The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited March 2016

    I like how many of my arguements on here get more likes than the person I'm arguing with. It raises my self-esteem by so many points.

  • I thought you were Brody

    RockMySocks posted: »

    fuckING RUDE !!!!!!

  • I just gave my first thumbs up on here. I feel weird, like I just violated them when all I wanted to do was approve of what they said. I may not sleep tonight, staying awake with Nam-like flashbacks.

  • Wait until you inadvertently feel the temptation to communicate primarily via memes and gifs. That will be the moment when you discover true existential horror.

    Johro posted: »

    I just gave my first thumbs up on here. I feel weird, like I just violated them when all I wanted to do was approve of what they said. I may not sleep tonight, staying awake with Nam-like flashbacks.

  • I know the feeling. I've had the flu for a week now. It is freaking torture.

    Ugh, flu is going around. Ive never been to the bathroom (tmi?) so many times before. It's why I've only stuck to the forums and not chat with my friends cuz I'm afraid during the talks I have to go a lot. I thought I gotten better but nope.

  • Well today was a decent day despite having the flu because Better Call Saul was renewed! And so was iZombie, Arrow, and Flash :)

  • I don't think I'm hip enough for that.

    Wait until you inadvertently feel the temptation to communicate primarily via memes and gifs. That will be the moment when you discover true existential horror.

  • If anyone plays XCOM 2, I just uploaded a Rhys Voice Pack to the workshop! (As well as Link and Maya)

  • I hate the end of The Last of Us. Urrrrggghhhh.

  • enter image description here

    Johro posted: »

    I don't think I'm hip enough for that.

  • Andrew Lincoln's real name is Andrew Clutterbuck....

  • RIP Little Marco.

  • Ah, sounds like me when I'm drawing on the computer. One time my SAI crashed and I had restart an entire page cuz I didn't save. Or another when one completed page didn't load up and I had remake the page using scraps of previews to speed up remaking it. Computers can be a bitch.

    Anyway, maybe you should try I different Anti-Virus software if it does that. ._. And good luck with the jerk harassing your family.

    I wrote 3 fucking episodes of my RWBY Abridged script today and 5 chapters of my novel, but Windows 10 had other plans with those. Nah, Wind

  • If you have something like Wordpad or Wordperfect, type your story in those (save frequently) instead then copy/paste onto the site once you have it completed. If neither programs has spellcheck, you can use the site after you paste it on there. Beats the frustrating glitches fanfic sites has, it's been working for me since AO3 crashes a lot during edits.

    I unpublished, and republished a chapter of a fanfiction I was writing because privacy reasons. Then the site was like: "Hmm, derp." and deleted 98% of the content, leaving me with the author's note at the beginning.

  • Wait, what? ?.?

    Andrew Lincoln's real name is Andrew Clutterbuck....

  • Ah. Feeling better now. :3

    enter image description here

  • There were signs all over my neighborhood this week : "This is Marco country", which is silly because we Floridians are pretty much united in hating his guts.

    RIP Little Marco.

  • edited March 2016

    you will be

    soon enough at least.

    Johro posted: »

    I don't think I'm hip enough for that.

  • Me after being shown Durr Plant and Filthy Frank's Let it Go.

    enter image description here

  • about two read throughs


    Rigtail posted: »

    Here is something random. How long did it take you to see it?

  • History has shown that memes only get worse over time.

    Waiting 100 years in the assumption that things will get better is the worst possible decision to make.

    Me after being shown Durr Plant and Filthy Frank's Let it Go.

  • ErykaEryka Banned


    It's me ;)

    Me after being shown Durr Plant and Filthy Frank's Let it Go.


    I guess Sewing Club either got scrapped or is going to be added at a later date - but so many other cool things happened!

  • edited March 2016

    durr Plant and Damn Daniel are terrible imo I haven't seen filthy Frank let it go but he did couple of good videos so understand his appeal but others wtf XD. I found the ghost busters trailer funnier and kills me to even mention that trailer I cringe at even the taught

    Me after being shown Durr Plant and Filthy Frank's Let it Go.

  • enter image description here

    Makes me a little paranoid

    Could be you have more friends here on the forum who will always like ur comments over a random person you face no matter ur argument and or are more well known by the users here for some likes over another.

    I've also seen if anyone argues against someone not liked or unpopular on the forum any counter argument gets lots of likes

    Or the comment you counter is highly unpopular before you counter so it's easy likes if you just disagree with anything they just said XD

    So likes factor don't really matter to me they could be biased, agenda driven or just the users strongly disagrees with what the other person originally said.

    For me as long as I'm honest and post what I truly believe in an argument I'm happy no matter the likes

    I like how many of my arguements on here get more likes than the person I'm arguing with. It raises my self-esteem by so many points.

  • enter image description here

    Why is American Military Budget so high there are no massive wars to warrant such a large budget yet the price of education is so high when everyone needs that.

    I'm confused

  • Because whenever the military gets cuts , it comes back to bite us in the ass.

    Points to Thomas Jefferson.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Why is American Military Budget so high there are no massive wars to warrant such a large budget yet the price of education is so high when everyone needs that. I'm confused

  • What happened?

    Because whenever the military gets cuts , it comes back to bite us in the ass. Points to Thomas Jefferson.

  • Gotta get a crown put in tomorrow. I hate hate hate dental work.

    Too poor to afford laughing gas, so I'm going to sedate myself with leftover Vicodin. Should be interesting.

  • Because the pentagon is an insatiable money-pit.

    Because the Military Industrial Complex constantly lobbies for new, often needless projects.


    The doctrine of projecting "hard power" so our rivals don't get ideas.

    Because the war machine puts food on the table and paychecks in the bank for millions of Americans.

    Because if defense spending gets cut, jobs get cut, and most congressmen know it's political suicide to let that happen.

    Because we've been at war for 15 years now and have been for a large chunk of our history.

    Tl;dr : we are in an endless spiral of spending and it's too economically painful to stop. We're strung out crackheads, the defense contractors are our pushers.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Why is American Military Budget so high there are no massive wars to warrant such a large budget yet the price of education is so high when everyone needs that. I'm confused

  • If it's already been fitted and just needs to be put on, then that usually isn't too bad. You may not need painkillers at all.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Gotta get a crown put in tomorrow. I hate hate hate dental work. Too poor to afford laughing gas, so I'm going to sedate myself with leftover Vicodin. Should be interesting.

  • When the war of 1812 started , because of Jefferson's cuts on the military , the country wasn't prepared for it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    What happened?

  • edited March 2016

    Ah fuck no ;-; it can't be, someone sniped Morgan's waifu at the end of tonight's episode and she's preggers too.

  • Nah, it's a cracked tooth. They gotta do some drilling and pack the shit in. It would be bearable with just a shot of novacaine but I have serious dental anxiety and Have a lot of trouble getting numb.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    If it's already been fitted and just needs to be put on, then that usually isn't too bad. You may not need painkillers at all.

  • enter link description here
    enter link description here

    Just thinking about the music I grew up with. As matter of fact, I used to play Bluegrass music 20 years ago. I was a fiddle player! And I remember once I did a concern for 100 people.

    This type of music is a deep part of my soul. And it brings back some GREAT memories!

  • We won!!!

    When the war of 1812 started , because of Jefferson's cuts on the military , the country wasn't prepared for it.

  • edited March 2016

    So, it would seem that the latest Hitman installment has an always online DRM feature that was smuggled into the game. Apparently, the online saves are incompatible with offline saves. If you lose connection to the server during gameplay, you are immediately booted from the mission, unable to reload the save file until reconnected. And lastly, character progression does not happen at all unless you are online. None of this was at all mentioned prior to release, and Io Interactive and Square Enix have ignored it thus far.

    It would seem that my decision to abstain from buying the game until a full retail copy is released was a wise one. My internet plan is only for 16 gigabytes per month. And on top of that, my location is conveniently in one where the service is horrid (which is already augmented by the fact that my internet is Australian). How in the world am I meant to have this game always online? Even if it were not a problem, the principle of it still stands.

    Whomever thought this a good idea, is a cretin.

  • Miss out on the NBN. eh mate?

    But seriously, it makes me aware of how lucky I am to be on an unlimited data plan.

    So, it would seem that the latest Hitman installment has an always online DRM feature that was smuggled into the game. Apparently, the onlin

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