The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited March 2016

    Oh okay, sorry J-Master O:-)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I think he just means the fans.

  • edited March 2016

    That's entirely your opinion. I like Kingdom Hearts except the first one

    Johro posted: »

    Good for him. 99% of gamers hate him. For the record, KH is pretty shit.

  • enter image description here

    J-Master posted: »

    I...kind of despise the Star Wars fanbase right now. IT'S.....SO......FUCKING......AWFUL

  • Yo mama is so fat she's got her own moon.

    I'm interested in seeing what you're talking about.

  • If it makes you feel better, then - assuming you otherwise had no specific plans - finding ways to occupy time will generally make you feel better as opposed to sitting around and idly passing time without doing much. I know that sounds tacky, but it's not entirely far from the truth sometimes.

    My relatives are trying to drive me insane So I just found out yesterday that tomorrow at 9:00 AM , my sister and I are going to by layin

  • It's mostly due to the fact that I have no say in the matter , have to get up early , and just found out that we're doing stuff for them on Wednesday , too.

    If it makes you feel better, then - assuming you otherwise had no specific plans - finding ways to occupy time will generally make you feel

  • whats wrong with it because im thinking about getting this game

    First time playing the Resident Evil Remaster. Man, I just wish I had picked it up sooner. Fuck the inventory system though. Fuck everything about it.

  • It's just that the old Resident Evil formula will take some getting used to. Alternating camera angles can make it difficult in fights, some puzzles are obscure as hell, and that god damn inventory system.

    Tip: Every time you pick up an important item, examine the hell out of it.

    Other Tip: Pay very close attention to the areas you've visited. You'll be doing a lot of back tracking.

    Other than that, I was fine with everything else. A

    whats wrong with it because im thinking about getting this game

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2016

    The second half of March is gonna be cool for Telltale fans:

    • Batman SXSW Panel (This Friday) - Telltale will give their first info on Batman here, and it will also be streamed online.
    • Minecraft Episode 5 - Either March 22nd (This next Tuesday) or March 29th (unlikely; same day as Michonne)
    • Michonne Episode 2 - March 29th

    I'm most looking forward to the Batman panel being streamed online, as I wanna see what that game is going to be like.

  • Come on Delbonis. Don't fall apart.

  • New Yandere Simulator update tomorrow!

    I wonder if Dev got all the club benefits implemented? If so , that'll be awesome , because you have access to clean uniforms through the Sewing Club.


    It's just that the old Resident Evil formula will take some getting used to. Alternating camera angles can make it difficult in fights, some

  • Someone actually tried to compare Rhyiona to Rhack

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    enter link description here

  • You probably still play the 2048 game because that's how much you weigh

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Someone actually tried to compare Rhyiona to Rhack

  • What does that have to do with TWD ships?

    You probably still play the 2048 game because that's how much you weigh

  • TWD ships

    Rhyiona and Rhack


    I'm her friend so I randomly reply to her with stupid shit

    What does that have to do with TWD ships?

  • edited March 2016

    Ugh, flu is going around. Ive never been to the bathroom (tmi?) so many times before. It's why I've only stuck to the forums and not chat with my friends cuz I'm afraid during the talks I have to go a lot. I thought I gotten better but nope. :/

  • edited March 2016

    Ah, good ol limited space. :3

    But man, it's a lot worse playing Chris (who wears a vest) space-wise since he's much more limited compared to Jill(who wears no vest. Fuck logic.).

    Enjoy the game. It's one of my favourites.

    First time playing the Resident Evil Remaster. Man, I just wish I had picked it up sooner. Fuck the inventory system though. Fuck everything about it.

  • Never mind.

    TWD ships Rhyiona and Rhack ...... I'm her friend so I randomly reply to her with stupid shit

  • he's more limited compared to Jill

    Oh jeez. :( More backtracking...

    I certainly have enjoyed the game though. I thought it was a little too easy at certain parts, but then I realized I was playing on easy difficulty the whole time lol.

    Ah, good ol limited space. But man, it's a lot worse playing Chris (who wears a vest) space-wise since he's much more limited compared to Jill(who wears no vest. Fuck logic.). Enjoy the game. It's one of my favourites.

  • Haha yeah. All the classics involved a lot of backtracking but they sometimes have something new occur later on. Say you clear an enemy filled room, it's empty but later on you may face another, maybe even stronger, enemy.

    Best to play on easy first to get the hang of it. I always play easy though cuz I like to enjoy the adventure and narrative instead of getting frustrated. lol

    he's more limited compared to Jill Oh jeez. More backtracking... I certainly have enjoyed the game though. I thought it was a little too easy at certain parts, but then I realized I was playing on easy difficulty the whole time lol.

  • At least you didn't have to volunteer at the hospital while you were sick. I personally chose to go, so it's pretty much my fault. I had the worst diarrhea of my life that day. It was embarrassing as hell.

    Ugh, flu is going around. Ive never been to the bathroom (tmi?) so many times before. It's why I've only stuck to the forums and not chat with my friends cuz I'm afraid during the talks I have to go a lot. I thought I gotten better but nope.

  • I wrote 3 fucking episodes of my RWBY Abridged script today and 5 chapters of my novel, but Windows 10 had other plans with those. Nah, Windows 10 felt like I DIDN'T need them, so they decided to delete ALL of that work. Then come to find out that when I wanted to play Dark Souls 2, now it's going through a 2 hour update, and my phone doesn't have shit on it.

    Then come to find out that my PC's retarded Anti-Virus software saw the 8 things I drew today as a threat and removed them. Right after that I was informed that the asshole who's been assaulting my family for 3 years has gone completely insane and sat outside my mothers work place for 20 minutes laughing at her (This guy is 67 years old and served in the army might I remind you) and then just left. And now here I am, going insane, my friends all know that now, and my best friend thinks small talk will help.

    this is actually me right now fucking dammit

  • edited March 2016

    12 - or even younger - and let's face it, at that age, we all were cringey.

    I'm 13 and when I see one of my old posts I cringe as well :v

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I'm actually going with Blind on this one. Yes, the forum is cringeworthy as hell, but you've got to remember the people who only make those

  • Fight me

    You probably still play the 2048 game because that's how much you weigh

  • I know the feeling of losing work. I've had to rewrite entire chapters before because I type so quickly and accident hit a key that either deletes my work or sends me back a page, or I'll click 'Save' and find that I have to log in again and end up losing my work (looking at you,!)

    Fuck the universe.

    I wrote 3 fucking episodes of my RWBY Abridged script today and 5 chapters of my novel, but Windows 10 had other plans with those. Nah, Wind

  • Damn skippy.

    I know the feeling of losing work. I've had to rewrite entire chapters before because I type so quickly and accident hit a key that either d

  • ErykaEryka Banned


    I wrote 3 fucking episodes of my RWBY Abridged script today and 5 chapters of my novel, but Windows 10 had other plans with those. Nah, Wind

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I wish this person was me

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Someone actually tried to compare Rhyiona to Rhack

  • Man I wish I wasn't poor.

    The second half of March is gonna be cool for Telltale fans: * Batman SXSW Panel (This Friday) - Telltale will give their first info on

  • I unpublished, and republished a chapter of a fanfiction I was writing because privacy reasons.

    Then the site was like: "Hmm, derp."

    and deleted 98% of the content, leaving me with the author's note at the beginning.

  • edited March 2016

    At least your house didn't burn down. Right? right?

    I unpublished, and republished a chapter of a fanfiction I was writing because privacy reasons. Then the site was like: "Hmm, derp." and deleted 98% of the content, leaving me with the author's note at the beginning.

  • edited March 2016


    That motherfuckin' feeling when you pass an essay you thought you failed! With a god damn A-/B+!!!! Holy shit Jesus has smiled down upon me today.

    First my damn car battery dies on me, and all sorts of shit. Now this! God damn, son what a day!!

  • fuckING RUDE !!!!!!

    Damn ur Senpai comes quickly, unlike mine who just continues to talk to me on snapchat smfh white girls.

  • Thinking about the universe and all these messed up situations where you die in the shower while being in the shower almost had me killed in the shower.

  • Meet me behind the dollar store fam

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Fight me

  • [removed]

    RockMySocks posted: »

    Thinking about the universe and all these messed up situations where you die in the shower while being in the shower almost had me killed in the shower.

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