All of your Season 1 choices
Episode 1:
- Stayed with Bowen
- Swore loyalty to Joffrey
- Freed Erik
- Picked Royland as Sentinel
- Met Ramsay at the Gate
Episode 2:
- Forged the letter
- Stood up for Cotter after he stole Finn's knife
- Won Rodrik's betrothal to Elaena Glenmore
- Refused to kiss Lord Whitehill's ring
- Killed Mira's attacker
Episode 3:
- Saved Beskha
- Defied Margaery and spoke to Tyrion
- Made Britt suffer
- Stood up to Gryff
- Kept the Ironwood Decree
Episode 4:
- Brought Finn along
- Maimed Gryff
- Kept Sera's secret from Lord Tarwick
- Ordered the Glenmore soldiers to come to Highpoint
- Allowed Beskha to kill the Slave Master
Episode 5:
- Tried to stab Ramsay
- Spared Bloodsong
- Told Tyrion that Cersei sent me
- Spared Duncan
- Had Rodrik stay behind
Episode 6:
- Told Margaery the truth and was dismissed
- Refused to marry Morgryn
- Gave Cotter a merciful death
- Ambushed Lord Whitehill
- Abandoned the North Grove to march to Ironrath
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Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
5.** Let Beskha kill her master** - Justice was for the slaves of Mereen to take and Beskha was his slave so it would only be fitting for us to allow her to kill him (& I thought Dany would understand that as well even though we disobeyed Croft)
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6 (oh fuck, the feels are coming back):
Overall, I'm actually satisfied with the choices I made and despite we lost at the end, I have hope that the Forresters will be able to kill the Whitehills in season 2 ^-^
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode one:
Season 2:
Season 3:
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Iron From Ice:
Met Ramsay in the Hall (**)
The Lost Lords:
The Sword In The Darkness:
Sons of Winter:
A Nest Of Vipers
The Ice Dragon
(*) - This is not my original choice, but my current one
(**) - I regret chosing this
(***) - I'm still undecided about this choice.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 1
Left Bowen: I thought he was a big douche
Swore loyalty to lays Margaret: I wanted to stay completely loyal
Cut the traitor's fingers off: I wanted to show that my Ethan was bold and I feel like this was the best one for the story
Elected ser Royland as sentinel: I liked him a lot, I also felt like electing Duncan in my eyes would be a weird choice, it would overuse the family
Met Ramsey in doors: I felt like Ethan being conflicted between ser Royland and Duncan would be interesting and meeting Ramsey indoors is much more well done, in my opinion
Episode 2
Did not forge letter: in all seriousness, I swore to Margarey from the beginning
Did not tell Finn: Finn is a bully
Won the betrothed: I wanted Rodrik to be a smart fighter to the end
Did not bend the knee to kiss ludd's ring: I wanted to be rivals with ludd forever and also not seeing Ryan is much more powerful because we had no idea what they were doing to him
Ran away: I wanted Mira and Tom to be rivals for the beginning
I will make more later
I mean Royland was always in the 30% club, but to see Rodrik there as well... that is depressing![:( :(](
Yeah it is![:( :(](
Dude, you made the exact same choices as this guy:
Episode 1-Iron From Ice
Saved Bowen- he was a friend and I knew that the Red Wedding was complete bloodshed.
Swore loyalty to Margaery- risky, but I wanted to show Cersei I wasn't scared of her.
Sent Erik to the Wall- I wanted to punish Erik but the fingers were a little too excessive for me, plus I had a feeling he'd meet Gared.
Chose Royland as Sentinel- extremely difficult but Malcolm swayed me. We are at war and Royland is one of our best fighters. Plus, I read the codex prior to playing and was sad that his family died and it said he was extremely loyal.
Met Ramsay in the Great Hall- didn't want to anger Ramsay (although that didn't work out).
Since @IronWoodLover did extras I will too-
Went to Papa Tuttle before attacking Britt- they seemed well trained and I didn't want to start anything.
I didn't ask Margaery for help- she was in a delicate position and I figured Ethan could make do.
I killed the Whitehill soldier- he says he has a family after killing mine, nice try.
I took the medical suplies from the Maester's desk- he seemed fine with it and I thought Gared could use it for his leg.
I didn't tell anyone else about the North Grove- I promised Lord Forrester.
I demand Ramsay to take me as hostage and was named Ethan the Brave in-game and Ethan the Wise in special stats.
I volunteered to go to the Wall- It was Telltale, I was going no matter what so I cut to it.
I formed an alliance with Tyrion- This was a no-brainer for me.
Episode 2-The Lost Lords
Didn't forge the letter- thought Rodrik could manage by himself.
Refused to kiss Ludd's ring- Ethan didn't bow and Rodrik wasn't going to do something so degrading in front of Elaena
Won the betrothal to Elaena- played it smart as Elaena said and offer the Ironwood.
Stood up for Cotter- I liked him and Finn annoyed me.
Killed Daimien- Tom was one of the few decent people in King's Landing.
Didn't kill Tazal- he wasn't much of a threat.
Tossed the Knife- I had just murdered someone and didn't need anyone finding evidence.
Refused Talia's Help- Rodrik couldn't lean on Talia forever and needed to it himself.
Promised to keep Sera's secret- wasn't sure if I meant it but I wanted to reassure her.
Promised Sera that I would help her- same as above.
Drank wine with Sera- Why not?
Didn't tell Jon about the grove- Lord Forrester trusted me.
Passed all tests at Castle Black- IMO they weren't too hard.
Episode 3-The Sword in the Darkness
Saved Beskha- she was my friend for a long time and she was against a dragon, I figured Malcolm could handle some soldiers.
Didn't speak to Tyrion- Margaery was already pissed but she was still pissed at me after.
Made Britt suffer- fucker killed my family and bragged about it. He deserved it.
Stood up to Gryff- I wasn't going to be pushed around by some forthborn with an inferiority complex.
Burned the Ironwood Decree- didn't want any evidence.
Took the gold from the dead body- Duh.
I agreed to go after the North Grove- I cared more about my family then some stupid vows.
I chose to save Ryon- Lady Forrester said it best-"We are nothing if we leave Ryon behind".
I struck the soldier- he was a prick, I didn't care about consequences.
I retreated from the Dragon- IT WAS A DRAGON!
I gave the gold to Croft- Why not? I figured it'd be useful at some stage.
I told Croft to take my eye- Asher'd manage fine without one, and look good.
I approached Tom- one of the few people I trusted.
Britt attacked first- didn't want to give him the satisfaction.
I stabbed Britt in the chest- I was going for the kill at this point.
Told Elissa about the traitor- I was very seriously contemplating this as I thought it was her.
Episode 4-Sons of Winter
Brought Finn along- he stood up for me, why wouldn't I let him join?
Maimed Gryff- deserved it and I promised Elaena.
Kept Sera's secret- didn't care about Tarwick and Sera had just let me in, I wasn't going to double cross her.
Brought the Glenmores to Highpoint- I didn't trust Ludd.
Let Beskha kill her master- she deserved it after all the years of abuse she suffered.
Royland came with me to Highpoint- he was my Sentinel.
I attacked Ludd at Highpoint the first time- for shits and giggles.
I called Ludd's Bluff the second time- I wasn't going to let him use us as slaves.
I kissed Elaena- her and Rodrik shared genuine love so why not?
I agreed to Elaena's plan- I wanted Gryff gone, this plan seemed fine by me.
"See something you like?" happened in a rewind.
Episode 5-Nest of Vipers
Tried to stab Ramsay- I knew I couldn't kill him but he pushed me.
Spared Bloodsong- but I kicked him in the face to get respect.
Told Tyrion that Cersei sent me- he probably knew anyway.
Spared Duncan- I was shocked at his betrayal and was convinced there was a chance he could make things right.
Had Asher stay behind- I won't list my reasons here.
Rodrik and Elaena got together- they are perfect for each other.
Closed Arthur's eyes- I didn't know you couldn't.
Didn't receive Danny's gold- I wasn't selling Beskha out.
Told Sylvi: "I never miss"- I fulfilled my promise.
Shot both rabbits- we needed food.
Told Sylvi about my family- I wanted to relate to her.
Told Cersei about Tyrion's chambers- she already knew.
Told Cersei that I had done what I needed to do- I had.
Agreed to help Cersei- didn't want to piss her off.
Episode 6-The Ice Dragon
Told Margaery the truth- I liked Sera and was fed up with Margaery's shit.
Married Morgryn- toughest choice for me but I was convinced Rodrik would win and wanted to ensure Mira's survival (sorry Tom).
Butchered Cotter- "I'll do it, for the North Grove"
Killed Ludd- the Whitehills would be leaderless and I would fulfil my promise in Episode 2 ("I'm going to kill that man"). I was also the last lord standing and technically won by Ramsay's rules.
Bonus- Last Words to Ludd- "You might be right, about all of it. But I'm still the last lord standing"
Stayed to defend the North Grove- Ironrath was already lost plus I wanted to honour Lord Gregor's last words.
I promised Cotter I'd leave him- I had a funny feeling he would take this literally.
I didn't promise anything to Sylvi- didn't want to get her hopes up.
I told Cell lady to not give the guards the satasfaction- she had no hope, just face death with dignity.
I attacked Morgryn- dickhead.
I told the soldiers to save the smallfolk- the gate was already broken and what kind of Lord lets their people die?
Episode 1 2nd save file second time through ep1 and ep2 or half of 2 then 1st time through 3 4 5 6
ME and 33% left bowen entitled Lil basted
Me and 62.4% swore loyalty to the king
Me and 16.1% took the fingers it's law. eddard would've done it himself lol
Me and 30.7% picked Royland because of Malcom
Me and 50.1% meet Ramsey at the gates cuz fuk that guy
Me and 23.8% forged margaerys letter cuz Mira wants to play the game
Me and 70.5% refused to kiss the ring cuz fuk that
Which seemed to be quote pivotal and mentioned a few times more than any other choice especially in the special stats
Me and 48.2% won the betrothal to elaena cuz how could she and her family deny a request from the to be queen lol but I made it her choice
Me and 4.5% sold out cotter a Fucking thieving Lil fuck which is staggering lol 96.5% would protect a thief
Me and 90.6% stabbed the shit out of the lannister guard cuz he's was drowning poor Lil tom.
Me and 50.9% saved beskha cuz I love herrrrrr
Me and 48.8% defied margaery sny eyed bitch
Me and 69.2% walked away from Britt thinking he would still be alive and not get fucking kicked out lol even though I had 2 backers vs 1 like wtf lol
Me and 67.8% submitted to gryff to appaise gwyn lol reminded me of Mr.Burns squirming on the ground like a fish lol "is this to your liking"
Me and 70.7% percent kept the useless decree
Me and 87.3% brought Finn along big dead weight some bitch
Me and 38.9% showed mercy mi'lord to gryff
Me and 87.7% kept the Lil bitch bastards secret
Me and 64.5% kept the Glenmore soldiers in ironrath lotta fuckin good that did now in'nit
Since Ramsey fahkin snow comes along and magically vetos the whole fuckin thing
Me and 44.1% stopped beskha from killing the man
Me and 36.2% tried to knick the Lil pick Ramsey
Me and 61.7% spared bloodsong cuz that's not how we do it where I come from lol
Me and 63.2% didn't tell tyrion shit
Me and 57.4% choose to execute the traitor because of the promise
Me and 60.1% let rodrik the ruined to die
Me and 62.1% told the truth and were dismissed
Me and 24.5% agreed to marry cuz she a natural at playing the game in my play through
Me and 60.5% butchered cotter and shoved the nightshade up his arse
Me and 41.5% ambushed lord whitehill for our own red wedding (should've picked the marriage route with asher lol)
Me and 48.5% abandoned the grove cuz it must not be lost
In the minority in special stats
Me and 26.3% told lord Forrester not to give up hope at the red wedding the RED fuckin wedding
Me and 57.6% bent the knee to ramsay fucking ramsay ffs lol
Me and 6.3% yes 6.3% earned the name "Ethan the Wise".
Me and 30.7% chose bold ser Royland as sentinel
Me and 24.9% told Talia you didn't want to grow up to be a lord...good ol GoT irony
Oops all the same
Me and 14.4% were hostile to Danerays
Clever but far too emotional
Me and 34.1 fought with instinct and nobility
Sentences are a thing, you know.![:/ :/](
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Here's the extra choices you mentioned:
I regret not immediately killing Tazal so much... I actually rewound and killed him but later decided that's cheating and changed it back.
And I also hate that I gave the Whitehills wine... I thought it would make them lazy and off guard but instead they just got belligerent as fuck by the time Elaena showed up. Maybe I just didn't have a good day when I played episode 2...
Overall I just wish that I sided with Royland on every choice instead of letting Duncan occasionally persuade me.
The only Duncan choice I did in my playthrough was not bringing the Glenmores to Highpoint. I just brought Sentinel Royland. I look more badass without the Glenmores.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Have you seen the show? Because if not, you should. It's fuckin' awesome.
Never did but I do assume it's awesome. I just don't have a lot of free time to watch from Season 1 to Season 5.
Oh ok. And the only reason I can find for staying in the Grove is so that Gared dosen't get beheaded for desertion.
Well crap. Telltale is the reason I first time heard about The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones.
"Well crap." what?
What you said
Oh ok. Let's hope he dosen't die ;-;