Spider-Man 3: The Game Review
Was bored, so decided to do a review.
Well, this game gets a 5.5/10.
The main problem I have is the fighting. You don't feel like spiderman at all, you feel like a weak thug fighting against other thugs, which makes some of the boss fights (and even lots of normal ones) almost impossible to beat. In contrast to Web of Shadows, there, you felt like spider man, with all those symbiote powers and lots of combos, hell you could take down 20 enemies in 5 minutes, that's what spider man should be. But in spider man 3, you need to beat up 5 female thugs and I died 6 times trying to complete that mission. I mean, seriously?!
Next thing is, the control sensitivity really sucked, I failed missions many times because the game couldn't sense what buttons I was pressing.
Spider-Man Web of Shadows - 8.5/10
Spider-Man 3 - 5.5/10
I think your a few years late.
Lol ikr
Not everyone plays exclusively brand new games. I approve of this.
I thought Spider-Man 3 was okay at the time, but it really was a throw-away movie tie-in and not worth revisiting. Granted, it looks like a masterpiece if you compare it to movie tie-in games like Hulk. It was a serviceable game. I'd agree with 5-6.
Edit: Oops, I didn't see this post was from December lmao. You probably know the different forms of your now.
I didn't bump this thread, so don't blame me.
Spider-Man Web of Shadows is the best Spiderman game imo. Too bad the sequel was cancelled.
Ikr, loved that game
Spiderman 3 game use to piss me off, if you like die in the middle of a boss fight, they would make you start all the way over to the beginning of the fight...
As a game should be. God forbid you played an older style game where they make you replay the entire level.
No it's not "how a game should be" it's just plain annoying.
I never played but thank you for the review
Crash Bandicoot Warped
You can spin, jump even SPIN AND JUMP at the same time. 10/10 one of my fav games of all time
Everyone in the comments should review an old game as well :P
Why not?
One of my favourite games of all time. Super Metroid took the original and made it bigger and better. A 2D platformer with slight RPG elements, but of course you knew that. You've played it at least once. Yeah yeah. 10/10. If it were made today, I'd expect a bit more out of it, but it's a classic that has been imitated many times.
I see you've never touched a 90s game.
Another mindless sheep sucked into todays easy as hell games.
I actually liked Spider-Man 3, mostly because it has a lot of nostalgia tied to it for me, since it was one of my first PC games and I was pretty young when first playing it as well.
I disagree.
Games designed that way encourage the player to get accustomed to the level and get better at the game in general, which promotes more replayability and playtime in general. Most modern day games have forgotten this and make the game easier the more you fail, which robs the player of a sense of personal achievement, one they would get for battling through a difficult level.
Hey, calm down. People have different taste. It's fine to disagree, but when you call people "mindless sheeps" then you cross the line. Get the hell off the forum and go back to the cancerous youtube comments if you're going to be an ass.
Fine, but what if the player never beats that mission? It's going to eventually get repetitive and lame. Now, I already beat Spiderman 3 a long time ago and its just complaint I have that I just wanted to mention.
When you spend enough time here then you start to not care about peoples feelings. Or it's just me, I barely go here these days and I really don't care how harsh my words are anymore.
But you clearly cared enough to reply again.
I remember playing two very distinctively different versions of Spider-Man 3, the PS2 and PS3 versions. The PS2 version was bad from what I recall while the PS3 version was half-decent.
That I did.
Want a kiss on the cheek?
Interesting you decided to do a review on a videogame that is several years old. If I remember correctly, the game, as well as the movie, were both made before Obama took office.
For fucking up the economy - hell yeah he has earned the thanks of a very ungrateful nation. That's something we could've done without!
Raising the debt ceiling? Spending our way out of debt? What the hell was he thinking?
Common logic will tell you that it's not a good idea to be spending money you don't have - that if you find yourself in hole, and you don't wanna get in deeper - quit digging.
The idea should be to conserve money -to save money - until you have enough to start paying off your debt.
Personally, I've never seen a man who was in debt - get out of debt - by "spending his way out of debt". So, if that stragedy will NOT work for the average citizen, than why would it work for a government?
I thought the game was really easy and I beat it when I was 10.
When I was a kid, I never got past the second level of Fester's Quest. It's a fucking hard game. Enemies respawn though, so as a kid, I just went around killing as many as I could before dying. My birthday and christmas are right beside each other, So guess what? It was keep playing the 4 games I owned at the time, or wait another 11 months to get a new one.
Spiderman 3 was complete shit. I remember being excited for it after the awesome Spideman 2, but what a huge letdown it really was. Damn right, Web of Shadows was much better despite lacking something to make it truly great.
Sure mate. ༼ʘ̚ل͜ʘ̚༽
I saw this game and decided to play, I dont see the big deal with the other guys here.
That's a good thing though. Things shouldn't be too easy. If you could get that far through the fight, you can do it again. And besides, if it's really that annoying, it'll just be more satisfying when you defeat said boss.