/comment are 12 - or even younger - and let's face it, at that age, we all were cringey.

    And I've got to say, they are more maturer than half of the Walking dead fans; those who constantly shit on season 2, the Kenny apologist, the anti Kenny apologists and so on.

    But I am willing to shamelessly admit, your fanfic made laugh a bit.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    I wrote a telltale fourm fanfic "Will Reuben come back?", Little Johnny asked his father. "I'm sorry Little Johnny, I don't think he will

  • Did something happen at DoubleFine, or are you referring to another "other place"?

    Johro posted: »

    While I still do not like this format and miss half of the replies, at least I don't feel "leashed" here. I think that other place's days are numbered and I have no place else to go. insert Farley clip

  • I've told people to fuck off when I was younger.

    Thanks for teaching me how to swear dad.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    My little sister -who's like 4- told me to fuck off... It hasn't been the worst she's said but I'm still surprised.

  • Clemenem posted: »

    Does anyone have any experience know anyone that has experience in video game programming? I have an idea for an open world FPS/ RPG please respond or PM me for more details

  • Maybe a bit ironic, but TWD was TTGs first hip and trendy property they got to play with. As kid friendly as BTTF was, it missed the boat by 20 years.

    I mean, there are still adults here obviously - but, yeah, there are lots of younger fans here now, which is ironic to see compared to Telltale's older, lighthearted games bringing in a more mature fan base.

  • First time playing the Resident Evil Remaster. Man, I just wish I had picked it up sooner.

    Fuck the inventory system though. Fuck everything about it.

  • edited March 2016

    Yeah. A discussion on feminism and that whole "culture", exploded. Their version of this thread was shut down, the mods from our group got their hands slapped, some of us are being watched carefully and are only really still allowed because we were supporters. When I am told there are words, single words, I'm not allowed to use, I feel it's time to move on. We're not even talking cursing or provocative words. I can't even bring up politics.

    The discussion is mostly still there if curious. You'd be surprised who was at the epicenter.

    Did something happen at DoubleFine, or are you referring to another "other place"?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2016

    Wow, all that from a yo mama joke. For what it's worth - as I implied above, things are better now and the modern Telltale fans are used to how Telltale does things, not to mention we have better mod tools and the fans have matured.

    Johro posted: »

    Yeah. A discussion on feminism and that whole "culture", exploded. Their version of this thread was shut down, the mods from our group got

  • edited March 2016

    @RockMySocks Hello, welcome to my barbecue.

    Bitch get yo ass outta snapchat

  • @DillonDex Please come to me, my majestic stallion.

  • I have answered your summoning, and I am at your service. What do you need? :)

    Brodester08 posted: »

    @DillonDex Please come to me, my majestic stallion.

  • Damn ur Senpai comes quickly, unlike mine who just continues to talk to me on snapchat smfh white girls.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    @DillonDex Please come to me, my majestic stallion.

  • Rekt

    lottii-lu posted: »

    My little sister -who's like 4- told me to fuck off... It hasn't been the worst she's said but I'm still surprised.

  • Please pleasure me daddy.

    DillonDex posted: »

    I have answered your summoning, and I am at your service. What do you need?

  • Sorry. I'm not that sort of girl.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Please pleasure me daddy.

  • I'm interested in seeing what you're talking about.

    Johro posted: »

    Yeah. A discussion on feminism and that whole "culture", exploded. Their version of this thread was shut down, the mods from our group got

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2016

    Nowadays, lots of free engines like Unity or Unreal Engine 4 or Amazon Lumberyard are out there. You previously had to pay to use such engines, but as of late, more engines are now free to use. At this point, it's really just a matter of having the free time and ingenuity to learn an engine and play around with it in your free time. Lots of YouTube videos and other free forms of documentation are out there, so really, you just need to search around. You may also need to understand some programming, but again, there are lots of free beginner's videos you can find on YouTube to get you in the right headspace if you are serious about making a game.

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of "ideas" people, so it will also help to bring more to the table than just ideas. Some experience or skills of your own will also help.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Does anyone have any experience know anyone that has experience in video game programming? I have an idea for an open world FPS/ RPG please respond or PM me for more details

  • edited March 2016

    My relatives are trying to drive me insane

    So I just found out yesterday that tomorrow at 9:00 AM , my sister and I are going to by laying down gravel for my grandmother's shop that she never even opens , which means we have to go to bed earlier tonight and waste at least and hour of our day tomorrow , on top of the fact that on Thursday , we're going down to my other grandmother's house until Sunday - and surprise! While we're there , my annoying aunt is going to make us move shit out of the kitchen and dining room.

    And she also asked my mom to pick up gallon bags from Sam's on our way there , despite the fact that to get there , we're going to have to detour because there isn't one on the route we take to their house.

    So that is five fucking days of Spring Break wasted.

  • Pardon me rant BUT STAR WARS WAS F$%&ING AWEFUL!!!!!?????

    J-Master posted: »

    I...kind of despise the Star Wars fanbase right now. IT'S.....SO......FUCKING......AWFUL

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I think he just means the fans.

    _BEARZZ_ posted: »

    Pardon me rant BUT STAR WARS WAS F$%&ING AWEFUL!!!!!?????

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