Who can you trust these days?
As human beings, we crave and appreciate honesty. Yet deceit is such a huge part of society today. So who in the hell can you trust?
Politicians? Politicians, no matter what their political leanings are, are experts at telling you what you wanna hear. But then when they get into office, often expose their true colors.
For example: "I am not a crook. " - Republican President Richard Nixon. "Read my lips - no new taxes." - Republican President George Bush Sr. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." - Democratic President Bill Clinton. "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it." - Democratic President Barack Obama.
Politicians are the best trained Liars in our society, and absolutely refuse to take any personal responsibility for the mistakes that they make. So obviously trusting them is a bad idea.
What about religion?
The Church so often claims to follow the teachings of Christ. In fact, the entire Christian faith is built on the teachings of Christ, which are found in the Good Book.
One of Jesus' teachings was: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. - John 13: 34,35.
Yet, whenever their is a war that happens, Priest and Churches bless the troops and claim God is on their side. Sounds to me like the Church might have missed that little detail that Jesus mentioned.
Also look at the pedophilia scandal that rocked the the Catholic Church several years back, and how then Pope Benedict shuffled these pedophile priest from Parrish to Parrish, being more interested in protecting the reputation of the Church, as opposed to its members.
But it's not just the Catholic Church to be the only one who has had its Church leaders prey on Children. Sadly, it's also happened in Protestant faiths as well.
Look at the case of that one group of Mormons who had that reality TV show, and who's adult son later pled guilty to having molested little girls - who if I remember correctly were members of his own family.
Not to mention the Church has recently begun to except Evolution, which in direct contrast with the idea of God - and the idea that God made everything - because Evolution states: "Everything happened by chance."
And the fact that the Church claims to follow the Bible, yet the Church has changed its views on homosexuality by allowing active homosexual people into its ranks as priests and whatnot, when the Bible says clearly: "Thou shalt NOT liequality with Mankind as with Womankind - it is an abomination." - Leviticus 18:22.
(Now I realize there's a lot of debate as regards to the last issue. I'm just simply stating what the written facts are).
So maybe trusting in the Churches is not a good thing, either? Especially not when it's leaders say one thing, and do another.
What about Scientists?
A lot of great strides have been made in the scientific community . Yet they still are at a HUGE disagreement about where we come from - how we "evolved." Some say we came out of the sea - while others say we evolved from apes. Not to mention they give a variety of conflicting dates as to WHEN these evolutionary steps took place.
So perhaps science is not the most reliable thing to put any type of trust in, when the experts are not in agreement?
So really, who can you trust nowadays? Who, or what in this world actually said what it means, it means what it says? I was wondering if anybody else on here never thought about these things, and as a result feel the same way?
Evolution is pretty set in stone. Literally.
We did come out of the "sea" and later evolved from apes. I have never seen an actual scientist dispute that. Evolution is also an extremely long process from our perception of time, so there will be conflicting dates. You find a fossil within our link and someone else finds another one from three thousand years earlier, neither person is "wrong". We just didn't simply change over night. Mutations and anomalies occur constantly and very slowly our survival/reproduction rate increased within them until, one day, a human was born.
Why do you think random chance and God are mutually exclusive? I don't go to Church these days so maybe I'm out of touch with other Christians, but I've always considered chance as one of God's tools. It never occurred to me other people would think otherwise. When something profoundly lucky happens to me, my mind immediately jumps to "God must be looking out for me", "my prayers have been answered" or something along those lines. Do other Christians not think like this? Evolution is the same thing on a grander scale. I figured fundamentalists' opposition to evolution was grounded in the literal interpretation of Genesis (ie, the world was created in 7 days and such). I disagree with a literal interpretation, but I can at least see the logic behind it. Opposing it on the grounds of chance makes zero sense to me.
To answer your main question, I don't absolutely trust any institution, community, or public figure. I trust people I'm personally close to, and that's it.
I trust public figures on a case-by-case basis. For politicians, I tend to look at their broad platform, because I know by experience that there's zero chance of them carrying out every promise. For science, I trust them when there's a broad consensus. Unfortunately, that's not always the case, and its next to impossible for a layperson to independently evaluate what's true and what isn't. The problem with science is that its often counter-intuitive, and studies can be misleading.
they still are at a HUGE disagreement about where we come from - how we "evolved." Some say we came out of the sea - while others say we evolved from apes.
This is an extremely facile on the theory of evolution and is an argument tantamount to asking 'I haven't ever seen any monkeys turn into people!' (a la Glenn Beck). The development of land life out of the sea means that early forms of life lived exclusively in water, and only later did land life evolve - among that land life was reptiles, which would over million years into mammals which would continually diversify and include primates (apes) and eventually humans.
And if evolution and religion come into conflict (which I don't think they do), I definately advocate for trusting the former.
I'm pretty sure you're the one here who has who has repeatedly advocated for intentional torture and killing of other human beings for the sole purpose of making them suffer and feel pain - at least that has been your professed stance on the death penalty.
Everything happening by chance sounds a lot more believable than an all powerful god making sentient fleshbags for his entertainment.
Kim Jong-Un seems like a pretty trustworthy guy.
Sorry but a Business man who has special Interest in China is someone who is automatically NOT trust worthy for an American President. I'm honestly under the opinion he is just running to see how Retarded the Conservative and Moderate voter bases are in the USA. lol
Because if people want true change they need to change the House and the Senate, not the President. But being turn out of house and senate voting is considerably lower than that for President of the USA and that is already lower than any other major developed country in the world..... well sorry but that is exactly why this country is so broken. People don't care about politics at least the politics that matters and use the Presidential election as "Feel Good" medicine when they're pissed off at the government not because they know who to vote for, nor that they actually care about politics..
Most Americans don't give a frack about Politics until it involves them directly. I've never missed a federal or local election... I actually know who my representatives are and even our Mayor. I couldn't say the same about 90% of my co-workers. I've been openly involved in politics since I was a child, and I've even had the opportunity to meet two Presidents, give it, one was running as a Senator at the time upon meeting him. That being said neither of them would likely remember me, I was a child the first one I met for example. Not a huge woop really.
Have an upvote for that gif.
Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit?
Interesting, At least I'm not the only politically active person here! I mean, I get that our electoral politics are a crock of shit, but the sheer amount of political apathy in this country is pretty appalling. It's also telling that the least informed "undecided voters" are the ones who determine who wins and loses in an election.
What party are you? Might be cool if you share more about your political stances in the Politics Thread.
Honestly, I would say I'm moderate, but I'm loyal to the Democratic Party through my own personal socialist ideals. That and I just do not see the Republican party at least within my life time being good for the country. They seem to just want to find scapegoats for problems and spend their time complaining about those problems rather than finding ways to fix those problems. I mean how long have they been investigating Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal? I've read they've spent multiple times more on Investigating Hillary Clinton than the entire 911 commission. That is just retarded.......... every single one of the Republican Senators and House members who keep pushing for these Investigations should be fired... Personally, I would have them shot for treason, but ... some would find that too extreme.
Personally I think the best way to describe me is I lie somewhere around a Civic Nationalist. If i was European I would likely be a Ethnic Nationalist. However, the USA the concept of Ethnic Nationalist is forfeit as the USA can not be defined by one ethnic group or culture, and to do so would also go against our Constitution. So on principle I stand as a Civic Nationalist.
It is funny being Ethnic and Racial Nationalist seem to support Trump. Not Surprising both Ethnic and Racial Nationalism are Anti-American. In my opinion.
I've recently started getting into politics as of this year since well...it's the first time I get to vote! Plus, sharing views and opinions on what's going on with my Economics teacher is always fun and enlightening!
Democratic party. I could never see eye to eye with the Republicans. If I do, it's only on a one issue that make them seem a bit like a democrat. They're just idiots who say outrageous ideas but Trump being the front-runner of the party literally scares me. He says this outrageous ideas and panders to people's fears. People say "he says it like it is!" when in actuality his "facts" are more often wrong than right.
Honestly? A few of my teachers and friends.
I say sharing views is perfectly fine, as long as people are civil about it. That is what defines Civilized vs being a Barbarian. In fact the arguing and debating is health for a person, as long as they stay civil about it. I always say the moment someone resorts to petty insults, they've automatically lost the debate and argument. Pity Politicians in the USA fail at this on average. Insults are fine as long as they're done in the line of comedy, and those they're directed towards know it. Issue is that isn't what politicians do here.....
Billy Mays is unarguably trustworthy, just look at that face!
When you put it like that, then there's never been a winner for any of the Republican debates!
No one, but my internet friends and my parents, really.
I never really got nationalism, always seen the concept of "American exceptionalism" as an unseemly holdover from our imperialist days. Still, it's better than ethnic/racial nationalism, which is pure cancer in my eyes.
What makes you a nationalist?
Who can I trust?
Don't worry Kenny/Lee, we can always trust the free market to fix all the world's problems.
Like moi
"The money is always right!" - @InGen_Nate_Kenny
Politicians are horrible liars. The average addict is much more talented in the lying department.
Well here's the thing, if you want things to improve, then we need not only to have leaders, but just people in general, who practice what they preach, and who are willing to be held accountable for when they do something wrong. That's the only way things actually improve, is by being people of their word, and acknowledging personal responsibility.
And think about it, people are products of their environment, so if you have selfish arrogant citizens, then that's the kind of leaders you're going to get in return. So in order of the change the way our leaders are the way our society is, it seems to me that the most logical thing to do is to change how people think. In Alcoholics Anonymous, they make that truth quite clear, that before you can correct a problem you have to first acknowledge that there is a problem by taking responsibility for it. By admitting, that it was you who got yourself into this mess that you're currently in.
They say, that if you want to change your actions in the way you live your life, then you first have to change how you think, because you're thinking influences your feelings which in turn influence your actions.
Doesn't change that you're exaggerating.
As I have found out the hard way, the Cartesian idea that one can only be sure of one's self is painfully true in every respect.
In short, you cannot effectively trust anyone. With that said, we need trust and faith in society. Otherwise, the system would fall apart. It is an agonising contradiction, but what can you do?
That is the thing: I do not trust in religion in the slightest. You have the example you provided (John 13: 34 -35), and then you have a great many innumerable Bible verses in the old testament that depict God advocating and ordering the destruction, pilliging, raping, and rasing of towns and cities, along with barbaric punishments for insignificant things (Leviticus 20:13 being the first example to crop into my head). The inconsistencies in Abrahamic religions are too large for me to ignore.
I believe in the preservation of things that makes America America, physical and cultural. I also believe in loyalty to the state. Example being "Obama" is your president, show him the respect he deserves. I would say to someone, I don't care if you agree with him or not, he is your president. When a citizen doesn't show the president respect they are showing that they have no respect for the nation. Brilliance of that is, if you don't agree with him, elect a new president later on, but while he is president he deserves your respect, and proper behavior. I wish more people thought that way.
I would also consider things like Native Americans as National Treasures, and natural wonders as more valuable to the nation than that treasure's weight in Gold. Deserving our respect, and protection. In short those fellows who occupied that park in Oregon for example, I consider them treasonous traitors. Great example look how the German's built their highway system, they built it to incorporate their nation's natural beauty, where as in the USA we just plowed it right over to build our highways. I find that insulting.
I know I'm extreme, but ... there is a reason I do not think "I" should run as an elected official. lol
Hence why I can not support them. Most of the republican candidates come off as poorly educated baboons, banging their chest, waving their arms, and throwing poop at each other. Then people wonder why Obama so easily won two elections, who mostly ran with "Positive" messages. I think Sander's is the closet thing the democrats have to another Obama personally. But Hillary is likely going to win the candidate for president. Mostly out of principle. I don't think most Americans seem ready for a Socialist President, and as much as I would like Sanders as President.... there is still so much hatred in the USA at Socialist and worse yet Communist that I literally think it might be counter productive if he was President.
It's sad, being if Hillary was President, the GOP would likely be bashing her 24/7, likely as much as they do Obama currently.
If Sanders was President I can just hear all the "Sanders is a Nazi, or a Communist" Rhetoric constantly being spouted out by the GOP.
I hear you, but I can't support Clinton. She's a Wall Street shill, prison-industrial complex advocate and neocon hawk. She's not a progressive in any way and has more in common with the moderate wing of the Republican Party. Plus the way she was forced on on the party was just despicable.
Sanders will lose, but I'd rather fan the flames of his populist revolt than bend the knee to Queen Hillary.
I dunno, Kojima seems like a pretty trustworthy guy, to me.