Minecraft: Story Mode Announcement Thread: Three New Episodes To Follow Up the Season Coming in 2016



  • Sounds like fun. :)

    OzzyUK posted: »

    They haven't made it yet, they currently have a draft script of episode 6 and they are testing it by "playing" the game with different staff

  • There most likely will be after Episode 5 is out

    Cuwwa posted: »

    Can I just ask, will there by an episode 6 waiting thread as i am not really interested in the final two at the moment. :-)

  • :D Yup and I like it xD

    Yay....more minecraft.... I mean that's what everyone was asking for right? More minecraft and no TWAU or TFTB?

  • The Wolf Among Us, Well its run by a seperate team of Staff to make TWAU and there's no point asking the "MCSM" people to make it....
    Besides it takes like 6 months to start a series so I wouldn't be too worried if I were you, they're probably in the process of designing and writing it

    Eh... I really love Minecraft: Story Mode, it's fun, but it does not under any circumstances need 3 extra episodes. I think 5 is perfect. Be

  • Actually they may resign the contract if it seems to go well.. it hopefully will be resigned :D

    I think 5 is perfect Not when the 5th episode starts a brand new story line. Still better than investing years on renewing the serie

  • If I had that job... Heheheheh D:< sooo much fun!!!!!!!

    OzzyUK posted: »

    They haven't made it yet, they currently have a draft script of episode 6 and they are testing it by "playing" the game with different staff

  • Not at all!
    But I think that TWD or BATMAN or TWAU are run by a seperate team of staff members to develop games.
    Besides, it's best that they want to make a lot of profit before their contract with Mojang runs out because that'd mean there's more money to spend on the next season(s)!

    Connormac99 posted: »

    Is it bad this announcement disappointed me? I wanted this series to be over and done with so that they could move onto something new and (hopefully) more exciting.

  • I'm not sure, they'd have to wrap up Michonne then start designing and writing and making new level designs to give the gamers the best experience. Hopefully you would understand if they pushed that into the second half of this year, I mean to make a new season is a very hard thing to do because you'll need to start fresh, perhaps not with the characters but the themes, artworks etc.

    Connormac99 posted: »

    Ooh season 3 this year! I hope it's quickly after Michonne (by which I mean 2-3 months after episode 3). Also I don't hate on MC:SM like I m

  • Episodes 6, 7, and 8 most likely will take us to somewhere around July because Episodes take around 6 weeks to make and it'd be surprising it it was to release any sooner! Michonne will probably follow a similar pattern releasing like they have as generally Ep 2 comes a few weeks after the release to cannon the series then it like goes out to monthly.
    TWD Season 3 most likely will come out in September or October as they start to design new stuff and much more.
    There's a lot to look forward too

    derrickd95 posted: »

    So I guess episode 6 and maybe 7 are how they are putting out content between the end of Michonne next month and the beginning of Batman, wh

  • soo dark and spooky... Wahhhhh!!!

  • He's mine too! I wonder how his ironic and irritating behaviour will affect the game, and we mustn't forget how the "order" might feel about their secret exposed and if they're gonna be treated differently depending on your choices

    Cool! I'm excited especially since Ivor is apparently joining them. He's my favorite character.

  • The Wolf Among Us, Well its run by a seperate team of Staff to make TWAU and there's no point asking the "MCSM" people to make it

    That's not what I was saying. I'm just saying that TWAU should at least have some kind of update, Telltale should focus on that for now instead of one word (Soon). MCSM is great, but I would like SOME variety this year. And if Season 3 of TWD is as bad as Season 2, we're gonna need something big like TWAU, and 3 extra episodes of MCSM, while great, is not really satisfying.

    I wouldn't be too worried if I were you, they're probably in the process of designing and writing it

    I really hope you're right. You seem smart and reasonable, so you must be right in some way.

    The Wolf Among Us, Well its run by a seperate team of Staff to make TWAU and there's no point asking the "MCSM" people to make it.... Besid

  • as Episode Five will bridge the gap between the Wither Storm story arc, and three all-new adventures that will continue as post-season episodes

    There making episode 5 sound like a trailer for more paid content

  • I was thinking of this
    Episodes 1-4) Season 1- The Wither Storm Series
    (Episodes 5-8) Season 2- The Sky City Series/The Aiden Series

    Seems like a neat thing. It really is kind of like 2 four episode seasons.

  • edited March 2016

    I really hope you're right. You seem smart and reasonable, so you must be right in some way.

    I mostly am assuming considering Telltale hasn't really said anything

    some big like TWAU

    • I'll agree with you there however Batman coming in Summer (I think)
    • TWD Season 3, people seem to demand it.
    • MCSM 3+ Episodes
    • Also I think that there's another series\season coming I'm currently not sure what it is (I'll edit this comment if I find out).

    Well TWAU hasn't received an update, going by your logic as I said I'm assuming they're in the process somewhere in making Season 2 because its obvious to me its not just you who wants it but a lot of other fans.

    The Wolf Among Us, Well its run by a seperate team of Staff to make TWAU and there's no point asking the "MCSM" people to make it Th

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Also I think that there's another series\season coming I'm currently not sure what it is (I'll edit this comment if I find out).

    You might be thinking of GOT S2, which isn't confirmed yet but might happen this year, or Telltale's Super Show project which is still a mystery as to when that'll be revealed.

    I really hope you're right. You seem smart and reasonable, so you must be right in some way. I mostly am assuming considering Tellta

  • I wanted to say that I honestly thought that they might release another Mini Series, but seems that this time it's a legit DLC

  • Yeah it does, like role playing or something XD

    lucariolu5 posted: »

    Sounds like fun.

  • edited March 2016

    Hm, I don't know what to expect for the rest of the series... I know I'll enjoy EP5 because we know stuff of that, but seeing the episode slides of 6, 7 and 8 are strange. They all revolve around some sort of portal and without context, looks... I dunno, SUUUPER mysterious. I'm excited for them but at the same time, not.

    Edit: I do think that I'll enjoy them by the end of 5...

  • Well considering everyone is asking for different things(I'm asking for more of everything xd) then yay indeed. Plus people need to remember that these games TTG make are already created franchises that they don't own and require permission to make or expand.

    Yay....more minecraft.... I mean that's what everyone was asking for right? More minecraft and no TWAU or TFTB?

  • I'm kinda disappointed too. Was hoping to see more Bigby.

    Yay....more minecraft.... I mean that's what everyone was asking for right? More minecraft and no TWAU or TFTB?

  • Well they explain it that way so they have more profit if it sounds awesome... like an advert.

    as Episode Five will bridge the gap between the Wither Storm story arc, and three all-new adventures that will continue as post-season episodes There making episode 5 sound like a trailer for more paid content

  • Hmm perhaps, I'm not the best Telltale fan and really haven't played many of their games but I know a lot of news and people like you always makes me feel better especially when my mind gets blank xD

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Also I think that there's another series\season coming I'm currently not sure what it is (I'll edit this comment if I find out). You

  • Indeed hehhehhhahhahaa >:D

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Yeah it does, like role playing or something XD

  • In the slide for Episode 7, are Petra and Ivor arguing or are they trying to hold Jesse back?

  • Personally I think this is where the story could get ruined, stories are sometimes loved due to their simplicity and all this seems a bit far fetched, then again we have to wait till episode 5 release which is shortly to see how this new arc is?

    Also is anyone finding it worrying how we don't see much of Olivia and Axel?

    Anyway to add I am willing to bet we discover this portal room in epiosde 5, switch from epiosde slides 6 to 5 and it's almost like they ported onto that sky block, and it would make more sense that Ivor is almost falling off because he couldn't be that clumsy? And it also explains how they get up there, anyway overall excited for the episode coming soon

  • I've worked it out! That big room with the portals in was found in episode 5 when they explore the new dungeon Ivor told them too. They then go through the one of the portals to go to sky city but then return there later on and investigate the other portals!

    Just a theory, but it makes sense doesn't it?

  • edited March 2016

    I don't know what to expect for those new episodes, but at least Reuben is 80% likely not going to be revived, now that would turn Telltale into a bad name.

    I don't find it worrying that Olivia/Axel aren't in the slides, since Episode 5's slide only have Jesse, Petra, Lukas and Ivor while in EP5's screenshots we can see Axel and Olivia.

    Personally I think this is where the story could get ruined, stories are sometimes loved due to their simplicity and all this seems a bit fa

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    There's an unofficial FAQ about Telltale's upcoming projects in the Telltale Talk section that's worth checking out if you're interested in Telltale's future games.

    It's unofficial, as it's maintained by volunteer moderators, but we keep it updated with news whenever something new by Telltale is officially revealed, or news about a project is officially announced.

    Hmm perhaps, I'm not the best Telltale fan and really haven't played many of their games but I know a lot of news and people like you always makes me feel better especially when my mind gets blank xD

  • Indeed it does make sense.

    Cuwwa posted: »

    I've worked it out! That big room with the portals in was found in episode 5 when they explore the new dungeon Ivor told them too. They then

  • "Access Denied" Heh...wonder if that that Episode is just Jesse,Petra,Ivor,Olivia,and Ellie/Magnus trying to jam a keycard into a little slot in the portal for an hour......

  • Anddddd....then some random guy comes over and slides the keycard into the slot first try....now THAT,would be funny.

    "Access Denied" Heh...wonder if that that Episode is just Jesse,Petra,Ivor,Olivia,and Ellie/Magnus trying to jam a keycard into a little slot in the portal for an hour......

  • I think they just got out of that portal.

    MMeister123 posted: »

    In the slide for Episode 7, are Petra and Ivor arguing or are they trying to hold Jesse back?

  • Id like to see more of game of thrones, they did an awesome job

    Yay....more minecraft.... I mean that's what everyone was asking for right? More minecraft and no TWAU or TFTB?

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2016

    Telltale has confirmed that there will be a Game of Thrones: Season Two.

    Id like to see more of game of thrones, they did an awesome job

  • Im interested to see the new sky city characters that we are going to meet, hopefully the gang can make some new allies

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited March 2016

    I found some cool key art for episode 6-8 on the Xbox store webpage.

    enter image description here

  • I like how they did jesses sword, maybe we'll get to enchant it further

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I found some cool key art for episode 6-8 on the Xbox store webpage.

  • I saw, hopefully they release it in 2016

    Jennifer posted: »

    Telltale has confirmed that there will be a Game of Thrones: Season Two.

  • I hope they pump out the episodes quickly so they can move on

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