I played it. I really felt like that moral code thing wasn't handled well at all. I feel like a choice like that should have been presented in the main game, or even in Arkham City. It felt like it was just crammed into the DLC. It's a shame, because that sort of topic is really interesting, and could have been done so much better IMO.
Ooh boy
* Be the Batman- And than the end happened
* Why is Scarecrow the ''villian'' and works with Arkham Knight because Canon speak… moreing with the Arkham Comics, Arkham Knights motives Scarecrow should been locked away in a tiny room and be a bitch Arkham Knight doesn't even need him. Just beat him up and get his fear toxin DONE
* Oracle is not a woman she is a objective
* Why can't we play as Catwoman in the open world, YEARS of feedback and we still get only Batman and a tank, Yes Arkham City I played it loved it but this... WHY NO AND NOT MORE!
* Designers weren't realy the brightests lets all be honest look at Robin and Nightwing for example.
* Robin doesn't show any personality in this game and to care about anyone SURE you can find reasons for this but... Not even Alfred only Oracle.
Joke but this is Robin in Arkham seriesTim, Nightwing is dead! YES, I mean no! But seriously how is Barbara.
* Rated M for Mature be… [view original content]
You... you do know what a launch trailer is, right? It's announcement trailer. It has nothing to do with the overall quality or final product of the game, it's just to get you hyped with only a few scenes from the game. A teaser. That isn't false advertising. I mean, without a doubt, the game is still shit. But you're absolutely incorrect here.
Trailers, TV spots showed stuff that didn't appear in the game like a tv spot where Nightwing, Robin, Batman and Oracle stand next to each o… morether and looking at Oracles computer. A scene with Ace chemicals right before the launch that Arkham Knight and Scarecrow were walking together. Let me look for them
enter link description here
0:18 start here
The freaking launch trailer
enter link description here Look at 0:23 untill 0:32, Nightwing Robin Oracle Batman at 0:37 untill 0:39
0:45 untill 0:46, 1:07 untill 1:13,
Also Rocksteady said we could change the clocktower. Well I don't why but they removed it not realy a complaint
I played it. I didn't exactly enjoy it, but I won't say it's completely bad, and I won't belittle people for their opinions. However, in my personal taste, the game is shit.
Season Pass is a opinion look what you get for 40 dollars people. 15 minutes dlc with your favorite characters. Nightwing, Catwoman and Robin for 40 dollars that people actualy wanted to free roam with and they do not care what happened to Mr Wayne.
It's bad that the marketing shows stuff that isn't in the game like the freaking Joker and that people didn't want him to be in Arkham Knight... claps
Although Harley Quinn could have had a bigger role but it's pretty much redeemed with ability to play as her.
As of her outfit. They seemed to get flashier and flashier as installment went on. As someone who owns some one inch wide collars can tell that her overly wide collar would be just plain uncomfortable in daily use. Not to mention rest of her outfit would be just impractical to her combat style.
Yes, there are opinions, but there are logical opinions and delusional opinions, and the people that says that Knight was the best Arkham game or a worthy successor of the previous ones is clearly unstable on his tastes. Just the writing is horrendous while the first two games were written by one of the most prized and beloved Batman writers of all times. So yeah, opinions...
Logical opinions, delusional opinions. Who cares?! They are still opinions. Just because someone likes a game, doesn't mean they have to throw a entire comment of negative things. (Not that you did) Just saying. I love Arkham Knight in my OPINION! If you don't like it, then your opinion, and i respect it.
Some people think the Holocaust never happen.
Yes, there are opinions, but there are logical opinions and delusional opinions, and the pe… moreople that says that Knight was the best Arkham game or a worthy successor of the previous ones is clearly unstable on his tastes. Just the writing is horrendous while the first two games were written by one of the most prized and beloved Batman writers of all times. So yeah, opinions...
**So the PC port **
Is a opinion ''It isn't that bad, they fixed it.. A little bit far after re… morelease''
Season Pass is a opinion look what you get for 40 dollars people. 15 minutes dlc with your favorite characters. Nightwing, Catwoman and Robin for 40 dollars that people actualy wanted to free roam with and they do not care what happened to Mr Wayne.
It's bad that the marketing shows stuff that isn't in the game like the freaking Joker and that people didn't want him to be in Arkham Knight... claps
Some people think the Holocaust never happen.
Yes, there are opinions, but there are logical opinions and delusional opinions, and the pe… moreople that says that Knight was the best Arkham game or a worthy successor of the previous ones is clearly unstable on his tastes. Just the writing is horrendous while the first two games were written by one of the most prized and beloved Batman writers of all times. So yeah, opinions...
I´m afraid you are the one that doesn´t understand them. It´s all dandy and sweet for the PC world of today "every opinions is valid" but is not.
There are people that have the opinion that science should not be tough on schools because is an offense to God, God itself being an idea that propels different opinions, like the people that has the opinion that they should kill for their God (ever hear of ISIS?).
I get where you are going, opinions are subjective and everyone should be allow to have their own because there´s no right opinion or wrong opinion as they are subjective matters. Problem is like I said, there´s plenty of stuff to have opinions about, and some opinions may be valid to have since you have the freedom to have them but they are honestly wrong, because they make the world a worst place, because they step into the freedom of other individuals and so on and on.
And yes, I do understand that liking a game is hardly the same kind of opinion as "I think we should kill all brownies", but for the sake of this argument I just wanted to point out that NO, not all opinions should be treated equally because there are truly wrong opinions, for instance, any opinion that contradicts scientific facts.
PD: This game being bad is a scientific fact by the by XDXDXD
I´m afraid you are the one that doesn´t understand them. It´s all dandy and sweet for the PC world of today "every opinions is valid" but is… more not.
There are people that have the opinion that science should not be tough on schools because is an offense to God, God itself being an idea that propels different opinions, like the people that has the opinion that they should kill for their God (ever hear of ISIS?).
I get where you are going, opinions are subjective and everyone should be allow to have their own because there´s no right opinion or wrong opinion as they are subjective matters. Problem is like I said, there´s plenty of stuff to have opinions about, and some opinions may be valid to have since you have the freedom to have them but they are honestly wrong, because they make the world a worst place, because they step into the freedom of other individuals and so on and on.
And yes, I do understand that liking a game is hardly the … [view original content]
Dude, I know most people will disagree because they eat all the shit Batman related and say thank you, while true fans we have to stick toge… morether so from time to time we can say "NO, this is not worth the Batman name". Sadly, this game is no worthy of the Batman game, for all the reasons you posted and more. I specially agree that the story is pure rubish, if you read the comics you know who the Arkham Knight is on the spot, the blood thing is just...that doesn´t work like that!! I know this is a fucking videogame of a fucking comicbook series, but this guys seem to forget, even on the batman universe, there´s blood transplant all the fucking days, and nobody turns into the fucking guy that donate them the blood. Such a stupid plot point, and becuase is Rocksteady everyone forgets it, the same people that throw shit at Origins for using Joker again is the same one praising Rocksteady for bringing back from death just to have him again, it comp… [view original content]
Yes it ruined Arkham Citys ending and Jokers VA said he was going to stop http://www.gamespot.com/articles/mark-hamill-done-voicing-joker/1100-6341307/
To be honest, villains didn't really unite against the Batman... It was more like cease fire to stay away from eachother's way and do their usual thing when others are not on their throats.
Top of that, the game did a rather weak sauce job conveying that whole "villains are uniting against the Batman" thing so if you knew about it during most of the game, it was likely due you heard it from somewhere else like via their promotional stuff.
I'm just pointing out that while the story is good, they could actually put most of that story in-game too and not some comic stuff etc that accompany it (sold separately.)
I was an unfortunate fellow as I bought it first on PC, last time I ever decided to pre-order a game. At least from Warner Bros anyway. The game itself was pretty good, story was okay for the most part. I didn't mind the Batmobile combat that much but I do wish we could've done more of the regular Batman gameplay mechanics (especially predator) especially with all the neat new gadgets you got, I was quite the freeflow combat freak with Arkham City. And in Arkham Knight it was improved tremendously especially in comparison to Origins (that martial art enemy type really ruined the flow in that game).
My First post here and I gotta say I love what TTG does as I recently completed , thrones and TOTBL my personal favorite and GOTY so Im dying to see what they do with The Bat !
BAK is a game you have to play many times complete to see the true excellence of what Rs was trying to create but sadly many flaws cant be overlooked , tanks , fake AK and weak story thats poorly written and the game has no flow or pace .
Ooh boy
* Be the Batman- And than the end happened
* Why is Scarecrow the ''villian'' and works with Arkham Knight because Canon speak… moreing with the Arkham Comics, Arkham Knights motives Scarecrow should been locked away in a tiny room and be a bitch Arkham Knight doesn't even need him. Just beat him up and get his fear toxin DONE
* Oracle is not a woman she is a objective
* Why can't we play as Catwoman in the open world, YEARS of feedback and we still get only Batman and a tank, Yes Arkham City I played it loved it but this... WHY NO AND NOT MORE!
* Designers weren't realy the brightests lets all be honest look at Robin and Nightwing for example.
* Robin doesn't show any personality in this game and to care about anyone SURE you can find reasons for this but... Not even Alfred only Oracle.
Joke but this is Robin in Arkham seriesTim, Nightwing is dead! YES, I mean no! But seriously how is Barbara.
* Rated M for Mature be… [view original content]
Huge Arkham fan here and I played BAA and BAC combined 314 and I Couldnt agree more with you Joshua ! and heres a few facts not opinions as a overall opinion BAK was rated the worst of all RS Arkham games by professional critics and the worst of any Arkham game including BAO by fans and thats a factual statement by MC ! But of course what you think only truly matters .
Back to the game was it the epic finale we deserved ? No but its a good game even with the overuse of a gadget as a mechanic (cough cough Battankmobile ) and unless less you read the comics , prequel and Genesis the AK character has horrible in game backstory so once I read those it helped me better swallow the whole fake original character but the overuse of War Thunder Arkham Edition is a totally different issue especially the big three in tanks AK, DS lol and Excavator aka the big drill as this feels like anything but being the Batman . Its sad but SOI was better than anything story wise in the main game as at least it had some closure and its criminal what how they treated Harley , Two face , Man Bat , FF , Hush and Deathstroke to name a few and I wish they wouldve stuck we the we had a meeting and everyone was there plot that the trailer showed and no garage for the Batmobile ? .
This game shouldve been a slam dunk with tie from the first two games alone but its almost like Rs wanted to distance themselves from their prior success ? maybe trying to show Paulis Diner they didnt need him but sadly this game suffers from overuse of a gadget , horrible writing for the finale and this game has no flow or pace after Ace Blows till when you surrender .
I heard two theories on that 9 month delay WB demanded more tanks after 4 years in development or they rewrote the Meeting plot to have more Crow and the fake original character AK in it but that being said the game is getting a bit better over time for me as Im on my 14 time through the main story and platinum it and 240% 3 times now so I guess its not to bad .
My First post here and I gotta say I love what TTG does as I recently completed , thrones and TOTBL my personal favorite and GOTY so Im dyin… moreg to see what they do with The Bat !
BAK is a game you have to play many times complete to see the true excellence of what Rs was trying to create but sadly many flaws cant be overlooked , tanks , fake AK and weak story thats poorly written and the game has no flow or pace .
Huge Arkham fan here and I played BAA and BAC combined 314 and I Couldnt agree more with you Joshua ! and heres a few facts not opinions as … morea overall opinion BAK was rated the worst of all RS Arkham games by professional critics and the worst of any Arkham game including BAO by fans and thats a factual statement by MC ! But of course what you think only truly matters .
Back to the game was it the epic finale we deserved ? No but its a good game even with the overuse of a gadget as a mechanic (cough cough Battankmobile ) and unless less you read the comics , prequel and Genesis the AK character has horrible in game backstory so once I read those it helped me better swallow the whole fake original character but the overuse of War Thunder Arkham Edition is a totally different issue especially the big three in tanks AK, DS lol and Excavator aka the big drill as this feels like anything but being the Batman . Its sad but SOI was better than any… [view original content]
100%ing it then capturing Riddler before any other 'main' inmate is extremely satisfying as you don't have to hear him for the rest of the playthrough.
I've seen few LP episodes and I'm not excited. I wouldn't buy it. Game looks great, big city, effects but Batman is not Batman anymore. He's another Iron Man; flying super robo soldat with private jumping tank. Wayne has more gadgets than inspector Gadget! This has gone TOO FAR.
What you don't seem to understand is that whether or not someone liked a game is not an opinion at all. Whether or not a game is good is an opinion, sure, but whether or not a person liked a game is a simple fact.
If I say that I liked a game, then you can't turn around and say that I didn't. I am the world expert on whether or not I liked something.
And it's also not right to say that someone who disagrees with you "isn't a true fan". Who are you to judge that? It's not your place to decide whether or not someone is a fan of something. It seems to me like you're using it as a convenient way to sweep aside people who disagree with you... "Oh what's that? XXX doesn't agree? Well he's not a true Batman fan like I am, so it doesn't matter."
I suggest you look up what No True Scotsman means.
I´m afraid you are the one that doesn´t understand them. It´s all dandy and sweet for the PC world of today "every opinions is valid" but is… more not.
There are people that have the opinion that science should not be tough on schools because is an offense to God, God itself being an idea that propels different opinions, like the people that has the opinion that they should kill for their God (ever hear of ISIS?).
I get where you are going, opinions are subjective and everyone should be allow to have their own because there´s no right opinion or wrong opinion as they are subjective matters. Problem is like I said, there´s plenty of stuff to have opinions about, and some opinions may be valid to have since you have the freedom to have them but they are honestly wrong, because they make the world a worst place, because they step into the freedom of other individuals and so on and on.
And yes, I do understand that liking a game is hardly the … [view original content]
You certainly didn't play this game or even other Arkham games enough. Allow me to explain.....
Be the Batman- And than the end happened - 'Be the Batman' means, Batman uses most advanced technology and gadgets that only Batman/Bruce Wayne can afford. With this game we have chance to use the most technologically developed Bat-suit and Batmobile from any game or movie or even animated series. That is be the Batman. The ending is as Rocksteady declared this game would be final in the franchise so they have to end the franchise.
Why is Scarecrow the ''villian'' and works with Arkham Knight because Canon speaking with the Arkham Comics, Arkham Knights motives Scarecrow should been locked away in a tiny room and be a bitch Arkham Knight doesn't even need him. Just beat him up and get his fear toxin DONE - Done? Scarecrow teamed with Arkham Knight cos Arkham Knight knows the strength and weakness of Batman and whereas Scarecrow doesn’t.
Oracle is not a woman she is a objective – What do you mean? I didn’t get it.
Why can't we play as Catwoman in the open world, YEARS of feedback and we still get only Batman and a tank, Yes Arkham City I played it loved it but this... WHY NO AND NOT MORE! – You can play in Challenges. When the game is all about Batman then why you want to play as Catwoman? You should look somewhere else. In Arkham City, we could play as Catwoman cos she was related story where as in Knight she was as most wanted mission.
Designers weren't realy the brightests lets all be honest look at Robin and Nightwing for example. LOL. Where they should be bright? Can you elaborate?
Robin doesn't show any personality in this game and to care about anyone SURE you can find reasons for this but... Not even Alfred only Oracle. What personality he has to show? He decides to go to fight scarecrow himself when he comes to know Batman infected with Joker blood. There he shows the crime fighter personality. He gets pissed when Batman tells about oracle’s death. There he showed the love personality. So, what exact personality you want him to show?
Joke but this is Robin in Arkham seriesTim, Nightwing is dead! YES, I mean no! But seriously how is Barbara. I didn’t understand. But if you played the story, Batman was hallucinating about Barbara’s death.
Rated M for Mature because Barbara pointed something at her head but if you look closly rolling my eyes, rated M because shitty back story for Arkham Knight and more - I think you should know more about rating. Rocksteady explained why the game got M rating before the game release
HUSH HUSH enter link description here ARKHAM CITY enter link description here I look for him tomorrow Actualy why now? and if you read the comics this is bullshit also. 4 freaking years of conspiracy theories!! Wasted plot Hush is one of the Batman villain. They can’t make game just for him as main villain. So, it was great as him as most wanted mission.
Here is the missing soundtrack enter link description here
Three hour update, update 1.01 is 3.527GB.
Why is he still the f*cking villian! people complaint for months I hope he isn't in the game LOOK ROCHSTEADY advice.
Long gone are the intricate stealth sections of Asylum and City. It's time for huge environments with no real flow or direction to them.
Where is the Arkham feeling from Asylum and City?
PC port enter link description here enter link description here enter link description here
Boss fights
Harley, she has no purpose in this game she is just there for a bad plot
Harleys 3 dollar DLC for a under 15 minuten gameplay what
Side quests! They are awfull example Harvey Dent
Riddler trophies
The Endings 100% for the 5 minutes extra
Call me bitchy but the voice acting was just bad. Not Batsy, Alfred, Harley, Ivy Ivy had allot of wrong direction in her character arc or Azrael
Canon speaking Ivy don't work because Arkham comics
Where is Bane?
enter link description here This guy
What is so fantastic about the gameplay well it's... It is just kinda updated
The Story. It's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad. I'm gonna take a pil. The blood plot is so terrible explained all of this could've been stopped and the story can be defeated in 4 hours if this blood plot never happened. Why not blame fear toxin EASY not plot holes that contradict this game. Look at the Arkham forums OMG I'm never gonna visit that place
Advertisment enter link description here Don't show stuff that isn't in the game Rocksteady
That's one of the few things
Rocksteady told things the could change the clock tower... Where is it? Development changes?
Why is Mr Freeze not in the game but DLC!
Season passes 40 dollars WTF But they are so good Joshua007 and that's why they aren't in the game because people will pay for it. For 15 minutes of boredom.
Challenge maps
Why does this game get a 8 out 10 and above well because MONEY
MORE? I have now 33 reasons why it's bad
I had enough of answering some of questions. Didn't bother to read your complete comment. One simple suggestion. If you didn't like the game then just don't play it
Ooh boy
* Be the Batman- And than the end happened
* Why is Scarecrow the ''villian'' and works with Arkham Knight because Canon speak… moreing with the Arkham Comics, Arkham Knights motives Scarecrow should been locked away in a tiny room and be a bitch Arkham Knight doesn't even need him. Just beat him up and get his fear toxin DONE
* Oracle is not a woman she is a objective
* Why can't we play as Catwoman in the open world, YEARS of feedback and we still get only Batman and a tank, Yes Arkham City I played it loved it but this... WHY NO AND NOT MORE!
* Designers weren't realy the brightests lets all be honest look at Robin and Nightwing for example.
* Robin doesn't show any personality in this game and to care about anyone SURE you can find reasons for this but... Not even Alfred only Oracle.
Joke but this is Robin in Arkham seriesTim, Nightwing is dead! YES, I mean no! But seriously how is Barbara.
* Rated M for Mature be… [view original content]
I didn't play the game enough... I didn't play the damn game enough or the other Arkham Games enough? You got to be kidding me right now!
Arkham City is my third favorite game of all time, I was never realy interested into Batman but since that game came out I started reading/watching/playing Batman comics, watching the animated movies, Batman TAS, Arkham Asylum and whatever.
Arkham City blew my f*cking mind because I never thought a Super Hero game could be good.
The ending is a sequel bait
Me: Why is Scarecrow the ''villian'' and works with Arkham Knight because Canon speaking with the Arkham Comics, Arkham Knights motives Scarecrow should been locked away in a tiny room and be a bitch Arkham Knight doesn't even need him. Just beat him up and get his fear toxin DONE -
You: Done? Scarecrow teamed with Arkham Knight cos Arkham Knight knows the strength and weakness of Batman and whereas Scarecrow doesn’t.
But that doesn't mean Arkham Knight has to work with him, throw him in a room with heavy security, let him be your bitch! He is only there for the Joker anyway
Why can't we play as Catwoman in the open world, YEARS of feedback and we still get only Batman and a tank, Yes Arkham City I played it loved it but this... WHY NO AND NOT MORE! –
You can play in Challenges
**Me: **So I have to pay! Yeard of feedback and I have to pay for DLC.
HUSH HUSH enter link description here ARKHAM CITY enter link description here I look for him tomorrow Actualy why now? and if you read the comics this is bullshit also. 4 freaking years of conspiracy theories!! Wasted plot
Hush is one of the Batman villain. They can’t make game just for him as main villain. So, it was great as him as most wanted mission
Me: I didn't say they HAVE to make him a main villian, he is one of Batmans greatest foes in Gotham, and REMEMBER Batman said ''I look for him tommorow'' but in the Arkham Comics he never did, and there was so much hype around him and A QUICK TIME EVENT! The mission only takes 6:11 minutes to complete and 4 years hype surrounding this! WHY is he doing this now. What the f*ck NO i'm not buying Hush doing that.
When the game is all about Batman then why you want to play as Catwoman? You should look somewhere else. In Arkham City, we could play as Catwoman cos she was related story
If I didn't get her code I wouldn't even notice she was story related except a few times like the opening and when she helped Batman get up BYE see you in the ending starring at me holding Jokers corpse + some audio files.
Also it would be nice that Catwoman has her own agenda.
Also why should we play as Nightwing in the games story mode when it is all about Batman anyway and Why is almost every girl a damsel in distress I'm looking at
Ivy, Catwoman, Oracle, Hanrahan actualy almost everybody.
Designers weren't realy the brightests lets all be honest look at Robin and Nightwing for example.
LOL. Where they should be bright? Can you elaborate?
Robins has no hair he looks awfull. But this is kinda opinion but jesus.
What personality he has to show? He decides to go to fight scarecrow himself when he comes to knowBatman infected with Joker blood(Eh so here comes the little problem, Batman lied to them about not having the Jokers virus for how long well SINCE ARKHAM CITY, shouldn't Robin see the plot holes or the, YOU lied to me or whatever, not telling us you have the Jokers virus. You could've turned into him. U know brains)
*There he shows the crime fighter personality. He gets pissed when Batman tells about oracle’s death. There he showed the love personality. So, what exact personality you want him to show? *
Robin only asks about her safety most of the time. It's good he did show something in the game but where is the dialoge that this is Tim Drake? Also he should ask more about the others.
Joke but this is Robin in Arkham seriesTim, Nightwing is dead! YES, I mean no! But seriously how is Barbara.
I didn’t understand. But if you played the story, Batman was hallucinating about Barbara’s death.
I was just joking and about the Barbara's death scene. Joker pushed the gun so I knew it was fake! and now we have to see fake Barbara shooting herself everytime and when you later return you see Joker in her chair and say Jimbo looks suspicious... And so the awfull WAIT A SECOND
enter link description here
3:48 that's funny she could've moved her hands to hole time? Eh didn't anybody check I don't know maybe THE ROPE! What if she fall, wouldn't change anything probably but I'm asking myself this rope.
Rated M for Mature because Barbara pointed something at her head but if you look closly rolling my eyes, rated M because shitty back story for Arkham Knight and more -
I think you should know more about rating. Rocksteady explained why the game got M rating before the game release*
For some blood, Arkham Knights shitty moment, for a fake Barbara to shoot herself, for a plot hole to shoot itself through the head (the old guy), Mr pyg to play with people, shooting a hostage as Joker.
I haven't read the aritcle but let me guees this are the most important reasons.
Batman' means, Batman uses most advanced technology and gadgets that only Batman/Bruce Wayne can afford. With this game we have chance to use the most technologically developed Bat-suit and Batmobile from any game or movie or even animated series. That is be the Batman. The ending is as Rocksteady declared this game would be final in the franchise so they have to end the franchise.
Come on dude
You know let's put more oil to this.
With four years of feedback we should've Catwoman, Nightwing and everybody else be in the Arkham as playable important story part. enter link description here
In All Who Follow You trailer Robin and Nightwing standing next right to Batman... Nah why should we.
You certainly didn't play this game or even other Arkham games enough. Allow me to explain.....
Be the Batman- And than the end happened - … more'Be the Batman' means, Batman uses most advanced technology and gadgets that only Batman/Bruce Wayne can afford. With this game we have chance to use the most technologically developed Bat-suit and Batmobile from any game or movie or even animated series. That is be the Batman. The ending is as Rocksteady declared this game would be final in the franchise so they have to end the franchise.
Why is Scarecrow the ''villian'' and works with Arkham Knight because Canon speaking with the Arkham Comics, Arkham Knights motives Scarecrow should been locked away in a tiny room and be a bitch Arkham Knight doesn't even need him. Just beat him up and get his fear toxin DONE - Done? Scarecrow teamed with Arkham Knight cos Arkham Knight knows the strength and weakness of Batman and whereas Scarecrow doesn’t.
Oracle i… [view original content]
This is a great review of the Batman Arkham series:
It perfectly explains the theme as well as why some characters like the Arkham Knight and Scarecrow didn't work as well as they should of. If you're a Batman Arkham fan then I suggest you give it a watch.
I played it. I really felt like that moral code thing wasn't handled well at all. I feel like a choice like that should have been presented in the main game, or even in Arkham City. It felt like it was just crammed into the DLC. It's a shame, because that sort of topic is really interesting, and could have been done so much better IMO.
Hey buddy, you know what they call this? Opinions, wonderful are they?
My fav too, it wasn't at first, but once i got into the game more, and now my fav.
You... you do know what a launch trailer is, right? It's announcement trailer. It has nothing to do with the overall quality or final product of the game, it's just to get you hyped with only a few scenes from the game. A teaser. That isn't false advertising. I mean, without a doubt, the game is still shit. But you're absolutely incorrect here.
I played it. I didn't exactly enjoy it, but I won't say it's completely bad, and I won't belittle people for their opinions. However, in my personal taste, the game is shit.
**So the PC port **
Is a opinion ''It isn't that bad, they fixed it.. A little bit far after release''
Season Pass is a opinion look what you get for 40 dollars people. 15 minutes dlc with your favorite characters. Nightwing, Catwoman and Robin for 40 dollars that people actualy wanted to free roam with and they do not care what happened to Mr Wayne.
It's bad that the marketing shows stuff that isn't in the game like the freaking Joker and that people didn't want him to be in Arkham Knight... claps
Outside of PC port issues, the game is damn good.
Although Harley Quinn could have had a bigger role but it's pretty much redeemed with ability to play as her.
As of her outfit. They seemed to get flashier and flashier as installment went on. As someone who owns some one inch wide collars can tell that her overly wide collar would be just plain uncomfortable in daily use. Not to mention rest of her outfit would be just impractical to her combat style.
Some people think the Holocaust never happen.
Yes, there are opinions, but there are logical opinions and delusional opinions, and the people that says that Knight was the best Arkham game or a worthy successor of the previous ones is clearly unstable on his tastes. Just the writing is horrendous while the first two games were written by one of the most prized and beloved Batman writers of all times. So yeah, opinions...
Logical opinions, delusional opinions. Who cares?! They are still opinions. Just because someone likes a game, doesn't mean they have to throw a entire comment of negative things. (Not that you did) Just saying. I love Arkham Knight in my OPINION! If you don't like it, then your opinion, and i respect it.
Still...Is a opinion.
You don't get how opinions work do you
I´m afraid you are the one that doesn´t understand them. It´s all dandy and sweet for the PC world of today "every opinions is valid" but is not.
There are people that have the opinion that science should not be tough on schools because is an offense to God, God itself being an idea that propels different opinions, like the people that has the opinion that they should kill for their God (ever hear of ISIS?).
I get where you are going, opinions are subjective and everyone should be allow to have their own because there´s no right opinion or wrong opinion as they are subjective matters. Problem is like I said, there´s plenty of stuff to have opinions about, and some opinions may be valid to have since you have the freedom to have them but they are honestly wrong, because they make the world a worst place, because they step into the freedom of other individuals and so on and on.
And yes, I do understand that liking a game is hardly the same kind of opinion as "I think we should kill all brownies", but for the sake of this argument I just wanted to point out that NO, not all opinions should be treated equally because there are truly wrong opinions, for instance, any opinion that contradicts scientific facts.
PD: This game being bad is a scientific fact by the by XDXDXD
How do i not understand opinions when taste is subjective and you act like yourr opinion makes you better than people who like it
Yes it ruined Arkham Citys ending and Jokers VA said he was going to stop http://www.gamespot.com/articles/mark-hamill-done-voicing-joker/1100-6341307/
-_- do you realise how many times Hamill has said that?
To be honest, villains didn't really unite against the Batman... It was more like cease fire to stay away from eachother's way and do their usual thing when others are not on their throats.
Top of that, the game did a rather weak sauce job conveying that whole "villains are uniting against the Batman" thing so if you knew about it during most of the game, it was likely due you heard it from somewhere else like via their promotional stuff.
I'm just pointing out that while the story is good, they could actually put most of that story in-game too and not some comic stuff etc that accompany it (sold separately.)
I was an unfortunate fellow as I bought it first on PC, last time I ever decided to pre-order a game. At least from Warner Bros anyway. The game itself was pretty good, story was okay for the most part. I didn't mind the Batmobile combat that much but I do wish we could've done more of the regular Batman gameplay mechanics (especially predator) especially with all the neat new gadgets you got, I was quite the freeflow combat freak with Arkham City. And in Arkham Knight it was improved tremendously especially in comparison to Origins (that martial art enemy type really ruined the flow in that game).
My First post here and I gotta say I love what TTG does as I recently completed , thrones and TOTBL my personal favorite and GOTY so Im dying to see what they do with The Bat !
BAK is a game you have to play many times complete to see the true excellence of what Rs was trying to create but sadly many flaws cant be overlooked , tanks , fake AK and weak story thats poorly written and the game has no flow or pace .
Huge Arkham fan here and I played BAA and BAC combined 314 and I Couldnt agree more with you Joshua ! and heres a few facts not opinions as a overall opinion BAK was rated the worst of all RS Arkham games by professional critics and the worst of any Arkham game including BAO by fans and thats a factual statement by MC ! But of course what you think only truly matters .
Back to the game was it the epic finale we deserved ? No but its a good game even with the overuse of a gadget as a mechanic (cough cough Battankmobile ) and unless less you read the comics , prequel and Genesis the AK character has horrible in game backstory so once I read those it helped me better swallow the whole fake original character but the overuse of War Thunder Arkham Edition is a totally different issue especially the big three in tanks AK, DS lol and Excavator aka the big drill as this feels like anything but being the Batman . Its sad but SOI was better than anything story wise in the main game as at least it had some closure and its criminal what how they treated Harley , Two face , Man Bat , FF , Hush and Deathstroke to name a few and I wish they wouldve stuck we the we had a meeting and everyone was there plot that the trailer showed and no garage for the Batmobile ? .
This game shouldve been a slam dunk with tie from the first two games alone but its almost like Rs wanted to distance themselves from their prior success ? maybe trying to show Paulis Diner they didnt need him but sadly this game suffers from overuse of a gadget , horrible writing for the finale and this game has no flow or pace after Ace Blows till when you surrender .
I heard two theories on that 9 month delay WB demanded more tanks after 4 years in development or they rewrote the Meeting plot to have more Crow and the fake original character AK in it but that being said the game is getting a bit better over time for me as Im on my 14 time through the main story and platinum it and 240% 3 times now so I guess its not to bad .
Welcome to the Forum buddy also I hope you played TWD Season 1 TTG
Edit: I just leave that out
Good but short.
I was planning on making a Arkham Asylum review ''Road to Arkham Knight'' should I do it?
100%ing it then capturing Riddler before any other 'main' inmate is extremely satisfying as you don't have to hear him for the rest of the playthrough.
I've seen few LP episodes and I'm not excited. I wouldn't buy it. Game looks great, big city, effects but Batman is not Batman anymore. He's another Iron Man; flying super robo soldat with private jumping tank. Wayne has more gadgets than inspector Gadget! This has gone TOO FAR.
I guess... Psh, I don't know, do what you heart tells you to.
I still playing Batman arkham khight on my ps4 great game for me
What you don't seem to understand is that whether or not someone liked a game is not an opinion at all. Whether or not a game is good is an opinion, sure, but whether or not a person liked a game is a simple fact.
If I say that I liked a game, then you can't turn around and say that I didn't. I am the world expert on whether or not I liked something.
And it's also not right to say that someone who disagrees with you "isn't a true fan". Who are you to judge that? It's not your place to decide whether or not someone is a fan of something. It seems to me like you're using it as a convenient way to sweep aside people who disagree with you... "Oh what's that? XXX doesn't agree? Well he's not a true Batman fan like I am, so it doesn't matter."
I suggest you look up what No True Scotsman means.
Played it, liked it. I was thoroughly impressed with the game and the added DLC content helped the game's replayability.
You certainly didn't play this game or even other Arkham games enough. Allow me to explain.....
Be the Batman- And than the end happened - 'Be the Batman' means, Batman uses most advanced technology and gadgets that only Batman/Bruce Wayne can afford. With this game we have chance to use the most technologically developed Bat-suit and Batmobile from any game or movie or even animated series. That is be the Batman. The ending is as Rocksteady declared this game would be final in the franchise so they have to end the franchise.
Why is Scarecrow the ''villian'' and works with Arkham Knight because Canon speaking with the Arkham Comics, Arkham Knights motives Scarecrow should been locked away in a tiny room and be a bitch Arkham Knight doesn't even need him. Just beat him up and get his fear toxin DONE - Done? Scarecrow teamed with Arkham Knight cos Arkham Knight knows the strength and weakness of Batman and whereas Scarecrow doesn’t.
Oracle is not a woman she is a objective – What do you mean? I didn’t get it.
Why can't we play as Catwoman in the open world, YEARS of feedback and we still get only Batman and a tank, Yes Arkham City I played it loved it but this... WHY NO AND NOT MORE! – You can play in Challenges. When the game is all about Batman then why you want to play as Catwoman? You should look somewhere else. In Arkham City, we could play as Catwoman cos she was related story where as in Knight she was as most wanted mission.
Designers weren't realy the brightests lets all be honest look at Robin and Nightwing for example. LOL. Where they should be bright? Can you elaborate?
Robin doesn't show any personality in this game and to care about anyone SURE you can find reasons for this but... Not even Alfred only Oracle. What personality he has to show? He decides to go to fight scarecrow himself when he comes to know Batman infected with Joker blood. There he shows the crime fighter personality. He gets pissed when Batman tells about oracle’s death. There he showed the love personality. So, what exact personality you want him to show?
Joke but this is Robin in Arkham seriesTim, Nightwing is dead! YES, I mean no! But seriously how is Barbara. I didn’t understand. But if you played the story, Batman was hallucinating about Barbara’s death.
Rated M for Mature because Barbara pointed something at her head but if you look closly rolling my eyes, rated M because shitty back story for Arkham Knight and more - I think you should know more about rating. Rocksteady explained why the game got M rating before the game release
HUSH HUSH enter link description here ARKHAM CITY enter link description here I look for him tomorrow Actualy why now? and if you read the comics this is bullshit also. 4 freaking years of conspiracy theories!! Wasted plot Hush is one of the Batman villain. They can’t make game just for him as main villain. So, it was great as him as most wanted mission.
Here is the missing soundtrack enter link description here
Three hour update, update 1.01 is 3.527GB.
Why is he still the f*cking villian! people complaint for months I hope he isn't in the game LOOK ROCHSTEADY advice.
Long gone are the intricate stealth sections of Asylum and City. It's time for huge environments with no real flow or direction to them.
Where is the Arkham feeling from Asylum and City?
PC port enter link description here enter link description here enter link description here
Boss fights
Harley, she has no purpose in this game she is just there for a bad plot
Harleys 3 dollar DLC for a under 15 minuten gameplay what
Side quests! They are awfull example Harvey Dent
Riddler trophies
The Endings 100% for the 5 minutes extra
Call me bitchy but the voice acting was just bad. Not Batsy, Alfred, Harley, Ivy Ivy had allot of wrong direction in her character arc or Azrael
Canon speaking Ivy don't work because Arkham comics
Where is Bane?
enter link description here This guy
What is so fantastic about the gameplay well it's... It is just kinda updated
The Story. It's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad. I'm gonna take a pil. The blood plot is so terrible explained all of this could've been stopped and the story can be defeated in 4 hours if this blood plot never happened. Why not blame fear toxin EASY not plot holes that contradict this game. Look at the Arkham forums OMG I'm never gonna visit that place
Advertisment enter link description here Don't show stuff that isn't in the game Rocksteady
That's one of the few things
Rocksteady told things the could change the clock tower... Where is it? Development changes?
Why is Mr Freeze not in the game but DLC!
Season passes 40 dollars WTF But they are so good Joshua007 and that's why they aren't in the game because people will pay for it. For 15 minutes of boredom.
Challenge maps
Why does this game get a 8 out 10 and above well because MONEY
MORE? I have now 33 reasons why it's bad
I had enough of answering some of questions. Didn't bother to read your complete comment. One simple suggestion. If you didn't like the game then just don't play it
For me AO>AK>AC>AA.
I didn't play the game enough... I didn't play the damn game enough or the other Arkham Games enough? You got to be kidding me right now!
Arkham City is my third favorite game of all time, I was never realy interested into Batman but since that game came out I started reading/watching/playing Batman comics, watching the animated movies, Batman TAS, Arkham Asylum and whatever.
Arkham City blew my f*cking mind because I never thought a Super Hero game could be good.
You: Done? Scarecrow teamed with Arkham Knight cos Arkham Knight knows the strength and weakness of Batman and whereas Scarecrow doesn’t.
But that doesn't mean Arkham Knight has to work with him, throw him in a room with heavy security, let him be your bitch! He is only there for the Joker anyway
Why can't we play as Catwoman in the open world, YEARS of feedback and we still get only Batman and a tank, Yes Arkham City I played it loved it but this... WHY NO AND NOT MORE! –
You can play in Challenges
**Me: **So I have to pay! Yeard of feedback and I have to pay for DLC.
HUSH HUSH enter link description here ARKHAM CITY enter link description here I look for him tomorrow Actualy why now? and if you read the comics this is bullshit also. 4 freaking years of conspiracy theories!! Wasted plot
Hush is one of the Batman villain. They can’t make game just for him as main villain. So, it was great as him as most wanted mission
Me: I didn't say they HAVE to make him a main villian, he is one of Batmans greatest foes in Gotham, and REMEMBER Batman said ''I look for him tommorow'' but in the Arkham Comics he never did, and there was so much hype around him and A QUICK TIME EVENT! The mission only takes 6:11 minutes to complete and 4 years hype surrounding this! WHY is he doing this now. What the f*ck NO i'm not buying Hush doing that.
When the game is all about Batman then why you want to play as Catwoman? You should look somewhere else. In Arkham City, we could play as Catwoman cos she was related story
If I didn't get her code I wouldn't even notice she was story related except a few times like the opening and when she helped Batman get up BYE see you in the ending starring at me holding Jokers corpse + some audio files.
Also it would be nice that Catwoman has her own agenda.
Also why should we play as Nightwing in the games story mode when it is all about Batman anyway and Why is almost every girl a damsel in distress I'm looking at
Ivy, Catwoman, Oracle, Hanrahan actualy almost everybody.
Designers weren't realy the brightests lets all be honest look at Robin and Nightwing for example.
LOL. Where they should be bright? Can you elaborate?
Robins has no hair he looks awfull. But this is kinda opinion but jesus.
What personality he has to show? He decides to go to fight scarecrow himself when he comes to know Batman infected with Joker blood(Eh so here comes the little problem, Batman lied to them about not having the Jokers virus for how long well SINCE ARKHAM CITY, shouldn't Robin see the plot holes or the, YOU lied to me or whatever, not telling us you have the Jokers virus. You could've turned into him. U know brains)
*There he shows the crime fighter personality. He gets pissed when Batman tells about oracle’s death. There he showed the love personality. So, what exact personality you want him to show? *
Robin only asks about her safety most of the time. It's good he did show something in the game but where is the dialoge that this is Tim Drake? Also he should ask more about the others.
Joke but this is Robin in Arkham seriesTim, Nightwing is dead! YES, I mean no! But seriously how is Barbara.
I didn’t understand. But if you played the story, Batman was hallucinating about Barbara’s death.
I was just joking and about the Barbara's death scene. Joker pushed the gun so I knew it was fake! and now we have to see fake Barbara shooting herself everytime and when you later return you see Joker in her chair and say Jimbo looks suspicious... And so the awfull WAIT A SECOND
enter link description here
3:48 that's funny she could've moved her hands to hole time? Eh didn't anybody check I don't know maybe THE ROPE! What if she fall, wouldn't change anything probably but I'm asking myself this rope.
Rated M for Mature because Barbara pointed something at her head but if you look closly rolling my eyes, rated M because shitty back story for Arkham Knight and more -
For some blood, Arkham Knights shitty moment, for a fake Barbara to shoot herself, for a plot hole to shoot itself through the head (the old guy), Mr pyg to play with people, shooting a hostage as Joker.
I haven't read the aritcle but let me guees this are the most important reasons.
Batman' means, Batman uses most advanced technology and gadgets that only Batman/Bruce Wayne can afford. With this game we have chance to use the most technologically developed Bat-suit and Batmobile from any game or movie or even animated series. That is be the Batman. The ending is as Rocksteady declared this game would be final in the franchise so they have to end the franchise.
Come on dude
You know let's put more oil to this.
With four years of feedback we should've Catwoman, Nightwing and everybody else be in the Arkham as playable important story part.
enter link description here
In All Who Follow You trailer Robin and Nightwing standing next right to Batman... Nah why should we.

Favorite to worst
I played it and got the platinum trophy for it, it wasn't terrible and boring, it just could've been better
I bet PC Gamers didn't! laugh track plays
I have yet to play any batman games ;,|
Not one Arkham game you played? Wow you been missing out.
Jeepers thas a game ya gotta play if your a bats fan and mark Hamil as the Joker is truly unmatched by anyone so far.
Today I started playing Arkham Knight on PS4. It's really awesome
MY favorite to least favorite list:
This is a great review of the Batman Arkham series:
It perfectly explains the theme as well as why some characters like the Arkham Knight and Scarecrow didn't work as well as they should of. If you're a Batman Arkham fan then I suggest you give it a watch.