LeafyIsHere and the drama

If you watch DramaAlert, H3H3, Boogie, ClammyHands, Pyro or even Leafy, you may noticed that he made a mistake but now there's more a drama about H3H3 and Leafy.
Here's a few videos to help you know what I'm talking about :
Leafy uploaded an apology video enter link description here
What are you thoughts on this? Is it only Leafy's fault? Only his fans? Both? Neither?
What do you think in general of Leafy and some other YouTuber who are creating similar content?
Personally, I think Clammy is the closest to my opinion.
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Where is the original rant video of Leafy about this youtuber?
He deleted it and it was the best thing he could do for now.
I just wanted to see it because one of my friends is autistic so I just wanted to imagine this guy sitting at the same table as me and does the rant to my friend from what I hear of the rant 99% certain his getting knocked out.
But youtube is a sad place sometimes where being a bully and attention seeker is rewarded he will get more views and attention from this on his videos = MORE MONEY
Which will make him make even more controversial videos and even worse bullying to maintain that attention and cash flow.
If you analysis his videos uploads his been trying to get this reaction for long time.
This is just sad
There's only one positive thing, Tommy (the guy who get bullied) got more subscribers and he just made a video saying thank you for the 50,000 sub
enter link description here
Of course, everybody would prefer if Leafy never uploaded the video but it's still cool to see all the support the guy has now.
I still like Leafy (well, it'll depends if he apologizes to the guy on the video he'll upload today...) but his fans are the biggest problem. Yes, the video itself was bad enough but his fans are crazy.
No comment if you get your views from targeting and mocking easy targets I'm not a fan
The videos you make attract the type of audience you have so fans excuse is no get out of jail free card
But I'm delighted Tommy getting more subs as for leafy I had no interest in leafy in fact never heard of him and he still will be irreverent to me
Deleting his video is a coward move to protect himself
The apology is irrelevant as a please don't hate me and let me continue to make money bullying people no thanks
Well, you're probably true, but I like his kind of humour, even if it is dangerous (dangerous enough to make the mistake he just did)
If he faced and mocked stronger and far more popular youtubers
The word for him is cowardly he targets defenceless people cowardly enough to make that mistake
What about MattyB and Jacob?
XD I never heard of them or watched leafy videos I was just talking from seeing his videos on h3h3Productions video rant no chance I'm giving leafy any views.
MattyB is a "singer" who got like 5M subs on his main channel
you can watch whoever u want :P
I'm not fan of leafy but ur great person so I'm not judging btw
I still think his a weak coward leafy
But ur awesome
Well, if you'll ask some people on this forum they'll probably disagree about the "but ur a great person" thing but whatever.
Leafy will still be my weak pinecone daddy
I still think ur awesome
Honestly I don't care what they think remember it's a persons job to impress you just as much you them no matter who you are you will find people that like or dislike you that's life just be happy and stick around those you appreciate ur qualities that's the trick to life.
Ok :P
Thank you mommy
I saw H3H3's video yesterday, finally somebody had the courage to say something about that cunt.
Honestly, I think both are the problem.
The fans are the problem for suggesting such a thing (if they even suggested a thing like that) and for agreeing with LeafyIsHere when he did that video. And LeafyIsHere is also the problem for doing that kind of video. And also calling people such as "The cringiest kid on the universe" or "The worst man in the world" etc. I mean, that guy (Tommy) has autism and you make fun of that?! And he gets death threats for THAT?! What is wrong with people nowadays...
I wasn't watching LeafyIsHere a lot but for what he did, I just think he doesn't deserve above 1 million subscribers. Joke or not, it's still not funny. And I was never a fan of dark humor.
Edit: Well, I watched one of Tommy's videos and that video made me happy about him again.
enter link description here
Glad he's happy again.
People only give likes because he's promising cool stuff like : a spaceship to go on the moon, 10M dollars, some pizza...etc
Well, that just proves that half of Leafy's fanbase is filled with little kids. :P
I have nothing against little kids, though, but it's true for what I said.
I always try to like the video before he gives us the offer.... It's like a game or some shit...
So what do you feel about Leafy after that video?
Which video?
Shit, I meant all of them.
Sorry, I'm multi-tasking
I'm just waiting for Leafy's response to make up my mind.
Really? Cause I'm kinda thinking of the same.
Well, if it is convincing and 'true' (if you know what I mean), then I may forgive him but no more chances after that.
I'll probably forgive him because he's always my sunshine after school.
Why not the moonlight, too, after you go to sleep? ;3
Yeah, he's aslo my daddy.
One of the thing I prefer of his video is his laugh... When he's laughing I'm laughing too
Though I do enjoy Leafy's content, I will admit that this was appalling. Though I'm pretty sure he thought that the guy making the video was trolling, and it was just satire for comedy. But it did make me realize that he does pick on vulnerable people, as mentioned in the first rant video. I now can see the problem with that. Fans of YouTubers can be ruthless, attacking people who hate on their favourite YouTuber, or somebody whom their favourite YouTuber makes fun of, as was the case in this video. So I'd think most of the blame falls on Leafy but it is true that he can't control his fans.
I'm a fucking trex rawr
Of course you are x)
But that's incest :^|
You x Lottii x Laura is better, though.
I'm disappoint.